
Dries Buytaert
* @file
* Functions for form and batch generation and processing.

Dries Buytaert
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;

Angie Byron
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;

Alex Pott
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\RenderElement;
use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for select element templates.
* Default template: select.html.twig.
* It is possible to group options together; to do this, change the format of
* $options to an associative array in which the keys are group labels, and the
* values are associative arrays in the normal $options format.

Dries Buytaert
* @param $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #title, #value, #options, #description, #extra,
* #multiple, #required, #name, #attributes, #size.
function template_preprocess_select(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = $variables['element'];
Element::setAttributes($element, ['id', 'name', 'size']);
RenderElement::setAttributes($element, ['form-select']);

Dries Buytaert
$variables['attributes'] = $element['#attributes'];
$variables['options'] = form_select_options($element);

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
* Converts an options form element into a structured array for output.

Angie Byron

Jennifer Hodgdon
* This function calls itself recursively to obtain the values for each optgroup
* within the list of options and when the function encounters an object with
* an 'options' property inside $element['#options'].

Dries Buytaert

Jennifer Hodgdon
* @param array $element
* An associative array containing the following key-value pairs:
* - #multiple: Optional Boolean indicating if the user may select more than
* one item.
* - #options: An associative array of options to render as HTML. Each array
* value can be a string, an array, or an object with an 'option' property:
* - A string or integer key whose value is a translated string is
* interpreted as a single HTML option element. Do not use placeholders
* that sanitize data: doing so will lead to double-escaping. Note that
* the key will be visible in the HTML and could be modified by malicious
* users, so don't put sensitive information in it.
* - A translated string key whose value is an array indicates a group of
* options. The translated string is used as the label attribute for the
* optgroup. Do not use placeholders to sanitize data: doing so will lead
* to double-escaping. The array should contain the options you wish to
* group and should follow the syntax of $element['#options'].
* - If the function encounters a string or integer key whose value is an
* object with an 'option' property, the key is ignored, the contents of
* the option property are interpreted as $element['#options'], and the
* resulting HTML is added to the output.
* - #value: Optional integer, string, or array representing which option(s)
* to pre-select when the list is first displayed. The integer or string
* must match the key of an option in the '#options' list. If '#multiple' is
* TRUE, this can be an array of integers or strings.
* @param array|null $choices
* (optional) Either an associative array of options in the same format as
* $element['#options'] above, or NULL. This parameter is only used internally
* and is not intended to be passed in to the initial function call.
* @return mixed[]
* A structured, possibly nested, array of options and optgroups for use in a
* select form element.
* - label: A translated string whose value is the text of a single HTML
* option element, or the label attribute for an optgroup.
* - options: Optional, array of options for an optgroup.
* - selected: A boolean that indicates whether the option is selected when
* rendered.
* - type: A string that defines the element type. The value can be 'option'
* or 'optgroup'.
* - value: A string that contains the value attribute for the option.

Angie Byron

Dries Buytaert
function form_select_options($element, $choices = NULL) {
if (!isset($choices)) {
if (empty($element['#options'])) {
return [];

Dries Buytaert
$choices = $element['#options'];
// array_key_exists() accommodates the rare event where $element['#value'] is NULL.
// isset() fails in this situation.
$value_valid = isset($element['#value']) || array_key_exists('#value', $element);

Dries Buytaert
$value_is_array = $value_valid && is_array($element['#value']);
// Check if the element is multiple select and no value has been selected.
$empty_value = (empty($element['#value']) && !empty($element['#multiple']));
$options = [];

Dries Buytaert
foreach ($choices as $key => $choice) {
$options[] = [
'type' => 'optgroup',
'label' => $key,
'options' => form_select_options($element, $choice),
elseif (is_object($choice) && isset($choice->option)) {
$options = array_merge($options, form_select_options($element, $choice->option));

Neil Drumm
$option = [];
$key = (string) $key;
$empty_choice = $empty_value && $key == '_none';

