Issue #3130107: Extend unit test coverage for LanguageNegotiationContentEntity
Merge request reports
added 333 commits
- c8265a81 - Issue #3316816 by Wim Leers, nod_: Stabilize FunctionalJavascript testing...
- 12dd1491 - Issue #3314469 by alecsmrekar, plach: ContextDefinition::isSatisfiedBy does...
- 9aad9040 - Issue #3316960 by mondrake: Fix PageRenderTest PHPStan L0 issues
- 4f5e6309 - Issue #3316950 by mondrake: Fix StreamWrapper\ReadOnlyStream PHPStan-0 issues
- 2fde40b3 - Issue #3316813 by immaculatexavier, apaderno, RoSk0: Remove mentions of...
- b2326566 - Issue #3251817 by alexpott, jonathan1055, nicxvan, longwave: Make
- fa7a538d - Issue #3316971 by Mile23, andypost: Ensure works with future PHP versions
- 1c998f4b - Issue #3127883 by Wim Leers, Oscaner, bbrala, ptmkenny, alexpott, jhedstrom,...
- 92e4254a - Issue #3317243 by mondrake: Fix PluginManagerBase PHPStan-0 issues
- ccbd2be2 - Issue #3316921 by Wim Leers, deviantintegral, longwave: Remove span tag from...
- d8cd9469 - Issue #3317223 by mondrake, longwave: Fix RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator PHPStan L0 issues
- c7211125 - Issue #3317332 by Wim Leers: Remove obsolete...
- 541a91fe - Issue #3315884 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Fix typos: s/CKEditor5/CKEditor 5/
- dd0f596f - Issue #3317330 by Wim Leers, nod_: Random failure in ImageTest::testAltTextRequired
- cb548acb - Issue #2350939 by dpi, jibran, acbramley, Manuel Garcia, chr.fritsch,...
- f85a83fa - Issue #3268077 by TR: Rename DBLogResource
- e5f35324 - Issue #2867336 by mbovan, jcnventura, Berdir, hchonov, gabesullice,...
- 73fcca48 - Issue #3254986 by Matroskeen, paulocs, mikelutz, benjifisher, danflanagan8,...
- 8f001ed5 - Issue #3279289 by rizzie, claudiu.cristea, Berdir, cilefen:...
- 957ececb - Issue #3316871 by Soham Sengupta, Chi: Fix wrong documentation in hook_requirements_alter
- 49a015ff - Issue #1120020 by effulgentsia, andypost, Garrett Albright, pfrenssen,...
- 5d6e6037 - Issue #2965929 by jhedstrom, dimitriskr, kkalashnikov, sun, Lendude,...
- 10690148 - Issue #3317504 by Wim Leers, penyaskito: claims to support...
- 9f88d0ad - Issue #3309745 by andypost, Berdir, longwave, Wim Leers, Taran2L, mondrake,...
- 315a677a - Issue #3306446 by Spokje, bnjmnm, finnsky, longwave, andypost, fcertal,...
- 2eca05ff - Issue #3176393 by quietone, huzooka, benjifisher: Use...
- c61b45e7 - Issue #3317874 by longwave, mondrake: Update dependencies for Drupal 10.0
- 210bff26 - Issue #3029782 by wengerk, knyshuk.vova, yogeshmpawar, karishmaamin, longwave,...
- 96deaaab - Issue #3247121 by ramil g, joelpittet: Aggregation of nid when using COUNT produces syntax error
- 816366bf - Issue #3130579 by daffie, markdorison, pradhumanjainOSL, dragan_bp, jcisio,...
- 787bce36 - Issue #3314532 by mherchel, ckrina: Refactor Olivero's autocomplete-loading-module.pcss.css file
- 193d2525 - Issue #3317885 by longwave, Ankit.Gupta, nod_: Update jsdom, terser, minimist and underscore
- da6120c9 - Issue #3317658 by pooja saraah, mondrake, ravi.shankar, longwave: Fix...
- 3166777b - Issue #3316923 by mondrake, daffie: Sort out more driver specific database kernel tests
- 55f9d05a - Issue #3318581 by andypost, alexpott: FIx...
- 3568a4da - Issue #3312198 by catch, alexpott, longwave, Nixou, Spokje, darvanen:...
- 75d91ea9 - Issue #3313473 by Wim Leers, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, smustgrave, mglaman,...
- 2e543998 - Issue #3317652 by mondrake, longwave: Fix Updater PHPStan L0 issues
- 5b002cf3 - Issue #3318867 by longwave, lauriii, Wim Leers: Update CKEditor 5 to 35.3.0
- 377b4066 - Issue #2503063 by alexpott, Lendude: Removing XssTest causes test failures due...
- 0052f97c - Issue #3318985 by andypost, longwave: Bump REQUEST_TIME deprecation to Drupal 11
- 3c204134 - Issue #3317879 by longwave, pooja saraah, andypost, nod_: Remove Chromedriver...
- 86e7b679 - Issue #3284422 by catch, phenaproxima, Spokje, andypost, longwave, Gábor...
