Put each entity type table into a details element on admin/config/regional/content-language
Closes #3210684
Merge request reports
added 451 commits
c57953dc...88d83002 - 24 commits from branch
- 780765a7 - Drupal 9.3.x-dev
- 7a0988fc - Issue #3211605 by nod_, mherchel: Update Popper.js to version 2.9.2
- 4214cd75 - Issue #3211606 by nod_, mherchel: Update Tabbable to version 5.2.0
- d6726045 - Issue #3211888 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: Layout Builder 33/34/33 layout broken in IE11
- e939dbe6 - Issue #3209456 by kpa, piggito, mherchel: Update Underscore.js to the latest version (1.13.1)
- e0d87b69 - Issue #3211602 by mherchel, nod_, andypost: Update jQuery Form to 4.3.0
- 61a07efc - Issue #3185165 by Spokje, vipin.mittal18, Suresh Prabhu Parkala, lauriii,...
- 0bff06df - Issue #3189680 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott: Deprecate the 'throw_exception'...
- 27070f4c - Issue #3100386 by tedbow, ravi.shankar, phenaproxima, nikitagupta,...
- 0e5db56e - Issue #2902548 by guilhermevp, mfernea, Spokje, quietone, longwave: Fix...
- e7d67e91 - Issue #3211805 by xjm, Kristen Pol, longwave: Update composer/composer dev...
- e9a53cb2 - Issue #3143096 by jedihe, jyotimishra123, shetpooja04, alexpott, mradcliffe:...
- 8dccf4b3 - Revert "Issue #3143096 by jedihe, jyotimishra123, shetpooja04, alexpott,...
- bd2a1eab - Issue #3206932 by Matroskeen, quietone, alexpott: Rename targetEntityType...
- c5e16af1 - Issue #3048423 by claudiu.cristea, longwave, klausi: Convert...
- 525c3d95 - Issue #3211164 by alexpott, catch: Random errors in Javascript Testing
- de89108c - Issue #3211866 by mondrake, daffie: Upsert::execute() return values are inconsistent
- a3c114e6 - Issue #3143096 by jedihe, phenaproxima, jyotimishra123, shetpooja04, alexpott,...
- 38ebeed9 - Issue #3212177 by alexpott, lauriii: Update caniuse-lite as it is outdated
- 09c38b44 - Issue #3211810 by alexpott, xjm, Spokje, Amber Himes Matz, Kristen Pol,...
- b48ad909 - Issue #3179734 by zrpnr, bnjmnm, lauriii: Refactor uses of the :tabbable selector and deprecate it
- a3ca88eb - Issue #2882276 by benjifisher, estoyausente, nuez, kristiaanvandeneynde,...
- f09730b5 - Issue #3212521 by Spokje, longwave: cspell dislikes identifer in...
- abec240b - Issue #3212281 by Sakthivel M, tushar_sachdeva, chetanbharambe: Paragraph...
- 8f711d9d - Issue #3153265 by kiran.kadam911, hinal05, komalk, mherchel, kishor_kolekar,...
- 9d05a12a - Issue #3211897 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: On mobile width, submenu...
- fac878ce - Issue #3191725 by mherchel, kostyashupenko, Kristen Pol, andy-blum, lauriii,...
- 11af82a6 - Issue #3190120 by mherchel, KapilV, pragati_kanade, djsagar, andy-blum,...
- 5c952d4a - Issue #3212539 by n4r3n, Wim Leers: Map all Link module's fieldformatters from D7 to D8/D9
- ebf0c951 - Issue #3212354 by guilhermevp, Chi: AggregatorFeedBlock::build must always return array
- 011f0e9e - Issue #3211474 by longwave, daffie:...
- 37cb5dda - Issue #3211480 by longwave, daffie:...
- d59f8588 - Issue #3207456 by Spokje, longwave, alexpott: Drupal 9 is dependent on symfony/mime directly
- 95edf33a - Issue #3212034 by longwave, quietone: Account emails are missing newlines due to malformed YAML
- 08a9dcb2 - Issue #3212998 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: Normalize JavaScript...
- 62e06d8c - Issue #2938803 by David_Rothstein, spitzialist, vsujeetkumar, yepa, harsha012,...
- a35df16d - Issue #3211780 by mondrake, daffie: Deprecate Connection::queryTemporary()
- 84a6dadd - Issue #3145563 by Charlie ChX Negyesi, NigelCunningham, alexpott, joachim,...
- cf806905 - Issue #2608750 by phenaproxima, shriaas2898, KapilV, mohit_aghera, RenatoG,...
- 2e9d4787 - Revert "Issue #2608750 by phenaproxima, shriaas2898, KapilV, mohit_aghera,...
- 3eebb1b1 - Issue #2608750 by phenaproxima, shriaas2898, KapilV, mohit_aghera, RenatoG,...