Alex Pott
if ($value_valid && ((!$value_is_array && (string) $element['#value'] === $key || ($value_is_array && in_array($key, $element['#value']))) || $empty_choice)) {
$option['selected'] = TRUE;
else {
$option['selected'] = FALSE;
$option['type'] = 'option';
$option['value'] = $key;
$option['label'] = $choice;
$options[] = $option;
return $options;

Steven Wittens

Dries Buytaert
* Returns the indexes of a select element's options matching a given key.
* This function is useful if you need to modify the options that are
* already in a form element; for example, to remove choices which are
* not valid because of additional filters imposed by another module.
* One example might be altering the choices in a taxonomy selector.
* To correctly handle the case of a multiple hierarchy taxonomy,
* #options arrays can now hold an array of objects, instead of a
* direct mapping of keys to labels, so that multiple choices in the
* selector can have the same key (and label). This makes it difficult
* to manipulate directly, which is why this helper function exists.
* This function does not support optgroups (when the elements of the
* #options array are themselves arrays), and will return FALSE if
* arrays are found. The caller must either flatten/restore or
* manually do their manipulations in this case, since returning the
* index is not sufficient, and supporting this would make the
* "helper" too complicated and cumbersome to be of any help.
* As usual with functions that can return array() or FALSE, do not
* forget to use === and !== if needed.

Steven Wittens
* @param $element
* The select element to search.

Steven Wittens
* @param $key
* The key to look for.

Dries Buytaert

Steven Wittens
* @return
* An array of indexes that match the given $key. Array will be
* empty if no elements were found. FALSE if optgroups were found.

Steven Wittens
function form_get_options($element, $key) {
$keys = [];
foreach ($element['#options'] as $index => $choice) {
if (is_array($choice)) {
return FALSE;

Angie Byron
elseif (is_object($choice)) {
if (isset($choice->option[$key])) {
$keys[] = $index;

Angie Byron
elseif ($index == $key) {
$keys[] = $index;

Steven Wittens
return $keys;

Steven Wittens

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for fieldset element templates.

Angie Byron
* Default template: fieldset.html.twig.
* @param array $variables

Dries Buytaert
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.

Angie Byron
* Properties used: #attributes, #children, #description, #id, #title,
* #value.

Angie Byron
function template_preprocess_fieldset(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = $variables['element'];
Element::setAttributes($element, ['id']);

Alex Pott
$variables['attributes'] = isset($element['#attributes']) ? $element['#attributes'] : [];

Angie Byron
$variables['prefix'] = isset($element['#field_prefix']) ? $element['#field_prefix'] : NULL;
$variables['suffix'] = isset($element['#field_suffix']) ? $element['#field_suffix'] : NULL;
$variables['title_display'] = isset($element['#title_display']) ? $element['#title_display'] : NULL;

Angie Byron
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];
$variables['required'] = !empty($element['#required']) ? $element['#required'] : NULL;
if (isset($element['#title']) && $element['#title'] !== '') {
$variables['legend']['title'] = ['#markup' => $element['#title']];
$variables['legend']['attributes'] = new Attribute();
// Add 'visually-hidden' class to legend span.
if ($variables['title_display'] == 'invisible') {
$variables['legend_span']['attributes'] = new Attribute(['class' => ['visually-hidden']]);
else {
$variables['legend_span']['attributes'] = new Attribute();
if (!empty($element['#description'])) {

Angie Byron
$description_id = $element['#attributes']['id'] . '--description';
$description_attributes['id'] = $description_id;

Angie Byron
$variables['description']['attributes'] = new Attribute($description_attributes);
$variables['description']['content'] = $element['#description'];
// Add the description's id to the fieldset aria attributes.
$variables['attributes']['aria-describedby'] = $description_id;

Angie Byron
// Suppress error messages.
$variables['errors'] = NULL;
* Prepares variables for details element templates.
* Default template: details.html.twig.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #attributes, #children, #description, #required,
* #summary_attributes, #title, #value.
function template_preprocess_details(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$variables['attributes'] = $element['#attributes'];
$variables['summary_attributes'] = new Attribute($element['#summary_attributes']);
if (!empty($element['#title'])) {
$variables['summary_attributes']['role'] = 'button';
if (!empty($element['#attributes']['id'])) {
$variables['summary_attributes']['aria-controls'] = $element['#attributes']['id'];
$variables['summary_attributes']['aria-expanded'] = !empty($element['#attributes']['open']) ? 'true' : 'false';
$variables['summary_attributes']['aria-pressed'] = $variables['summary_attributes']['aria-expanded'];
$variables['title'] = (!empty($element['#title'])) ? $element['#title'] : '';
// If the element title is a string, wrap it a render array so that markup
// will not be escaped (but XSS-filtered).
if (is_string($variables['title']) && $variables['title'] !== '') {
$variables['title'] = ['#markup' => $variables['title']];
$variables['description'] = (!empty($element['#description'])) ? $element['#description'] : '';
$variables['children'] = (isset($element['#children'])) ? $element['#children'] : '';
$variables['value'] = (isset($element['#value'])) ? $element['#value'] : '';

Scott Reeves
$variables['required'] = !empty($element['#required']) ? $element['#required'] : NULL;
// Suppress error messages.
$variables['errors'] = NULL;
* Prepares variables for radios templates.
* Default template: radios.html.twig.
* @param array $variables

Dries Buytaert
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #title, #value, #options, #description, #required,
* #attributes, #children.
function template_preprocess_radios(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = $variables['element'];
$variables['attributes'] = [];

Dries Buytaert
if (isset($element['#id'])) {
$variables['attributes']['id'] = $element['#id'];

Dries Buytaert
if (isset($element['#attributes']['title'])) {
$variables['attributes']['title'] = $element['#attributes']['title'];
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];
* Prepares variables for checkboxes templates.
* Default template: checkboxes.html.twig.
* @param array $variables

Dries Buytaert
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #children, #attributes.
function template_preprocess_checkboxes(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = $variables['element'];
$variables['attributes'] = [];

Dries Buytaert
if (isset($element['#id'])) {
$variables['attributes']['id'] = $element['#id'];

Dries Buytaert
if (isset($element['#attributes']['title'])) {
$variables['attributes']['title'] = $element['#attributes']['title'];
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for vertical tabs templates.
* Default template: vertical-tabs.html.twig.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties and children of
* the details element. Properties used: #children.

Angie Byron
function template_preprocess_vertical_tabs(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$variables['children'] = (!empty($element['#children'])) ? $element['#children'] : '';

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for input templates.
* Default template: input.html.twig.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #attributes.

Angie Byron
function template_preprocess_input(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
// Remove name attribute if empty, for W3C compliance.
if (isset($variables['attributes']['name']) && empty((string) $variables['attributes']['name'])) {

Angie Byron
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for form templates.
* Default template: form.html.twig.
* @param $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #action, #method, #attributes, #children

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
function template_preprocess_form(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
if (isset($element['#action'])) {
$element['#attributes']['action'] = UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols($element['#action']);

Dries Buytaert
Element::setAttributes($element, ['method', 'id']);

Angie Byron
if (empty($element['#attributes']['accept-charset'])) {
$element['#attributes']['accept-charset'] = "UTF-8";

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
$variables['attributes'] = $element['#attributes'];
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];

Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
* Prepares variables for textarea templates.
* Default template: textarea.html.twig.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.

Lee Rowlands
* Properties used: #title, #value, #description, #rows, #cols, #maxlength,
* #placeholder, #required, #attributes, #resizable.

Dries Buytaert

Angie Byron
function template_preprocess_textarea(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];

Lee Rowlands
$attributes = ['id', 'name', 'rows', 'cols', 'maxlength', 'placeholder'];
Element::setAttributes($element, $attributes);
RenderElement::setAttributes($element, ['form-textarea']);
$variables['wrapper_attributes'] = new Attribute();

Angie Byron
$variables['attributes'] = new Attribute($element['#attributes']);

$variables['value'] = $element['#value'];
$variables['resizable'] = !empty($element['#resizable']) ? $element['#resizable'] : NULL;
$variables['required'] = !empty($element['#required']) ? $element['#required'] : NULL;
* Returns HTML for a form element.
* Prepares variables for form element templates.
* Default template: form-element.html.twig.

