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Code Cleanup from Mandrill migration

spncr requested to merge init into 1.0.x
  • Removed a lot of duplicate MailchimpTransactional mailchimp_transactional from namespaces, submodules
  • Renamed long machine names to mc_tx_**** such as mc_tx_template_map
  • Got tests in the base module running but not in the submodules yet (will make issue or fix before release)
  • README updates to fit new TXT pattern
  • Tried to clean out unused code, but probably still a bunch (future deletes going into deletes branch for now)
  • Install hook brings over config from Mandrill base module, including config entities template_map and activity_entity
  • Tests cleaned up with more accurate descriptions, and a central TestBase for common needs.

@gcb Ready for review!

I opened this other merge request thinking it might be easier to see the file changes (because it is merging into a non-functional branch with the file names already changed).

Edited by spncr

Merge request reports