Resolve #3238915 "Refactor if feasible"
Closes #3238915
Merge request reports
added 1379 commits
- 6d457761 - Drupal 10.0.x-dev
- b5d9d233 - Issue #3251936 by Gábor Hojtsy, Mixologic, longwave: Make DrupalCI read Drupal 10 drupalci.yml
- 8868d562 - Revert "Issue #3251936 by Gábor Hojtsy, Mixologic, longwave: Make DrupalCI...
- 46b1d68a - Issue #3251891 by catch, andypost, longwave: Drupal 10 branch failures
- 09190cd3 - Issue #3198010 by mcdruid, acbramley, mstrelan, quietone, manojithape,...
- 18916c48 - Issue #2871357 by alexpott, kriboogh: Installer tasks using multiple batch...
- 86e9f19a - Issue #2925203 by alexpott: LocaleConfigSubscriber can result in data loss during install
- b615dbd2 - Issue #3239500 by hooroomoo, bnjmnm, lauriii: Add Array.includes polyfill to...
- 0ac96136 - Issue #3104353 by xjm, TravisCarden, andypost, kim.pepper, longwave, Taran2L,...
- d7082acf - Issue #2886615 by scott_euser, clemens.tolboom, quietone, joachim, alexpott,...
- f94b1247 - Issue #3252214 by Spokje: Move tests for integrations between QuickEdit and...
- 401a725e - Issue #3252088 by longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, catch: Increase Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP to 8.0.0
- 640db538 - Issue #3251988 by vijaycs85, smccabe: Update return param of waitForText method
- b7dce8cf - Issue #3253666 by longwave, tim.plunkett: Layout Builder uses the wrong RouteObjectInterface
- 203654b2 - Issue #3232063 by paulocs, daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add "bool" type hint...
- 01cb9d7c - Issue #3236243 by daffie, longwave, alexpott: [Symfony 6] Add "callable|false"...
- 954f80a5 - Issue #3236563 by daffie: [Symfony 6] Add "static" type hint to the methods...
- 30eb18c5 - Issue #3233456 by daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add "int" type hint to methods...
- a7825ea9 - Issue #3232892 by daffie, Spokje: [Symfony 6] Add "static" type hint to the...
- 6f7d2ef1 - Issue #3232832 by daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add various type hints to...
- 1553465e - Issue #3232113 by daffie, larowlan, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add "static" type...
- e3e49958 - Issue #3232092 by daffie, mondrake: [Symfony 6] Add "string|array" to the...
- 5e93c9c6 - Issue #3253824 by juli sh, Matroskeen: Minor typo in d7_field_formatter_settings.yml comment
- 42a48a2e - Issue #3253639 by tedbow, longwave:...
- 45630c7c - Issue #3232080 by paulocs, daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add "mixed" type hint...
- 4d576083 - Issue #3233474 by daffie: [Symfony 6] Add the type hints to the methods...
- 5e0c689e - Issue #3252067 by tedbow, Spokje: Remove duplicate loading of update reports...
- 99f5bf68 - Issue #3250648 by Beakerboy, daffie: Avoid comparing fields with different...
- 38c73bd9 - Issue #3253683 by andypost, Spokje, Gábor Hojtsy: Improve compatibility with composer 2.2
- f1f7fb4f - Issue #3213023 by thursday_bw: Improve the intelligibility of error messages...
- bf3114c8 - Issue #3252010 by paulocs, longwave, mondrake: Lock PHPUnit to 9.5
- 205729d9 - Issue #3239287 by alexpott, longwave: Fix...
- 21d2543a - Issue #3238485 by daffie: [Symfony 6] Add return type hints to the class...
- bd9fa275 - Issue #3253568 by Spokje, paul121, rviner, longwave, alexpott, quietone:...
- cfd85173 - Issue #3182103 by TR, dan2k3k4, longwave, mondrake, Sweetchuck, Kristen Pol:...
- e4f1b9cd - Issue #3233479 by daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add type hints to the methods...
- b6e914e2 - Issue #3246157 by ChrisDarke, rachel_norfolk: Add Chris Darke (ChrisDarke) as...
- 4cfb92aa - Issue #3246158 by rachel_norfolk, volkswagenchick: Add AmyJune Hineline...
- 040479a5 - Issue #3246156 by realityloop, rachel_norfolk: Add Brian Gilbert (realityloop)...
- 6033fd0c - Issue #3253889 by BR0kEN, murilohp, longwave: `?check_logged_in=1` causes...
- fd398939 - Issue #3253093 by longwave: Remove symfony-cmf/routing
- d55c0cbd - Issue #3254403 by paulmckibben, ranjith_kumar_k_u, longwave, Lendude, cilefen:...
- eecfb03d - Issue #3080819 by beatrizrodrigues, ankithashetty, lucienchalom, quietone,...
- 77bd32e3 - Issue #3248309 by danflanagan8: AssertBreadcrumbTrait should not rely on Classy
- 00ad1d75 - Issue #3254331 by paulocs, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add...
- f1e57201 - Issue #3253148 by mherchel, longwave, ckrina, droplet: Remove IE from core's...
- 1359e7ab - Issue #3232097 by daffie, longwave: [Symfony 6] Add "array" type hint to...
- 45347fa5 - Issue #2652652 by dawehner, Sam152, Charlie ChX Negyesi, Manuel Garcia,...
- 4b927a02 - Issue #3251125 by Beakerboy, daffie, mondrake: Do not uninstall the database...
- af2bc2f5 - Issue #3245383 by Beakerboy, daffie: If the database driver is provided by a...
- d87707c8 - Issue #3255271 by Spokje, longwave: Increase Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP to 8.0.2
- 87fc0a7d - Issue #3186524 by longwave, alexpott, xjm, Spokje: Fix htaccess files for PHP 8
- 94ee8397 - Issue #3255350 by alexpott, longwave: Remove PHP 7 code from Drupal 10
- 45e75ce3 - Revert "Issue #3255271 by Spokje, longwave: Increase Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP to 8.0.2"
- fbdb75e1 - Issue #3064890 by danflanagan8, mpp, mottihoresh, scott_euser, peonboyos,...
- aa1ef1a0 - Issue #3220220 by xjm, andypost, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, phenaproxima: Update...
- 3eb8a344 - Issue #3233031 by daffie, longwave, murilohp: [Symfony 6] Add "RequestContext"...
- 4715bbc9 - Issue #3255119 by mherchel, andy-blum: Olivero: Use CSS custom properties to...
- b8e771ec - Issue #3248454 by daffie, Spokje, longwave, larowlan, alexpott: [Symfony6] The...
- 96c04f44 - Issue #3255180 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, andy-blum: Olivero: Refactor Views...
- 8730f756 - Issue #3253092 by longwave: Remove doctrine/reflection
- 638c8bdb - Issue #3255836 by alexpott, clayfreeman, dww, benjifisher, Spokje: Test fails due to Composer 2.2
- 3bca95be - Issue #3255271 by Spokje, longwave, catch: Increase Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP to 8.0.2
- 5592a5a5 - Issue #3247039 by joachim, quietone: MigrateDestinationInterface::import()...
- 8220c915 - Issue #3222004 by mondrake, longwave: phpunit.xml is using a deprecated schema
- acd7ac96 - Issue #2793169 by Matroskeen, Manuel Garcia, anmolgoyal74, Pooja Ganjage,...
- 20f3c89d - Issue #3205909 by kunal.sachdev, tedbow, phenaproxima: Ensure only needed...
- 331e284e - Issue #3092430 by quietone, shrutidkadam, RdeBoer, bgprior, danflanagan8:...
- 4ca93c9c - Issue #3254250 by Spokje, longwave, catch, daffie: [Symfony 6] Retrieving a...
- f87303bf - Issue #3199696 by bbrala, Wim Leers, plach, bradjones1, gabesullice: Add...
- ce4ce0ac - Issue #2675006 by danflanagan8, robpowell, quietone: Write UnitTest for...
- a4e507dc - Issue #3212470 by JeroenT, Gauravmahlawat: Placeholder CSS selector in...
- 8997ab6f - Issue #3194165 by Matroskeen, catch, Kristen Pol: Stop passing empty $context...
- d06a99dd - Issue #2675006 by danflanagan8, robpowell, quietone, alexpott: Write UnitTest...
- b5156d7b - Issue #3136388 by dww, jyotimishra-developer, nitesh624: Fix phpdocs in...
- 4e34cd3f - Issue #3251100 by NickDickinsonWilde: DateTimeWidgetBase sets Timezone twice to the same value
- 67b083bf - Issue #3245622 by dww, mgifford, darvanen, AaronMcHale, Antoniya, anagomes,...
- 9df13e03 - Issue #3252872 by bbrala, gabesullice, bradjones1, alexpott: Use...
- 5c92c241 - Issue #3153455 by Berdir, larowlan, Eduardo Morales Alberti, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 934f42ae - Issue #3129043 by mondrake, daffie, ankithashetty, ravi.shankar, alexpott,...
- eb1adb0b - Issue #3252257 by Spokje, beatrizrodrigues, longwave, paulocs, mondrake: Remove PHPUnit 8 support
- fce76ccb - Issue #3255623 by Spokje, alexpott: Remove composer replace statements for...
- aa3434c4 - Issue #3049048 by danflanagan8, ndobromirov, mglaman, bbrala, alexpott, Wim...
- 2b1f1431 - Issue #3255504 by anagomes, Chi, cilefen: Remove jQuery dependency from date.js
- 09795b6e - Issue #3131348 by Spokje, jungle, mondrake, vsujeetkumar, sja112,...
- a2c58dda - Issue #3197553 by beatrizrodrigues, longwave, daffie: Deprecate drupal_js_defaults()
- 2a68e8f2 - Issue #3251835 by beatrizrodrigues, joachim, mikelutz, quietone: Fix incorrect...
- 1752de41 - Issue #3249859 by apaderno: The documentation page for...
- 9629d09d - Issue #3246471 by apaderno, dagmar, vicheldt: Remove from the DbLogController...
- c45aba90 - Issue #2940121 by apaderno, andypost, idebr, Kingdutch, kala4ek, mfb,...
- ff2d2ea1 - Issue #3210129 by quietone, murilohp, xjm: Fix spelling for words used once,...
- d9e7844f - Issue #3255243 by longwave, kim.pepper, Gábor Hojtsy, andypost: Replace...
- 2d52f948 - Issue #3256518 by Spokje: Remove drupal_js_defaults() in D10 instead of D11
- 5296e875 - Issue #3174570 by quietone, anmolgoyal74, skudderk: Fix documentation comment...
- 87dc8f41 - Issue #3185269 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, andypost: Introduce...
- adff905c - Issue #3175287 by murilohp, quietone, SivaprasadC, ankithashetty,...
- 66449600 - Issue #3042533 by quietone, danflanagan8: D6 taxonomy term fields are not...
- 3ea2660d - Issue #3190541 by tim.plunkett, godotislate, clayfreeman:...
- 462b3b7a - Issue #2853183 by quietone, darvanen, slootjes, Munavijayalakshmi,...
- c26a85ea - Issue #2343517 by joelpittet, quietone, rteijeiro, andypost: Cleanup @todo...
- 98a9ec75 - Issue #2610520 by quietone, snehi, MiSc, hansfn, Ben Coleman, Antoniya:...
- 1670eac7 - Issue #3256581 by cburschka: PHPdoc in
- 83137435 - Issue #3240109 by edurenye, quietone: When using MigrateProcessInterface some...
- 1e65e36e - Issue #3213928 by RoSk0: LoggerChannelInterface documentation
- b2901ce7 - Issue #2916142 by beatrizrodrigues, Chi, yogeshmpawar, tobiberlin, quietone,...
- e0cfcc95 - Issue #3256591 by yassermussa, Chi: Fix Element/Table documentation
- 458aa2cb - Issue #3190261 by danflanagan8, doostinharrell, phenaproxima, larowlan,...
- 4f043a2e - Issue #3207907 by quietone, Berdir, alexpott: Ensure functional tests use the test mail collector
- 648e58d0 - Issue #3175428 by tunic, kishor_kolekar, ranjith_kumar_k_u: Add link to...
- b73cc1cf - Issue #3014629 by quietone, Wim Leers, xurizaemon: Document that Configuration...
- c944285b - Issue #2879293 by digitaldonkey, tobiasb, Mac_Weber, paulocs, Meenakshi_j,...
- 8afba834 - Issue #3247619 by Lendude, danflanagan8, FiNeX, beatrizrodrigues: "Place a...
- 8f2269dd - Issue #3210310 by mondrake, murilohp, andypost, daffie, alexpott: Adjust...
- c274b2b8 - Issue #3255250 by murilohp, daffie, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy: [Symfony 5]...
- d70a4752 - Issue #3031130 by tim.plunkett:...
- 837b829a - Issue #3094493 by longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott, naveen433, Chi, catch,...
- a9f20f76 - Issue #697946 by voleger, pguillard, pillarsdotnet, andypost, alansaviolobo,...
- d67a1b25 - Issue #3256687 by mondrake, murilohp, daffie, alexpott, catch: Deprecate db_installer_object()
- 31e08766 - Issue #2612876 by leolandotan, NickDickinsonWilde, victoria-marina,...
- 3db8f620 - Issue #3128982 by davidwbarratt, Spokje, andypost, Barryvdh, larowlan, catch,...
- a0b2090a - Issue #3257654 by mondrake: Fix PHPStan L0 failures that cannot be included in baseline
- 2f1c7166 - Issue #3106216 by Spokje, longwave, alexpott, apaderno, Hardik_Patel_12,...
- 69e2141f - Issue #3258009 by alexpott: migrate_state_finished_test's FieldLeft and...
- c5bd67a8 - Issue #3258014 by alexpott: Fix plugin deprecations
- 9defd332 - Issue #2010380 by alexpott, TR, tstoeckler, MerryHamster, sanjayk, andypost,...
- 0107a8bd - Issue #3256539 by victoria-marina, Eric_A: Remove @internal from...
- bd122d22 - Issue #3255077 by JoshaHubbers, Gauravmahlawat, beatrizrodrigues: Small typos in CKEditor 5 module
- a6063207 - Issue #3254553 by Leon Kessler, Berdir, Bladedu, cmlara:...
- d28e89ba - Issue #3255245 by Spokje, longwave, daffie, Gábor Hojtsy, Taran2L, murilohp:...
- fc90d0c8 - Issue #2979588 by longwave, alexpott, Erik Frèrejean, catch, daffie: Deprecate...
- 24893484 - Issue #3215043 by Spokje, larowlan, quietone, dww, srilakshmier, paulocs,...
- a0e1956f - Issue #2919215 by alexpott, longwave, dawehner: Deprecate feed.bridge.writer
- b12d11a4 - Issue #3231688 by daffie, longwave, Spokje, larowlan, Taran2L: [Symfony 6] Add...
- e73a345f - Issue #3258371 by nod_, Wim Leers: fix yarn vendor-update command
- cf6f4bef - Issue #3228778 by nod_, Wim Leers: Drupal-specific CKEditor 5 plugins should...
- 7b324dd8 - Issue #3197482 by longwave, Spokje, Taran2L, murilohp, catch, Gábor Hojtsy,...
- 6923e5eb - Issue #3197729 by Spokje: Remove forward/bc layer for Symfony Definition::setDeprecated() method
- 0d46b744 - Issue #3217924 by mherchel, kostyashupenko, andy-blum, jwitkowski79: Olivero:...
- baa8211d - Issue #3250357 by mherchel, kostyashupenko, andy-blum, Tim Robinson,...
- fbb54d81 - Issue #3258654 by alexpott: Deprecate feed.bridge.reader and move it to the Aggregator module
- 80a83b40 - Issue #3255353 by alexpott, longwave: Update dependencies for Drupal 10.0.x before alpha1
- 173b4071 - Issue #3257583 by mherchel, andy-blum: Olivero: Refactor tabs CSS to make use of modern CSS
- 440bcc05 - Issue #3206219 by mglaman, mherchel: Allow configuring which theme is used as a starterkit theme
- 68081082 - Issue #3239134 by hooroomoo, bnjmnm, yogeshmpawar, nod_, Theresa.Grannum,...
- 6d8f206f - Issue #3258995 by longwave: uses the deprecated app.root service
- 241794bf - Issue #3238257 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: Fragment link pointing to <textarea>...
- e0f297b4 - Issue #3227265 by mondrake, murilohp: Remove the legacy assert traits
- 3560d070 - Issue #3258250 by Wim Leers, hooroomoo: Update to CKEditor5 v31.1.0
- 30523436 - Issue #3254328 by GoZ, GOT intermedia, PapaGrande: Update to Drupal 9.3.0...
- fe307a0f - Issue #3178534 by mondrake, klausi, alexpott, longwave, mallezie, Taran2L,...
- 206d6ee6 - Issue #3192487 by andypost, murilohp, Gábor Hojtsy, daffie, pobster, apaderno:...
- bff71849 - Revert "Issue #3227265 by mondrake, murilohp: Remove the legacy assert traits"
- 45d838fc - Issue #3259158 by neclimdul: PhpUnit compatibility broken
- 3a2115b6 - Issue #3259142 by longwave, murilohp: PHPStan commit check fails if a file is deleted
- f595cb2d - SA-CORE-2022-001 by lauriii, cilefen, mcdruid, effulgentsia, bnjmnm, xjm, nod_
- 9a98b09a - Issue #3258668 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: Extraneous closing parentheses and curly...
- 654b490d - Issue #3259744 by Spokje: PHPUnit 9.5.12 (released 2022-01-21) throws...
- 54f08fba - Issue #3250585 by Spokje, ankithashetty, karishmaamin, quietone, catch, Gábor...
- 109ceec3 - Issue #3259179 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Split ckeditor5_alignment CKEditor 5...
- 6f5a1115 - Issue #3259850 by Spokje: Having a deprecated module with non deprecated...
- 9597a77d - Issue #3259888 by Spokje, daffie: InstallUninstallTest fails on enabling both...
- 375f5f2d - Issue #3259028 by longwave: [Symfony 6] Add return types to...
- aeb15638 - Issue #3259026 by longwave, daffie: [Symfony 6] Add return types to Symfony...
- 3f8d0bd2 - Issue #2867871 by kyvour, neclimdul, ranjith_kumar_k_u: Use of Symfony...
- f3b24d25 - Issue #3241633 by danflanagan8, benjarlett: View mode doesn't display in dropdown if numerical
- fc00e0cb - Issue #3217926 by mherchel, andy-blum, jwitkowski79: Olivero: Rename and...
- e2d3a3ee - Issue #3184667 by Spokje, Sakthivel M, mirom, rikki_iki, mherchel, ckrina,...
- 6be0f7b4 - Issue #3176468 by longwave, jungle: Remove support for EasyRDF 0.9
- 7f93a368 - Issue #3209723 by murilohp, daffie, longwave, andypost: [Symfony 6]...
- 0722b460 - Issue #3259174 by Wim Leers, lauriii, hooroomoo, bnjmnm: Add missing CKE5...
- c0228273 - Issue #3162981 by murilohp, andypost, quietone, paulocs, lucienchalom,...