Dries Buytaert
* In addition to the element itself, the DIV contains a label for the element
* based on the optional #title_display property, and an optional #description.

Dries Buytaert
* The optional #title_display property can have these values:
* - before: The label is output before the element. This is the default.
* The label includes the #title and the required marker, if #required.
* - after: The label is output after the element. For example, this is used

Jennifer Hodgdon
* for radio and checkbox #type elements. If the #title is empty but the field
* is #required, the label will contain only the required marker.
* - invisible: Labels are critical for screen readers to enable them to
* properly navigate through forms but can be visually distracting. This
* property hides the label for everyone except screen readers.

Dries Buytaert
* - attribute: Set the title attribute on the element to create a tooltip
* but output no label element. This is supported only for checkboxes

Angie Byron
* and radios in
* \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\CompositeFormElementTrait::preRenderCompositeFormElement().
* It is used where a visual label is not needed, such as a table of
* checkboxes where the row and column provide the context. The tooltip will
* include the title and required marker.

Dries Buytaert
* If the #title property is not set, then the label and any required marker
* will not be output, regardless of the #title_display or #required values.
* This can be useful in cases such as the password_confirm element, which
* creates children elements that have their own labels and required markers,
* but the parent element should have neither. Use this carefully because a
* field without an associated label can cause accessibility challenges.
* To associate the label with a different field, set the #label_for property
* to the ID of the desired field.
* @param array $variables

Dries Buytaert
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.

Dries Buytaert
* Properties used: #title, #title_display, #description, #id, #required,
* #children, #type, #name, #label_for.
function template_preprocess_form_element(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = &$variables['element'];

Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert
// This function is invoked as theme wrapper, but the rendered form element

// may not necessarily have been processed by
// \Drupal::formBuilder()->doBuildForm().
$element += [

Dries Buytaert
'#title_display' => 'before',
'#wrapper_attributes' => [],
'#label_attributes' => [],
'#label_for' => NULL,

Alex Pott
$variables['attributes'] = $element['#wrapper_attributes'];
// Add element #id for #type 'item'.
if (isset($element['#markup']) && !empty($element['#id'])) {
$variables['attributes']['id'] = $element['#id'];
// Pass elements #type and #name to template.

Dries Buytaert
if (!empty($element['#type'])) {
$variables['type'] = $element['#type'];

Dries Buytaert
if (!empty($element['#name'])) {
$variables['name'] = $element['#name'];

Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert
// Pass elements disabled status to template.
$variables['disabled'] = !empty($element['#attributes']['disabled']) ? $element['#attributes']['disabled'] : NULL;
// Suppress error messages.
$variables['errors'] = NULL;
// If #title is not set, we don't display any label.

Dries Buytaert
if (!isset($element['#title'])) {
$element['#title_display'] = 'none';
$variables['title_display'] = $element['#title_display'];
$variables['prefix'] = isset($element['#field_prefix']) ? $element['#field_prefix'] : NULL;
$variables['suffix'] = isset($element['#field_suffix']) ? $element['#field_suffix'] : NULL;
$variables['description'] = NULL;
if (!empty($element['#description'])) {

Alex Pott
$variables['description_display'] = $element['#description_display'];
$description_attributes = [];
if (!empty($element['#id'])) {
$description_attributes['id'] = $element['#id'] . '--description';
$variables['description']['attributes'] = new Attribute($description_attributes);
$variables['description']['content'] = $element['#description'];
// Add label_display and label variables to template.
$variables['label_display'] = $element['#title_display'];
$variables['label'] = ['#theme' => 'form_element_label'];
$variables['label'] += array_intersect_key($element, array_flip(['#id', '#required', '#title', '#title_display']));

$variables['label']['#attributes'] = $element['#label_attributes'];
if (!empty($element['#label_for'])) {
$variables['label']['#for'] = $element['#label_for'];
if (!empty($element['#id'])) {
$variables['label']['#id'] = $element['#id'] . '--label';
$variables['children'] = $element['#children'];

Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert
* Prepares variables for form label templates.