- 720de231 - Issue #3191649 by mherchel, bnjmnm: Update Sortable to 1.13.0
- b9a52da4 - Issue #3212704 by Gauravmahlawat, mherchel: Olivero: content below region...
- c6adb7c7 - Issue #2730631 by jibran, benjifisher, claudiu.cristea, pdenooijer, merauluka,...
- 9db6d56a - Issue #3211599 by Spokje, Wim Leers, lauriii, zrpnr, cilefen: Update CKEditor to version 4.16.0
- a9560b32 - Issue #2974128 by Majdi, quietone: Missing parameter in process plugin DefaultValue example
- 2690c63d - Issue #3211936 by alexpott, daffie: Race condition when generating sub directories for image styles
- 4731e3c6 - Issue #588438 by dww: FormTest::testRequiredFields() fails to drupal_render()...
- 79dd8321 - Issue #3041885 by tedbow, beautifulmind, dww, ayushmishra206, phenaproxima,...
- 1ab0f484 - Issue #2868258 by joegraduate, Lendude, Jons, dawehner, alexpott, larowlan:...
- 39110888 - Issue #3210888 by longwave: Undefined static method Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::serialize()
- 07905362 - Issue #3163487 by sudiptadas19, IT-Cru, raman.b, idebr, dawehner: Breadcrumb:...
- 50b89413 - Issue #3212547 by Spokje, quietone, alexpott, longwave: cspell Dictionaries...
- 0ed127e8 - Issue #3211601 by bnjmnm, nod_, zrpnr, lauriii: Update jQuery to version 3.6.0
- c2103890 - Issue #3210913 by quietone, Wim Leers, paulocs: DbDumpCommand fails when data...
- 996b3578 - Issue #3210372 by pfrenssen, claudiu.cristea: Fatal error when passing...
- d8bba172 - Issue #3190820 by pavnish, WalkingDexter, ayushmishra206, durgeshs, daffie:...
- 35c43b54 - Issue #3025727 by Krzysztof Domański, Matroskeen, alexpott: Using a data...
- d4726b18 - Issue #3213638 by bpstr: Fix incorrect Migration plugin description
- e821dc58 - Issue #3160307 by Hardik_Patel_12, jungle, Kristen Pol, larowlan, catch:...
- ba7c2c58 - Issue #3212005 by guilhermevp, tedbow, phenaproxima: Add @throws docs to...
- af458de2 - Issue #3191061 by jcisio, quietone: Remove todo in class Drupal\Core\Routing\RequestContext
- bf132da9 - Issue #3207405 by Nikhil Banait, Gauravmahlawat, Abhijith S: Add 'Reset'...
- db54bf04 - Issue #3132778 by kim.pepper, quietone, jungle, daffie: Replace usages of...
- eddba9a3 - Issue #3193189 by quietone, jibran: Get only translations for localized...
- 16ba314e - Issue #2742997 by andypost, wizonesolutions, erozqba, naveenvalecha, johanv,...
- 3ccf8445 - Issue #3208000 by Gauravmahlawat, mherchel: remove toolbar.html.twig template as #3174422 is fixed
- 35021980 - Issue #2909369 by Spokje, alexpott, longwave, mfernea: Fix...
- f5d9fec8 - Issue #3123070 by Spokje, msuthars, quietone, longwave, jungle: Fix...
- baa711c9 - Issue #3107130 by PCate, kishor_kolekar, ravi.shankar, Vidushi Mehta,...
- 58fb7f8d - Issue #3176361 by alexpott, naresh_bavaskar, longwave: Remove semi-colon from...
- 573e752f - Issue #3209628 by longwave, rachel_norfolk, antiorario, phenaproxima,...
- d2647ca5 - Issue #3213022 by andypost, jhodgdon: When generating link to non-existent...
- b50a4ddb - Issue #3184527 by webflo: Reduce cache variations in locale cache
- 85ee5e16 - Issue #3209618 by catch, longwave, Neslee Canil Pinto, daffie, andypost, Gábor...
- a9fbf270 - Issue #3214234 by alexpott: Add core/class_aliases.php
- b9f132b7 - Issue #2969190 by manish.upadhyay, ranjith_kumar_k_u, Neslee Canil Pinto,...
- a6124cc0 - Issue #3190815 by Wim Leers, quietone, NickDickinsonWilde, benjifisher,...
- 201212c8 - Issue #3177660 by mondrake, andypost, anmolgoyal74, daffie, alexpott: Remove...
- 36353733 - Issue #3210632 by Spokje, longwave, daffie: Update dependencies for Drupal 9.2
- 3379d012 - Issue #3210633 by Spokje, bnjmnm, longwave, zrpnr: Update JavaScript dependencies for Drupal 9.2
- a4715517 - Issue #3214308 by longwave, alexpott: Merge class_aliases.php into bootstrap.inc
- 13c58551 - Issue #3211838 by mondrake, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of...