- eacb05b1 - Issue #3212346 by longwave, Spokje, alexpott: Avoid hundreds of unnecessary...
- 23c3910c - Issue #3259996 by murilohp, longwave, Spokje: Clean up t() usage for list of...
- be8ec278 - Issue #3240873 by quietone, martin_klima, danflanagan8: Add tests of row hash to trackChangesTest
- ce85149c - Issue #3226401 by quietone, joachim, huzooka: Add documentation of migration yml files
- 6688d5c2 - Issue #3260243 by neclimdul: EntityTestDateRangeTest fails testing
- e264ec68 - Issue #3248188 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Plugin definition DX: validate drupal.conditions
- 78b86c16 - Issue #3191527 by mherchel, kvantstudio, idebr, bnjmnm, Abhijith S,...
- 1a7b7f72 - Issue #3181275 by andypost, Pooja Ganjage, alexpott: Do not register Phar...
- ee38989c - Issue #3252406 by Spokje, longwave, andypost: Mark class...
- c636d19c - Issue #3229714 by paul121: Correct visibility of getPluginDefinition function...
- 65c863be - Issue #3168326 by mherchel, rikki_iki, Sakthivel M, ckrina, bnjmnm,...
- 88a8d35c - Issue #3248177 by Wim Leers, marcvangend, lauriii, Lendude: Language toolbar...
- f1a00d16 - Issue #3246211 by longwave, alexpott: Update to Stylelint 14
- f37eaca3 - Issue #3238311 by tedbow: Exclude system.batch_page.html from setting update security message
- 1cf95460 - Issue #3256056 by andregp: Entity query system does not document the NOT...
- f59f3ae9 - Issue #3247666 by vicheldt, anagomes, joachim, longwave: scaffold README is out of date
- d0f71781 - Issue #3217699 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, andypost: Convert select query...
- ca3ce56a - Issue #3259675 by hmendes, longwave: [Symfony 6]...
- 9f5c2e99 - Issue #3210486 by Spokje, longwave, andypost, alexpott: Remove...
- c97b8545 - Issue #3258902 by longwave, Spokje, catch, daffie: [Symfony 6] Bring...
- 275f8b57 - Issue #3248448 by hooroomoo, lauriii, Wim Leers: Dialog loading text is unstyled
- 60a42060 - Issue #3172166 by Pooja Ganjage, ekes, Megha_kundar, tstoeckler, mbovan,...
- 76c0ec23 - Issue #3219649 by quietone, murilohp, longwave: Fix spelling for words used...
- 4c6d65d3 - Issue #3214211 by gapple, longwave: Stop setting X-UA-Compatible header
- bcb89890 - Issue #3048464 by danflanagan8, hctom, quietone, mikelutz, heddn: SubProcess...
- 1b02d0e6 - Issue #3259169 by longwave, daffie: [Symfony 6]...
- d0d5dd1e - Issue #3257407 by tstoeckler, catch: Use "content" region in...
- 6b8783b2 - Issue #3257504 by tstoeckler, nod_, Gábor Hojtsy: Empty toolbar tray displays...
- 8c62a32c - Issue #3239123 by hooroomoo, bnjmnm, nod_: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the...
- 7094ecfa - Drupal 10.0.0-alpha1
- a9c47704 - Back to dev.
- 664fbf3f - Issue #3259380 by lauriii, Wim Leers, DamienMcKenna, hooroomoo, bnjmnm:...
- 0971ae5f - Issue #3260766 by andypost: Remove deprecated and its mentions
- 4fa26fd9 - Issue #3260520 by TR: GenericEvent is used improperly
- faeacbea - Issue #3260805 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing
- 61bc211b - Issue #3259024 by longwave: Remove deprecated 'app.root' and 'site.path' services
- cb550768 - Issue #3260778 by andypost, daffie: Remove deprecated code from
- 0c74a064 - Issue #3260801 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility
- 57d1ee06 - Issue #3260806 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config
- 886ca0b6 - Issue #3260780 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from
- 241aa0d5 - Issue #3210931 by andypost: Remove deprecated functions
- 00b88c25 - Issue #3258918 by Spokje, longwave: Remove deprecated 'cache.null' service
- 2a740bf0 - Issue #3227265 by mondrake, murilohp: Remove the legacy assert traits
- d787fa22 - Issue #3254149 by andypost, longwave, Spokje: Remove config.autoloader-suffix from composer.json
- faa65808 - Issue #3259674 by longwave, andypost: [Symfony 6]...
- cf5f35c2 - Revert "Issue #3172166 by Pooja Ganjage, ekes, Megha_kundar, tstoeckler,...
- 0198e04e - Issue #3261357 by xjm: Increase Drupal 10's RECOMMENDED_PHP to 8.1 now
- 3b2a947b - Issue #3261539 by catch: Don't scan gzips
- e446d198 - Issue #3261613 by mglaman: Ignore transliteration data when scanning with PHPStan
- 421f02ac - Issue #3258969 by heddn: Wrong argument for @Message in...
- 0ff3dada - Issue #3258642 by ilgnerfagundes, asishsajeev, Chi: Fix documentation for...
- 399fe1c2 - Issue #3174402 by beatrizrodrigues, shetpooja04, ravi.shankar, ayushmishra206,...
- 80ba63ed - Issue #3256433 by andregp, Abhijith S, awangsetyawan, DuneBL, mherchel:...
- 6470ab79 - Issue #3115054 by chr.fritsch, vsujeetkumar, Vidushi Mehta, sergiuteaca,...
- f29ceb64 - Issue #3259110 by longwave, mglaman: Fix undefined variables where files are included
- f21dc669 - Issue #3254347 by murilohp, joachim, danflanagan8, quietone: Add the process...
- 5988bdf8 - Issue #3258276 by Spokje: Remove deprecated flag --no-suggest from...
- c3021cf6 - Issue #3259532 by mondrake, murilohp: Add a kernel test for Connection::hasJson
- 105b60a8 - Issue #3232550 by Wim Leers, hooroomoo, xjm, ravi.shankar: Improve messaging...
- c715824f - Issue #3261712 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Expand SmartDefaultSettingsTest to also...
- cde1d175 - Issue #3261743 by Spokje: Remove @composer require phpspec/prophecy-phpunit:^2...
- affdb3e7 - Issue #3261629 by catch: Database dumps are no longer driver-agnostic
- cfd1cf73 - Issue #3258435 by ravi.shankar, alexpott, longwave: Remove deprecated...
- 27af96d7 - Issue #3249592 by hooroomoo, vlyalko, Wim Leers, lauriii: [drupalImage] <img...
- 4997bdb4 - Issue #3261264 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from...
- 7e612d8a - Issue #3261250 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated update.module functions
- 37a10582 - Issue #3261253 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated path.module functions
- cf89a29c - Issue #3261265 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated MimeTypeGuesser code
- 611d3abc - Issue #3261262 by mondrake: Remove PHPUnit 8 warnings conversion to deprecations
- aaed7408 - Issue #3248423 by nod_, lauriii: Decide how CKEditor 5-provided types should be referenced
- b36a180b - Issue #3248469 by nod_, lauriii, Wim Leers, longwave: Research if the CKE...
- 2ae5a549 - Issue #3258030 by hooroomoo, lauriii, andregp, Wim Leers, rkoller: Text fields...
- 27158f7c - Issue #3262190 by daffie, longwave: Add miscellaneous return type hints for Symfony 6
- c66f68bc - Issue #3260765 by andypost, quietone, xjm: Remove deprecated code from menu-related subsystems
- f02ccc2d - Issue #3262227 by daffie, longwave: Suppress deprecation message for Symfony 6
- 890749c0 - Issue #3262183 by daffie, longwave: Remove DrupalKernelLegacyTest
- 258c8371 - Issue #3261957 by longwave, quietone, andypost: Properly deprecate...
- b2d78074 - Issue #3262583 by xjm, neclimdul, bnjmnm, catch: Update Twig to 2.14.11
- e14d16c5 - Issue #3172166 by Pooja Ganjage, ekes, Megha_kundar, xjm, alexpott,...
- eee56249 - Issue #3260615 by andypost, voleger, quietone, longwave: Remove deprecated
- f64e3344 - Issue #3262500 by catch, andypost: Mark drupal_find_theme_functions() @internal in Drupal 9
- 96333250 - Issue #3065574 by Charlie ChX Negyesi, quietone, amateescu: getUntranslated()...
- e9b366c9 - Revert "Issue #3262500 by catch, andypost: Mark drupal_find_theme_functions()...
- 6ad38cd2 - Issue #3097889 by longwave, paulocs, anushrikumari, SenthilMohith, andypost,...
- 5f332d85 - Issue #2807949 by kunal.sachdev, tim.plunkett, tedbow, Dropa: update.module is...
- 9e6fedbd - Issue #3260781 by andypost: Remove deprecated functions
- 0c8a680e - Issue #3262500 by andypost: Remove leftover mentions of drupal_find_theme_functions() in Drupal 10
- cbcdb8b2 - Issue #3164210 by jungle, sylus, Akhildev.cs, dww: Refactor array_merge()...
- 6385a8fd - Issue #3261252 by andypost: Remove deprecated system.module functions
- a1a92972 - Issue #3261243 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated comment module functions
- e5c38d9e - Issue #3262805 by andypost, ravi.shankar, voleger: Deprecate drupal_required_modules()
- d60ba4d8 - Issue #3254727 by Leon Kessler, ranjith_kumar_k_u, cmlara, andileco: File...
- fece49c3 - Issue #3254726 by longwave, mondrake: Remove SimpleTest support from...
- d77a8607 - Issue #3248879 by alexpott: UpdatePathTestTrait doesn't test what it thinks it does
- e1c6ba37 - Issue #3124382 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, catch: Remove per-table prefixing
- b7ab11cc - Issue #3231321 by bnjmnm, nod_, lauriii: Improve keyboard accessibility in a particular edge case
- 8ec62297 - Issue #3261241 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated field module functions
- 22bfdaa3 - Issue #3254726 follow-up by catch: adjust phpstan baseline.
- 42630422 - Issue #3261486 by catch, longwave, dww: Remove core updates added prior to...
- 4846745b - Issue #3262931 by voleger, andypost: Remove drupal_required_modules() and mentions
- b5942f0c - Issue #3260554 by lauriii, hooroomoo, Wim Leers, nod_: [drupalMedia] Support...
- 0c65c059 - Issue #3261251 by ravi.shankar, andypost, longwave, daffie: Remove deprecated node module functions
- db9e985e - Revert "Issue #3217699 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, andypost: Convert select...
- 3194ddf3 - Issue #3261239 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecations from search module
- 414c7a4c - Issue #3250191 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, rkoller, Joachim Namyslo:...
- 302b3103 - Issue #3262160 by nod_, lauriii: Simplify code in assets.js, remove mix of await and promise code
- 8b09bcf0 - Issue #3262853 by longwave, daffie: [Symfony 6] Drop support for services as container parameters
- 30e53dfe - Issue #3262937 by mallezie, alexpott, catch, mondrake, mglaman: PHPStan fails...
- f2669a31 - Issue #2949457 by idebr, jibran, Wim Leers, dungahk, fago, kim.pepper,...
- 1211f010 - Issue #3255809 by nod_, lauriii, hooroomoo: Add nightwatch tests for toolbar
- 5508fb6c - Revert "Issue #3255809 by nod_, lauriii, hooroomoo: Add nightwatch tests for toolbar"
- f4311179 - Issue #3263391 by longwave: Remove deprecated code from book.module
- 4a0c1deb - Issue #3263126 by longwave, bbrala: Avoid unnecessary installs when testing...
- 1b89f43b - Issue #3259953 by andregp, paulocs, benjifisher, AaronMcHale, vikashsoni,...
- a0c44ff8 - Issue #3264073 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from Drupal\Core\Condition
- 3ddc2e03 - Issue #3264050 by neclimdul, andypost: Fuzzed tag values to...
- a1db76e5 - Issue #3264072 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from Drupal\Core\Archiver
- 0a0706d1 - Issue #3264062 by andypost: Remove deprecated functions from editor module
- f9c1d8a8 - Issue #3263395 by longwave: Remove deprecated code from asset library system
- 5ac3d364 - Issue #3264153 by neclimdul: Fix missing sprintf argument in CKEditor5ImageController
- 64079361 - Issue #3264057 by andypost, daffie, quietone: Remove deprecated media system functions
- 637ccc1a - Issue #3254198 by longwave: Remove Media Entity compatibility check from media_install()
- d47cd984 - Issue #3244802 by andypost, Spokje, catch, dww: Remove BC layers in entity system
- 91e43643 - Issue #2966859 by longwave, ravi.shankar, heddn, quietone: Remove Migrate...
- 39a076cf - Issue #3264067 by andypost: Remove deprecated code from session namespace
- 22859f81 - Issue #3264061 by andypost: Remove deprecated functions from image module
- b9e078a0 - Issue #3259807 by idebr, anneke_vde: #type => 'toolbar_item' without a tab...
- b5c3f1b3 - Issue #3254723 by mondrake, murilohp, longwave: Remove SimpletestUiPrinter
- 0a045ce9 - Issue #2940025 by andypost, nickolaj, quietone: Remove deprecated functions from file module
- 1f171b93 - Issue #3166449 by ravi.shankar, adamzimmermann, mmatsoo, walangitan,...
- b74bb8fa - Issue #3214922 by murilohp, daffie: Add a requirements error in Drupal 10 when...
- 1ad1a2d9 - Issue #3257127 by bbrala, quietone, murilohp, Spokje, anabpv, catch, xjm,...
- 935f996f - Issue #3261942 by hooroomoo, lauriii, Wim Leers: Compatibility issues with inline form errors
- 6c507c32 - Issue #3188858 by andypost, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy: Remove the...
- ac05f3d0 - Issue #3264435 by catch, Spokje: Help topics and rest don't filter out...
- 68b75854 - Issue #2966859 hotfix by andypost, xjm, catch: Remove the self.version references to the module.
- 51c1ef6e - Issue #3255887 by murilohp, heddn, neclimdul, Berdir: MediaThumbnailFormatter...
- 48c20b83 - SA-CORE-2022-003 by ciss, xjm, larowlan, benjy, mcdruid, jenlampton,...
- 8dc765f3 - SA-CORE-2022-004 by samuel.mortenson, xjm, nod_, effulgentsia, phenaproxima,...
- 13f6bba1 - Fix coding standards issue from security advisory.
- 39726b6a - Issue #3261244 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated layout_builder module functions
- be5fec95 - Issue #3264819 by xjm: Require PHP 8.1 for Drupal 10.0.0-alpha2
- d67859e0 - Issue #3263793 by naveenvalecha: Move tracker help topics to tracker module
- 34bccfc8 - Issue #1777270 by aries, quietone, AkashKumar07, shetpooja04, Devin Carlson,...
- b45b2bd0 - Issue #3264451 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: ImageTest::testWidth() has wrong...
- 20765241 - Issue #3228334 by Wim Leers, larowlan, lauriii, DieterHolvoet,...
- e8aaf377 - Issue #3224652 by Wim Leers, hooroomoo, vlyalko, lauriii, bnjmnm, huzooka:...
- 1f58a01e - Issue #3262492 by lauriii, Wim Leers: Refactor isMediaUrl to more generic API...
- 347e042c - Issue #3255809 by nod_, lauriii, xjm, hooroomoo: Add nightwatch tests for toolbar
- 2add9d83 - Issue #3252757 by catch, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, daffie, andypost, dww:...
- d214deb3 - Issue #3203193 by murilohp, ankithashetty, Gábor Hojtsy, daffie, catch: Fail...
- 02084986 - Issue #3228464 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, Reinmar: API for contrib projects...
- bedd3d06 - Issue #3265094 by xjm, longwave: Update our composer/composer dev dependency...
- 8a0b901d - Issue #3262573 by longwave, nod_, xjm, alexpott, lauriii: Update our yarn dev...
- bc964dc4 - Issue #3265356 by Spokje, andypost, neclimdul: Deprecate Symfony 4...
- 7ca36cfc - Issue #3253715 by mondrake, longwave: Replace assertions involving calls to...
- 0415f597 - Issue #3260044 by kim.pepper, andypost, daffie, mfb: Add a constant for watchdog_exception message
- cb858a9c - Issue #2861376 by chiranjeeb2410, tvb, vacho, Mile23, mr.baileys, dawehner,...
- fc77080d - Issue #3221507 by mxr576: mkdir can fail in...
- 90f9d147 - Issue #3264764 by mondrake, longwave:...
- 3f55b826 - Issue #3265376 by xjm: Fix UpdateScriptTest when MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PHP is used
- 0cec4866 - Issue #3263654 by Spokje, bbrala, daffie, Kristen Pol, longwave: Move all HAL...
- d0342520 - Issue #3264945 by Spokje, dww: Move quickedit help topics to quickedit module
- 96ef832f - Issue #2941208 by AdamPS, dpi, sja112, aleevas, andypost, anmolgoyal74,...
- eb75b5ef - Issue #3265378 by xjm: Fix NoPreExistingSchemaUpdateTest when MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PHP is used
- e5cfd78f - Issue #3265377 by xjm: Fix LocaleTranslatedSchemaDefinitionTest when MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PHP is used
- aad867ef - Issue #3115308 by andypost, ankithashetty, paulocs, longwave: Remove...
- a209347c - Issue #3265120 by longwave: Remove Symfony 4 BC shim from DeprecatedServicePass
- da3c1027 - Issue #3261240 by andypost, longwave, quietone: Remove deprecated taxonomy module functions
- f58fccc2 - Issue #3261004 by quietone, paulocs, andypost: Remove deprecated code from the migration system
- 3effb672 - Issue #3261049 by Gauravmahlawat, elber, Elena Chechulina, longwave, Chi,...
- c97eb132 - Issue #3265291 by xjm, neclimdul, longwave, Spokje: QuickStartTest: The waiting is the hardest part
- d8bd62b7 - Issue #3265605 by andypost, paulocs: Remove constructor argument shim from...
- 5c247657 - Issue #3264220 by kostyashupenko, Chi: Remove Claro's...
- c7efd92e - Issue #3215044 by quietone, murilohp, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, catch, xjm,...
- 8581df91 - Issue #1810148 by Matroskeen, tanc, ravi.shankar, AaronBauman, VladimirAus,...
- a8ad60c5 - Revert "Issue #3215044 by quietone, murilohp, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, catch,...
- cc7876e1 - Issue #3264059 by andypost: Remove deprecated jsonapi module functions
- 97ff906a - Issue #3263873 by ljcarnieri, longwave: drupal.editor.admin needs declare...
- 71b2c04f - Issue #3248239 by ckrina, thejimbirch, mherchel: Links in the tour tip body...
- 73f695bd - Issue #3215517 by Gauravmahlawat, sagarchauhan, jeremyvii, bkosborne:...
- 281904b8 - Issue #3262139 by kostyashupenko, ahughes3, mherchel: Olivero: Removal of...
- ce3899e8 - Issue #3123811 by sd9121, lauriii, codewithlakshay, kostyashupenko,...