- c5331db9 - Issue #3319112 by longwave, mondrake: Update PHPStan to 1.9.1
- 569db743 - Issue #3319158 by longwave: Update CSpell to 6.14.0
- 731cf89c - Issue #3190406 by mondrake, mallezie, klausi: Update PHPStan to level 1
- 52ccdda4 - Issue #3313486 by effulgentsia, longwave: Decide when to require Composer...
- ab2a4f73 - Issue #3317758 by DieterHolvoet: The return type of TermInterface::getWeight is wrong
- abe87fbe - Issue #3319170 by longwave, effulgentsia: Change the http_kernel.basic service...
- bfc4c87d - Issue #3317651 by mondrake, longwave, alexpott: Fix DataReferenceBase PHPStan L0 issues
- 5ee13ea7 - Issue #3317882 by longwave, nod_: Update to stylelint 14.14.1 and stylelint-config-standard 29.0.0
- 0927d7ce - Issue #3319735 by claudiu.cristea: Rename CKE5 button tooltip "Insert Drupal...
- bbc3539d - Issue #3319839 by alexpott: Exceptions in post updates are very broken since #3295625
- fecf43ae - Issue #3319819 by effulgentsia: Update eslint to 8.27
- f178a5db - Issue #3319845 by alexpott, larowlan, catch:...
- 8600163e - Issue #3319683 by alexpott, mallezie, mondrake: Fix PHPStan errors from...
- a926c2ba - Issue #3319780 by longwave: Add longwave as provisional release manager in MAINTAINERS.txt
- 9ee96544 - Issue #3319325 by mherchel, nod_, alexpott: Olivero: Mobile menu does not work...
- 2397ef3f - Issue #3319917 by nod_, lauriii: Remove raw-loader dependency
- 7b0cd404 - Issue #3320025 by alexpott, longwave: Make PHPStan baseline the same in 10.1.x and 10.0.x
- c1b61149 - Issue #3317887 by nod_, longwave, effulgentsia: Update PostCSS,...
- e9b75cf7 - Issue #3320315 by Wim Leers, Anchal_gupta, alexpott, longwave: Allow uppercase...
- fff02a20 - Issue #3320483 by andypost: Remove unused variable $pos in system.install
- d77b1958 - Issue #3320370 by dk-massive, andypost, longwave: Update to tabbable v6.0.1 to...
- 4bb1dd62 - Issue #3320515 by andypost: Update cspell and nightwatch
- c2c844ce - Issue #3320518 by andypost: Update webpack
- 23926d02 - Issue #3317887 by longwave, nod_, lauriii, effulgentsia: Update PostCSS,...
- 3eba7514 - Issue #3010132 by Krzysztof Domański, dhirendra.mishra, longwave, joachim,...
- 57b46167 - Issue #3321191 by nod_, longwave: update ckeditor5 to v35.3.1
- ee9276fd - Issue #2254175 by smustgrave, pooja saraah, larowlan, sun: Fix test...
- ebf4d515 - Issue #3227824 by brianperry, nod_, D34dMan, ravi.shankar, alexpott,...
- 81da3b7d - Issue #3276213 by nod_, Wim Leers, lauriii, mherchel, longwave: Uncaught...
- a1bcea4f - Issue #3319794 by effulgentsia, Anchal_gupta, longwave, xjm: Update to Symfony...
- 05bffee4 - Issue #3111785 by longwave, Spokje, andypost, xjm, catch, Berdir, alexpott:...
- 9e6d9d92 - Issue #3308507 by neclimdul, Spokje, longwave: Remove Cache::keyFromQuery
- 146a70ab - Issue #3302755 by catch, nod_, xjm, Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott, mfb:...
- a595f7eb - Issue #3164428 by DonAtt, longwave, sahil.goyal, Anchal_gupta, alexpott: Use...
- 2da83ef8 - Issue #3260401 by idebr, Spokje, Akram Khan, mcdruid, longwave, alexpott:...
- 3e1dd21f - Issue #3322125 by longwave, NivethaSubramaniyan: Add peast to vendor hardening
- 24ce3235 - Issue #3321955 by neclimdul, phenaproxima: DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulatorsTest...
- 4599e234 - Issue #3321425 by Spokje: Update cspell drupal dictionary after cspell update
- 2bee74b9 - Issue #3321779 by Spokje, longwave, mondrake: Update PHPStan to 1.9.2
- 0a6d1941 - Issue #3321945 by Spokje: Remove PHP < 5.4.0 checks
- db3666fb - Issue #3321771 by Wim Leers, Chi: CKEditor 5 Duplicated constants in assert statement
- 4e004aa5 - Issue #3260173 by andregp, joachim, tstoeckler, nod_: Media should set the...
- 77e06a06 - Issue #3260175 by jsricardo, andregp, joachim, nod_, alexpott: Saving media...
- a64e3ea0 - Revert "Issue #3260173 by andregp, joachim, tstoeckler, nod_: Media should set...
- 0c877910 - Issue #3308369 by JeroenT, cilefen: Block access to yarn.lock and package.json
- 6698a0e5 - Issue #3266688 by yassermussa, ankithashetty, Medha Kumari, pooja saraah,...