Dries Buytaert
* Form element labels include the #title and a #required marker. The label is
* associated with the element itself by the element #id. Labels may appear
* before or after elements, depending on form-element.html.twig and

Dries Buytaert
* #title_display.

Dries Buytaert
* This function will not be called for elements with no labels, depending on
* #title_display. For elements that have an empty #title and are not required,
* this function will output no label (''). For required elements that have an
* empty #title, this will output the required marker alone within the label.
* The label will use the #id to associate the marker with the field that is
* required. That is especially important for screenreader users to know
* which field is required.
* To associate the label with a different field, set the #for property to the
* ID of the desired field.
* @param array $variables

Dries Buytaert
* An associative array containing:
* - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element.
* Properties used: #required, #title, #id, #value, #description, #for.

Dries Buytaert
function template_preprocess_form_element_label(&$variables) {

Dries Buytaert
$element = $variables['element'];
// If title and required marker are both empty, output no label.
if (isset($element['#title']) && $element['#title'] !== '') {
$variables['title'] = ['#markup' => $element['#title']];
// Pass elements title_display to template.
$variables['title_display'] = $element['#title_display'];

Dries Buytaert
// A #for property of a dedicated #type 'label' element as precedence.
if (!empty($element['#for'])) {
$variables['attributes']['for'] = $element['#for'];

Dries Buytaert
// A custom #id allows the referenced form input element to refer back to
// the label element; e.g., in the 'aria-labelledby' attribute.
if (!empty($element['#id'])) {
$variables['attributes']['id'] = $element['#id'];

Dries Buytaert
// Otherwise, point to the #id of the form input element.
elseif (!empty($element['#id'])) {
$variables['attributes']['for'] = $element['#id'];

Dries Buytaert
// Pass elements required to template.
$variables['required'] = !empty($element['#required']) ? $element['#required'] : NULL;

Dries Buytaert
* @defgroup batch Batch operations
* @{

Dries Buytaert
* Creates and processes batch operations.
* Functions allowing forms processing to be spread out over several page
* requests, thus ensuring that the processing does not get interrupted
* because of a PHP timeout, while allowing the user to receive feedback
* on the progress of the ongoing operations.
* The API is primarily designed to integrate nicely with the Form API

Dries Buytaert
* workflow, but can also be used by non-Form API scripts (like update.php)
* or even simple page callbacks (which should probably be used sparingly).
* Example:
* @code
* $batch = array(
* 'title' => t('Exporting'),
* 'operations' => array(

Dries Buytaert
* array('my_function_1', array($account->id(), 'story')),
* array('my_function_2', array()),
* ),
* 'finished' => 'my_finished_callback',

Angie Byron
* 'file' => 'path_to_file_containing_myfunctions',
* );
* batch_set($batch);

Angie Byron
* // Only needed if not inside a form _submit handler.
* // Setting redirect in batch_process.
* batch_process('node/1');
* @endcode

Angie Byron
* Note: if the batch 'title', 'init_message', 'progress_message', or
* 'error_message' could contain any user input, it is the responsibility of
* the code calling batch_set() to sanitize them first with a function like
* \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape() or

Angie Byron
* \Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss::filter(). Furthermore, if the batch operation
* returns any user input in the 'results' or 'message' keys of $context, it
* must also sanitize them first.

Jennifer Hodgdon
* Sample callback_batch_operation():
* @code
* // Simple and artificial: load a node of a given type for a given user
* function my_function_1($uid, $type, &$context) {
* // The $context array gathers batch context information about the execution (read),
* // as well as 'return values' for the current operation (write)
* // The following keys are provided :
* // 'results' (read / write): The array of results gathered so far by
* // the batch processing, for the current operation to append its own.
* // 'message' (write): A text message displayed in the progress page.
* // The following keys allow for multi-step operations :
* // 'sandbox' (read / write): An array that can be freely used to
* // store persistent data between iterations. It is recommended to
* // use this instead of $_SESSION, which is unsafe if the user
* // continues browsing in a separate window while the batch is processing.
* // 'finished' (write): A float number between 0 and 1 informing
* // the processing engine of the completion level for the operation.