- 122c48f0 - Issue #3265230 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: Refactor ie11.filter.warnings.es6.js to...
- 44a1bff1 - Issue #3215044 by quietone, murilohp, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, catch, dww,...
- 7493e886 - Issue #2540794 by Eli-T, cilefen, karishmaamin, cosmicdreams, yoroy:...
- 68a3e856 - Issue #3248440 by lauriii, Wim Leers, nod_: [drupalMedia] Media embed...
- ada5a430 - Issue #3264520 by longwave: Remove acorn from package.json
- 05604093 - Issue #3260568 by bserem, longwave: Fix "Member has protected visibility" in...
- 9b9dc205 - Issue #2730227 by kellyimagined, izus, swarad07, Sonal.Sangale, snehi, ZeiP,...
- 11fc6f00 - Issue #3214124 by imalabya, Sakthivel M, javi-er, vicheldt, naveen433,...
- 910b34ac - Issue #3259493 by Wim Leers, lauriii, larowlan: [GHS] Unable to limit...
- 5ecc8114 - Issue #3266017 by xjm, longwave: Update psr/log to v2
- 50576259 - Issue #3258114 by mherchel, nod_, VirtualVasquez: Upgrade Chromedriver
- d3cbad73 - Issue #3187908 by capysara, komalk, djsagar, Gauravmahlawat, mherchel,...
- 035cd7de - Issue #3213556 by Sakthivel M, ranjith_kumar_k_u, manojithape, chetanbharambe,...
- 41914644 - Issue #3246385 by lauriii, nod_, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Support captions on <drupal-media>
- dce52d1f - Issue #3154962 by alexpott, vijaycs85, bbrala, Berdir, Wim Leers:...
- c9f344e4 - Issue #2821009 by ZeiP, quietone, Dinesh18, shashikant_chauhan, chx, joachim,...
- 2b1faaac - Issue #3261538 by andregp, dww, joachim, alexpott:...
- d7a82b5b - Issue #3265362 by quietone, dww, murilohp: Do not display obsolete themes at admin/appearance
- 408f6296 - Issue #3265546 by Spokje, quietone:...
- 50998a55 - Issue #3255419 by alexpott, Bart Vanhoutte, daffie, catch, sam-elayyoub,...
- 50b2af37 - Issue #3255419: follow-up, fix comment indentation.
- f8fed30d - Issue #3264512 by nod_, ankithashetty, catch, Wim Leers: Enable aggregation for CKEditor 5 assets
- 01bd426e - Issue #3088730 by Spokje, anmolgoyal74, ankithashetty, Mile23, longwave,...
- 6eb57f0c - Issue #3260710 by mglaman: UpdateUploaderTestBase must be declared abstract
- 2b9bbb66 - Issue #3246365 by lauriii, ankithashetty, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Show the...
- 85ccd291 - Issue #3049857 by Spokje, dhirendra.mishra, bbrala, catch, Gábor Hojtsy:...
- 3242f339 - Issue #2833864 by RoSk0, colan, ressa, Chi, alexpott, joachim, loopy1492,...
- 733e5bf5 - Issue #3239738 by Theresa.Grannum, danflanagan8, Wim Leers: BigPipe...
- 9718e6d1 - Issue #3266535 by Spokje: Remove remaining references to the hal module from...
- c2c7e447 - Drupal 10.0.0-alpha2
- f588a032 - Back to dev.
- 24fac7d8 - Issue #3227822 by lauriii, Wim Leers: [GHS] Ensure GHS works with our custom...
- 87b8b64c - Issue #3265618 by longwave, nod_, lauriii: Update to eslint 8
- a388205e - Issue #3265619 by andregp, longwave, lauriii, nod_: Update Shepherd.js to 9.x
- a34d0d6e - Issue #3262384 by manuel.adan: Assigned shortcut set is not cleaned on user removal
- 29ab0121 - Issue #3266310 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers, longwave: IE11 user warning has ungraceful failures
- 7af29a9e - Issue #2873648 by idebr, andregp, mfb, swentel: With many languages,...
- 8d1c4c16 - Issue #3254245 by kim.pepper, Jeya sundhar, mrweiner, bakulahluwalia, Berdir,...
- d802bf41 - Issue #3267078 by alexpott, Berdir: Add return typehint to TwigExtension::getFileUrl()
- 6e739530 - Issue #3267124 by longwave, alexpott: Temporarily skip failing tests
- 9a877cfb - Issue #3265483 by quietone, danflanagan8, daffie: Handle block migration for...
- 835a4fe1 - Issue #3267052 by quietone, daffie: Move aggregator help topics to aggregator module
- c91106ef - Issue #3265424 by quietone, daffie, danflanagan8: Move migrate related...
- 359a11a7 - Issue #3260853 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: [GHS] Partial wildcard attributes (<foo...
- c40c2c9f - Issue #3259928 by tstoeckler, Berdir, m4olivei, marcoscano, Gábor Hojtsy:...
- ca174ffb - Issue #3264775 by lauriii, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Toolbar should be visible...
- 63d95571 - Issue #3264727 by lauriii, Wim Leers, benjifisher, andregp, AaronMcHale,...
- c055bd25 - Issue #3262320 by tstoeckler: Remove obsolete region override in ContextualLinksTest
- 77657fb6 - Issue #3260032 by longwave, bnjmnm, Wim Leers, samuel.mortenson: CKEditor 5...
- 8746be38 - Issue #3261734 by Wim Leers, longwave, lauriii, effulgentsia, Mixologic,...
- 19c7a3c7 - Issue #3267508 by quietone, Spokje: Use aggregator fixture in migrate Functional tests
- 28461701 - Issue #3194084 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers, lauriii, hooroomoo, Gábor Hojtsy: Support...
- 9e5dd04f - Issue #2797141 by Driskell, daffie, andypost, Charlie ChX Negyesi,...
- c2495d1b - Issue #3266525 by alexpott, quietone, xjm, daffie, longwave:...
- e03a5e41 - Issue #3267754 by lauriii: AjaxTest is failing
- 0008a827 - Issue #3267823 by alexpott, Spokje:...
- 752ad024 - Issue #3253059 by Spokje, longwave, xjm: Upgrade to composer/installers 2
- 5948cfbc - Issue #3250397 by alexpott, mondrake, ressa, daffie, xjm: DbLog triggers PHP...
- d9fb9301 - Issue #3267644 by danflanagan8, mglaman: Custom Block (block_content) tests...
- 25abb4d9 - Issue #3263201 by manuel.adan: Missing argument type on hook_shortcut_default_set declaration
- dd31b18c - Issue #3268070 by xjm: Temporarily skip even more failing tests
- f555c85f - Issue #3211131 by longwave, neclimdul, mondrake: Call to an undefined static...
- cd515ad7 - Issue #3261600 by lauriii, hooroomoo, Wim Leers: Update to CKEditor5 v32.0.0
- 5fb8e243 - Issue #3090187 by, andypost, AdamPS, abx: Mechanism to disable...
- 8777a76a - Issue #3258782 by murilohp, quietone, dww, catch, Spokje, xjm, daffie,...
- b07c6d7c - Issue #3265652 by nod_, xjm, lauriii, Wim Leers, Gábor Hojtsy: Unfork jQuery UI
- 78388a46 - Issue #3267705 by xjm, longwave: Fix error message when 'yarn check -s' fails...
- 3e14e0bb - Issue #3041900 by ankithashetty, Krzysztof Domański, yogeshmpawar, longwave:...
- d471b0c3 - Issue #3247694 by danflanagan8, mglaman: User tests should not rely on Classy
- 089cd0b5 - Issue #3267653 by danflanagan8, mglaman: Comment tests should not rely on Classy
- 2cac8de8 - Issue #3266443 by quietone: Rename StateFileExists to StateFileExistsTest
- 09597b73 - Issue #3268228 by murilohp, Feuerwagen: Remove Jquery joyride
- be839ae7 - Issue #3268368 by lauriii, xjm, Wim Leers: Robustify and restore...
- 982b89aa - Issue #3060875 by pavnish, Dakwamine, martin107, Neslee Canil Pinto, mikelutz,...
- e605d0d3 - Issue #3268272 by sayco: TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be...
- f7f880f8 - Issue #3248430 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii: Improve Drupal.ckeditor5 documentation
- 8b9b1148 - Issue #3252562 by rlhawk, mikelutz, benjifisher, danflanagan8: In Callback...
- 801e645e - Issue #3268708 by danflanagan8, longwave: Contact tests should not rely on Classy
- 7362987e - Issue #3268550 by longwave, Spokje: Remove deprecated jquery-once
- c6068911 - Issue #3256003 by andregp, ranjith_kumar_k_u, Satyajit1990, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 47f7945e - Issue #3267791 by murilohp, mradcliffe: Remove deprecated jquery.cookie shim
- cffbfb61 - Issue #3226716 by beatrizrodrigues, joachim, xjm, lucienchalom: Missing return...
- 438ec9e3 - Issue #3269064 by lauriii, xjm, Wim Leers: Update to CKEditor 5 v33.0.0
- 28a3a877 - Issue #2911473 by Maouna, joachim, adinac, dhirendra.mishra, ravi.shankar,...
- e8b2bec9 - Issue #3265325 by xjm, Wim Leers, daffie: Raise a warning instead of an error...
- 05ff9541 - Issue #3162228 by longwave, Spokje, freelock, jackson.cooper, phenaproxima,...
- 8de366f6 - Issue #3267274 by quietone, xjm, danflanagan8: Use aggregator fixture instead...
- 718fa096 - Issue #3077703 by longwave, catch, xjm: Remove pre-8.7.7 core compatibility...
- 196b68e9 - Issue #3268174 by Wim Leers, nod_, catch, lauriii: Bug in CKE 4 → 5 upgrade...
- 099ba9fc - Issue #3261517 by andypost: Clean-up stale reference to drupal_get_schema()
- dcc51c80 - Issue #3261248 by paulocs, andregp, andypost, longwave, quietone: Remove...
- da12af14 - Issue #3267721 by nod_, Wim Leers: Add DrupalCI step for ensuring that...
- 33850359 - Issue #3248228 by lauriii, Wim Leers: Unable to change selection after linking...
- 1ccdb3b5 - Issue #3231337 by lauriii, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Remove manual dataDowncast...
- 60f15109 - SA-CORE-2022-005 by jbogdanski, Wim Leers, xjm, larowlan
- 83710835 - Issue #3232494 by bircher, NigelCunningham, alexpott: Optimise...
- 19eaa3ac - Issue #3260869 by lauriii, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, alexpott, catch: Resolve...
- 39b12c46 - Issue #3264122 by Spokje, Taran2L, ankithashetty, quietone, catch, xjm,...
- b02f8158 - Issue #3266308 by dww, murilohp, Vinodhini.E, alexpott, Kristen Pol:...
- c6aab40f - Issue #3269266 by danflanagan8, longwave: Contextual Links tests should not rely on Classy
- a6ee1a1e - Issue #3270112 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: Excessive aria-live announcing from...
- 0b783bfc - Issue #3270110 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: Toolbar config items missing "press arrow...
- 4d02e19f - Issue #3231328 by Wim Leers, nod_: SmartDefaultSettings should select the CKE5...
- 428f586a - Issue #2636086 by Matroskeen, jian he, Sweetchuck, dawehner, Lendude: Add...
- fb6c0941 - Revert "Issue #2636086 by Matroskeen, jian he, Sweetchuck, dawehner, Lendude:...
- e2b5903f - Issue #3270108 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: Editor does not load when using Edge + WHCM
- 7a1c45f3 - Issue #3259443 by marcvangend, bnjmnm, Abhijith S: Plugin settings do not...
- 3e091466 - Issue #3239838 by longwave, Spokje, nod_, xjm: Update core eslint...
- 1e549762 - SA-CORE-2022-006 by JeroenT, DamienMcKenna, xjm, pwolanin, alexpott, larowlan, greggles
- 04b4d51d - Issue #3270323 by Spokje, murilohp, xjm:...
- 6b2eabf4 - Issue #3263384 by nod_, Wim Leers: Add ckeditor5-code-block package and CodeBlock plugin
- 5c0c49a7 - Issue #3267870 by heddn, Fabianx: Order image mappings by breakpoint ID and numeric multiplier
- 5e03f389 - Issue #3270882 by xjm: Drupal 10 uses guzzlehttp/psr7 for PSR-17 services and...
- a76814b0 - Issue #3230829 by mohit_aghera, marcvangend, Wim Leers, Kristen Pol:...
- ffcf3e6c - Issue #3261585 by longwave, ankithashetty, Wim Leers: Remove IE11 warning for...
- bb24e8ba - Issue #3270323 by Spokje, murilohp, catch, xjm, longwave:...
- c551db19 - Revert "Issue #3267870 by heddn, Fabianx: Order image mappings by breakpoint...
- e5e74fb9 - Issue #3268932 by danflanagan8, mondrake, dww, xjm, longwave, alexpott,...
- a3822199 - Issue #3268860 by lauriii, Wim Leers: Elements wrapping <drupal-media> are not retained
- 4ad6f750 - Issue #3269868 by lauriii, ravi.shankar, andregp, Wim Leers: [drupalImage]...
- 6e7ed05e - Issue #3031271 by mstrelan, larowlan, bbrala, PQ, lois.chabrand, acbramley,...
- 72700914 - Issue #3260857 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Expand...
- c668e0b9 - Issue #3270574 by catch, andregp, mherchel: Olivero comment template breaks 'new' indicator/anchor
- 5dc54961 - Issue #3269716 by andy-blum, mherchel: Olivero: Search is unusable in desktop...
- 6e1c917d - Revert "Issue #3269716 by andy-blum, mherchel: Olivero: Search is unusable in...
- cab778df - Issue #3269716 by andy-blum, mherchel: Olivero: Search is unusable in desktop...
- 46cc0e0f - Issue #2779999 by shashikant_chauhan, guilhermevp, dww, joachim, xjm: Document...
- 48c05915 - Issue #3209903 by IndrajithKB, aaron.ferris, Gauravmahlawat, Abhijith S,...
- 5061005b - Issue #3219921 by nironan, kostyashupenko, javi-er, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 7064f9f3 - Issue #3264911 by bserem, lauriii, arismag, xjm, vensires: Core CSS files...
- c4cdb61d - Issue #3261611 by xjm, andregp, ranjith_kumar_k_u, Suresh Prabhu Parkala,...
- a1df00e4 - Issue #3272035 by mherchel, andy-blum: Add "linktext" and "canvastext" to cspell dictionary.
- 9a69d917 - Issue #3171728 by jasonfelix, katherined, mherchel, DyanneNova, tanubansal,...
- 041ea4b5 - Issue #3265723 by nevergone: Duplicate word: directly
- 650da65b - Issue #3270835 by xjm, Wim Leers, lauriii: Move BigPipe's CKEditor 4...
- 579208e4 - Issue #3271050 by xjm, Wim Leers, bbrala: Update REST and JSON:API Editor...
- ee5db833 - Issue #3269502 by danflanagan8, dww: Field and Field UI tests should not rely on Classy
- f67f0cb2 - Issue #3269267 by danflanagan8, dww: dblog tests should not rely on Classy
- 2a21bdae - Issue #3258321 by darvanen, AaronMcHale, dww, mstrelan, lauriii, Gábor Hojtsy,...
- 1760fab7 - Issue #2845571 by quietone, aerozeppelin, robertwb, Lendude: ViewsJoin ignores...
- fb3dc749 - Issue #2760659 by lauriii, yogeshmpawar, vmachado, anya_m, alexpott, Fabianx,...
- 7e81e515 - Issue #2616814 by dpi, Xano, geek-merlin, Hardik_Patel_12, jofitz, alexpott,...
- 4d32bbcc - Issue #3268680 by phenaproxima, xjm, Spokje, ravi.shankar, bnjmmn: [random...
- 0e2ea433 - Issue #3264120 by Spokje, catch, Taran2L, danflanagan8, xjm, quietone, ckrina:...
- 576a49b9 - Issue #3269517 by danflanagan8, dww: Datetime and Datetime Range tests should not rely on Classy
- 7b1e43d8 - Issue #3268307 by lauriii, Wim Leers: $block wildcard resolves into a superset...
- 1b79d50a - Issue #3264918 by Spokje, xjm: Update symfony/console to Symfony 6
- 8c0c151a - Issue #3270897 by quietone, yogeshmpawar, bbrala: Handle migration tests for removing Color
- 03a8805b - Issue #3270905 by quietone, bbrala: Move Color help topics to Color module
- da670206 - Issue #3264120 by catch: Hotfix database dumps for Aggregator module removal...
- 8a5808c7 - Issue #3271046 by xjm: Move integration test for CKEditor 4 and Inline Form Errors into CKEditor 4
- 1b0a476f - Issue #3264903 by murilohp, Spokje, ravi.shankar, catch, longwave: Switch from...
- 337a8731 - Issue #3267513 by quietone, andregp, danflanagan8: Handle migration tests for removing RDF
- c6d7b83f - Issue #3222757 by lauriii, Wim Leers, nod_, rachel_norfolk, mgifford,...
- 1c4a6d6c - Issue #3027653 by clayfreeman, tim.plunkett, Pavel Ruban, raman.b,...
- 248d012c - Issue #2636086 by Matroskeen, Spokje, jian he, ravi.shankar, larowlan,...
- c4b374ba - Issue #3272727 by mherchel, nod_: Nightwatch's drupalModuleInstall() doesn't...
- 285c13a3 - Issue #3067697 by javi-er, Hardik_Patel_12, mherchel, andy-blum, huzooka,...
- fe3d2efd - Issue #3270765 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Add test coverage for createDropdown in drupalElementStyles
- 58b15e19 - Issue #3268443 by danflanagan8, ravi.shankar, dww, longwave: Configuration...
- 426e5178 - Issue #3268105 by murilohp, bbrala, catch, TR, Spokje: Bring back...
- 49a6133d - Issue #3272872 by nod_: deprecate underscore and mark it internal
- a5eec7f1 - Issue #3272731 by Shashwat Purav, danflanagan8: jsonapi tests should not rely on Classy
- b2f2bc1e - Issue #3272746 by Shashwat Purav, danflanagan8: Layout Discovery tests should not rely on Classy
- 38ad49db - Issue #3112547 by andypost, dww, yogeshmpawar, Lendude, bnjmnm, danflanagan8,...
- aef3d901 - Issue #3273072 by svenryen: Typo in Block module's tour
- 5d2d2817 - Issue #3265929 by jonathanshaw, yogeshmpawar, quietone, xjm: Rewrite examples...
- 4990c413 - Issue #3273626 by xjm, dww, Spokje: Drupal Media JavaScript test suite causes...
- 28bdfa26 - Issue #3273332 by Wim Leers, DieterHolvoet: Merging cells in tables is...
- e8ed42cc - Issue #3273312 by Wim Leers, Dom., ifrik, mpp, seanB, lauriii: Upgrading from...
- ce4e8fa3 - Issue #3272797 by bnjmnm, phenaproxima, xjm: [random test failure] Restore...