- 6802ea33 - Issue #3207968 by quietone, longwave, Spokje: Replace @codingStandards...
- 1c94be4a - Issue #3126747 by phenaproxima, tim.plunkett, TR, Spokje:...
- 8db131bd - Issue #3214412 by bnjmnm, tedbow: Build + prettier not run after yarn dependency update 3210633
- 9630f296 - Issue #3051766 by bnjmnm, alexpott, Oleksiy, finnsky, zrpnr, jungle, Wim...
- 8dbd33a7 - Issue #3144854 by Spokje, bnjmnm, mherchel, zrpnr, komalk, Kristen Pol: Remove...
- 7d68989b - Issue #3210443 by mherchel, bnjmnm, andy-blum, guilhermevp, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 3f75f72d - Issue #3131281 by mondrake, rahulrasgon, longwave, ridhimaabrol24,...
- 4a72cc31 - Issue #3207734 by Spokje, quietone: Fix Drupal.Commenting.InlineVariableComment
- 3872f1a8 - Issue #3139404 by mondrake, munish.kumar, pavnish, longwave: [May 25, 2021]...
- 0999af5d - Issue #3215039 by andypost: Update symfony dependencies to latest release
- 25de8095 - Issue #3173012 by mherchel, kiran.kadam911, andy-blum, Gauravmahlawat,...
- a442cd75 - Issue #3200628 by tushar_sachdeva, chetanbharambe, mherchel: Olivero's small...
- 31533404 - Issue #3213557 by Sakthivel M, guilhermevp, tushar_sachdeva: Display title...
- 88a03eab - Issue #3214920 by catch, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy: Increase DRUPAL_RECOMMENDED_PHP to 7.4
- a5103bb8 - Issue #3191782 by quietone, Wim Leers, mohit_aghera: Fix dependency in d6 user...
- 30e300fe - Issue #3109767 by quietone, mtodor, Kristen Pol, larowlan: Unable generate...
- 40dabffe - Issue #3204461 by quietone, larowlan: Avoid error from sort in ValidateMigrationStateTestTrait
- 98a653c2 - Issue #3195888 by alexpott, quietone: Check dependencies are correct in...
- 24494c2e - Issue #3189463 by quietone, Wim Leers, adityasingh, ayushmishra206: all...
- 9ec511c8 - Issue #1870006 by nod_, BarisW, alwaysworking, Renrhaf, pk188,...
- 0daba4e9 - Issue #3214140 by Gauravmahlawat, manojithape, mitthukumawat: Olivero: Message...
- f3ad0680 - Issue #3133162 by jungle, ravi.shankar, Deepak Goyal, Neslee Canil Pinto,...
- 3066423e - Issue #3186661 by Spokje, longwave, mondrake, paulocs, daffie: [May 24, 2021]...
- f8818603 - Issue #3202493 by jenniferaube, vsujeetkumar, Sakthivel M, bnjmnm,...
- 9eb49dd8 - Issue #3215916 by catch, larowlan: Update ckeditor to 4.16.1
- a5bb99c9 - Issue #3215929 by larowlan, Spokje, effulgentsia: Fix CKEditor versions
- a5f6cea0 - Issue #3186364 by effulgentsia, longwave, xjm, jungle, alexpott,...
- b1886b97 - Issue #3215280 by longwave, effulgentsia: Bump minimum dependencies required for tests to pass
- 1e3b4928 - Issue #3209617 by longwave, daffie, catch: [Symfony 6]...
- 09345e1f - Issue #3213295 by effulgentsia, tedbow, longwave, Spokje, xjm, catch: Update...
- 2c709ec1 - Issue #3214565 by Spokje, longwave, alexpott, Lendude: [random test failure]...
- 8b8fc1ef - Issue #3162016 by longwave, andypost, Hardik_Patel_12, catch, alexpott,...
- 89fcf77b - Issue #3215830 by longwave: Symfony 6 KernelEvent bridge is incompatible with...
- ab49a62b - Issue #84883 by quietone, alexpott, DuaelFr, scor, roderik, TR, pillarsdotnet,...
- 63c14b7c - Issue #3216088 by Spokje, xjm, longwave: Update Symfony 5 components to 5.3
- 9306f069 - Revert "Issue #3162016 by longwave, andypost, Hardik_Patel_12, catch,...
- 1952f640 - Issue #3217322 by effulgentsia, xjm, Gábor Hojtsy: Update dependencies except...
- 5be50483 - Issue #3174200 by mondrake, longwave: Use PHPUnit-bridge polyfills for forward compatibility layer
- 1926ec30 - Issue #3214487 by paulocs, vakulrai, vetal4ik, manojithape, nishantghetiya,...
- 431f9150 - Issue #3067116 by oknate, nishantghetiya, dww, naresh_bavaskar, effulgentsia:...