- 4acda3ba - Issue #3163123 by Spokje, anmolgoyal74, andypost, guilhermevp, Niklan,...
- 02696c9a - Issue #3266243 by mfb, longwave, catch: Views tries to call trigger_error()...
- 1b5d7aec - Issue #3192234 by heddn, pivica, Qusai Taha, yogeshmpawar, bingolitte, Phil...
- 16324e80 - Issue #3321004 by longwave: Remove IE11 hack from fieldset.css
- 5233f809 - Issue #3032078 by jrglasgow, dagomar, Berdir, nikitagupta, catch,...
- 243de159 - Issue #2701085 by michaellander, george.karaivanov, Evaldas Užkuras, raman.b,...
- 798b6c8e - Issue #2991232 by jhedstrom, Matroskeen, dagmar, Medha Kumari, longwave, xjm,...
- ac1e25be - Issue #2689923 by pradhumanjainOSL, johnrosswvsu, WagnerMelo, leoneldiaz02,...
- f60143fd - Issue #3226117 by MegaChriz, marthinal, longwave, sinn, dcam, ankithashetty,...
- 3b9d5459 - Issue #3322763 by Spokje: Fix PHPStan L2 error "PHPDoc tag @return with type...
- d3fcfebf - Issue #3322182 by longwave, Spokje, catch: Ignore sites directory in PHPStan
- 314646f0 - Issue #2959989 by andypost: Deprecate Extension::__call() magic
- 9216c826 - Issue #3322984 by andypost: upgrade Symfony dependencies
- 34cd2648 - Issue #3322986 by mondrake: Missed removing a $group parameter from AssertMailTrait
- 91156f75 - Issue #3283802 by Wim Leers, bnjmnm, effulgentsia, mgifford: Update CKEditor 5...
- 023e603d - Issue #3323036 by mondrake, mallezie: Remove $group parameter from AssertContentTrait methods
- 1bdc3ca3 - Issue #3304267 by donquixote, nod_: Mark {Drupal~behaviorDetach} as optional in jsdoc
- 01e978da - Issue #3322961 by mondrake: Fix WebAssert since PHPStan can now check the...
- 8fe95cdf - Issue #2925297 by Spokje, mpp, paulvandenburg, anmolgoyal74, gobinathm, catch,...
- 6ba09252 - Issue #2875228 by voleger, Bhanu951, andypost: Site install not using batch API service
- aea8d67b - Issue #3323260 by Spokje, longwave: Deprecate node_revision_load() and friends
- f613dd78 - Issue #2926958 by Spokje, andypost, Ratan Priya, MeenakshiG, ravi.shankar,...
- 6929c9b8 - Issue #3319791 by Cyberwolf, Chi, longwave: ContainerAwareEventDispatcher...
- afa7715f - Issue #3273074 by svenryen: Help topics string says "install" where it should say "uninstall"
- 8acef34c - Issue #2927407 by Akram Khan, anmolgoyal74, droplet, Pooja Ganjage, Tom Konda,...
- 38a09236 - Issue #3230095 by s_leu, amateescu, alexpott: Views data for workspaces
- 24049e74 - Issue #3060616 by elber, nod_, quietone, paulocs, Neslee Canil Pinto, KapilV,...
- 7d450214 - Issue #2862922 by smustgrave, NitinLama, zaporylie, rpayanm, DanielVeza, pooja...
- d63a9c93 - Issue #3318108 by Lendude, rreedy: Views Roles Contextual Filters Multiple Option not saving
- 275517dd - Issue #3322485 by anneke_vde: EntityInterface::toLink() $text documented as...
- 8ef643cd - Issue #3323741 by andypost, Spokje, catch, longwave: upgrade Symfony dependencies to RC1
- 41faa6cf - Issue #3205578 by Taran2L, kevinn, Charlie ChX Negyesi, longwave: Source code...
- 65ad5d7f - Issue #3323944 by Spokje: Update JavaScript dependencies for Drupal 10, except...
- 3bdf859b - Issue #3283929 by eleonel, smustgrave: Fix comment with a plural possessive typo in jsonapi.api.php
- 04d214dc - Issue #3323855 by benjifisher: Improve class comment for Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeElement
- 9d90a026 - Issue #3301288 by balintpekker, mondrake, mglaman: Deprecated getStatus() in DrupalTestBrowser
- d520d43a - Issue #3323057 by Arti Anil Pattewar, Pasqualle: Invalid PHPDoc comments
- 2936f9dc - Issue #3312089 by longwave: Run phpcs in parallel in
- 089af016 - Issue #3259751 by rodrigoaguilera, smustgrave, nod_: Add ability to pass cli...
- 40774451 - Issue #2894269 by droplet, Akram Khan, _pratik_, dylf, nod_, Cottser: `bool`...
- ce48704d - Issue #2898903 by tetranz, alexpott, smustgrave, immaculatexavier,...
- 5d1a06eb - Issue #2779321 by nedjo, Akram Khan, smustgrave, Meenakshi_j, pooja saraah,...