- 999bfe59 - Issue #3270886 by drumm: Remove outdated note in drupalci.yml
- 2021dee7 - Issue #3274016 by Eli-T, longwave, mondrake: Remove...
- 57a7de37 - Issue #3260928 by mondrake, mallezie, neclimdul, mglaman: Move more PHPStan...
- a1244cef - Issue #3273527 by joevagyok, Wim Leers: Upgrade path never configures the...
- 8ecb3da5 - Issue #3173159 by sardara, JeroenT: Block add form ajax callback implementation issues
- 9182f0af - Issue #2807241 by Stefdewa, jhodgdon, Lendude, droplet, pjbaert, alexpott:...
- 25d335d5 - Issue #3270940 by quietone: Move all non migration Color tests to the module...
- 59901155 - Issue #3203604 by Eli-T, snig, justafish, kuldeep_mehra27, Matroskeen, Finn...
- 05d87619 - Issue #3258931 by nod_, hooroomoo, xjm, catch, effulgentsia, Wim Leers:...
- 9117ebf1 - Issue #3265626 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers, nod_, lauriii, alexpott, andregp: Changes...
- 914fadac - Issue #3263935 by huzooka, danflanagan8, quietone: system_site migrates...
- 5f5c8114 - Issue #3259188 by alexpott, dww, chr.fritsch: Extend post update system to...
- 9048a7d9 - Issue #3067299 by andypost, iyyappan.govind, quietone, mrinalini9,...
- 62c91e97 - Issue #3266397 by quietone, murilohp, dww, AaronMcHale, benjifisher, Antoniya,...
- 3cbed38c - Issue #1948572 by quietone, joachim: Document #region_callback in Field UI
- 9f17ffb1 - Issue #3173180 by heddn, edysmp, chrisfree, andypost, markdorison,...
- 3adb15f7 - Issue #3130305 by mherchel, cindytwilliams, bnjmnm, saschaeggi,...
- a163e713 - Issue #3269417 by mherchel, cindytwilliams: Claro: Breadcrumb divider icon not...
- ab4a24f9 - Issue #3269341 by mherchel, KurtTrowbridge: Claro <details> element not...
- 5e70a26c - Issue #3274767 by nod_, lauriii: Update to CKEditor 5 v34.0.0
- 36275db1 - Issue #3210435 by javi-er, kostyashupenko, sagarchauhan, mherchel, bnjmnm,...
- c4197f11 - Issue #3268318 by lauriii, Wim Leers, tim.plunkett: [drupalMedia] <a> with GHS...
- feca6057 - Issue #3274938 by xjm, nod_: Remove deprecated public Backbone and Underscore libraries
- e43d9a2e - Drupal 10.0.0-alpha3
- f7984c6f - Back to dev.
- a0337842 - Issue #3275180 by xjm, larowlan: Update composer/composer dev dependency version
- 42b26d70 - Issue #3245720 by hooroomoo, nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, yash.rode:...
- 83e1686b - Issue #3013802 by andregp, yogeshmpawar, gaurav.kapoor, nikitas, Charlie ChX...
- 5c6d0236 - Issue #3274265 by Johnny Santos, danflanagan8: Locale Tests should not rely on Classy
- e562f7ee - Issue #3274096 by danflanagan8, cliddell: Link Tests should not rely on Classy
- 4fa09fb8 - Issue #3274066 by danflanagan8: Node tests should not rely on Classy
- 435dc201 - Issue #3248295 by danflanagan8, xjm, dww, mglaman: Taxonomy tests should not rely on Classy
- b825f910 - Issue #3233491 by hooroomoo, xjm, lauriii, nod_, justafish, droplet,...
- 46903e6c - Issue #3274278 by Wim Leers, jcnventura, yogeshmpawar, andregp, bnjmnm:...
- dafde755 - Issue #3273325 by Dom., Wim Leers, andregp, ifrik: CKE5 and contrib: better...
- 3831a78f - Issue #3270395 by murilohp, nod_, mradcliffe, xjm, Wim Leers: Remove use of...
- 89571758 - Issue #3225706 by joachim, Gauravmahlawat: rewrite...
- 708f501c - Issue #3265664 by nod_, longwave, lauriii: Update jsdom to latest major release
- 79925d2c - Issue #3269091 by gambry, yogeshmpawar, jonathanshaw, joachim, alexpott:...
- 2fc40e86 - Issue #3256549 by cilefen, murilohp, longwave, catch, Spokje: Remove core/ asset library
- bf76bf15 - Issue #3270941 by quietone, ravi.shankar, yogeshmpawar, murilohp, bbrala,...
- fe584346 - Issue #3271305 by m4olivei, mherchel, rafuel92, yogeshmpawar, andy-blum,...
- 077fd519 - SA-CORE-2022-008 by mxr576, xjm, effulgentsia, mxr576, larowlan
- ee08ccf7 - SA-CORE-2022-009 by kristiaanvandeneynde, larowlan, acbramley, xjm, longwave,...
- 823a7afe - Issue #3272537 by danflanagan8: Help and Help Topics tests should not rely on Classy
- 3c075db5 - Issue #2236983 by quietone, DenEwout: Not at all clear how/when...
- 30e4e1cb - Issue #3275114 by Wim Leers, lauriii, bnjmmn: Add subsystem maintainers for CKEditor 5
- e0730251 - Issue #3275216 by akoepke, larowlan: Fix UpdateSettingsForm dependency injection
- f8c91fdd - Issue #3256768 by mherchel, nod_, andregp, andy-blum: Drupal.displace() should...
- 0f903ca3 - Issue #3276615 by catch, mherchel: Remove olivero_form_comment_form_alter()...
- aa753249 - Issue #3271666 by mherchel, cindytwilliams: Olivero pager's next/prev icons...
- c3a73e9d - Issue #3273056 by kmonahan, mherchel, Johnny Santos, rkoller, ckrina: Active...
- 1d5995a2 - Issue #3261943 by bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers, andreasderijcke, ifrik:...
- 613b8627 - Issue #3230230 by bnjmnm, johnwebdev, Wim Leers, lauriii, Anna_CKSource,...
- 6c2fb687 - Issue #3275464 by HEBL, danflanagan8: Remove obsolete test method FrontPageTest::testAdminFrontPage
- f88b4a9a - Issue #3271507 by danflanagan8, nod_: Block tests should not rely on Classy
- 3fc595ad - Issue #3269154 by longwave: Remove BC layers from the theme system
- 84be5418 - Issue #3272734 by danflanagan8: Statistics tests should not rely on Classy
- e47afe4f - Issue #3272737 by danflanagan8: Workspaces tests should not rely on Classy
- 317d8584 - Issue #3266739 by beatrizrodrigues, joachim:...
- 3bcfafc8 - Issue #3020418 by antoineh, ckrina, bnjmnm, fhaeberle, saschaeggi, andregp,...
- 464291fb - Issue #3231334 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Global attributes (<* lang> and <*...
- b6861770 - Issue #2717921 by gaurav.kapoor, drnikki, subhashuyadav, pratik_specbee,...
- dffe17cd - Issue #3081489 by kostyashupenko, mherchel, justafish, andy-blum,...
- 1f6aeb09 - Issue #3277053 by Gábor Hojtsy, ckrina, saschaeggi, lauriii, bnjmnm: Mark Claro as Stable
- c72b6e65 - Issue #3277057 by Gábor Hojtsy, tedbow, lauriii, ckrina, saschaeggi, bnjmnm:...
- 759f9c53 - Issue #3087701 by markdorison, shaal, Ruchi Joshi, benjifisher, markconroy,...
- 44f5e5c5 - Issue #3276670 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: Some configurations of allowed view...
- b26aa84f - Issue #3276627 by Wim Leers, hooroomoo:...
- 95273b80 - Issue #3269085 by alexpott, larowlan, danflanagan8, Matroskeen: [random test...
- ad44453c - Issue #3248425 by nod_, yogeshmpawar, Wim Leers, lauriii, bnjmnm, marcvangend:...
- b0d868fc - Issue #3229078 by scott_euser, Wim Leers, hooroomoo, brentg, yogeshmpawar,...
- a9119bc7 - Issue #3276620 by catch, Spokje: Change NoJavaScriptAnonymousTest to use stark theme
- 5f092913 - Issue #3276618 by catch, mherchel, eojthebrave, Gábor Hojtsy: Olivero sets...
- e935c438 - Issue #3261599 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Use CKEditor 5's native <ol...
- e041ed7b - Issue #3277405 by Wim Leers, nod_: Update @ckeditor/ckeditor5-list to v34.0.1
- 40ad2f7f - Issue #3266216 by mherchel, rkoller: The section-titles in the preview section...
- 72c25087 - Issue #3276974 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Media View Modes don't...
- 5127c3fa - Issue #3228691 by Wim Leers, lauriii, nod_: Restrict allowed additional...
- 1e356690 - Issue #3277743 by xjm, RainbowArray: Update contributor name and username in MAINTAINERS.txt
- 45ee80dd - Revert "Issue #3276974 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Media View Modes...
- a9ac24ad - Revert "Revert "Issue #3276974 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] Media...
- c94142a6 - Issue #3219959 by marcoscano, Gábor Hojtsy, eojthebrave, Spokje, mherchel,...
- f8411d73 - Issue #3268078 by Spokje, TR: DBLogResource is no longer being tested
- de481621 - Issue #3206217 by mglaman, lauriii, alexpott: Allow starterkit themes to...
- 10bdae28 - Issue #2168711 by yogeshmpawar, droplet, mariancalinro, bnjmnm, peterpoe,...
- 817b9ec1 - Issue #3277274 by richardrobinson, saki007ster, ApocalypticJake, bnjmnm,...
- 7666d52d - Issue #2995367 by quietone, xjm, Lendude: Fix update module test fixture names...
- 04c1b7fd - Issue #3277309 by phjou, mradcliffe, benjifisher, markie: Update links to...
- 2c9ac655 - Issue #3277809 by baddysonja, mherchel: Use Drupal.displace()'s new CSS...
- 189d5a84 - Issue #3269152 by yogeshmpawar, longwave, catch: Remove element_settings BC layer in ajax.js
- f9bb5b85 - Issue #3195193 by andregp, paulocs, andypost, quietone, catch: Remove Shepherd shim code from Tour
- 17e8a500 - Issue #3226016 by Gauravmahlawat, Libbna: Olivero: use multi-class array for...
- 13645eaf - Issue #3270709 by Shashwat Purav, Chi, apaderno: Remove reference to...
- 35b8d4f5 - Issue #3272516 by Wim Leers, yogeshmpawar, bnjmnm, catch: Deprecate...
- 3449a8b6 - Issue #3276195 by mondrake, catch:...
- 6c7ed388 - Issue #2958358 by Mile23, alexpott: Remove Drupal\Component\Utility's...
- 0fc50fa5 - Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, cmlara, Charlie ChX...
- 6572d37a - Revert "Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, cmlara,...
- 5b0f126b - Issue #3265617 by nod_, longwave: Update Nightwatch to 2.x
- 367742e4 - Issue #3230541 by cliddell, jday, yogeshmpawar, neclimdul, cmlara, Charlie ChX...
- b2f34213 - Issue #3269143 by longwave, catch: Remove deprecated theme key stylesheets-remove
- a97433e6 - Issue #3266912 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, xjm, mmjvb: Review version...
- 2d9e5eab - Issue #3278565 by lauriii, Spokje: Remove Claro block configuration from Standard
- eed84cd3 - Issue #3278215 by Spokje, lauriii, eojthebrave, Berdir: (Not so) Random test...
- d8b72b6a - Issue #3278696 by Spokje: Rename Oliveros block.block.book_navigation.yml and...
- a32f6893 - Issue #3278732 by Spokje, lauriii: Remove Claro block configuration from Umami
- da0e89bc - Issue #3278163 by xjm, nod_, lauriii: yarn upgrade for latest security vulnerabilities
- 342ad34a - Issue #3278162 by longwave, xjm, mallezie, Spokje: Update Composer...
- f79cb087 - Drupal 10.0.0-alpha4
- b091beee - Back to dev.
- ce0ec61f - Issue #3278394 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: HTMLRestrictions' diff operation bug:...
- b51ab0da - Issue #3275237 by hooroomoo, lauriii, Wim Leers, nod_: Don't convert, instead...
- aef10061 - Issue #3253955 by benjifisher, kristiaanvandeneynde, AaronMcHale: Let modules...
- 34915ec2 - Issue #3251709 by cindytwilliams, andregp, ankithashetty, ckrina, saschaeggi:...
- 0f3e14a9 - Issue #3279640 by alexpott, Spokje, mherchel, lauriii, catch: Standard install...
- 98fa7ce1 - Issue #3279788 by alexpott: PHP 7.3 testing on Drupal 9.4.x and 9.5.x is...
- 8620063a - Issue #3278246 by lauriii, alexpott, nod_, justafish: Deprecate...
- 32bf0369 - Issue #3269657 by hooroomoo, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] The CKEditor 4 → 5...
- e025b904 - Issue #3278782 by mondrake: PHPStan baseline is out of sync
- a2b684aa - Issue #3278052 by Spokje, mondrake: Fix added core/phpstan-baseline.neon error...
- 8d3c6fd3 - Issue #3206226 by Wim Leers, mglaman, lauriii, alexpott: Make updating changes...
- 4713051f - Issue #3253286 by lauriii, ckrina, bnjmnm, xjm: Remove unnecessary template...
- e36f0406 - Issue #3278786 by lauriii, nod_: Update production JavaScript dependencies to latest minors
- 199f2b4b - Issue #3101922 by bnjmnm, nod_, lauriii: Find replacement for Modernizr...
- 144568ec - Issue #3279850 by alexpott, dww, lauriii: Theme post updates are not...
- f0f493c5 - Issue #3277744 by Taran2L, catch, nod_: Actually remove deprecated jquery_ui libraries from core
- 11ac481e - Issue #3259593 by hooroomoo, Dom., Wim Leers, lauriii: Alignment being...
- ce7120d5 - Issue #3279840 by Spokje, mallezie, alexpott: Fix...
- 33de6eef - Issue #3279840 by Spokje, mallezie, alexpott: Update mglaman/phpstan-drupal
- f081cdb3 - Issue #3280359 by bnjmnm: Make jQuery.form internal
- 29856d74 - Issue #3252100 by amateescu, catch, Tim Bozeman: Set revision_default when publishing
- 68f22f8d - Issue #3277311 by nod_, Wim Leers, catch, larowlan: Deprecate and mark internal contextual JS API
- 5e24bdc8 - Issue #3276218 by lauriii: Follow-up to #3268318: Enable link manual decorator...
- 5888e036 - Issue #2917239 by Lendude, dww, iStryker: Form is built when not using fields
- fe3be7e1 - Issue #2314443 by olli, Lendude, immaculatexavier, dawehner: Changing view...
- 4305d900 - Issue #3269153 by andregp, longwave, catch: Remove BC layers from the extension system
- 8bd8fa25 - Issue #3278032 by andregp, Remove dead code from ContentTranslationController
- 946d5a31 - Issue #3277557 by galactus86, mherchel, rootwork: Olivero: Progress indicator...
- ba111c10 - Issue #3272354 by danflanagan8: Filter tests should not rely on Classy
- fdfde8e5 - Issue #3276839 by Spokje, mondrake: Remove leftover dumpHeaders property
- e16ec179 - Issue #3270081 by franck_lorancy, quietone, Cottser: Fix indentation in doc...
- cf7dac18 - Issue #3278314 by acbramley: InlineBlockUsageInterface::getUsage can return...
- 446bc5dd - Issue #3275530 by danflanagan8: Language Tests should not rely on Classy
- 22c29ded - Issue #3272558 by danflanagan8: Content Translation tests should not rely on Classy
- bf7ce2f8 - Issue #3279103 by bradjones1: Test cleanup: Remove dead code from JsonApiFunctionalTest
- 3eedc962 - Issue #3276652 by andregp, eojthebrave, markie, catch, danflanagan8:...
- e58aed3e - Issue #3272543 by danflanagan8, larowlan: History tests should not rely on Classy
- 0a03e7b1 - Issue #3272336 by danflanagan8: File tests should not rely on Classy
- b2c5ada3 - Issue #3272581 by danflanagan8: Image tests should not rely on Classy
- 34e0d0ad - Issue #3218562 by bradjones1, yogeshmpawar, Lendude, catch: Fix typo in/rename SearchSimplifyTest
- da8f764f - Issue #3279502 by webflo: Fix invalid @property annotations
- 5c2b568c - Issue #3277552 by Hebl, Asha Nair, rootwork, Charles Belov: Seven is missing...
- 810334c7 - Issue #3278916 by mallezie, mondrake: Update phpstan/phpstan to latest version
- 64aebe15 - Issue #3276196 by mondrake, catch, Spokje: The...
- a1c4ca7b - Issue #3280614 by Spokje: (Not so) Random test failures QuickEditFileTest
- cffeb24f - Issue #2580263 by Berdir, nils.destoop, catch, Cottser, larowlan: Find a way...
- 10dce7b2 - Issue #3112283 by ravi.shankar, mpdonadio, andregp, daffie, jhedstrom,...
- 1f89713b - Issue #332796 by voleger, dww, Steve Dondley, ykhadilkar, Dave Reid,...
- 1922d82c - Issue #3260920 by tstoeckler: Contact's MessageEntityTest wrongly uses 'edit'...
- 888e20d9 - Issue #3276565 by dww, larowlan: Add larowlan as maintainer of contextual.module
- 1e984560 - Issue #3250582 by huzooka, Matroskeen, danflanagan8, ravi.shankar, quietone,...
- 6a27d762 - Issue #3259355 by mallezie, mondrake, catch, longwave, mglaman, alexpott, xjm,...
- c81f5439 - Issue #3280602 by larowlan, DanielVeza, Wim Leers, mstrelan: Exceptions for...
- 96b87dfb - Issue #3272956 by xjm, Wim Leers, tedbow, dww: Hardcode security coverage EOL...
- b6a3c633 - Issue #3268746 by quietone, xjm: Fix missing newlines for...
- de4c1e82 - Issue #3232714 by paulocs, vsujeetkumar, mondrake, longwave, quietone,...
- 4a59d522 - Issue #3269140 by longwave: Remove deprecated service
- bb0fa107 - Issue #3262874 by Spokje, longwave, ankithashetty, catch, andypost: Update Coder to 8.3.15
- e3983382 - Issue #3280882 by mondrake, mallezie: KernelTestBase::tearDown() cleanup...
- 43a7efe7 - Issue #3058409 by guilhermevp, joachim, ravi.shankar, quietone, init90,...
- 0be587c4 - Issue #3269149 by longwave, catch, alexpott: Remove deprecated settings
- 6c97da66 - Issue #3261266 by mondrake, longwave, daffie: Remove deprecated code from the...
- b9421033 - Issue #3281755 by mondrake: PHPStan baseline broken again in head (hopefully for the last time?)
- f32465f3 - Issue #3270936 by Spokje, quietone, andypost, lauriii: Deprecate Color module
- 74b25722 - Issue #2580723 by AdamPS, Berdir, andypost, darvanen, larowlan, alexpott,...