- 23dcd9dc - Issue #3202818 by Spokje, mherchel, Gábor Hojtsy, catch, Wim Leers, shaal,...
- 23d59bba - Issue #3122056 by Wim Leers, mohit_aghera, Kristen Pol: Do not track viewing...
- 63c54d94 - Issue #3217709 by sudiptadas19, mondrake: Replace usages of assertRegExp(), that is deprecated
- af924ba2 - Issue #3217712 by sudiptadas19, mondrake: Replace usages of...
- bfe59b21 - Issue #2922570 by Berdir, paulocs, anmolgoyal74, dww, ravi.shankar, tobiasb,...
- 50981069 - Issue #3217711 by Spokje, sudiptadas19, guilhermevp, mondrake: Replace usages...
- 0cd1d38b - Issue #2396145 by dww, Dom., mgifford, Pancho, idebr, vdanielpop, specky_rum,...
- cf221c04 - Issue #3214773 by jmsosso, Spokje: Wrong type hint for getActiveMultiple() and...
- caac9c9f - Issue #3084436 by longwave, simonminter, Spokje, alexpott, alisonjo315,...
- 00b7574f - Issue #3210898 by quietone, BhumikaVarshney: Combine tests using...
- 2cab2f40 - Issue #2977495 by alexfarr, Sam152, Neslee Canil Pinto, timmillwood, alexpott:...
- 2d2fe313 - Issue #3217713 by guilhermevp, vsujeetkumar, mondrake, sudiptadas19,...
- c7f050d5 - Issue #3218024 by Charlie ChX Negyesi, longwave, Berdir: Field called "link"...
- ee6a1a71 - Issue #3213734 by longwave, mondrake: AssertButtonsTrait has invalid PHP syntax
- a6ee84df - Issue #2726881 by jcisio, joachim: Remove pager from admin field list
- ca836396 - Issue #3134554 by Matroskeen, larowlan, paulocs, aluzzardi, phenaproxima,...
- 8e58cdb8 - Issue #3213616 by n4r3n, Wim Leers, quietone: Map all Datetime module's field...
- bb180f95 - Issue #3211072 by mstrelan: ModeratedContentController has an unlisted dependency on node.module
- a9af2c66 - Issue #3116804 by dww, tedbow, benjifisher, heddn, xjm, jungle: Add tedbow and...
- ee93cbc7 - Issue #3217716 by sudiptadas19, Meenakshi_j, hmendes, guilhermevp, mondrake:...
- caa48454 - Issue #3012172 by acbramley: EntityViewBuilder::addContextualLinks assumes an...
- d0e404c8 - Issue #3218139 by gapple, longwave: Stop altering existing Permissions-Policy...
- 53c2be87 - Issue #3217732 by bnjmnm, Wim Leers: filterStatus behavior can't find settings...
- e587d1e7 - Issue #3217714 by mondrake, ravi.shankar, guilhermevp, longwave: Replace...
- 9edbbe5a - Issue #3215198 by phma: Thumbnail updates read width and height from source...
- 93d251d7 - Issue #2716019 by joseph.olstad, rodrigoaguilera, _Archy_, Lendude, mdupont,...
- 88fa77b4 - Issue #3218586 by mondrake: Missed one conversion to expectWarning()
- 116ebd1e - Issue #3217706 by Spokje, longwave, guilhermevp, mondrake: Replace usages of...
- ff8ead85 - Issue #2359675 by Grimreaper, jhedstrom, paulocs, anrikun, Lendude, larowlan,...
- 70175bc0 - Issue #3215611 by alexpott, longwave: Service deprecations are only triggered...
- 6b94f7d8 - Issue #3216552 by andypost, mondrake, Gauravmahlawat, daffie, joachim:...
- 3fb63acc - Issue #3187318 by sudiptadas19, eddie_c, huzooka, anmolgoyal74, quietone, Wim...
- 96477048 - Issue #2927874 by mohit_aghera, ao2, guilhermevp, Gauravmahlawat, larowlan,...
- a64683e9 - Issue #3218658 by nod_: Update @drupal/once to 1.0.1
- 846675a5 - Issue #3217861 by jhodgdon: Documentation needed in...
- ea475b41 - Issue #3092553 by amateescu, dixon_, shaal, xjm, ckrina, jrockowitz, webchick,...
- cc594d5e - Issue #3217357 by Anandhi K, jungle, Rinku Jacob 13, longwave: Replace...
- c1730d95 - Issue #3064596 by neclimdul, quietone: Avoid format calls in DateTimePlus::createFromFormat
- 518bcc2a - Issue #3214395 by YesCT, paulocs: Add ModuleUninstallValidatorInterface hint to hook_uninstall docs
- c5820b9a - Issue #3177415 by ramil g, joelpittet, jplana, kishor_kolekar: Vertical Tabs...
- acbf5152 - Issue #3097416 by b_sharpe, phenaproxima, Chris Burge, seanB, webchick,...