- 2567d7d4 - Issue #573132 by sahil.goyal, wylbur, heather, Manoj Raj.R, chetanbharambe,...
- 3a049c52 - Issue #3123223 by Hardik_Patel_12, ranjith_kumar_k_u, jungle: Replace non-test...
- 476fb365 - Issue #2514582 by Mile23, joachim, sahil.goyal, jhodgdon, Fabianx, dawehner:...
- ea782147 - Issue #3067024 by amateescu, hchonov, plach: Add test coverage for...
- de2c6271 - Issue #2888872 by dagmar, brentg, yogeshmpawar, ravi.shankar, anacolautti,...
- 72cc766d - Revert "Issue #2898903 by tetranz, alexpott, smustgrave, immaculatexavier,...
- cd21a549 - Issue #2898903 by tetranz, alexpott, smustgrave, immaculatexavier,...
- a040a4e4 - Issue #3320240 by solideogloria, tobiasb, smustgrave, alexpott: Entity count...
- f681fa9f - Issue #3324215 by andypost: Upgrade composer/pcre to 3.1.0
- 5fbb102d - Issue #3319582 by mondrake, Spokje, longwave, mallezie: Fix calls to methods...
- f5895238 - Issue #784672 by smustgrave, floretan, lokapujya, joegraduate, jcnventura,...
- 00492519 - Issue #3159842 by smustgrave, andypost, longwave: Fix wording in...
- 3f942d6b - Issue #3196619 by Shashwat Purav, larowlan, paulocs, Elin Yordanov: Typo in...
- fc4579e8 - Issue #3268818 by ravi.shankar, quietone: Fix class comment doc blocks in non...
- 8ebf8f6f - Issue #3049525 by longwave, fougere, larowlan, kim.pepper, AaronBauman, Wim...
- 4e188439 - Issue #3324376 by alexpott: Fix random fail introduced by new text format tests
- 6cb2a900 - Issue #3314632 by andypost, Gábor Hojtsy: upgrade phpspec/prophecy to 1.16.0 to support PHP 8.2
- 0f3ebaa4 - Issue #3324213 by Spokje, andypost: upgrade Symfony dependencies to RC2
- a03adbff - Issue #3273532 by Dom., smustgrave, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, marcvangend: Better...
- d94ebb30 - Issue #3174108 by _pratik_, asad_ahmed, rivimey, NivethaSubramaniyan,...
- 77c94620 - Issue #3322989 by andypost, quietone, effulgentsia: Update dependencies for Drupal 10.0.0 rc2
- 32fab189 - Issue #3324540 by alexpott, longwave: PHPCS fails on Drupal 10 & 9
- 773e5521 - Issue #3303329 by DieterHolvoet: Referenced method in...
- 090046f6 - Issue #3247795 by heddn, Graber, ravi.shankar, yogeshmpawar, Anchal_gupta, Wim...
- 26c0ba2e - Issue #3032746 by mfb, O'Briat, Anybody: Improve documentation for reverse proxy addresses setting
- f900d09d - Issue #3319426 by longwave, catch, andypost: Update to a stable Symfony 6.2 release
- 6a93e7b5 - Issue #3265724 by ravi.shankar, nevergone, alexpott, quietone: Remove unused...
- 986219d7 - Issue #3319173 by longwave: Remove vendor specific prefixes from keyframes CSS
- 53d37bbf - Issue #2779321 by nedjo, Akram Khan, smustgrave, catch, Meenakshi_j, pooja...
- 49e7070e - Issue #3324723 by Spokje: Update to the latest cspell version (6.15.1)
- e11c5595 - Issue #3294914 by Spokje, quietone, bbrala, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy,...
- 2efc1d3e - Issue #3324150 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, Gábor Hojtsy: Add validation...
- c9bace88 - Issue #3325295 by daffie, Arantxio: Update minumum version for PostgreSQL in code
- 7c43ecd8 - Issue #3266004 by quietone, longwave: Update UPDATE.txt for Drupal 10
- 0b0ad080 - Issue #2314645 by herom, jsobiecki, Pawelgorski87, quietone, ashutoshsngh,...
- bb4191f1 - Issue #2939442 by Lendude, joachim, Ankit.Gupta, Akhil Babu, Kristen Pol,...
- 101b492a - Issue #3279725 by rpayanm, DeepaliJ, jasonfelix, quietone, mherchel, larowlan,...
- cea82266 - Issue #2787529 by Chi, rpayanm, tobiasb, Ankit.Gupta, smustgrave, larowlan,...
- 4344c7dc - Issue #3325114 by Spokje: Update to the latest cspell, eslint, postcss-import,...
- 67f834ff - Issue #3255637 by Liam Morland, 3li, joegraduate, rivimey, alexpott, mondrake,...
- ccce3bc7 - Issue #3325648 by Spokje: Upgrade Symfony dependencies to 6.2.1
- c9e714c9 - Issue #3324801 by Spokje, mondrake: Fix PHPStan L2 error "Property Foo::$bar...