- 53783642 - Issue #3245553 by quietone, danflanagan8: Fix migration of localized D6 menu links
- a2ce4d46 - Issue #3270842 by javi-er, sharayurajput, ckrina, WagnerMelo, saschaeggi:...
- 8ed1f23d - Issue #3274080 by mherchel, andy-blum, lauriii: Olivero's mobile menu...
- 617d96e9 - Issue #3260007 by mondrake, yogeshmpawar, daffie, andypost: Decouple...
- 1066bfe2 - Issue #2513524 by andregp, JeroenT, Bill Choy, TR, tstoeckler, dawehner, Wim...
- afd7bc29 - Issue #3279693 by mherchel, andy-blum: Olivero: Hyperlinks with "button" or...
- 07904497 - Issue #3246755 by mherchel, yogeshmpawar, Libbna, cindytwilliams, zenimagine:...
- 41761dc9 - Issue #3279703 by VIGHNESH SADAGOPAL, Binoli Lalani, Stockfoot, Maninders,...
- d69212e1 - Issue #3281863 by alexpott, Wim Leers, nod_, hestenet, xjm, huzooka,...
- e5888e58 - Issue #3282342 by xjm: Forward-port Guzzle updates, because the private...
- a40e8436 - Issue #3282395 by alexpott, mallezie: Latest versions of PHPStan and...
- 3412b7bd - Issue #3261447 by xjm, lauriii, ravi.shankar, Wim Leers, alexpott, tedbow,...
- 3b3972e9 - Issue #3277438 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm, lauriii, xjm, nod_, Reinmar: Update to CKEditor 5 v34.1.0
- 732d41f6 - Issue #3265140 by Spokje, bnjmnm, lauriii, mstrelan, dww, Wim Leers, xjm,...
- 73a5d20e - Revert "Issue #3261447 by xjm, lauriii, ravi.shankar, Wim Leers, alexpott,...
- 2dc76126 - Issue #3281578 by Wim Leers, quietone, xjm, catch: Increase Composer...
- 9a55cdc6 - Issue #3261447 by xjm, lauriii, ravi.shankar, Wim Leers, alexpott, tedbow,...
- 61e4c249 - Issue #3279192 by daffie, ravi.shankar, geek-merlin, alexpott: Change the...
- 9018da4a - Issue #3274651 by Wim Leers, nod_, alexpott: Impossible to enable <ol type> or...
- ce2f2b5f - Issue #3257274 by andy-blum, mherchel, mglaman, xjm, alexpott, mgifford,...
- c1efe4c3 - Issue #3280985 by mherchel, andy-blum: Olivero's code block styling is...
- ebe52e30 - Issue #3227431 by mherchel, kostyashupenko, andy-blum, Kristen Pol,...
- a476ccf7 - Issue #3276217 by lauriii, Wim Leers: [drupalMedia] add tests to confirm GHS...
- 94b5d575 - Issue #3274648 by nod_, Wim Leers: HTMLRestrictions::merge() and...
- 77702ce7 - Issue #3283795 by alexpott, bircher: ComposerHooksTest is broken on latest DrupalCI PHP container
- 51ab247c - Issue #3284270 by alexpott, bircher: Reset...
- 02e337e9 - Issue #3273983 by Wim Leers, ifrik, lauriii: Do not assume that plugin...
- 6bfe646d - Issue #3247683 by Wim Leers, lauriii, bnjmnm, Reinmar: Disable CKEditor 5's...
- 55e559e6 - Issue #3261245 by andypost, andregp, paulocs, longwave, catch, daffie,...
- f50b372e - Issue #3282315 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott: Update phpstan/phpstan and...
- 3ac12da4 - Revert "Issue #3282315 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott: Update phpstan/phpstan...
- fd92a540 - Issue #3223264 by andy-blum, mherchel, Kristen Pol: Olivero: Messages can be...
- dea3a7f2 - Issue #3282315 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott: Update phpstan/phpstan and...
- a83509c7 - Revert "Issue #3282315 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott: Update phpstan/phpstan...
- 2ac1966b - Drupal 10.0.0-alpha5
- f90d8922 - Back to dev.
- 6d6ab587 - Issue #3274937 by nod_, woldtwerk, Dom., Wim Leers: Get CKEditor 5 to work in (modal) dialogs
- d3f1a82c - Issue #3284502 by effulgentsia, alexpott: [regression] Drupal 9.4 breaks BC...
- f35400e8 - Issue #3275864 by Spokje, mondrake, catch: Update to Symfony 6.1.1
- aac42cfe - Issue #3272447 by alexpott, Spokje, catch, xjm: Update to PSR/log v3
- 2307e120 - Issue #3101620 by gapple, longwave, catch: Remove IE conditional comments support in Drupal 10
- 2ba27576 - Issue #3281438 by tinto, deviantintegral, catch: Update CKEditorTest to not use Bartik and Seven
- 3ccd5985 - Issue #3251384 by mherchel, xjm, catch, ckrina, longwave, andy-blum, droplet,...
- 626d170c - Issue #3276108 by jasonfelix, mherchel, zenimagine, lauriii: Allow the RSS...
- c5512bcf - SA-CORE-2022-011 by GHaddon, JeroenT, yivanov, Heine, longwave, DamienMcKenna,...
- 42be883e - Issue #3285061 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott: Prevent installation of phpstan/phpstan >=1.7
- c728e353 - Issue #3269141 by longwave, sharayurajput, andypost: Alias deprecated...
- cadc4132 - Revert "Issue #3269141 by longwave, sharayurajput, andypost: Alias deprecated...
- dd16e9e8 - Issue #3285193 by Lendude, xjm: Temporarily skip random test failures that...
- 47f2a076 - Issue #3280398 by alexpott, mherchel, quietone: Theme's post updates within...
- 81c78829 - Issue #3284759 by longwave: Remove deprecated BcTimestampNormalizerUnixTestTrait
- 00d2098c - Issue #3284760 by longwave: Remove deprecated \Drupal\FunctionalTests\Image\ToolkitTestBase
- 362fc2d5 - Issue #3281175 by neclimdul: PhpUnitCliTest fails outside of CI
- 9e8f4c8e - Issue #3269215 by slucero, dpi: EntityTypeInterface::getKey() is typehinted as...
- 2b2ab4b7 - Issue #3284970 by alexpott: Reduce complexity in \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::initialize
- 018887f1 - Issue #3284761 by longwave: Remove deprecated code in the update system
- ad7357ce - Issue #3285136 by catch, andregp, longwave: Remove a couple of constructor bc layers
- ed4df467 - Issue #3281451 by tinto: Update Ajax FunctionalJavascript test to not use Bartik and Seven
- d833f152 - Issue #3281443 by _shY: Update Taxonomy tests to not use Bartik and Seven
- cf9a9078 - Issue #3283599 by eleonel: Fix a typo in Help message on ckeditor5.module
- 0b5874aa - Issue #3283619 by eleonel: Fix a comment typo in
- 7fbc4c4b - Issue #2392815 by alexpott, pooja saraah, bircher, cilefen, pratik_specbee,...
- 9db4e31b - Issue #3198340 by alexpott, xjm, Mile23, cilefen, mmjvb, catch, Mixologic,...
- 136f70d2 - Issue #3257485 by TR, daffie: Constructor of Drupal\Core\Test\TestDiscovery...
- 58a50468 - Issue #3277148 by rpayanm, andregp, joachim, Farnoosh, Athrylith, Jingting:...
- cc39d49f - Issue #3265492 by dww, Spokje, Amber Himes Matz, quietone: Fix inaccuracies in...
- d8435a06 - Issue #3285503 by quietone, longwave: Remove deprecated code in constructors
- b8a325c3 - Issue #2430133 by JeroenT, znerol, mgifford: BlockLanguageTest tests non-existing pages
- 6dd0db56 - Issue #3281535 by mondrake, daffie: Fix 'Access to an undefined property'...
- 8b44468e - Issue #3277025 by Spokje, longwave: For additional security you should declare...
- ef36c2ea - Issue #3265429 by neclimdul, eleonel: Fix array keys in MailManagerTest
- 6eff88bf - Issue #2430379 by quietone, znerol, larowlan: Add explicit test for session...
- 386d79e2 - Issue #3283794 by mondrake, longwave: Fix 'should return {type} but return...
- fe516c1a - Issue #3264633 by mstrelan, Spokje, dww, larowlan, catch, tim.plunkett,...
- 49011746 - Issue #3268244 by Spokje, xjm, Wim Leers: [random test failure] Un-skip and...
- 08322e88 - Issue #3267258 by Spokje, dww, andregp, Wim Leers, mstrelan, catch: Remove...
- d06b0a8f - Issue #2747273 by quietone, mayurjadhav, talhaparacha: Example given on...
- bb3804f5 - Issue #3257600 by tstoeckler, rpayanm: SettingsTrayBlockFormTest needlessly overrides getTestThemes
- 70d480ab - Issue #2733675 by smccabe, murilohp, andregp, Johnny Santos, ankithashetty,...
- 355a1a68 - Issue #3285131 by andregp, daffie, catch, longwave: Fix constructor...
- e47f94ca - Issue #3291047 by Wim Leers, Spokje: Move Quick Edit-specific styling of...
- d77a68d5 - Issue #3272779 by mondrake, longwave, alexpott: [Symfony 6.1] Replace...
- 1c5c378e - Issue #3291018 by Spokje, Wim Leers: Move...
- fc14cbc6 - Issue #3283498 by Mile23, alexpott: Scaffold ReplaceOp::copyScaffold() throws...
- 3b3e794a - Issue #3280033 by hmendes, rajandro, dpi, Ayesh: PHP 8.2 compatibility: ${}...
- 847ab04c - Issue #3276187 by mondrake, catch: Since symfony/routing 6.1: Construction of...
- 1f9f1da2 - Issue #3291265 by Spokje: \Drupal\Tests\forum\Functional\ForumNodeAccessTest...
- a28c9b38 - Issue #3164699 by jungle, ravi.shankar, andregp, kishor_kolekar, sulfikar_s,...
- ba7508a5 - Issue #3283235 by TR: Fix a comment typo in FileFieldWidgetTest
- 95a8a13a - Issue #3145738 by andrewmacpherson, quietone, Mile23, mmjvb: Incorrect...
- ad5ff3f6 - Issue #3254966 by mallezie, Taran2L, mglaman, mondrake, longwave: PHPStan error LinkItemTest
- 8915191b - Issue #1645328 by Liam Morland, darvanen, shravan sonkar, andregp,...
- 12762b40 - Issue #3267314 by quietone, danflanagan8: Handle migration tests for removing tracker
- add472cf - Revert "Issue #3267314 by quietone, danflanagan8: Handle migration tests for removing tracker"
- 8f72e9c7 - Issue #3267314 by quietone, danflanagan8: Handle migration tests for removing tracker
- 566a168e - Issue #3291893 by Spokje, alexpott: Stub release for 10.1.x breaks 10.0.x tests in HEAD
- 3e4df3ac - Issue #3291877 by alexpott, longwave: Fix...
- cdafba4f - Issue #3285230 by xjm, benjifisher, phenaproxima, mikelutz, quietone:...
- 14a5bf5a - Issue #3291780 by longwave, xjm, Spokje: guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.4.5 requires...
- 79df51df - Issue #3290808 by longwave, catch, Spokje, dww, Lendude: Remove workspaces...
- 145d7286 - Issue #3238501 by kostyashupenko, Spokje, mherchel, nod_, longwave, lauriii,...
- 1c63a97d - Revert "Issue #3238501 by kostyashupenko, Spokje, mherchel, nod_, longwave,...
- 8d083177 - Issue #3153852 by clayfreeman, catch: Both component and core versions of...
- c1ef4a06 - Issue #3292626 by Spokje, dww: Remove core/modules/ckeditor5/css/quickedit.css
- 8e5cf185 - 10.1.x-dev
- 12a74da1 - Issue #3291283 by nod_, jsutta, longwave, cilefen, alexpott, Gabbia998,...
- 295bfc16 - Fix the version constant.
- c7dc516f - Issue #2987089 by askibinski, andypost, alexpott: Remove views.module's direct...
- ca945b39 - Issue #3292730 by mondrake: Update to Symfony 6.1.2
- 3b4a427f - Issue #3153956 by clayfreeman, Spokje, andypost, longwave: Remove code related...
- a9c1a681 - Issue #3280589 by Spokje, longwave, Mile23: Deprecate Composer Vendor Cleanup Scripts
- c90e87cb - Issue #3292992 by Spokje: [#3280589] broke HEAD on 10.0.x and 10.1.x
- eb2d361e - Issue #3291317 by immaculatexavier, mherchel, Janner, longwave: Views Mini...
- 15dc7bfe - Issue #3086931 by longwave, zrpnr, Spokje: Remove unused postcss.config.js
- 584f09ec - Issue #3284010 by _shY, mherchel, Abhijith S: "Create content" link within...
- c042f344 - Issue #3076684 by Spokje, andypost, longwave, paulocs, Mile23, KapilV,...
- 29ae0b68 - Issue #3293077 by longwave: Enforce TrustedCallbackInterface in #date_date_callbacks
- 3a66136c - Update Composer project templates for 10.1.x.
- 13051c34 - Issue #3271057 by Wim Leers, xjm, lauriii: Move Media Library CKEditor 4...
- 256ceca3 - Issue #3278122 by andregp, mondrake, Spokje, daffie: Since symfony/routing...
- e17e5f01 - Issue #3293114 by uri_frazier, mikelutz, Spokje: Fix var tag on recent commit
- e9a1ea2a - Issue #3070747 by immaculatexavier, herved, alexpott, yoruvo: Profile paths...
- 54816afa - Issue #3270556 by quietone: Handle NULL for max_filesize_per_file in...
- 4c8bb2cf - Issue #3291208 by mondrake, longwave: Remove stray ignore deprecation patterns
- ca197046 - Issue #3293051 by Spokje, longwave:...
- fbc8bd2d - Issue #3293075 by longwave: Remove deprecated code from ModuleHandlerInterface
- f5bdc0f1 - Issue #3293215 by longwave: Remove remnants of Simpletest UI
- a80dddcc - Issue #3291830 by webflo: Fix PSR4 path for database driver
- c2016703 - Issue #3292428 by Spokje: Remove inadvertedly committed...
- 9957f301 - Issue #3293297 by catch: Remove bc layer in Drupal\Core\Theme\Registry::__construct()
- 7f337ca7 - Issue #3173031 by Spokje, andypost, mondrake: Clean-up...
- b16df24b - Issue #2896993 by cburschka, andypost, mxr576, jedihe: Decorated services crash on serialization
- 4a960dce - Issue #3270831 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm, xjm, catch: Make the CKEditor 4 → 5...
- fa8a8df5 - Issue #3239935 by mondrake, alexpott, andypost, daffie: Refactor ToolkitGdTest
- 4fd25f45 - Issue #3285667 by andregp, ankithashetty, quietone, longwave: Remove duplicate...
- 5253862d - Issue #3264145 by ankithashetty, yogeshmpawar, ravi.shankar, mrinalini9,...
- 29df1861 - Issue #3292850 by tim.plunkett, chrisfromredfin, leslieg, xjm: Add Project...
- c60c4fc3 - Issue #3291295 by Ishani Patel, Webbeh: Incorrect ckeditor5.plugin.media_media schema label
- 304c01b5 - Issue #3031492 by longwave, tedbow, Spokje: Remove @todo in InlineBlockEntityOperations constructor
- 7e58bc53 - Issue #3291303 by Spokje: "Wierd" assertion in \Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\Wizard\BasicTest
- 6c6f6a3f - Issue #3284420 by longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, Spokje: Remove Composer 1 specific...
- a9e73a81 - Issue #3255749 by Spokje, alexpott, shaal, longwave, cilefen, AaronMcHale,...
- 5b89b535 - Issue #3284912 by mherchel, javi-er: Abstract and refactor Olivero's text...
- 334790ce - Issue #3259671 by alexpott, _KASH_, Lendude: Slow query in titleQuery Vid.php
- cfc735df - Issue #3291729 by mherchel, andy-blum: Refactor Olivero styles to use new...
- d0a3628e - Issue #3215870 by catch, effulgentsia, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, andypost, longwave,...
- 2ba1d67a - Issue #3248078 by uri_frazier, antojose, alisonjo315, rootwork: Update 8.x...
- c4edefd1 - Issue #3293284 by catch: Throw an exception when Router::generate() is called
- d17bde5d - Issue #3293952 by Spokje, longwave: Remove unneeded...
- 445ea0fe - Issue #3266274 by Spokje, nod_, xjm, lauriii: Remove chalk as a dependency
- 433f2ae0 - Issue #3112290 by Spokje, mondrake, mpdonadio, daffie, andypost, Kristen Pol,...
- ddd29c4c - Issue #3225381 by mikelutz, jrockowitz, yivanov, Spokje, larowlan, longwave,...
- bc8f01f4 - Issue #3294076 by longwave: Remove unused ExceptionTestSiteSubscriber
- c57c328b - Issue #3294205 by shaal, NickDickinsonWilde, Spokje, alexpott, xjm, larowlan,...
- c1a4dff3 - Issue #3294938 by xjm, catch, dww: Increase RECOMMENDED_PHP to 8.1.6
- 8982ddf4 - Issue #3282315 by mondrake, mallezie, alexpott, andypost, longwave, daffie,...
- 0586c531 - Issue #3293288 by Spokje, alexpott, longwave, quietone: Remove the /core/modules/simpletest folder
- 69f148f6 - Issue #3294883 by marcoscano: Fix inaccurate code comment in Media.php
- 436f5874 - Issue #3284665 by arunkumark, Rashmisoni, Jimaginary, Rakhi Soni, longwave:...
- 51e7a083 - Issue #3137119 by munish.kumar, johnwebdev, Jaypan, jungle, xjm, catch:...
- 5681b9ce - Revert "Issue #3137119 by munish.kumar, johnwebdev, Jaypan, jungle, xjm,...
- d440b3c6 - Issue #3137119 follow-up: User::setExistingPassword() does not return $this for chaining
- 98a9766d - Revert "Revert "Issue #3137119 by munish.kumar, johnwebdev, Jaypan, jungle,...
- 44b45d84 - Issue #3292380 by Spokje, effulgentsia, larowlan, catch: Remove the "replace"...
- 681597b4 - Issue #2859197 by Wim Leers, Abhijith S, borisson_, lauriii, swentel, joachim:...
- 8743ce6b - Issue #3207771 by scott_euser, quietone, immaculatexavier, ravi.shankar,...
- 091a83df - Issue #2494617 by Lendude, danflanagan8, Bès, Shreya Shetty, stBorchert,...
- d9b8a31b - Issue #3275585 by dspachos, apaderno, joachim: Implementations of...
- c8b2c112 - Issue #3270564 by quietone: Handle NULL for data blob in User source plugin
- 54ee1df2 - Issue #3121325 by uqjhawk3, Berdir:...
- da9a2b40 - Issue #2994000 by Lendude, Pasqualle, quietone, pameeela: Notice in logs when...