- 5962e90b - Issue #3208373 by pac, joachim: LanguageNegotiationContentEntity description...
- cc5b85ed - Issue #3212747 by Tom Konda: Unneeded BABEL_ENV is configured on CSS compile...
- 37bd3765 - Issue #3124762 by Spokje, dww, johnwebdev, paulocs, piyuesh23, Suresh Prabhu...
- 3bfedda4 - Issue #3213621 by huzooka: Fix D7 migration database fixture (to follow...
- e48dcff4 - Issue #2879159 by Spokje, LoMo, ravi.shankar, quietone, mondrake: Some calls...
- ba1ff55e - Issue #3053167 by quietone, marvil07: Move state entries out of migrate_drupal.migrate_drupal.yml
- 8cc548c0 - Issue #3219541 by tunic, longwave: Remove redundant call...
- 878d3590 - Issue #3036593 by bbrala, gabesullice, BryanRice, anmolgoyal74, effulgentsia,...
- 1d5e219f - Issue #3156396 by TR, pavnish, mondrake, longwave, catch, jungle: Use...
- f992a8bf - Issue #3183036 by claudiu.cristea, jibran, Berdir: Don't instantiate access...
- ca2c3d48 - Issue #2228087 by quietone, longwave, Kristen Pol, jungle, VladimirAus,...
- 026280b8 - Issue #3215143 by paulocs, daffie: Replace replace assertEqual() in some comments
- 0211e1eb - Issue #3067727 by jhodgdon, batigolix, shetpooja04, NitinLama, Pooja Ganjage,...
- 49eb106b - Issue #3175718 by mondrake, alexpott, jungle, longwave: Random fails due to...
- acb621d0 - Issue #3048848 by jmikii, carletex, andypost, sulfikar_s, mrinalini9,...
- b796e377 - Issue #2511892 by bserem, rachel_norfolk, hussainweb, ravi.shankar, mikeker,...
- f29f4a3c - Issue #3094482 by jhodgdon, shetpooja04, Amber Himes Matz, andypost,...
- 0f7faa63 - Issue #3095739 by jhodgdon, siddhant.bhosale, pratik_kamble, andypost,...
- 5b5988c8 - Issue #2819585 by paulocs, LoMo, Patil_kunal27: Identical switch case block in...
- 62430b71 - Issue #2268787 by tim.plunkett: Block plugin forms should not rely on being...
- 1c17abd7 - Issue #3164520 by james.williams, Matroskeen, huzooka, raman.b, quietone,...
- 1640eb23 - Issue #3209353 by Matroskeen, nishantghetiya, quietone: Add documentation for...
- eaf29586 - Issue #3196583 by Matroskeen, Wim Leers, quietone, larowlan: MigrationLookup...
- d88f3348 - Issue #3103031 by quietone, alexpott, heddn, Wim Leers: Add bundle to the...
- 1327c4dd - Issue #3199741 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for remaining source plugins
- c8649779 - Issue #3218968 by alexpott: Support NULL services in the container
- 91b2327c - Issue #2902540 by guilhermevp, Spokje, longwave, quietone, mfernea: Fix...
- 49beb9d8 - Issue #3039074 by claudiu.cristea, longwave, tedbow: Remove drupal_static()...
- 2e7bd804 - Issue #3206293 by tedbow, phenaproxima: Create ProjectRelease class to...
- 671433d1 - Issue #3035174 by tim.plunkett, andypost, ankithashetty, jwwj, mrinalini9,...
- a25c727d - Issue #2124069 by voleger, andypost, martin107, damiankloip, cburschka,...
- f127c934 - Issue #3039055 by claudiu.cristea, tedbow: Remove useless reset of...
- 2c57cbec - Issue #3220450 by xjm, phenaproxima: OEmbed...
- 257efe54 - Issue #3218660 by alexpott: help_topics module can break during module uninstall
- 9f8f38d8 - Issue #2681947 by vasi1186, dan2k3k4, Leksat, Lendude, raman.b, yogeshmpawar,...
- 5dccbedb - Issue #3184542 by jlbellido, mitthukumawat, alexpott: Increase field label maxlength
- 4880807b - Issue #3216106 by paulocs, Gauravmahlawat, guilhermevp, AaronMcHale,...
- 6a533564 - Issue #3210199 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, bnjmnm, thejimbirch: Olivero:...
- 33ba4582 - Issue #2719649 by Spokje, harsha012, jofitz, vprocessor, nikitagupta,...
- b0e23271 - Issue #3173022 by anmolgoyal74, mherchel, andy-blum, vsujeetkumar, hinal05,...
- f65ce593 - Issue #3173008 by anmolgoyal74, mherchel, paulocs, kostyashupenko, FMB,...
- d5ee37a0 - Issue #2946 by chx, michaellenahan, jcnventura, quietone, ifrik, wengerk,...