Gábor Hojtsy
* // 1 (or no value explicitly set) means the operation is finished
* // and the batch processing can continue to the next operation.
* $nodes = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')
* ->loadByProperties(['uid' => $uid, 'type' => $type]);
* $node = reset($nodes);
* $context['results'][] = $node->id() . ' : ' . Html::escape($node->label());
* $context['message'] = Html::escape($node->label());
* }
* // A more advanced example is a multi-step operation that loads all rows,
* // five by five.
* function my_function_2(&$context) {
* if (empty($context['sandbox'])) {
* $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0;
* $context['sandbox']['current_id'] = 0;

Lee Rowlands
* $context['sandbox']['max'] = \Drupal::database()
* ->query('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM {example}')
* ->fetchField();
* }
* $limit = 5;
* $result = db_select('example')
* ->fields('example', array('id'))
* ->condition('id', $context['sandbox']['current_id'], '>')
* ->orderBy('id')
* ->range(0, $limit)
* ->execute();
* foreach ($result as $row) {
* $context['results'][] = $row->id . ' : ' . Html::escape($row->title);
* $context['sandbox']['progress']++;
* $context['sandbox']['current_id'] = $row->id;
* $context['message'] = Html::escape($row->title);
* }
* if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) {
* $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];
* }
* }
* @endcode

Jennifer Hodgdon
* Sample callback_batch_finished():
* @code
* function my_finished_callback($success, $results, $operations) {

Angie Byron
* // The 'success' parameter means no fatal PHP errors were detected. All
* // other error management should be handled using 'results'.
* if ($success) {
* $message = \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural(count($results), 'One post processed.', '@count posts processed.');
* }
* else {
* $message = t('Finished with an error.');
* }
* \Drupal::messenger()->addMessage($message);
* // Providing data for the redirected page is done through $_SESSION.
* foreach ($results as $result) {
* $items[] = t('Loaded node %title.', array('%title' => $result));
* }

Dries Buytaert
* $_SESSION['my_batch_results'] = $items;
* }
* @endcode
* Adds a new batch.
* Batch operations are added as new batch sets. Batch sets are used to spread
* processing (primarily, but not exclusively, forms processing) over several
* page requests. This helps to ensure that the processing is not interrupted
* due to PHP timeouts, while users are still able to receive feedback on the
* progress of the ongoing operations. Combining related operations into
* distinct batch sets provides clean code independence for each batch set,
* ensuring that two or more batches, submitted independently, can be processed
* without mutual interference. Each batch set may specify its own set of
* operations and results, produce its own UI messages, and trigger its own
* 'finished' callback. Batch sets are processed sequentially, with the progress
* bar starting afresh for each new set.
* @param $batch_definition
* An associative array defining the batch, with the following elements (all
* are optional except as noted):

Jennifer Hodgdon
* - operations: (required) Array of operations to be performed, where each
* item is an array consisting of the name of an implementation of
* callback_batch_operation() and an array of parameter.

Angie Byron
* Example:
* @code
* array(

Jennifer Hodgdon
* array('callback_batch_operation_1', array($arg1)),
* array('callback_batch_operation_2', array($arg2_1, $arg2_2)),

Angie Byron
* )
* @endcode
* - title: A safe, translated string to use as the title for the progress
* page. Defaults to t('Processing').
* - init_message: Message displayed while the processing is initialized.

Angie Byron
* Defaults to t('Initializing.').
* - progress_message: Message displayed while processing the batch. Available
* placeholders are @current, @remaining, @total, @percentage, @estimate and
* @elapsed. Defaults to t('Completed @current of @total.').
* - error_message: Message displayed if an error occurred while processing

Angie Byron
* the batch. Defaults to t('An error has occurred.').

Jennifer Hodgdon
* - finished: Name of an implementation of callback_batch_finished(). This is
* executed after the batch has completed. This should be used to perform
* any result massaging that may be needed, and possibly save data in
* $_SESSION for display after final page redirection.
* - file: Path to the file containing the definitions of the 'operations' and
* 'finished' functions, for instance if they don't reside in the main
* .module file. The path should be relative to base_path(), and thus should
* be built using drupal_get_path().
* - library: An array of batch-specific CSS and JS libraries.
* - url_options: options passed to the \Drupal\Core\Url object when
* constructing redirect URLs for the batch.

