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Resolve #3238915 "Refactor if feasible"

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  • 8777a76a
    Issue #3258782 by murilohp, quietone, dww, catch, Spokje, xjm, daffie,... · 8777a76a
    catch authored
    Issue #3258782 by murilohp, quietone, dww, catch, Spokje, xjm, daffie, benjifisher, benjifisher, rkoller, AaronMcHale, andregp, Antoniya, ckrina, guilherme-rabelo, guilherme-rabelo, kimberlly_amaral, victoria-mar: Do not display obsolete modules at admin/modules
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@
* Provides module installation interface.
* The list of modules gets populated by files, which contain
* each module's name, description, and information about which modules it
* requires. See \Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParser for info on
* descriptors.
* The list of modules includes all modules, except obsolete modules. The list
* is generated from the data in the info.yml file for each module, which
* includes the module name, description, dependencies and other information.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParser
* @internal
@@ -172,6 +173,11 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// The module list needs to be reset so that it can re-scan and include
// any new modules that may have been added directly into the filesystem.
$modules = $this->moduleExtensionList->reset()->getList();
// Remove obsolete modules.
$modules = array_filter($modules, function ($module) {
return !$module->isObsolete();
uasort($modules, [ModuleExtensionList::class, 'sortByName']);
catch (InfoParserException $e) {