- 883787ec - Issue #3217374 by bbrala, daffie: SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL does not validate scheme
- 1329479f - Issue #3164686 by mondrake, longwave, alexpott, ridhimaabrol24, anmolgoyal74,...
- c992b724 - Issue #3059984 by quiron, ressa, mindbet, benjifisher, Abhijith S, ckrina,...
- 6999b96b - Issue #3219881 by msnassar: Typo in the description of class MenuLinkContentAccessControlHandler
- 04e3e8d1 - Issue #1478294 by quietone, dww, tedbow: Update manager XML test fixtures...
- 1a2eb13f - Issue #3220184 by bbrala, gabesullice, Wim Leers, e0ipso, xjm, dmsmidt: Add...
- 89e03522 - Issue #3220922 by gabesullice: Remove gabesullice as Decoupled menus initiative coordinator
- a314cb12 - Issue #3216556 by sudiptadas19, mondrake, guilhermevp, daffie, andypost,...
- 53bc00ed - Issue #3202166 by xjm, vakulrai, paulocs, Neslee Canil Pinto, rubenvarela,...
- 831b2081 - Issue #1306624 by quietone, joachim, Spokje:...
- 31614ec2 - Issue #3112783 by amateescu, paulocs, mglaman, guilhermevp, dixon_, Fabianx:...
- 67bfb63d - Issue #3220183 by mondrake, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of...
- f8dbc98a - Issue #3195222 by smulvih2, ankithashetty, manish-31, larowlan, idebr,...
- 7a5addda - Issue #3021804 by andypost, scott_euser, YurkinPark, mrinalini9, voleger,...
- d3dabc46 - Issue #2897638 by Spokje, claudiu.cristea, istavros, PaulDinelle, drclaw,...
- c5886a79 - Issue #2875279 by Spokje, John Cook, jungle, voleger, mradcliffe, mrinalini9,...
- af5f0713 - Issue #3099968 by larowlan, andypost, johnwebdev, acbramley, paulocs,...
- adb24cf8 - Issue #2839558 by tim.plunkett, mohit_aghera, tkoleary, webchick, guilhermevp:...
- 5cc279ba - Issue #3056258 by mohit_aghera, vakulrai, guilhermevp, adalbertov,...
- c1179c93 - Issue #3217717 by longwave, mondrake, tim.plunkett, xjm: Replace usages of the...
- cfca6ce4 - Issue #3037157 by phenaproxima, sudiptadas19, mohit_aghera, xjm, manuel.adan,...
- dbcc1a36 - Issue #3037157 followup by xjm: Fix multi-line array format.
- fae3763c - Issue #3213572 by larowlan, phenaproxima, kim.pepper, xjm, tim.plunkett:...
- 4855e96b - Issue #3191023 by bnjmnm, nod_: Add eslint rules to check for jQuery usage
- 630cd36d - Issue #3208372 by paulocs, mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: Refactor comments.es6.js
- 21c387a6 - Issue #3217175 by javi-er, mherchel: Olivero: Make IE11 close submenu when ESC key is pressed
- 34633c2e - Issue #3212981 by mherchel, Indrajith KB, Gauravmahlawat, andy-blum, lauriii,...
- 4c0fc0e8 - Revert "Issue #3214140 by Gauravmahlawat, manojithape, mitthukumawat: Olivero:...
- b1c2f226 - Issue #3214140 by Gauravmahlawat, manojithape, mitthukumawat, tstoeckler:...
- 55361f84 - Issue #3213074 by mherchel, Indrajith KB, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: Refactor...
- 75103040 - Issue #3212073 by Sakthivel M, kiran.kadam911, javi-er, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 5245bd86 - Issue #2725539 by BarisW, djsagar, mgifford, andrewmacpherson: Hover/Active...
- 98e3b4cb - Issue #3211907 by Sakthivel M, tushar_sachdeva: On Mobile screens, tags label...
- 684f19be - Issue #3213957 by Gauravmahlawat, mitthukumawat, Indrajith KB: Umami demo:...
- 9a746491 - Issue #3213118 by Gauravmahlawat, Sakthivel M, Akhildev.cs, mherchel: Olivero:...
- 9c41e6ef - Issue #3210902 by mherchel, tushar_sachdeva, kostyashupenko, RenatoG,...
- 51a82dbf - Issue #3211889 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Autoprefixer and PostCSS calc not...
- 61ebd080 - Issue #3200370 by mherchel, imalabya, KapilV, Indrajith KB, lauriii, alexpott,...
- 83171724 - Issue #3021803 by alexpott, AaronBauman, effulgentsia, longwave, dawehner,...
- 052816d2 - Issue #3014051 by tedbow, mitrpaka, govind.maloo, Suresh Prabhu Parkala,...
- e182007f - Issue #3174107 by brianperry, mglaman, mtift, alexpott, mradcliffe,...