Jennifer Hodgdon
* - progressive: A Boolean that indicates whether or not the batch needs to
* run progressively. TRUE indicates that the batch will run in more than
* one run. FALSE (default) indicates that the batch will finish in a single
* run.
* - queue: An override of the default queue (with name and class fields
* optional). An array containing two elements:
* - name: Unique identifier for the queue.
* - class: The name of a class that implements
* \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueInterface, including the full namespace but not
* starting with a backslash. It must have a constructor with two
* arguments: $name and a \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection object.
* Typically, the class will either be \Drupal\Core\Queue\Batch or
* \Drupal\Core\Queue\BatchMemory. Defaults to Batch if progressive is
* TRUE, or to BatchMemory if progressive is FALSE.
function batch_set($batch_definition) {
if ($batch_definition) {
$batch =& batch_get();
// Initialize the batch if needed.
if (empty($batch)) {
$batch = [
'sets' => [],
'has_form_submits' => FALSE,
// Base and default properties for the batch set.
$init = [
'sandbox' => [],
'results' => [],
'success' => FALSE,
'start' => 0,

Dries Buytaert
'elapsed' => 0,
$defaults = [
'title' => t('Processing'),
'init_message' => t('Initializing.'),
'progress_message' => t('Completed @current of @total.'),
'error_message' => t('An error has occurred.'),
$batch_set = $init + $batch_definition + $defaults;
// Tweak init_message to avoid the bottom of the page flickering down after
// init phase.
$batch_set['init_message'] .= '<br/> ';
// The non-concurrent workflow of batch execution allows us to save
// numberOfItems() queries by handling our own counter.
$batch_set['total'] = count($batch_set['operations']);
$batch_set['count'] = $batch_set['total'];
// Add the set to the batch.
if (empty($batch['id'])) {
// The batch is not running yet. Simply add the new set.
$batch['sets'][] = $batch_set;
else {
// The set is being added while the batch is running. Insert the new set
// right after the current one to ensure execution order, and store its
// operations in a queue.
$index = $batch['current_set'] + 1;
$slice1 = array_slice($batch['sets'], 0, $index);
$slice2 = array_slice($batch['sets'], $index);
$batch['sets'] = array_merge($slice1, [$batch_set], $slice2);
_batch_populate_queue($batch, $index);

Angie Byron
* Processes the batch.

Dries Buytaert
* This function is generally not needed in form submit handlers;
* Form API takes care of batches that were set during form submission.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Url|string $redirect
* (optional) Either a path or Url object to redirect to when the batch has
* finished processing. For example, to redirect users to the home page, use
* '<front>'. If you wish to allow standard form API batch handling to occur
* and force the user to be redirected to a custom location after the batch
* has finished processing, you do not need to use batch_process() and this
* parameter. Instead, make the batch 'finished' callback return an instance
* of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse, which will be used

Alex Pott
* automatically by the standard batch processing pipeline (and which takes
* precedence over this parameter). If this parameter is omitted and no
* redirect response was returned by the 'finished' callback, the user will
* be redirected to the page that started the batch. Any query arguments will
* be automatically persisted.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Url $url
* (optional) URL of the batch processing page. Should only be used for
* separate scripts like update.php.

Dries Buytaert
* @param $redirect_callback
* (optional) Specify a function to be called to redirect to the progressive
* processing page.
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse|null
* A redirect response if the batch is progressive. No return value otherwise.
function batch_process($redirect = NULL, Url $url = NULL, $redirect_callback = NULL) {
$batch =& batch_get();
if (isset($batch)) {
// Add process information
$process_info = [
'current_set' => 0,
'progressive' => TRUE,
'url' => isset($url) ? $url : Url::fromRoute('system.batch_page.html'),

Alex Pott
'source_url' => Url::fromRouteMatch(\Drupal::routeMatch())->mergeOptions(['query' => \Drupal::request()->query->all()]),
'batch_redirect' => $redirect,
'theme' => \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName(),

