* Example #1: When I select the "Edge to Edge" container type
* Example #1: When I select the "Edge to Edge" container type
* Example #2: And I select the "Boxed" container type
* Example #2: And I select the "Boxed" container type
* @Then I select the :arg1 container type
* @Then I select the :arg1 container type
$element=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(.,'$name') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-layout-container-type')]");
$element=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(.,'$name') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-layout-container-type')]");
* Select a section container width
* Select a section container width
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: When I select the "Tiny" container width
* Example #1: When I select the "Tiny" container width
* Example #2: And I select the "Narrow" container width
* Example #2: And I select the "Narrow" container width
* @Then I select the :arg1 container width
* @Then I select the :arg1 container width
$element=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(.,'$width') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-layout-container-width')]");
$element=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(.,'$width') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-layout-container-width')]");
* Select a section breakpoint
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I select the "md" "33% 67%" breakpoint
* Example #2: Then I select the "xs" "75% 25%" breakpoint
* @Then I select the :arg1 :arg2 breakpoint
$element=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//*[contains(@class,'$size') and contains(.,'$point')]");
* Select a section breakpoint
* Select with gutters option for section
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I select the "md" "33% 67%" breakpoint
* Example: And I add gutters
* Example #2: Then I select the "xs" "75% 25%" breakpoint
$bg_color=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$bg_color') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-background-background-color')]");
* Uncheck the Edge to Edge Background option
* Varbase Contaxt #varbase
* Example: And I uncheck the Edge to Edge Background
$text_color=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$color') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-typography-text-color-text')]");
* Set alignment of text
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I set the alignment to "End"
* Example #2: And I set the alignment to "Start"
* @Then I set the alignment to :arg1
$alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-typography-text-alignment')]");
* Remove gutters between columns
* Set horizontal alignment for blocks
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example: And I remove gutters between columns
* Example #1: Then I set the Horizontal alignment to "Align center"
* Example #2: And I set the horizontal alignment to "Align start"
$horizontal_alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$h_align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-alignment-horizontal-alignment-justify-content')]");
* Move to the styles tab
* Set vertical alignment for blocks
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example: When I move to the styles tab
* Example #1: Then I set the Vertical alignment to "Align bottom"
* Example #2: And I set the Vertical alignment to "Align middle"
$vertical_alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$v_align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-alignment-vertical-alignment-align-items')]");
* Select an animation for a section
* Open a specific setting menu under styles tab in section configuration
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I select the "Flip Right" animation
* Example #1: And I open the "Background" settings menu
* Example #2: When I select the "Zoom Out" animation
* Example #2: When I open the "Border" settings menu
* @Then I select the :arg1 animation
* @Then I open the :arg1 settings menu
$animation=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$anime') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-animation-scroll-effects')]");
$menu=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//span[contains(., '$menu') and contains(@class, 'bs-group-title')]");
* Select a background color
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I select the "Primary" background color
* Example #2: And I select the "Light" background color
$bg_color=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$bg_color') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-background-background-color')]");
* Uncheck the Edge to Edge Background option
* Varbase Contaxt #varbase
* Example: And I uncheck the Edge to Edge Background
$text_color=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$color') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-typography-text-color-text')]");
* Set alignment of text
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I set the alignment to "End"
* Example #2: And I set the alignment to "Start"
* @Then I set the alignment to :arg1
$alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-typography-text-alignment')]");
* Set horizontal alignment for blocks
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I set the Horizontal alignment to "Align center"
* Example #2: And I set the horizontal alignment to "Align start"
$horizontal_alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$h_align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-alignment-horizontal-alignment-justify-content')]");
* Set vertical alignment for blocks
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I set the Vertical alignment to "Align bottom"
* Example #2: And I set the Vertical alignment to "Align middle"
$vertical_alignment=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$v_align') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-alignment-vertical-alignment-align-items')]");
* Select an animation for a section
* Varbase Context #varbase
* Example #1: Then I select the "Flip Right" animation
* Example #2: When I select the "Zoom Out" animation
* @Then I select the :arg1 animation
$animation=$this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath',"//label[contains(., '$anime') and contains(@for, 'edit-layout-settings-ui-tab-content-appearance-animation-scroll-effects')]");