- 893e3799 - Issue #2226811 by mohit_aghera, catch, Désiré, guilhermevp: FieldItemBase type...
- e5644666 - Revert "Issue #3174107 by brianperry, mglaman, mtift, alexpott, mradcliffe,...
- 37e35de9 - Issue #3221206 by quietone, guilhermevp: Fix indentation in user.role.content_editor.yml
- 45515dba - Issue #3173010 by Gauravmahlawat, starshaped: Class clean up and add #0c0d0e...
- b83ab65d - Issue #3212702 by Sakthivel M, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: profile picture and...
- 3d6974d0 - Issue #3129666 by lokeshsahu, diqidoq, andrewmacpherson: Site branding block...
- b76f7021 - Issue #3212700 by Sakthivel M, chetanbharambe, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: focus...
- 88968d75 - Issue #3211613 by Gauravmahlawat, Sakthivel M, chetanbharambe: Olivero:...
- 54781848 - Issue #1551534 by Lendude, vsujeetkumar, neclimdul, b_sharpe, devert, bcn,...
- 7bc0a6d7 - Issue #1882552 by andypost, phenaproxima, voleger, tedbow, alexpott,...
- e595a453 - Issue #3174107 by brianperry, mglaman, alexpott, mtift, mradcliffe, mherchel,...
- e4284d2d - Issue #3091870 by tedbow, phenaproxima, alexpott, bnjmnm, tim.plunkett,...
- abc2310b - Issue #1884836 by Lendude, cilefen, pwolanin, mgifford, alexpott: replace md5...
- 84f11341 - Issue #3091870 followup by effulgentsia, alexpott: Remove dead code.
- 4fef3bdd - Issue #3221258 by alexpott, AaronMcHale, benjifisher: Fix content editor role...
- 4f77a103 - Issue #3039039 by claudiu.cristea, pguillard, Hardik_Patel_12, tedbow, xjm,...
- df19e701 - Issue #3218766 by tim.plunkett, gabesullice: Adding a SystemMainBlock to a...
- 26c6cd60 - Issue #3221149 by claudiu.cristea, tim.plunkett, guilhermevp, alexpott,...
- 4e5f54f4 - Issue #3195178 by mstrelan, Lendude, Graber, tobiberlin, texas-bronius: Views...
- 953fef70 - Issue #3222009 by Jaypan: Fix documentation for hook_views_query_alter()
- d523586d - Issue #2725435 by guilhermevp, naveenvalecha, andypost, bradjones1: Remove...
- f0a97d0c - Issue #3173832 by Pooja Ganjage, mherchel, adamzimmermann, paulocs, KapilV,...
- 12aec14a - Issue #2750925 by quietone, vakulrai, pavnish, Neslee Canil Pinto,...
- cfafb873 - Issue #3222168 by hmendes, kriboogh, longwave, pookmish: Replace...
- c1c5f346 - Issue #3218711 by paulocs, larowlan: Add a test case for when Maximum upload size is '300 0'
- bd04c705 - Issue #3221493 by phenaproxima, tedbow, guilhermevp: Add test coverage for...
- b36543da - Issue #2715145 by andypost, phenaproxima, longwave, alexpott, RenatoG,...
- 6bd1cdb6 - Issue #3220956 by sudiptadas19, Anandhi Karnan, Meenakshi_j, guilhermevp,...
- 3a5c1135 - Issue #2758357 by guilhermevp, quietone, Wim Leers, longwave, dawehner,...
- 6a0d497e - Issue #3180382 by phenaproxima, dww, tedbow: UpdateManagerUpdate doesn't need...
- cd796b6d - Issue #3222486 by Chris Matthews: Make remote video field mapping field labels...
- 3fb0eded - Issue #2560447 by bojanz, longwave: Remove the undocumented, untested views_form_callback API
- 0f22eb1c - Issue #1932810 by Berdir, jibran, joegraduate, joelpittet, JeroenT, RenatoG,...
- e3dd03cf - Issue #3222465 by effulgentsia: Use test config rather than system config in MenuUiNodeTypeTest
- 88498c78 - Issue #2556069 by claudiu.cristea, bnjmnm, lauriii, pfrenssen, Tim Bozeman,...
- e76b29a0 - Issue #3222783 by longwave, mondrake: Result of method...
- 190f1555 - Issue #3222282 by imalabya: Remove todo in media_library.module
- 477095b7 - Issue #1479220 by sudiptadas19, guilhermevp, InternetDevels, paulocs, David...
- 146249c8 - Issue #3080666 by phenaproxima, Upchuk, ieguskiza, ravi.shankar, nikitagupta,...
- 4067ac09 - Revert "Issue #3080666 by phenaproxima, Upchuk, ieguskiza, ravi.shankar,...
- cffb02aa - Issue #2571235 by alexpott, claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, gabesullice,...