- 42c8484b - Issue #3082211 by quietone, Pooja Ganjage, danflanagan8, Spokje, benjifisher,...
- 4214a87c - Issue #3293122 by lauriii: Document...
- 90f0da7b - Issue #3291949 by alexpott, daffie: Improve the MySQL transaction isolation warning
- c3f6ce5c - Issue #3117291 by NitinLama, smustgrave, silverham, Chi: Element::isEmpty()...
- ccce8014 - Issue #3291744 by lauriii, xjm, Abhijith S, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, catch: Ensure...
- 0becafaf - Issue #3271094 by Wim Leers, lauriii, xjm, catch: Move Media CKEditor 4 integration into CKEditor
- f76cebd1 - Issue #3295157 by mondrake: Fix 'Access to an undefined property' PHPStan L0...
- bfeff837 - Revert "Issue #3082211 by quietone, Pooja Ganjage, danflanagan8, Spokje,...
- 798800c6 - Issue #3294720 by abramm: The attachBehaviors() for document is only called...
- 79c009db - Issue #3086075 by jhodgdon, andypost, Charlie ChX Negyesi, Spokje: Use Twig to...
- 25a2823e - Issue #2916682 by Matroskeen: Defaults not working for grouped filter with multiple selections
- 365452be - Issue #2588013 by sumthief, aneek, tic2000, droplet, nod_, GuyPaddock,...
- 1807b676 - Issue #3266123 by smustgrave, tinto, rkoller, Lendude, larowlan, Amber Himes...
- c3450ddc - Issue #3293431 by longwave: Remove obsolete AppRootFactory and SitePathFactory
- 98430229 - Issue #3255887 by murilohp, mrinalini9, heddn, catch, neclimdul, longwave,...
- 82cf652a - Issue #1198120 by ravi.shankar, Jody Lynn, mdupont, Everett Zufelt, borisson_,...
- 99059eda - Issue #3263823 by Spokje, nod_, kostyashupenko, murilohp, adityasingh, pooja...
- e7027554 - Revert "Issue #3263823 by Spokje, nod_, kostyashupenko, murilohp, adityasingh,...
- f052a257 - Issue #3263823 by Spokje, nod_, kostyashupenko, murilohp, adityasingh, pooja...
- 4411770d - Issue #3281452 by longwave, mrinalini9, deviantintegral, Spokje: Update Core...
- b6217bd4 - Issue #3252587 by longwave, smustgrave, Chalk, borisson_, alexpott: Extend the...
- 1b1c8eca - Issue #3295421 by Gábor Hojtsy, catch, atuliet05: Update TranslationWrapper...
- 7749fc0c - Issue #3293933 by andypost: Upgrade phpstan/phpstan to 1.8.1
- de83474f - Issue #3294850 by Spokje, longwave: Update to cspell 6
- e67c6851 - Issue #3246246 by Wim Leers, effulgentsia, lauriii, xjm, nod_: CKEditor 5...
- 5661bc4a - Issue #3264987 by marciaibanez, apaderno, Pasqualle, longwave:...
- 46e74432 - Issue #2473877 by Lendude, quietone, pefferen: Views UI progress indicator...
- 3d682d17 - Issue #3021898 by longwave, alexpott, AaronBauman, daffie, opdavies: Support...
- 20e4baee - Issue #3257201 by murilohp, ravi.shankar, beatrizrodrigues, daffie, mondrake:...
- ca9a0e1e - Issue #3267900 by Spokje, longwave: Unneeded argument $root for...
- 1bb8f3b3 - Issue #3291887 by alexpott, Spokje: Fix outdated references to form_type_checkboxes_value()
- 02656d5d - Issue #3281440 by _shY, nod_: Update Shortcut tests to not use Bartik and Seven
- cd700d84 - Issue #3281454 by _shY, pooja saraah, deviantintegral, quietone, alexpott,...
- fa594a90 - Issue #3295650 by Spokje, BR0kEN, Berdir, catch, Krzysztof Domański, longwave,...
- e44f94f3 - Issue #3278124 by catch, nod_, andregp, quietone, deviantintegral, alexpott:...
- f5d4496e - Issue #3295898 by Spokje, nod_: Remove core/modules/ckeditor5/ckeditor5.libraries.yml.orig
- c78d1a89 - Issue #3268983 by nod_, iSoLate, plach, Wim Leers, acbramley, larowlan,...
- 3f9d9b44 - Issue #2958241 by fjgarlin, thetwentyseven, Wim Leers, joachim,...
- b6f4e504 - Issue #3245967 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers, nod_, lauriii, tim.plunkett, andregp,...
- 70246d12 - Issue #3295709 by immaculatexavier, ravi.shankar, longwave: .views-progress-indicator CSS is unused
- fe941ffb - Issue #3296108 by catch, dww, Spokje, mondrake: mysql_requirements() assumes...
- ac0b8ca8 - Issue #3295626 by longwave, catch: Remove BC layer in...
- a2ec6b9c - Issue #3295625 by longwave, catch: Remove deprecated code from FormattableMarkup
- 3388371b - Issue #3088234 by tim.plunkett: Use $defaultTheme for using views_test_classy_subtheme
- 5d4b6b4a - Issue #3283602 by urvashi_vora, eleonel, mrinalini9, ankithashetty, alexpott,...
- 4ae63c59 - Issue #2563995 by Temoor, Rakhi Soni, andypost: Remove duplicated check for...
- ac1a32ab - Issue #3292908 by alexpott, dww, longwave, catch, Berdir, Charlie ChX Negyesi,...
- 0b4f0cda - SA-CORE-2022-012 by cmlara, GuyPaddock, larowlan, mondrake, effulgentsia, xjm,...
- cbbe3c56 - SA-CORE-2022-013 by prudloff, tim.plunkett, Heine, effulgentsia, xjm, lauriii, longwave, larowlan
- ec39795b - SA-CORE-2022-014 by elarlang, pwolanin, xjm, mcdruid, effulgentsia, greggles,...
- bd43f4ae - SA-CORE-2022-015 by Heine, larowlan, alexpott, samuel.mortenson, xjm,...
- 71f0e1de - Issue #3279279 by phenaproxima, dww, tedbow: Remove "Download" link from Available Updates report
- d8d13be9 - Issue #3204929 by longwave, donquixote, andypost: Html::load() inconsistent...
- 6b1c5e3d - Issue #3292980 by benjifisher, mikelutz, quietone: Testing system should...
- 28aebfd6 - Issue #2820580 by anavarre, hardikpandya, Wim Leers, Berdir, cilefen: Drupal...
- ce0389d0 - Issue #3298821 by alexpott, catch, Spokje: Remove test that tests...
- 8b8be72e - Issue #3212691 by Sakthivel M, Gauravmahlawat, immaculatexavier,...
- 5645eeba - Issue #3281449 by longwave, nod_, deviantintegral: Update Core unit tests to...
- b271615b - Issue #2647778 by ranjith_kumar_k_u, NickDickinsonWilde, Rakhi Soni,...
- 511778a7 - Issue #2852361 by Xano, smustgrave, pwolanin, mpdonadio, wolffereast,...
- 8906b9b5 - Issue #3291100 by mherchel, Rinku Jacob 13, rkoller, andy-blum: Nested details...
- c19064f6 - Issue #3085219 by mherchel, jwilson3, lauriii, andy-blum, javi-er,...
- fa81e936 - Issue #3298343 by andypost, Spokje: upgrade egulias/email-validator to 3.2.1 to support PHP 8.2
- 194b56c8 - Issue #3215062 by quietone, gambry, ravi.shankar, dww, daffie, yogeshmpawar,...
- f42a2f54 - Issue #3119840 by raman.b, hugovk, johnwebdev, dawehner: Support syntax...
- 50ddf37f - Issue #2464041 by Mile23, quietone, andrewsuth: Test unit behavior of...
- 2bcbc265 - Issue #3105685 by andypost, mrinalini9: Deprecate PluginHelper::isConfigurable()
- 94c7446e - Issue #3298199 by andypost: Upgrade phpstan/phpstan to 1.8.2 for support of...
- 265b3c94 - Issue #3299606 by Spokje, andypost, mondrake, longwave: Update...
- 0ec67661 - Issue #3281439 by nod_, Spokje, deviantintegral, _shY, andregp, lauriii:...
- f23ca85e - Issue #3281996 by rpayanm, Fabianx: UncaughtExceptionTest is not working when...
- 0e2da426 - Issue #3188327 by DeFr, longwave, ravi.shankar, quietone: Docblock of...
- a753e0e5 - Issue #3295972 by Munavijayalakshmi, nitin_lama, arunkumark, cilefen,...
- 96a199b9 - Issue #2939237 by Anjali Rathod, pooja saraah, apaderno, eojthebrave: Update...
- 41992ab7 - Issue #3280773 by danflanagan8: Path Tests should not rely on Classy
- 0d85f5f3 - Issue #3296112 by Spokje, dww, catch, smustgrave: Remove...
- 32153203 - Issue #3266589 by idebr, mfb, longwave: Remove redundant Link canonical/shortlink response headers
- 7c981794 - Issue #3295487 by Anjali Rathod, apaderno: HtmlFormController's contructor...
- 6af21dee - Issue #3295813 by andypost, Berdir: ViewsEntitySchemaSubscriber access undefined property of View
- 41341436 - Issue #3243121 by Spokje, alexpott, longwave, yogeshmpawar, skipper-vp,...
- 763577f8 - Issue #3281429 by tinto, nod_, deviantintegral, lauriii: Update Block...
- db2e2d25 - Issue #3299853 by andypost, kim.pepper: Apply #[\AllowDynamicProperties]...
- 876e17f5 - Issue #3299327 by andypost, Berdir: Replace deprecated static::method() calls for PHP 8.2
- 07a16011 - Issue #3295935 by lauriii: Follow-up to #3268983: Move test case to correct group
- 373a960e - Issue #3299213 by andypost: Require mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6.11 to allow tests running on PHP 8.2
- b52b3f4c - Issue #3295735 by nod_, alexpott, lauriii: Fix ConfigImportUITest with olivero
- 5b23a5ea - Issue #3281427 by quietone, nod_, deviantintegral, Spokje: Update Block and...
- f3a0d34c - Issue #3298396 by andypost, Vighneshh, ameymudras, Spokje: Upgrade composer...
- 33db9ff6 - Issue #3105880 by peterkokot, Spokje, smustgrave: Remove unused TestContextAwareBlockInterface
- b3af2575 - Issue #2774399 by mohit_aghera, joebot, Munavijayalakshmi, rensingh99,...
- a5929f56 - Issue #3300773 by bradjones1, andypost: Fix failed test on...
- 69ab3b01 - Issue #3299890 by andypost: Refactor views.views_data_helper service usage of self
- f5eda648 - Issue #3298717 by Libbna, alison, longwave: Twig macro documentation link goes to Twig 1.x docs
- 8eea239a - Issue #3056652 by yogeshmpawar, mashermike, aalin, ranjith_kumar_k_u: Link...
- 511e9fa1 - Issue #2967627 by quietone, yunke: Hook preprocess function always added
- 5d4b11b2 - Issue #2796045 by Lendude, abarrio, ranjith_kumar_k_u, megan_m, joachim,...
- 7a7d73a1 - Issue #2568889 by smustgrave, berenddeboer, Lendude, Anandhi Karnan, ckaotik,...
- 3f6a0e98 - Issue #3284881 by Aditya4478, mherchel, sasanikolic: Refactor Claro's accordion stylesheet
- 86c4193f - Issue #3242538 by danflanagan8, mounir_abid, cilefen, DigitalFrontiersMedia,...
- 69d084fc - Issue #3296096 by Gábor Hojtsy, smustgrave, catch, Spokje: Update tabbable...
- 2561a200 - Issue #3116405 by Spokje, Mile23, Hardik_Patel_12, jofitz, Sahana _N,...
- a223aa1c - Issue #3281444 by ravi.shankar, _shY, nod_, Vighneshh, deviantintegral,...
- 8836d062 - Issue #3293090 by longwave, pooja saraah, mondrake, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy:...
- f27dc02c - Issue #3280302 by anoopsingh92, Shashwat Purav, arunkumark, bbrala:...
- 50917952 - Issue #3061148 by vsujeetkumar, Ramya Balasubramanian, raman.b, ankithashetty,...
- 88e3e39a - Issue #3298319 by nod_: Update ExtensionDiscoveryTest to not use seven
- b7b2437f - Issue #3292560 by danflanagan8, smustgrave: Field Layout tests should not rely on Classy
- f40b8e85 - Issue #3275843 by danflanagan8, smustgrave: Search Tests should not rely on Classy
- 02defec9 - Issue #3296481 by kostyashupenko, nod_: Update terser and...
- f976d5d4 - Issue #1988968 by nod_, droplet, bnjmnm, viappidu, extect, jansete, olli,...
- fc2f8a43 - Revert "Issue #3296481 by kostyashupenko, nod_: Update terser and...
- b68ad469 - Issue #3301495 by lauriii, xjm, nod_, quietone: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.0.1
- 1b0253bf - Issue #3166561 by Matroskeen, ravi.shankar, andregp, mohit_aghera,...
- 084ff937 - Issue #3300040 by xjm, benjifisher, jlariza, cilefen, quietone: Update jQuery...
- 65319149 - Issue #3292780 by nod_, Spokje: Move Quick Edit related Javascript from...
- baf3e893 - Issue #3296481 by xjm, kostyashupenko, nod_: Update terser and...
- 6aed2e94 - Issue #3151553 by mherchel, mandclu, danflanagan8, catch, Lendude, Gábor...
- 0603b8c2 - Issue #3222797 by Wim Leers, nod_, bnjmnm, larowlan, mpp, Luke.Leber, lauriii,...
- 1544b1de - Issue #3300941 by mherchel, cindytwilliams, Manibharathi E R, Chi: Claro:...
- 4b9c19c9 - Issue #3259929 by mherchel, andy-blum: Olivero: Refactor dropbutton CSS to make use of modern CSS
- 4efef25d - Issue #3301631 by nod_, Taran2L, xjm: Regression with CKEditor 35.0.1 and modal dialogs
- 047faa3e - Issue #3262674 by tstoeckler, lauriii, cindytwilliams, mherchel, Gábor Hojtsy:...
- b957382d - Issue #1014086 by catch, nod_, martin107, quietone, dww, mariacha1, Spokje,...
- 6ef6ffcf - Issue #3135933 by Spokje, jungle, ravi.shankar, quietone, jonathan1055,...
- f72ebaac - Issue #3295520 by andypost, longwave: Update dependencies for Drupal 10.0
- 3946bc30 - Issue #2157567 by Ratan Priya, smustgrave, lucassc, quietone, joachim: unclear...
- b66feed7 - Issue #3282420 by RhiP, cilefen: Ask new users to set, instead of change, their password
- 616d5e09 - Issue #3285593 by immaculatexavier, Ashutosh Ahirwal, Rashmisoni,...
- 91baefec - Issue #3285637 by mikelutz, danflanagan8, benjifisher: 'Get' Process plugin should handle multiple
- a849aca4 - Issue #2935999 by tim.plunkett, larowlan, johnwebdev, ptmkenny: Remove Layout...
- 986fd8bb - Issue #3293814 by Spokje, quietone, catch: Move RDF-related help-topics to RDF module
- 4ab64866 - Revert "Issue #3056652 by yogeshmpawar, mashermike, aalin, ranjith_kumar_k_u:...
- 8d989075 - Issue #3281430 by Spokje, deviantintegral, lauriii: Update non-migration Color...
- 43ea903a - Issue #2313073 by smustgrave, asad_ahmed, mrinalini9, Munavijayalakshmi,...
- 5c444d0c - Issue #3281457 by quietone, catch, bbrala, deviantintegral: Move Seven and...
- 0444b520 - Issue #3281434 by Vighneshh, Spokje, quietone, deviantintegral, nod_,...
- fea90e52 - Issue #3294299 by phma, alexpott, pooja saraah, mikelutz: Regression in...
- cc4a1b45 - Issue #3285049 by lauriii, nod_, catch, Wim Leers: Decide what to do about...
- 3ccc7d07 - Issue #3301712 by nod_, xjm, bnjmnm: Add vendor-update command to the build command for JS assets
- 5433842c - Issue #3298923 by andypost, Berdir: Fix...
- f2c65927 - Issue #3302096 by Spokje: Incorrect deprecation removal in...
- 61e1fecc - Issue #3301663 by catch, Berdir, lucassc: Remove handling of node_type...
- 6a1855c2 - Issue #3290810 by Spokje, catch, dww, longwave, alexpott: Remove updates added...
- 42a77435 - Issue #3302984 by longwave, smustgrave, quietone, Spokje: Remove RDF module from Umami
- 97eb4137 - Issue #3303278 by smustgrave, longwave: Decouple NodeDisplayConfigurableTest from RDF module
- 6a539e10 - Issue #3303435 by longwave, Spokje: Move RDF-related optional config to RDF module
- 790442c3 - Issue #3303453 by Spokje: Remove rdf from...
- ebe774d4 - Issue #3293216 by longwave, Spokje, quietone: Rename references to Simpletest in tests
- 1f14841c - Issue #3275807 by danflanagan8, nod_, larowlan: Media Tests should not rely on Classy
- f3841114 - Issue #3278418 by danflanagan8, quietone, nod_: Media Library Tests should not rely on Classy
- 2ac364c3 - Issue #3223061 by manojkumar1997, tanmaykadam, sagarchauhan, ameymudras,...
- 2a0cfe5d - Issue #3303787 by andypost, ravi.shankar, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy: Move...
- d1860b9d - Issue #3302800 by nod_, quietone, longwave: Core tests need to filter out...
- d8be5575 - Issue #3303033 by nod_, bnjmnm: Book tests should not rely on Classy
- fb859800 - Issue #3294908 by nod_, Wim Leers, DanielVeza: Configuration overlaps between...
- 9d82b6d2 - Issue #3304596 by bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers: Update editor help topic page to mention CKEditor 5
- a58a9b05 - Issue #3249109 by catch, quietone, Gábor Hojtsy, smustgrave, dww, xjm: Deprecate Bartik
- cc2cafca - Issue #3268306 by lauriii, Wim Leers, catch, Dom.: [GHS] Custom/unofficial...
- e8a2a6a9 - Issue #3304433 by lauriii, xjm, quietone, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, mherchel,...
- 81593d83 - Issue #3084814 by JeroenT, catch, lauriii, dww, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, quietone: Deprecate Seven theme
- fa636e18 - Issue #3270899 by Spokje, quietone, q0rban, longwave, ravi.shankar, dww,...
- ee3835bc - Issue #3283776 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Make...
- 7362bc50 - Issue #3053881 by Luke.Leber, bkosborne, tyler-paavola, Sam152, Rishi...
- d587699e - Issue #2695871 by catch, borisson_, alexpott: Aggregation creates two extra...
- f4b80818 - Issue #3272110 by Mile23, ravi.shankar, Spokje, xjm, andypost, joachim: Drupal...
- 56aef136 - Issue #3304256 by longwave, Spokje, dww, lauriii, catch, quietone, mherchel:...