- 65191197 - Issue #3324062 by effulgentsia, nod_, longwave, alexpott, catch, lauriii,...
- dd348d66 - Issue #3266006 by Spokje, quietone, sourabhjain, victoria-marina, longwave,...
- cf100d9a - Issue #3259090 by Lendude, mr.york, Pandepoulus: Exposed filter equality check...
- 030bd117 - Issue #3213752 by Spokje, bradjones1, quietone, _pratik_, ravi.shankar,...
- 27f5dbb4 - Issue #2810985 by _Archy_, smustgrave, GoZ, joelpittet, csheltonlcm,...
- 0f8d1728 - Issue #3325772 by andypost, mondrake: Fix wrong property typehinting in SchemaCheckTrait
- 7f3039cd - Issue #2828724 by Spokje, alexpott, ravi.shankar, Lal_, malcomio, ElusiveMind,...
- 573c7d5c - Issue #1984588 by dpi, larowlan, AaronMcHale, smustgrave, acbramley: Add Block Content revision UI
- 22d7f11e - Revert "Issue #1984588 by dpi, larowlan, AaronMcHale, smustgrave, acbramley:...
- b665ab8e - Issue #3326874 by longwave, xjm: Update to jQuery 3.6.2
- 7da349af - Issue #3326896 by longwave, lauriii, Wim Leers, effulgentsia, catch, xjm:...
- 46a902ff - Issue #3327115 by Eric_A, alexpott, xjm, longwave, pandaski: .htaccess rules...
- 21c5b8d0 - Revert "Issue #2568889 by smustgrave, berenddeboer, Lendude, Anandhi Karnan,...
- 1889bdce - Issue #3324256 by smustgrave: Add smustgrave as maintainer of telephone + text module
- 962cebda - Issue #3327244 by alexpott, vijaycs85, Wim Leers: Regression: Testing non...
- 5a490376 - Issue #3250342 by Spokje, smustgrave, rpayanm, quietone, xjm, catch, longwave:...
- c3f4860f - Issue #3325184 by Spokje, andypost, xjm, smustgrave: $this->configFactory is...
- 15747c07 - Issue #3325823 by andy-blum, mherchel, ckrina: Add andy-blum as an official maintainer of Olivero
- cd91b63b - Issue #3246152 by alexpott, smustgrave, vijaycs85:...
- bd6539f8 - Issue #1540390 by smustgrave, cosmicdreams, sun, alexpott, Chi, Mile23,...
- 9e030078 - Issue #3295658 by quietone, smustgrave, alexpott, tstoeckler, vijaycs85:...
- e4bd2574 - Issue #3325857 by longwave: Remove dead code from Container::reset()
- a8c0f971 - Issue #3327769 by andypost, Spokje, catch: Upgrade Symfony dependencies to 6.2.2
- 7b118007 - Issue #3327950 by xjm, longwave: Remove last remaining list() from core
- bd7d9f1a - Issue #3318342 by andypost, catch, smustgrave: DeprecatedServicePropertyTrait should point to 11.0
- 7d81c80b - Issue #3327853 by Spokje, bbrala, longwave: Don't allow {@inheritDoc} annotation in PHPDocBlocks
- e24bc0af - Issue #3327018 by Spokje, longwave, xjm: Update PHPStan to 1.9.3 and make...
- 0242afda - Issue #3328542 by longwave, alexpott: Invalid package.json in htaccess test fixtures
- cf0c459d - Issue #2927318 by andypost, David_Rothstein, ranjith_kumar_k_u, xjm, ksenzee:...
- cd9b2117 - Issue #3328476 by lauriii, longwave: Update JQuery to 3.6.3
- a5515d84 - Issue #3099878 by Martijn de Wit, lauriii, mel-miller, _utsavsharma,...
- 47387868 - Issue #3265596 by longwave, mherchel: Remove obsolete -webkit-linear-gradient CSS
- 11ab5262 - Issue #3327856 by alexpott, catch, zcht, longwave, znerol, Berdir,...
- a4ec9cda - Issue #3180227 by danflanagan8, robertom, xjm, Lendude, quietone: Notice:...
- 22260372 - Issue #3328497 by DanielVeza, larowlan, longwave, quietone: Stop unneeded...
- 53e38530 - Issue #3260652 by rpayanm, lind101, bserem, davisben, ravi.shankar,...
- d2023ce1 - Issue #2987964 by smustgrave, pminf, manuel.adan, maboresev, kishor_kolekar,...
- 42ce879b - Issue #3272275 by eelkeblok, smustgrave, xjm, ravi.shankar, quietone,...
- c1a2ea5d - Issue #3171047 by rpayanm, catch, jonathanshaw, Berdir, xjm, larowlan,...
- c8bece95 - Issue #3171047 followup by xjm: Fix coding standards changes that were not staged properly.
- 8de558ff - Issue #3311595 by fjgarlin, mfb, pooja saraah, colorfield, alexpott, Wim...
- 45e5a4b1 - Issue #3324838 by Spokje: Fix PHPStan L2 error "PHPDoc tag @throws with type...
