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Verified Commit e27f5292 authored by Alex Pott's avatar Alex Pott
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Revert "Issue #2827055 by yash.rode, srishtiiee, mrshowerman, rodrigoaguilera,...

Revert "Issue #2827055 by yash.rode, srishtiiee, mrshowerman, rodrigoaguilera, herved, omkar.podey, MegaChriz, Lukas von Blarer, ravi.shankar, lauriii, c_archer, ifrik, Rudi Teschner, froboy, smustgrave, liquidcms, quietone, mpdonadio: Add option to show only start or end date in the DateTime Range custom formatter"

This reverts commit 0cb6d78f.
parent ea82c0c0
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25 merge requests!10602Issue #3438769 by vinmayiswamy, antonnavi, michelle, amateescu: Sub workspace does not clear,!10301Issue #3469309 by mstrelan, smustgrave, moshe weitzman: Use one-time login...,!10187Issue #3487488 by dakwamine: ExtensionMimeTypeGuesser::guessMimeType must support file names with "0" (zero) like,!9944Issue #3483353: Consider making the createCopy config action optionally fail...,!9929Issue #3445469 by pooja_sharma, smustgrave: Add additional test coverage for...,!9787Resolve issue 3479427 - bootstrap barrio issue under Windows,!9742Issue #3463908 by catch, quietone: Split OptionsFieldUiTest into two,!9526Issue #3458177 by mondrake, catch, quietone, godotislate, longwave, larowlan,...,!8738Issue #3424162 by camilledavis, dineshkumarbollu, smustgrave: Claro...,!8704Make greek characters available in ckeditor5,!8597Draft: Issue #3442259 by catch, quietone, dww: Reduce time of Migrate Upgrade tests...,!8533Issue #3446962 by kim.pepper: Remove incorrectly added...,!8517Issue #3443748 by NexusNovaz, smustgrave: Testcase creates false positive,!8325Update file Sort.php,!8095Expose document root on install,!7930Resolve #3427374 "Taxonomytid viewsargumentdefault plugin",!7627Issue #3439440 by nicxvan, Binoli Lalani, longwave: Remove country support from DateFormatter,!7445Issue #3440169: When using drupalGet(), provide an associative array for $headers,!7401#3271894 Fix documented StreamWrapperInterface return types for realpath() and dirname(),!7384Add constraints to system.advisories,!7078Issue #3320569 by Spokje, mondrake, smustgrave, longwave, quietone, Lendude,...,!6622Issue #2559833 by piggito, mohit_aghera, larowlan, guptahemant, vakulrai,...,!6502Draft: Resolve #2938524 "Plach testing issue",!38582585169-10.1.x,!3226Issue #2987537: Custom menu link entity type should not declare "bundle" entity key
Pipeline #108930 passed
with 69 additions and 745 deletions
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