- 555f4457 - Issue #3293813 by Spokje, longwave, quietone, catch, nod_, bbrala, xjm: Move...
- f7ef8451 - Issue #3278636 by nod_, Wim Leers, mrinalini9, bnjmnm:...
- 581f7515 - Issue #2232051 by andypost, andyceo, tayzlor, smustgrave, moshe weitzman:...
- 6df89ba6 - Issue #3273665 by Eli-T, ravi.shankar, immaculatexavier, Wim Leers: Use CKEditor 5 for Umami Demo
- ea4c39f9 - Issue #3304655 by _shY, longwave, catch, lauriii: Umami depends on Seven
- 9cd6d558 - Issue #2937010 by longwave, andypost, neclimdul, alexpott, Charlie ChX...
- dcf0fd3b - Issue #3268678 by bnjmnm: [random test failure] Restore...
- f33a8beb - Issue #3304371 by bnjmnm: Fix intermittent failure in AjaxBlockTest
- 7e4c0f96 - Issue #3302654 by bnjmnm, xjm, quietone, lauriii, phenaproxima: Create Starterkit readme
- 1921b1bd - Issue #3305621 by longwave, Wim Leers:...
- 2b3f1b96 - Issue #3304901 by bnjmnm, nod_: Fix intermittently failing Settings Tray...
- c7fa15fc - Issue #3304285 by longwave, Spokje, bbrala, ravi.shankar, quietone,...
- 63792002 - Issue #3270434 by Spokje, dww, longwave, catch, smustgrave: Mark Quick Edit deprecated
- ac69b04e - Issue #3216214 by Wim Leers, Gauravmahlawat, awset, sonam.chaturvedi, Kristen...
- 9ca6256b - Issue #3271097 by bnjmnm, xjm, Wim Leers, phenaproxima: Replace CKEditor 4...
- b78d6dca - Issue #3302052 by Sakthivel M, Aamir M, mherchel: Olivero footer can obscure...
- 226fa76b - Issue #3306216 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers, Reinmar: Contrast perception issues with...
- 3d9cd504 - Issue #3306289 by phenaproxima: Port #3253286 to Drupal 10
- f09840a7 - Issue #3270734 by Wim Leers, longwave, andregp, bnjmnm: Update Editor +...
- 999067cc - Issue #3273426 by ravi.shankar, immaculatexavier, borisson_, bramduvigneau:...
- 0ac2cb50 - Issue #3306098 by longwave, mherchel: Remove .woff font files
- c2af5754 - Issue #3291797 by mherchel, andy-blum, lauriii, xjm, catch: Refactor Drupal...
- 11c44745 - Issue #3227033 by Spokje, xjm, dww, longwave, Wim Leers, ravi.shankar, catch,...
- e09d527a - Issue #3306720 by Spokje: Replace ckeditor with ckeditor5 in...
- 45132e0c - Issue #3303112 by andy-blum, mherchel, Abhijith S, bronzehedwick: Olivero:...
- c86d7ad0 - Issue #3304991 by bradjones1, andypost, catch: [Symfony 6] HttpKernel should...
- a73fa303 - Issue #3306712 by Spokje, alexpott: Update NoJavaScriptAnonymousTest to use...
- 22f7fd01 - Issue #3306167 by lauriii: Update to tabbable v6.0.0
- e1d4f004 - Issue #3222756 by nod_, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, scott_euser, Akhildev.cs, lauriii,...
- 4024e3c4 - Issue #3304731 by phenaproxima, bnjmnm: Update remaining tests using Classy to use Starterkit
- 471e827a - Issue #3298906 by andypost, alexpott: Fix...
- e4d7b69b - Issue #3285054 by lauriii, Wim Leers: Add ckeditor5-stylesheets: false to...
- e1ae3a33 - Issue #3306208 by Spokje, quietone: Deprecate farbtastic in 9.5.x
- 0d091ad9 - Issue #3258987 by phenaproxima, xjm, mrweiner, catch, cilefen, mfb,...
- 45904f2a - Issue #3306153 by lauriii, Wim Leers, bnjmnm: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.1.0
- f1e6390c - Issue #3306946 by xjm, Spokje, andypost, longwave: Update Composer...
- 07994b06 - Issue #3306864 by lauriii, mherchel, alexpott: Integrate Twig with Symfony...
- d2bd1209 - Issue #3306897 by Spokje, catch: Fix the 9.4.4 database dumps
- eb15d89d - Issue #3267703 by longwave, quietone, bbrala, phenaproxima, smustgrave: Deprecate RDF module
- 4413ad76 - Issue #3306938 by Spokje, catch: Restore olivero_post_update_add_olivero_primary_color()
- 3784f136 - Issue #3307230 by bbrala, catch, phenaproxima, Spokje: Backport RDF/views...
- a5029ec2 - Issue #3306715 by Spokje, Wim Leers: Replace ckeditor with editor_test in...
- cee6b9ca - Issue #3267515 by Spokje, longwave, quietone, phenaproxima: Remove RDF from core
- 76486e0e - Issue #3275120 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm: [drupalMedia] alt_field setting on "Image" media not respected
- 5a240204 - Issue #3231336 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Simplify HtmlRestrictions and...
- 41cd7581 - Issue #3307361 by mondrake, Spokje: Skip PHPStan 1.8.3
- 7f5e7bf2 - Issue #3306545 by Wim Leers, Spokje, catch, xjm: Replace ckeditor with...
- d0154b5b - Issue #3307713 by lauriii, Spokje: Remove @ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils
- 53a59af9 - Issue #2258313 by Wim Leers, nod_, ravi.shankar, lauriii, catch, mfb,...
- c918ca95 - Issue #3301545 by nod_, Spokje, bnjmnm: Remove popperjs from Drupal 10
- f3b89549 - Issue #3262135 by kostyashupenko, longwave, Spokje, arunkumark,...
- 3f094e0c - Issue #3280343 by bnjmnm, pooja saraah, Wim Leers: Audit of CKEditor 5 @todo items
- 7e247753 - Issue #3307182 by smustgrave: Add smustgrave as a co-maintainer for the block_content module
- f0cc61b1 - Issue #3307454 by Spokje, lauriii: Move classy related tests to the theme...
- b0b45694 - Issue #3306182 by Spokje, bnjmnm, lauriii: Update to latest minor and patch...
- aa2f8c33 - Issue #3307186 by lauriii, xjm, Wim Leers, catch, hooroomoo, yash.rode,...
- 31916e9a - Issue #3306441 by Spokje: Update to the latest cspell version (6.8.1)
- b9d8507c - Issue #3308427 by mondrake, Spokje: Update PHPStan to 1.8.5
- 09f8f13d - Issue #3270438 by Wim Leers, xjm, Spokje, lauriii, nod_: Remove CKEditor 4 from core
- 8aa8ce1f - Issue #3278415 by nod_, lauriii, catch, Wim Leers, longwave, xjm,...
- c37ade41 - Issue #3308783 by lauriii, longwave: Update shepherd.js to 10.0.1
- 34461559 - Issue #3308780 by lauriii, nod_: Update glob to 8.0.3
- 5e8e5e87 - Issue #3308821 by lauriii, nod_: Update stylelint-config-standard to 28.0.0
- 0cd89445 - Issue #3308781 by lauriii, longwave: Update jsdom to 20.0.0
- c3d1caaf - Issue #3110137 by bnjmnm, Spokje, lauriii, Mixologic: Remove Classy from core
- cfc96829 - Issue #3308826 by bnjmnm, lauriii: Update eslint-plugin-yml to 1.2.0
- 64ea0bed - Issue #3308786 by lauriii, nod_: Mark Shepherd.js as internal in Drupal 10
- 4c87cc0f - Issue #3267870 by heddn, larowlan, catch, Fabianx, Alina Basarabeanu, xjm,...
- c3a7a32c - Issue #3307736 by catch, alexpott: EmailValidator defaults to 'loose' mode...
- 247bd31e - Issue #2953111 by quietone, yogeshmpawar, ravi.shankar, benjifisher, alexpott,...
- 9ad91313 - Issue #3269082 by longwave, Spokje, mherchel, andregp, kostyashupenko, bnjmnm,...
- 434cecac - Issue #3309247 by pratik_specbee, neclimdul: Unused $theme_engine variable in...
- a3b4919b - Issue #3309341 by lauriii, nod_: Remove toolbar/toolbar dependency on Modernizr
- ef547682 - Issue #2531564 by neclimdul, andypost, chx, cburschka, Spokje, pdenooijer,...
- 6c087ced - Issue #3308987 by lauriii, Spokje, quietone, bnjmnm: Remove references to Stable
- dd692fba - Issue #3261163 by bnjmnm, Spokje, longwave, nod_: Update to PostCSS 8
- 9edf0bb6 - Issue #3309317 by longwave, lauriii: Remove normalize-fixes.css
- 1781f1fa - Issue #3309318 by longwave: Remove IE11 workaround from CKEditor 5
- ffdecfad - Issue #3274474 by mondrake, longwave, andypost, Spokje, catch, alexpott: Fix...
- 76a9c827 - Issue #3296390 by Spokje, longwave, Eric_A, Chi: Remove...
- a5893cba - Issue #3309176 by lauriii, bbrala, Spokje, quietone, bnjmnm: Remove Stable theme from Drupal 10
- 18c3f9a5 - Issue #3307225 by Spokje, longwave, quietone: Remove leftover templates/CSS...
- c1b854c3 - Issue #3309800 by Spokje: /core/modules/ckeditor5/js/ckeditor5.js fails JS linting
- a8f48db6 - Issue #3298731 by alexpott, andypost, catch, longwave, Berdir, bbrala, Wim...
- cd5e9abc - Issue #3306210 by Spokje, nod_, Wim Leers, quietone, longwave, lauriii: Remove...
- 7db1fcdb - Issue #3308744 by andypost, bbrala: Fix magic connection property access from...
- b5d5cddc - Issue #3309807 by nod_: Fix commit eslint checks following removal of es6 files
- 98659976 - Issue #3145501 by alexpott, Spokje, plach, quietone, catch, smustgrave,...
- 62356c1a - Issue #3308912 by smustgrave: Fix test performance of...
- 9ff2c846 - Issue #3309750 by andypost, Berdir: Fix callable syntax for PHP 8.2 in Views.php
- cc44e691 - Issue #2381797 by Tom Verhaeghe, slashrsm, johnwebdev, chr.fritsch,...
- 6c8eb43b - Issue #3309719 by solideogloria: Incorrect namespace in comment in EntityAutocomplete.php
- a55bbc98 - Issue #1987504 by mohit_aghera, quietone, xjm, mandarmbhagwat78, neRok,...
- 48589c84 - Issue #3060716 by martin107, Lendude, quietone: EntityListBuilderTest:...
- e129a5b9 - Issue #3294695 by daffie, longwave, mkalkbrenner, pandaski: Drupal 8 BC for...
- a474384b - Issue #3255131 by andy-blum, finnsky, mherchel, nod_: Olivero: Refactor JS to...
- bd1f0924 - Issue #3310887 by mherchel, lauriii, JohnAlbin: Add mherchel as a CSS subsystem maintainer
- 5496d64a - Issue #3291520 by sardara, Ratan Priya, alexpott, smustgrave: Incorrect label...
- 6da66e99 - Issue #3196973 by casey, nod_, andypost, yogeshmpawar, droplet, Wim Leers,...
- f7e9cbbc - Issue #3311383 by andypost, Berdir: Apply #[\AllowDynamicProperties] attribute...
- e9afcbc3 - Issue #3311562 by Berdir, andypost: Set sqlQuery in Entity\Query\Sql Condition classes on own class
- 32545131 - Issue #3311466 by Temoor, andypost: Remove obsolete ViewExecutable::editing property access
- 9925f1d9 - Issue #2960583 by ressa, Anchal_gupta, andy-blum, parijke, Eli-T, shaal,...
- 104b0e08 - Issue #3079404 by anavarre: Document that .htaccess 301s get the...
- 6cbea8d6 - Issue #3311214 by jibran, Anchal_gupta: Replace TestClass with anonymous class...
- 999d5671 - Issue #2254187 by smustgrave, NickDickinsonWilde, markdorison, andregp: Fix...
- da8a916e - Issue #3119786 by danflanagan8, tim.plunkett, JordiK, Berdir: Default values...
- 9e67c211 - Issue #1937266 by smustgrave, ravi.shankar, immaculatexavier, Berdir, Pavan B...
- 789bdf4e - Issue #3311476 by nlisgo, Spokje, xjm, hb76: Skip DownloadTest on SQLite
- 16097ece - Issue #3087862 by heddn: TestSiteInstallCommand doesn't work with build tests
- bec8cb0e - Issue #3309173 by Arantxio, Pracheth, immaculatexavier, sittard, daffie,...
- 1b65dc6c - Issue #3261679 by Spokje, naveenvalecha, quietone, smustgrave, xjm, catch:...
- c7357380 - Issue #3079404 by anavarre: Document that .htaccess 301s get the...
- b8ac0d98 - Issue #2941148 by quietone, bruno.bicudo, ravi.shankar, Sweetchuck,...
- 803da73c - Issue #2937515 by Spokje, quietone, idebr, longwave, SherFengChong,...
- 94a40596 - Issue #3299024 by amarlata, reenaraghavan, quietone, larowlan:...
- c0d2542d - Issue #3299800 by, immaculatexavier,...
- eb019c17 - Issue #2457999 by Lendude, danflanagan8, dawehner, donquixote, alexpott, olli,...
- f8b4d7a1 - Issue #3082053 by vsujeetkumar, kristiaanvandeneynde, Wim Leers:...
- 2c468a00 - Issue #3264947 by Niklan, quietone, ravi.shankar, longwave, TR, xjm: [Sep 12,...
- c9f19748 - Issue #3309907 by Spokje, danflanagan8, longwave: [random test failure]...
- 45ec97a4 - Issue #3296987 by Yujiman85, lucassc, gquisini, diegors, joachim, cilefen:...
- 766d6275 - Issue #3254202 by Spokje, kostyashupenko, longwave, mherchel, bnjmnm: Remove...
- f6bd3a52 - Issue #3230681 by andregp, hmendes, narendra.rajwar27, Chi, jobsons, catch,...
- 2aa0817d - Issue #2710427 by smustgrave, longwave, akhoury, alexpott, ChaseOnTheWeb,...
- cc7f6977 - Issue #3308162 by immaculatexavier, chaubeyji, joachim, catch:...
- 6d34fc2b - Issue #3310346 by Hemuvyas97, Wim Leers: Improve Title Resolver return documentation
- 6bbfb055 - Issue #3181778 by quietone, longwave, aldairsoares, beatrizrodrigues, Aline...
- 6fc5799a - Issue #3309748 by andypost, Ratan Priya, Berdir, mondrake: Define missing...
- 0cf5ca15 - Issue #3305410 by _shY, joachim, longwave: remove TaxonomyImageTest
- fc46f786 - Issue #3312001 by stijndmd, ravi.shankar, davidjguru, longwave, catch: Race...
- 997a0597 - Issue #3309748 by andypost, Ratan Priya, Berdir, mondrake, catch: Define...
- f7d8fe6f - Issue #3266287 by lind101, alexpott, joachim, larowlan, quietone: Make...
- d985697c - Issue #3301373 by hawkeye.twolf, lauriii, alexpott, mherchel: Create twig |add_suggestion filter
- 0ca6cc73 - SA-CORE-2022-016 by fabpot, nicolas.grekas, xjm, lauriii, alexpott, Berdir,...
- 81a05c81 - Issue #3311218 by andy-blum, javi-er: Olivero link hover styles are not...
- 3761178e - Issue #3281341 by andy-blum, Sakthivel M, pallavisk, mherchel: Olivero's...
- c58a486d - Issue #2617330 by dagmar, mfb, pradhumanjainOSL, Ratan Priya, fgm, alexpott,...
- 2a9221d5 - Issue #2341553 by GoZ, DuaelFr, smustgrave, Prashant.c, Rajender Rajan,...
- 29531e26 - Issue #3054072 by voleger, neclimdul, BR0kEN, arunkumark, Ratan Priya, Spokje,...
- 1a70642d - Issue #3117069 by Pasqualle, priyanka.sahni, smustgrave, NicklasMF: Undefined index: terms
- 226cc60a - Issue #3189876 by Matroskeen, quietone, benjifisher: Add documentation for file source plugins
- 09672b4d - Issue #3269000 by longwave, quietone, Shashwat Purav: fix docblock of...
- e30a948c - Issue #3226139 by Spokje, longwave: ->willReturn(...) would make more sense...
- b331d346 - Issue #3212351 by heddn, ravi.shankar, catch, Fabianx, Graber, lauriii, Chi:...
- 9ee0ef64 - Issue #3231694 by Wongjn, lucassc, alexpott:...
- 98ccdcd7 - Issue #3312481 by mherchel, longwave: Update core's browserlist
- dc3d5683 - Issue #3312439 by mondrake: StatementInterface::fetch() return typehint is wrong
- e32f277a - Issue #3311474 by ravi.shankar, immaculatexavier, mmjvb, daffie, longwave: The...
- 5564aee8 - Issue #3313021 by Spokje: Remove obsolete \Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase::prepareTemplate
- 5b84c092 - Issue #3268829 by quietone, bbrala: Fix class property comments for...
- c723f4b7 - Issue #2875987 by raman.b, smustgrave, ericgsmith, anushrikumari, Lendude:...
- 6483b299 - Issue #3273317 by clayfreeman, larowlan, tim.plunkett, danflanagan8: Add...
- a6c49dba - Issue #1040534 by catch, Owen Barton, danreb, mikeytown2, ogi, omega8cc, xjm:...
- 9fbab426 - Issue #3096101 by quietone, danflanagan8, abhisekmazumdar, anmolgoyal74,...
- 64025391 - Issue #3313191 by immaculatexavier, alexpott, longwave: mbstring.func_overload...
- c0bee1dd - Issue #3294833 by claudiu.cristea, alexpott: Page variant plugin is not correctlly instantiated
- bc1a8d84 - Issue #3305748 by kay_v, Spokje, bmahesh03121: improve instructions for...
- ce4bc2f8 - Issue #3211992 by alexpott, catch, quietone:...
- fdaf5636 - Issue #3295880 by Spokje, longwave: ->willReturn(...) would make more sense here
- 3ddfcf58 - Issue #3293446 by alexpott, daffie: Create less static cache in...
- 846cce70 - Issue #3284254 by Wim Leers, smustgrave, nod_: HTMLRestrictions should not...
- f913fc46 - Issue #3307972 by AlirezaK, rik.scholten: ModulesListForm.php assigns string...
- b8ad2d90 - Issue #3291622 by smustgrave, g-brodiei, ameymudras, ambikahirode,...
- a30c59d4 - Issue #3310760 by poker10, Wim Leers: Broken issue links in @todos
- a5b44e8f - Issue #59750 by quietone, larowlan, mikeryan, quicksketch, sreynen, kleinmp,...
- eaa010f9 - Issue #3254199 by longwave: Remove Prophecy PhpUnit compatibility check
- 2e76fda4 - Issue #3202665 by danflanagan8, Ratan Priya, rupertj, longwave, smustgrave,...
