Issue #3480524 by alshami: Update page-footer component 2 of 14 checklist items completed!30updated
Issue #3462276 by n.ghunaim: Add a Root component as a Base, Contains root CSS3 Bootstrap variables to Vartheme BS5 2 of 14 checklist items completed!29
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Issue #3451173: Switch from Drimage to Drimage Improved in Vartheme BS5 starterkit theme 2 of 14 checklist items completed!28updated
Issue #3446774 by n.ghunaim: Style the Sitewide Alert to follow with Bootstrap ~5.3.0 and Varbase Design System 5 of 14 checklist items completed!27
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Issue #3436127: Add ckeditor5-stylesheets: false to old Vartheme BS5 1.0.x to ease with updates 6 of 14 checklist items completed!26 1.0.x
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Issue #3327252: Add Overlay Card component and Storybook to Vartheme BS5 2.0.x 4 of 13 checklist items completed!25 2.0.x
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Issue #3326533: Add Impressed Card component and Storybook to Vartheme BS5 2.0.x 4 of 13 checklist items completed!24 2.0.x
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Add styling library for the Alert component with default Bootstrap 5 and Varbase coloring for Alerts 2 of 13 checklist items completed!23 2.0.x
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Issue #3325488: Change footer font size to small and rearrange its classes and fix its story content 4 of 13 checklist items completed!22 2.0.x
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Issue #3324606: Remove Include all files from the includes directory 2 of 13 checklist items completed!21 2.0.x
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Issue #3324498: Fix not working main menu JavaScript 4 of 13 checklist items completed!20 2.0.x
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Issue #3324290: Fix the carousal in Varbase Welcome message 2 of 13 checklist items completed!19 2.0.x
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Issue #3324283: Add new theme:init yarn alias command to run webpack.config.init.js file to initiate a copy for Bootstrap js files from node_modules to js/bootstrap directory 2 of 13 checklist items completed!18 2.0.x
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Issue #3323521: Restructure featured card component to make it work with... 2 of 13 checklist items completed!17 2.0.x
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Issue #3323590: Restructure link component and add link pattern 4 of 13 checklist items completed!16 2.0.x
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Issue #3323521: Restructure Featured Card component to make it work with Drupal and Storybook in the same way 4 of 13 checklist items completed!15 2.0.x
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Issue #3322751: Replace main.style.css file with style.base.css 4 of 13 checklist items completed!14 2.0.x
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Issue #3322184: Fix utility classes array error on twig file 4 of 13 checklist items completed!13 2.0.x
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Issue #3322184: Add featured card pattern and make webpack compile its SCSS files to CSS files 2 of 13 checklist items completed!12 2.0.x
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Issue #3322084: Fix CSS files paths inside components stories after theme restructure 2 of 13 checklist items completed!11 2.0.x
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- Approved