- 4f6453c3 - Issue #3328066 by rpayanm, joachim: simplify logic in ConfigManager::getEntityTypeIdByName()
- 092f4a6f - Issue #3118730 by andypost, catch: Explicitly test for pg_trgm extention in installer
- 5819160d - Issue #3193759 by Bhanu951, _pratik_, lhridley, baliram.patil, mrconnerton,...
- bf2f6912 - Issue #2807807 by Prashant.c, DanielVeza, cilefen: Properly wrap action module...
- 2931c022 - Issue #3070558 by bnjmnm, lauriii, huzooka, mherchel, katherined,...
- a05d2be8 - Issue #3195828 by Gauravvv, _pratik_, cindytwilliams, ameymudras, andy-blum,...
- 1d9a80ab - Issue #3241295 by mherchel, glynster, _utsavsharma, Emil Stoianov, rkoller,...
- 764177af - Issue #3327785 by Spokje, xjm, andypost, rpayanm: Upgrade Symfony dependencies...
- 31e1cf9d - Issue #3087975 by smustgrave, kim.pepper, alexpott, Wim Leers, longwave: Add...
- 5da146e9 - Issue #2583041 by mondrake, fietserwin, claudiu.cristea, alexpott, catch: GD...
- ea77dd76 - Issue #3326371 by Spokje: Fix PHPStan L1 error "Anonymous function has an unused use $foo."
- f2d097ce - Issue #3330028 by Grimreaper: Broken .eslintrc.legacy.json
- 32266e4a - Issue #3309316 by longwave: Remove IE11 support from Umami
- 4d36d192 - Issue #3307227 by immaculatexavier, Niklan: OWASP link for useful HTTP headers is outdated
- 34d2f99f - Issue #3107500 by joachim, quietone, longwave, apaderno:...
- fe8ef9a2 - Revert "Issue #2583041 by mondrake, fietserwin, claudiu.cristea, alexpott,...
- 1c2f8a30 - Issue #3095099 by Chi, andypost, arpad.rozsa: Require Twig >= 3.5.0
- 90094639 - Issue #3327018 by Spokje, longwave, xjm, mondrake: Update PHPStan to 1.9.3 and...
- 0972dd27 - Issue #3307296 by Spokje: Rename test theme views_test_classy_subtheme
- d84a6916 - Issue #3317230 by mondrake, kim.pepper, longwave: Fix test mock related PHPStan 0 issues
- dc3d01ee - Issue #3326787 by Akhil Babu, joachim: loadByProperties() shoud specify it does no access checking
- 0e1bebc5 - Issue #3324729 by Jaypan, andypost, Chandreshgiri Gauswami, elber, longwave,...
- 9e017d4d - Issue #3322784 by mondrake, longwave, Spokje: TestCase::getMockClass() is...
- e0e383b9 - Issue #3307310 by Spokje: Restructure core/modules/editor/tests/modules test modules
- df8d4bca - Issue #2664292 by harings_rob, xjm, Spokje, claudiu.cristea, bircher,...
- d129bf69 - Issue #3067580 by alexpott, andypost, pooja saraah, Niklan, smustgrave:...
- 6c6aeca4 - Issue #3327787 by Spokje, xjm, andypost: Update doctrine/annotations to latest version
- a7505f56 - Issue #3262395 by benjifisher, alexpott, quietone, heddn:...
- 62af9505 - Issue #3330673 by mondrake, Spokje, catch: Reduce significantly PHPStan...
- 54ce258f - Issue #3330305 by Spokje, mondrake: Fix failing "updated deps" test-runs by...
- 287bbb28 - Issue #3325368 by DieterHolvoet, gaurav-mathur: Use text area for the...
- 0d34c333 - Issue #3304378 by bnjmnm: Core FunctionalJavascript tests should not depend on Classy or Starterkit
- 27579c2a - Issue #3310555 by jonathan1055, smustgrave: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null...
- ce7ce2b0 - Issue #3326778 by Graber, Wim Leers, Web-Beest, catch: TypeError:...
- 0e941334 - Issue #3296086 by Spokje, catch, smustgrave, xjm: Deprecate/remove js-cookie dependency
- 21121444 - Issue #3321006 by longwave, NivethaSubramaniyan: Drop -ms- vendor prefixed CSS properties
- b8c1c967 - Issue #3308872 by Spokje, xjm, longwave, bnjmnm: Address "postcss.plugin was deprecated" warning
- 112e8230 - Issue #3306597 by Wim Leers, Anchal_gupta, _utsavsharma, smustgrave: Improve...
- 4525dfb1 - Issue #3324384 by Spokje, joachim, elber, znerol, longwave, mondrake: resolve...
- 46ca4a81 - Issue #3331438 by acbramley, mstrelan: Incorrect return type in LinkBase::getDefaultLabel()
- 24c2601e - Issue #3244570 by voleger, xjm, alexpott, longwave, andypost: Deprecate drupal_rewrite_settings()
- b3149385 - Issue #3324901 by alexpott: TestSettingSummariesContentType has a few problems
- c721f4ac - Issue #3306201 by DieterHolvoet, Abhijith S, smustgrave, xjm: Add a title...