Dries Buytaert
'redirect_callback' => $redirect_callback,
$batch += $process_info;
// The batch is now completely built. Allow other modules to make changes
// to the batch so that it is easier to reuse batch processes in other
// environments.
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('batch', $batch);

Dries Buytaert
// Assign an arbitrary id: don't rely on a serial column in the 'batch'
// table, since non-progressive batches skip database storage completely.
$batch['id'] = \Drupal::database()->nextId();
// Move operations to a job queue. Non-progressive batches will use a
// memory-based queue.
foreach ($batch['sets'] as $key => $batch_set) {
_batch_populate_queue($batch, $key);
// Initiate processing.
if ($batch['progressive']) {
// Now that we have a batch id, we can generate the redirection link in
// the generic error message.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Url $batch_url */
$batch_url = $batch['url'];
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Url $error_url */
$error_url = clone $batch_url;
$query_options = $error_url->getOption('query');
$query_options['id'] = $batch['id'];
$query_options['op'] = 'finished';
$error_url->setOption('query', $query_options);
$batch['error_message'] = t('Please continue to <a href=":error_url">the error page</a>', [':error_url' => $error_url->toString(TRUE)->getGeneratedUrl()]);
// Clear the way for the redirection to the batch processing page, by
// saving and unsetting the 'destination', if there is any.
$request = \Drupal::request();
if ($request->query->has('destination')) {
$batch['destination'] = $request->query->get('destination');
// Store the batch.

Dries Buytaert
// Set the batch number in the session to guarantee that it will stay alive.
$_SESSION['batches'][$batch['id']] = TRUE;
// Redirect for processing.
$query_options = $error_url->getOption('query');
$query_options['op'] = 'start';
$query_options['id'] = $batch['id'];
$batch_url->setOption('query', $query_options);
if (($function = $batch['redirect_callback']) && function_exists($function)) {
$function($batch_url->toString(), ['query' => $query_options]);
else {
return new RedirectResponse($batch_url->setAbsolute()->toString(TRUE)->getGeneratedUrl());
else {
// Non-progressive execution: bypass the whole progressbar workflow
// and execute the batch in one pass.
require_once __DIR__ . '/';

Angie Byron
* Retrieves the current batch.
function &batch_get() {

Dries Buytaert
// Not drupal_static(), because Batch API operates at a lower level than most
// use-cases for resetting static variables, and we specifically do not want a
// global drupal_static_reset() resetting the batch information. Functions
// that are part of the Batch API and need to reset the batch information may
// call batch_get() and manipulate the result by reference. Functions that are
// not part of the Batch API can also do this, but shouldn't.
static $batch = [];
return $batch;
* Populates a job queue with the operations of a batch set.
* Depending on whether the batch is progressive or not, the
* Drupal\Core\Queue\Batch or Drupal\Core\Queue\BatchMemory handler classes will
* be used. The name and class of the queue are added by reference to the
* batch set.
* @param $batch
* The batch array.
* @param $set_id
* The id of the set to process.
function _batch_populate_queue(&$batch, $set_id) {
$batch_set = &$batch['sets'][$set_id];
if (isset($batch_set['operations'])) {
$batch_set += [
'queue' => [
'name' => 'drupal_batch:' . $batch['id'] . ':' . $set_id,
'class' => $batch['progressive'] ? 'Drupal\Core\Queue\Batch' : 'Drupal\Core\Queue\BatchMemory',
$queue = _batch_queue($batch_set);
foreach ($batch_set['operations'] as $operation) {
* Returns a queue object for a batch set.
* @param $batch_set
* The batch set.

Dries Buytaert
* @return
* The queue object.
function _batch_queue($batch_set) {
static $queues;
if (!isset($queues)) {
$queues = [];
if (isset($batch_set['queue'])) {
$name = $batch_set['queue']['name'];
$class = $batch_set['queue']['class'];
if (!isset($queues[$class][$name])) {

Alex Pott
$queues[$class][$name] = new $class($name, \Drupal::database());
return $queues[$class][$name];
* @} End of "defgroup batch".