- 3f9bc84f - Issue #3111192 by tim.plunkett, larowlan, mohit_aghera, mstrelan, lauriii,...
- 24378352 - Issue #3006812 by NickDickinsonWilde, Ankit.Gupta:...
- d3cf1e92 - Issue #3308449 by owenbush:...
- 275a3281 - Issue #2919158 by danflanagan8, quietone, mikelutz, maxocub, Spokje: Add the...
- 29849ead - Issue #3044117 by e.escribano, segovia94, bkosborne, Webbeh, zterry95,...
- 0c7ca11d - Issue #3204175 by Amber Himes Matz: Add security advisories Help Topic
- 22582080 - Issue #3110761 by Vivek Panicker, anagomes, lucassc, apaderno,...
- eefe3a87 - Issue #3198608 by quietone, swirt, indytechcook, benjifisher, mrinalini9,...
- 9d8aaef0 - Issue #2864115 by smustgrave, hass, amit.drupal, mstrelan: Simplify wording of...
- 75514e16 - Issue #3195033 by Neograph734, imalabya, sonam.chaturvedi, ranjith_kumar_k_u,...
- c36f03ae - Issue #3310510 by igorbarato, Anchal_gupta: Harden error logging of OEmbed...
- 3cc06cfa - Issue #3313435 by daffie: Add daffie as core subsystem maintainer for the Database API
- 9514c30a - Issue #3307468 by darvanen: Improve Batch API $context['sandbox'] documentation
- 946d2715 - Issue #3313448 by rakesh.drupal: Missing AliasRepositoryInterface parameter...
- f4b955cf - Issue #3260227 by mondrake: Move driver specific database Unit tests to their modules
- 198b03a0 - Issue #3271222 by Rajab Natshah, yogeshmpawar, BramDriesen: Include Disallow...
- b61cd96e - Issue #3168624 by DerekCresswell, ravi.shankar, BramDriesen, jonathanshaw,...
- 00d6bd97 - Issue #3116611 by mondrake, andypost, cilefen, xeM8VfDh, alexpott, rkoller,...
- dadc672d - Issue #3307697 by quietone, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in...
- bc9e8b07 - Issue #3307691 by smustgrave, asad_ahmed, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs...
- ac40afe2 - Issue #3307700 by _shY, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in aggregator,...
- c900c8d3 - Issue #3265574 by mondrake: Convert remaining assertions involving use of...
- 7f52db6f - Issue #2975616 by drubb, pguillard, mattlc, rkoller, webchick, ckrina,...
- 9aade7f4 - Issue #2842141 by hchonov: Document that more specific hooks might be called...
- c9d63410 - Issue #2993165 by kkasson, tatianag, Spokje, mpdonadio, xurizaemon, raman.b,...
- 8a36ace5 - Issue #2895352 by claudiu.cristea, neclimdul, rbosscher, Chi, alexpott: Allow...
- 3a4d030c - Issue #3300246 by mglaman, Wim Leers: Allow other CKEditor 5 plugins to...
- 13c1ec10 - Issue #3313833 by Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott: Make it easy to run only...
- 6e97216f - Issue #3308915 by smustgrave, longwave: Fix test performance of...
- db43eba8 - Issue #3165010 by dpi, acbramley, tim.plunkett, larowlan: Using the layout...
- 76aa51fd - Issue #3121157 by apaderno, neelam_wadhwani, jungle, Lendude, alexpott,...
- e1b4aafa - Issue #3165010 follow-up: Using the layout builder discard changes button...
- 88dceab0 - Issue #3250683 by beatrizrodrigues, Tauany Bueno, ravi.shankar, joachim,...
- 1b1b3ecd - Issue #3307692 by smustgrave, _shY, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in...
- dd250aca - Issue #3276469 by Wim Leers, Reinmar: [drupalMedia]...
- 7610d3c1 - Issue #3219539 by quietone, mradcliffe: Update Drupal 7 migration database fixture
- 6af6c55b - Issue #3307694 by smustgrave, pooja saraah, Amber Himes Matz: Update internal...
- 818cdde3 - Issue #3307696 by _shY, smustgrave, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in...
- 80759ce8 - Issue #3284983 by angrytoast: Views FilterPluginBase::groupForm double...
- 97e5542c - Issue #2809291 by wengerk, aleevas, acbramley, jenlampton, douggreen,...
- b3d036aa - Issue #3251647 by dsdeiz, phenaproxima, joachim: Field mapping options in...
- 5f9abc4f - Issue #3311776 by Chi, Nitin shrivastava, emarinho, ckrina: Claro: Highlight...
- b29f980b - Issue #3112452 by lalitware, guilhermevp, narendra.rajwar27, WagnerMelo,...
- d755c76e - Issue #3231950 by mondrake, daffie, joegraduate: Split Database tests in...
- 44454ec2 - Issue #3314134 by Anybody, Grevil, quietone: Add...
- 33c59bbc - Issue #3313146 by mherchel, andy-blum: PostCSS Logical not transpiling flow...
- 8ea977b6 - Issue #3308733 by mherchel, ckrina, chetansonawane, andy-blum, lauriii,...
- 054e05d0 - Issue #3314353 by immaculatexavier, dpi: EntityTestRev has duplicate...
- 78fb66df - Issue #3314541 by saschaeggi, eashika, Wim Leers: Remove unnecessary fill from...
- 1de949a5 - Issue #3314511 by Wim Leers: CKEditor 4 → 5 upgrade path may trigger warnings...
- b5446646 - Issue #3314523 by alexpott: PostCSS results in CSS that does not comply with our coding standards
- 4b98aae5 - Issue #3314710 by alexpott, Spokje, longwave: dragTo random fails for example...
- eb8c8d48 - Issue #3315227 by alexpott, Spokje, andypost, quietone:...
- 6d2b6caa - Issue #3315362 by alexpott: Remove duplicate JSWebWithWebDriverAssertTest
- 22ef85df - Issue #3183423 by immaculatexavier, alexpott, quietone: Remove...
- fb723608 - Issue #3314774 by Spokje, mondrake: Skip PHPStan >=1.8.7
- 74b0acbe - Issue #3259109 by mondrake, longwave, andregp, daffie, mglaman, neclimdul,...
- dcc44243 - Issue #3315753 by alexpott: Random fail in...
- 26a40756 - Issue #3314873 by Spokje, mondrake: Remove PHPStan conflict section in...
- 6dd6ee4d - Issue #3315783 by TravisCarden: Remove reference to Drupal 9 from Composer project templates
- 2b24cf9c - Issue #3045612 by alexpott, Krzysztof Domański: Random test failure in...
- c0d535a9 - Issue #3315319 by Wim Leers, Spokje, alexpott, lauriii: Random fails in...
- c0e89d1a - Revert "Issue #3045612 by alexpott, Krzysztof Domański: Random test failure in...
- 830646e6 - Issue #3309047 by mondrake: Fix 'should return {type} but return statement is...
- 7690a8e6 - Issue #3315490 by alexpott, Wim Leers: Random fail in...
- 0628fa00 - Issue #3316224 by alexpott: Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\Tests\JSWebAssertTest randomly fails
- 6c6f7ad5 - Issue #3315042 by benjifisher, AaronMcHale: Remaining tasks for "edit block $type" permissions
- e7cfffef - Issue #3316136 by julien.sibi, flocondetoile: LanguageNegotiationInterface.php...
- 22a9ced9 - Issue #3312641 by nkoporec, Ratan Priya, Anchal_gupta, daffie, mglaman: Bring...
- b4b36b94 - Issue #3313946 by nod_, longwave, Wim Leers: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.2.1
- 2170e97e - Issue #3316276 by mondrake: Fix 'undefined variable' PHPStan L0 errors
- 428d60ec - Issue #3256356 by mstrelan, tstoeckler: Update browser test Xdebug integration for Xdebug 3
- c42342d3 - Issue #3316198 by mondrake: Fix Database\Schema PHPStan-0 issues
- 8d8d4e5e - Issue #3316129 by mondrake: Fix AssertContentTraitTest PHPStan-0 issues
- 5e67517d - Issue #309040 by claudiu.cristea, David_Rothstein, Chi, BryanGullan, larowlan,...
- 04fefc10 - Issue #3315604 by mondrake, daffie: Move remaining database specific kernel...
- fa7f5a0e - Issue #2826592 by sourabh.singhal, jeffam, dhirendra.mishra, pk188,...
- cd4c806b - Issue #3314770 by Wim Leers, smustgrave, bnjmnm, alexpott: Enforce order of...
- e7943531 - Issue #3314478 by Wim Leers, pooja saraah, smustgrave, lauriii, alexpott:...
- 78f3dbf1 - Issue #3316815 by mondrake: Fix PHPStan L0 issues for calls to crufty drupalPost* methods
- 8b08268e - Issue #3316825 by mondrake, Spokje: Fix Kernel/RenderCacheIntegrationTest PHPStan L0 issues
- e2fcbd9e - Issue #3074765 by Chewie, dxvargas, Ankit.Gupta, heddn, Denes.Szabo, SpadXIII:...
- 6a1bac3c - Issue #3316816 by Wim Leers, nod_: Stabilize FunctionalJavascript testing...
- 6dcb9151 - Issue #3314469 by alecsmrekar, plach: ContextDefinition::isSatisfiedBy does...
- 43e4c4a8 - Issue #3316960 by mondrake: Fix PageRenderTest PHPStan L0 issues
- 4c187847 - Issue #3316950 by mondrake: Fix StreamWrapper\ReadOnlyStream PHPStan-0 issues
- d0ab721e - Issue #3316813 by immaculatexavier, apaderno, RoSk0: Remove mentions of...
- c7e78f42 - Issue #3251817 by alexpott, jonathan1055, nicxvan, longwave: Make
- fb0e14e1 - Issue #3316971 by Mile23, andypost: Ensure works with future PHP versions
- ec67c18a - Issue #3127883 by Wim Leers, Oscaner, bbrala, ptmkenny, alexpott, jhedstrom,...
- c2a6c765 - Issue #3317243 by mondrake: Fix PluginManagerBase PHPStan-0 issues
- 7f009300 - Issue #3316921 by Wim Leers, deviantintegral, longwave: Remove span tag from...
- 23b444af - Issue #3317223 by mondrake, longwave: Fix RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator PHPStan L0 issues
- 35f35949 - Issue #3317332 by Wim Leers: Remove obsolete...
- a575c442 - Issue #3315884 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Fix typos: s/CKEditor5/CKEditor 5/
- e9d3e92f - Issue #3317330 by Wim Leers, nod_: Random failure in ImageTest::testAltTextRequired
- ef5c7f7c - Issue #2350939 by dpi, jibran, acbramley, Manuel Garcia, chr.fritsch,...
- c22d2af8 - Issue #3268077 by TR: Rename DBLogResource
- c647ef4d - Issue #2867336 by mbovan, jcnventura, Berdir, hchonov, gabesullice,...
- 4c0f5077 - Issue #3254986 by Matroskeen, paulocs, mikelutz, benjifisher, danflanagan8,...
- 784ee657 - Issue #3279289 by rizzie, claudiu.cristea, Berdir, cilefen:...
- cf4437e6 - Issue #3316871 by Soham Sengupta, Chi: Fix wrong documentation in hook_requirements_alter
- 43a384ba - Issue #1120020 by effulgentsia, andypost, Garrett Albright, pfrenssen,...
- 12e26bd4 - Issue #2965929 by jhedstrom, dimitriskr, kkalashnikov, sun, Lendude,...
- 05e6abf5 - Issue #3317504 by Wim Leers, penyaskito: claims to support...
- 88ca0c51 - Issue #3309745 by andypost, Berdir, longwave, Wim Leers, Taran2L, mondrake,...
- e7668b63 - Issue #3306446 by Spokje, bnjmnm, finnsky, longwave, andypost, fcertal,...
- 12df2086 - Issue #3176393 by quietone, huzooka, benjifisher: Use...
- e54ef601 - Issue #3317874 by longwave, mondrake: Update dependencies for Drupal 10.0
- ac84424e - Issue #3029782 by wengerk, knyshuk.vova, yogeshmpawar, karishmaamin, longwave,...
- bc8ed7fe - Issue #3247121 by ramil g, joelpittet: Aggregation of nid when using COUNT produces syntax error
- 9363b0e7 - Issue #3130579 by daffie, markdorison, pradhumanjainOSL, dragan_bp, jcisio,...
- 55c7c51e - Issue #3314532 by mherchel, ckrina: Refactor Olivero's autocomplete-loading-module.pcss.css file
- fab64695 - Issue #3317885 by longwave, Ankit.Gupta, nod_: Update jsdom, terser, minimist and underscore
- 08b0f54b - Issue #3317658 by pooja saraah, mondrake, ravi.shankar, longwave: Fix...
- cf3ae0f9 - Issue #3316923 by mondrake, daffie: Sort out more driver specific database kernel tests
- fcf0932d - Issue #3318581 by andypost, alexpott: FIx...
- c95109e2 - Issue #3312198 by catch, alexpott, longwave, Nixou, Spokje, darvanen:...
- 4ff26945 - Issue #3313473 by Wim Leers, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, smustgrave, mglaman,...
- d96c99b4 - Issue #3317652 by mondrake, longwave: Fix Updater PHPStan L0 issues
- b5208e28 - Issue #3318867 by longwave, lauriii, Wim Leers: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.3.0
- a47bf769 - Issue #2503063 by alexpott, Lendude: Removing XssTest causes test failures due...
- 29f7f401 - Issue #3318985 by andypost, longwave: Bump REQUEST_TIME deprecation to Drupal 11
- d1407476 - Issue #3317879 by longwave, pooja saraah, andypost, nod_: Remove Chromedriver...
- d36c30ca - Issue #3284422 by catch, phenaproxima, Spokje, andypost, longwave, Gábor...
- cf3cf55a - Issue #3319112 by longwave, mondrake: Update PHPStan to 1.9.1
- a8059d93 - Issue #3319158 by longwave: Update CSpell to 6.14.0
- 7fa5f0a5 - Issue #3190406 by mondrake, mallezie, klausi: Update PHPStan to level 1
- 13f60d0e - Issue #3313486 by effulgentsia, longwave: Decide when to require Composer...
- 8fb7236b - Issue #3317758 by DieterHolvoet: The return type of TermInterface::getWeight is wrong
- 37c60ccb - Issue #3319170 by longwave, effulgentsia: Change the http_kernel.basic service...
- e00c523f - Issue #3317651 by mondrake, longwave, alexpott: Fix DataReferenceBase PHPStan L0 issues
- dc2ebbbf - Issue #3317882 by longwave, nod_: Update to stylelint 14.14.1 and stylelint-config-standard 29.0.0
- a844919d - Issue #3319735 by claudiu.cristea: Rename CKE5 button tooltip "Insert Drupal...
- 07f87cae - Issue #3319839 by alexpott: Exceptions in post updates are very broken since #3295625
- 35f991a5 - Issue #3319819 by effulgentsia: Update eslint to 8.27
- 87932fe1 - Issue #3319845 by alexpott, larowlan, catch:...
- 0dc16934 - Issue #3319683 by alexpott, mallezie, mondrake: Fix PHPStan errors from...
- 0cf01a9a - Issue #3319780 by longwave: Add longwave as provisional release manager in MAINTAINERS.txt
- 0b030534 - Issue #3319325 by mherchel, nod_, alexpott: Olivero: Mobile menu does not work...
- b2bc383e - Issue #3319917 by nod_, lauriii: Remove raw-loader dependency
- 8e71d465 - Issue #3320025 by alexpott, longwave: Make PHPStan baseline the same in 10.1.x and 10.0.x
- 71433155 - Issue #3317887 by nod_, longwave, effulgentsia: Update PostCSS,...
- a5f4685c - Issue #3320315 by Wim Leers, Anchal_gupta, alexpott, longwave: Allow uppercase...
- c5a37e64 - Issue #3320483 by andypost: Remove unused variable $pos in system.install
- 17a5d8f5 - Issue #3320370 by dk-massive, andypost, longwave: Update to tabbable v6.0.1 to...
- 4792f1c9 - Issue #3320515 by andypost: Update cspell and nightwatch
- 7e79db05 - Issue #3320518 by andypost: Update webpack
- 1d58e2bb - Issue #3317887 by longwave, nod_, lauriii, effulgentsia: Update PostCSS,...
- 0fca91f8 - Issue #3010132 by Krzysztof Domański, dhirendra.mishra, longwave, joachim,...
- e65e8c47 - Issue #3321191 by nod_, longwave: update ckeditor5 to v35.3.1
- 9baae1be - Issue #2254175 by smustgrave, pooja saraah, larowlan, sun: Fix test...
- 10ea35d5 - Issue #3227824 by brianperry, nod_, D34dMan, ravi.shankar, alexpott,...
- 8b1819bf - Issue #3276213 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, mherchel, longwave: Uncaught...
- 690d040f - Issue #3319794 by effulgentsia, Anchal_gupta, longwave, xjm: Update to Symfony...
- 39aae61b - Issue #3111785 by longwave, Spokje, andypost, xjm, catch, Berdir, alexpott:...
- afc9dc2c - Issue #3308507 by neclimdul, Spokje, longwave: Remove Cache::keyFromQuery
- 79035ac1 - Issue #3302755 by catch, nod_, xjm, Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott, mfb:...
- 7b9edd62 - Issue #3164428 by DonAtt, longwave, sahil.goyal, Anchal_gupta, alexpott: Use...
- af6cdbf0 - Issue #3260401 by idebr, Spokje, Akram Khan, mcdruid, longwave, alexpott:...
- 3d06e72b - Issue #3322125 by longwave, NivethaSubramaniyan: Add peast to vendor hardening
- 5f612de1 - Issue #3321955 by neclimdul, phenaproxima: DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulatorsTest...
- fd30d39d - Issue #3321425 by Spokje: Update cspell drupal dictionary after cspell update
- e7e25dd5 - Issue #3321779 by Spokje, longwave, mondrake: Update PHPStan to 1.9.2
- 15d31bc4 - Issue #3321945 by Spokje: Remove PHP < 5.4.0 checks
- bfccb136 - Issue #3321771 by Wim Leers, Chi: CKEditor 5 Duplicated constants in assert statement
- 7aa35b3f - Issue #3260173 by andregp, joachim, tstoeckler, nod_: Media should set the...
- fbac9e72 - Issue #3260175 by jsricardo, andregp, joachim, nod_, alexpott: Saving media...
- 6415ee9b - Revert "Issue #3260173 by andregp, joachim, tstoeckler, nod_: Media should set...
- 2233484f - Issue #3308369 by JeroenT, cilefen: Block access to yarn.lock and package.json
- f745cf0c - Issue #3266688 by yassermussa, ankithashetty, Medha Kumari, pooja saraah,...
- c9c2ee18 - Issue #3163123 by Spokje, anmolgoyal74, andypost, guilhermevp, Niklan,...
- a6098e27 - Issue #3238915: Rerolled for 10.1.x Branch.
Toggle commit listmentioned in merge request !2975 (closed)
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