- 703cba61 - Issue #1984588 by dpi, larowlan, AaronMcHale, smustgrave, xjm, acbramley: Add...
- 6e8007c9 - Issue #3244737 by longwave, droplet, andypost, joshua1234511, Satyajit1990,...
- 5ece3f69 - Issue #3331818 by xjm, Spokje: gives unclear output when...
- 56ff27ab - Issue #3331900 by noorulshameera, anmolgoyal74: Remove unused variable...
- adf5701c - Issue #3136196 by Andrew Answer, nitesh624, nitvirus,, mfb: Add...
- e741d622 - Issue #3331424 by Spokje, longwave: Drop -moz- vendor prefixed properties
- 2f8e94a9 - Issue #3323353 by Lendude, ameymudras, VitaliyB98, xjm, andypost: View combine...
- e82a5995 - Issue #3327974 by Lendude, ExTexan: The $entity_type property is protected, so...
- f648bc4c - Issue #3226334 by albertosilva, pauger, xjm, smustgrave, K3vin_nl, krisahil:...
- 4896685f - Issue #2920682 by phenaproxima, alexpott, Sam152, borisson_, Wim Leers,...
- 6f01234a - Issue #3219472 by quietone, Abhishek_Singh, karishmaamin, longwave,...
- 61966109 - Issue #992540 by valthebald, ndobromirov, jec006, kid_icarus, rickmanelius,...
- 7a670e82 - Issue #3201472 by anup.sinha, _utsavsharma, smustgrave, Ralf Eisler, Christian...
- 45def883 - Revert "Issue #3201472 by anup.sinha, _utsavsharma, smustgrave, Ralf Eisler,...
- 2ee52db4 - Issue #3332447 by xjm, Spokje: Upgrade yarn dependencies to fix vulnerabilities shown by yarn audit
- f7e0674d - Issue #3317938 by catch, Lendude, nod_, quietone: views_ui LibraryCachIngTest is failing randomly
- a21f4f1b - Issue #3010558 by dww, huzooka, yash.rode, Swapnil_Kotwal, averagejoe3000,...
- bcf71226 - Issue #2715663 by ravi.shankar, andrewmacpherson, waako, yogeshmpawar,...
- 433e5a71 - Issue #3174924 by joachim, xjm, smustgrave, sourabhjain, ranjith_kumar_k_u,...
- e263e745 - Issue #3333065 by Spokje: Update PHPStan to 1.9.9 to fix 10.x "updated deps" Drupal CI runs
- d44ceb62 - Issue #3248575 by mfb, xjm: Documentation conflict re: affected rows vs. matched rows
- be7f6aed - Issue #3332712 by Liam Morland, DanielVeza: Cron links point to D7 documentation
- e01eeb00 - Issue #3216107 by amateescu, adriancid, alexpott, Fabianx: Workspace...
- 38b21686 - Issue #3328593 by Wongjn, mherchel, andy-blum: Responsive grid children...
- 84b87dbf - Issue #3260391 by huzooka, arunkumark, Spokje, quietone: BlockedIp::import...
- 37edc53f - Issue #3088168 by DuaelFr, dww, Ambient.Impact, alexpott: Media thumbnail...
- 63eee5fd - Issue #3209605 by daffie, Arantxio, jibran, Lendude, quietone: Make the...
- 360bea5a - Issue #3191623 by mondrake, Medha Kumari, daffie, alexpott: Select queries do...
- 1f921b1c - Issue #3185640 by lucienchalom, jungle, smustgrave, ravi.shankar, andregp,...
- c489de17 - Issue #3182264 by rpayanm, my-family, eadunn, rkoller, RobinCS, xjm,...
- 268f26d6 - Issue #3307509 by J-Lee, smustgrave, Abhijith S, alexpott, xjm: No empty option for views bulk form
- 61bff675 - Issue #3307509 followup by xjm: Add return typehint and correct return value documentation.
- b581ec73 - SA-CORE-2023-001 by danflanagan8, larowlan, xjm, seanB, Berdir, benjifisher,...
- f8907d0d - Issue #3087006 by longwave, lauriii, alexpott: Drop .stylelintignore in 10.x
- 477a2a58 - Issue #3239980 by longwave, lauriii, kostyashupenko, xjm, catch, bnjmnm, nod_,...
- b03c36f0 - Issue #3333858 by miiimooo, larowlan: Blocks that have #attached set removed after upgrade
- 80f77453 - Issue #3191389 by anmolgoyal74, greggles, larowlan, mcdruid, pwolanin, brayfe:...
- b9d0f8a3 - Issue #3335145 by catch, Berdir: Unnecessary workflow plugin manager cache tag
- 1b0b1a06 - Issue #3334679 by Lugir: A minor code comment mistake in NodeFieldAccessTest.php
- 77e86e17 - Issue #3325730 by larowlan, alok_singh, ankithashetty, Spokje, pwolanin:...
- 677550f0 - Issue #1875020 by longwave, David_Rothstein, slip, alexpott, catch,...
