Issue #3435899: Only update doc pages when merging to default branch
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If your MR is testing assets provided by the fork (like modifications to the `.cspell.json` or `phpcs.xml.dist` file, or the `symlink_project.php` file), you might need to set up two additional variables: `_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF` and `_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO`. This is only needed if you are modified the `project` and `ref` value directly in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
If the MR is testing assets provided by the fork (like modifications to the `.cspell.json` or `phpcs.xml.dist` file, or the `symlink_project.php` file), you might need to set up two additional variables: `_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF` and `_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO`. This is only needed if you have already modified the `project` and `ref` values directly in your projects `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ The variables should have the following attributes:
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ to