Issue #3272275 by eelkeblok, smustgrave, xjm, ravi.shankar, quietone,...
Issue #3272275 by eelkeblok, smustgrave, xjm, ravi.shankar, quietone, sergiogsanchez: Decide what to say very early in the installer if the site is below the absolute minimum
// in the printed message to the user) whenever \Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP is
// updated.
print'Your PHP installation is too old. Drupal requires at least PHP 8.1.0. See <a href="">PHP\'s version support documentation</a> and the <a href="">Drupal PHP requirements</a> page for more information.';
print'Your PHP installation is too old. Refer to the <a href="">Drupal PHP requirements</a> for the currently recommended PHP version for this release. See <a href="">PHP\'s version support documentation</a> for more information on PHP\'s own support schedule.';