- 35c41398 - Issue #3092672 by _utsavsharma, apaderno, xjm, smustgrave: Remove outdated...
- 8ecd66ca - Issue #3112866 by alexpott, andypost, smustgrave: Remove special case of User module install
- cb706610 - Issue #3225354 by eddie_c, paulocs, Bhanu951, daffie, Spokje, Berdir: Add a...
- 8fb07849 - Issue #2895124 by xjm, lauriii,, Berdir: Field storage settings...
- 2fbf8265 - Issue #2410739 by maliknaik, daffie: Call to label() in the wrong place in NodeDeleteForm
- 3212ebe0 - Issue #3294619 by mohit_aghera, Kasey_MK, smustgrave, alexpott: Missing schema...
- 3066d876 - Issue #3333401 by nicxvan, bnjmnm: Pager h4 causes accessibility flag on many pages
- 50d98844 - Issue #2923136 by waako, yogeshmpawar, DamienMcKenna, _utsavsharma, MaskOta,...
- 7f06cb6c - Issue #3333569 by alorenc, lauriii, smustgrave, larowlan: Breadcrumb for local...
- c82b3925 - Issue #2698563 by Mile23, ankithashetty: @todo:...
- bdaf8e3a - Issue #3126127 by stefanos.petrakis, andypost, xjm, pooja saraah, Kristen Pol:...
- 75922ddf - Issue #3305706 by znerol, SandeepSingh199, ivnish, smustgrave, Spokje, økse,...
- a81a7afa - Issue #3303067 by catch, nod_, Wim Leers, olli, alexpott: Compress aggregate URL query strings
- dfdf41db - Issue #3334525 by Wongjn, Gauravvv: Views UI filter form arrow positioned incorrectly in Claro
- 5fb3c8c9 - Issue #2854817 by Liam Morland, longwave, alexpott, JoshaHubbers,...
- 83cf4a1b - Issue #3131358 by smustgrave, markdorison, pooja saraah, colan, cilefen, Chi,...
- cc45d39a - Issue #2574981 by Manjit.Singh, dimaro, wengerk, darol100, izus, pguillard,...
- b20dad09 - Issue #2574981 followup by xjm: Fix 'TTests'.
- 9e23642a - Issue #3336587 by quietone: Move help topics to forum module
- 01c7d6d4 - Issue #3328443 by xjm, rpayanm, alexpott, catch, longwave: Replace most...
- c94bd129 - Issue #3033904 by murilohp, stefan.korn, smustgrave: Hide empty description...
- 781ecac4 - Issue #3251084 by gidarai, beatrizrodrigues, Tauany Bueno, mr.baileys, daffie,...
- ab67c8ca - Issue #3331909 by quietone: Remove duplicate tests for TextField field plugin
- 99ea081d - Issue #3304382 by bnjmnm, smustgrave: Core Functional tests should not depend...
- 6ff17e7e - Issue #3001430 by alexpott, _utsavsharma, Oscaner, lauriii, smustgrave, ifux,...
- b0188723 - Issue #3178919 by andregp, AndyF, codebymikey, ankithashetty, Ankit.Gupta,...
- 4e3d53d1 - Issue #3070022 by gease, sokru, kfritsche, hchonov, lauriii: Introduce...
- b637c357 - Issue #3226047 by Gauravvv, IndrajithKB, kostyashupenko, markconroy, longwave:...
- ef762201 - Issue #3130751 by stefanos.petrakis, Medha Kumari, larowlan, alexpott, jungle:...
- 5367fce0 - Issue #3337206 by Spokje: Remove normalize-fixes.css
- 06b4bf02 - Issue #3336002 by Gauravvv, nidhi27, bnjmnm: Claro: Select list chevron-down...
- 321100cf - Issue #3268872 by JeroenT, Spokje, smustgrave, alexpott, Lendude:...
- 50655641 - Removing unused properties
- 48887a2e - Switching to isEquals and updating comments.
Toggle commit listadded 333 commits
48887a2e...02f06bc2 - 332 commits from branch
- e32d415d - Merge branch '10.1.x' into 3130107-add-unit-test
48887a2e...02f06bc2 - 332 commits from branch
added 196 commits
23fd005f...8759754d - 195 commits from branch
- 5c35489d - Merge branch '10.1.x' into 3130107-add-unit-test
23fd005f...8759754d - 195 commits from branch
added 16 commits
5c35489d...36145a51 - 9 commits from branch
- 7e65fd16 - Refactoring following review points from [#3130104]
- 3b837a46 - More consistent code
- 8b1224a0 - Added tests for processOutbound
- 17c9092e - Added tests for getLanguageSwitchLinks()
- 9518d5df - Merge branch '10.1.x' into 3130107-add-unit-test
- 42db6afd - Using an abstract method of returning the plugin class
- eed1fcf9 - Merge branch '10.1.x' into 3130107-add-unit-test
Toggle commit list-
5c35489d...36145a51 - 9 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 1ac8a5ba - Whitespace errors and 'D' typo in inheritdoc fixes
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