- b27e6a8c - Issue #2834958 by huzooka, Chris Burge, alfaguru, Wim Leers, Lendude:...
- fa3995b5 - Issue #3220379 by guilhermevp, quietone, joachim: example code for...
- 3e4b17a7 - Issue #2669074 by kim.pepper, Berdir, gaydabura, andypost, ravi.shankar,...
- 0926b0cc - Issue #3221933 by marcoscano, alexpott, owenbush: PHP Notice when using...
- 101d892a - Issue #3222313 by paulocs: Rename scripts.js to something more descriptive
- 69772dbf - Issue #3222980 by bbrala: Unneeded assignment in ResourceTestBase::getEntityDuplicate
- 7de8fc1f - Issue #3215836 by guilhermevp, imalabya, swatichouhan012, AJV009, joachim,...
- dc9a09e8 - Issue #3207111 by guilhermevp, swatichouhan012, joachim: Improve...
- bb02eb5f - Issue #3080666 by phenaproxima, Upchuk, ieguskiza, larowlan, ravi.shankar,...
- 0e9bec38 - Issue #3037202 by claudiu.cristea, vsujeetkumar, Hardik_Patel_12, longwave,...
- 7a1c9962 - Issue #3221966 by guilhermevp, anweshasinha, Berdir:...
- d5968330 - Issue #3192585 by andypost, ankithashetty, Amber Himes Matz: Fix up topics to...
- 167686b8 - Issue #3186415 by phenaproxima, Charlie ChX Negyesi, walangitan, pianomansam,...
- 213a5659 - Issue #3207782 by nod_, bnjmnm, jptaranto: Add BC layer between @drupal/once and jQuery.once
- 29bead48 - Issue #3223314 by andy-blum, imalabya, mherchel: olivero.libraries.yml needs...
- 3f8a67e0 - Issue #2830352 by quietone, cebasqueira, Matroskeen, xjm: Upgrade links point to D7 documentation
- 76b129c1 - Issue #3156244 by ravi.shankar, Deepak Goyal, Kumar Kundan, vakulrai,...
- c671ff18 - Issue #3185768 by alexpott, longwave, Berdir: Optimise container compiler passes for install
- d8ab4a9e - Issue #3185400 by mondrake, alexpott, daffie: Test upsert return value and...
- e2cbb459 - Issue #3219198 by guilhermevp, hideaway, bradjones1: PHPdoc parameter mistype...
- e8ff8ea1 - Issue #2412669 by claudiu.cristea, Julfabre, sidharrell, catch, daffie,...
- 1110b04d - Issue #2347783 by kim.pepper, andypost, almaudoh, gumanist, aleevas,...
- 02e787a5 - Issue #3215397 by dpi, dhirendra.mishra, longwave: Service tag priority does...
- e41394ec - Issue #2935654 by longwave, hctom: Use of undefined $languages variable in...
- d6e4a299 - Issue #3223016 by kim.pepper, Berdir, andypost, daffie: Deprecate file_build_uri()
- 8abf81e7 - Issue #3223267 by alexpott, daffie: Remove some calls to drupal_flush_all_caches() in tests
- b6efcaf6 - Issue #3160238 by JeroenT, phenaproxima, vsujeetkumar, ravi.shankar,...
- 87d16e4c - Issue #3223270 by mherchel, javi-er: Olivero: Messages "close" icon not...
- c39fc11e - SA-CORE-2021-004 by mcdruid, michieltcs, xjm, Heine, larowlan
- 3a4c1714 - Issue #3224199 by mondrake: Connection::$temporaryNameIndex should be deprecated
- fd0b13a8 - Issue #3224245 by alexpott: Open MySQL connection using \PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES
- 38c6162c - Issue #3224861 by Spokje: PHPCS failure in /core/modules/tour/src/TourViewBuilder.php
- 92a87eac - Issue #3224583 by daffie, dhirendra.mishra, longwave: The testbot does not run...
- a4629b22 - Issue #3184184 by quietone, Wim Leers, marvil07: Test that the...
- 1e4bd68b - Issue #3018091 by guilhermevp, vacho, shubhangi1995, joachim, longwave,...
- 52f5af29 - Issue #3203416 by guilhermevp, joachim: docs for...
- 4988dcf9 - Issue #2926729 by bircher, daffie, vsujeetkumar: Rename...
- 71522f2a - Issue #3224000 by alexpott, longwave, andypost: Update dependencies for Drupal 9.3
- d2462e3d - Issue #3225351 by mglaman: bootstrap.php has incorrect comment about test trait namespace
- fd58fbe7 - Issue #3222577 by alexpott, podarok, daffie: ServiceNotFoundException You have...
- f87d33ac - Issue #2966043 by phenaproxima, owenbush, a.dmitriiev, marcoscano, tapscolaM,...
- 913a9ebd - Issue #3222632 by phenaproxima, imalabya, longwave, catch, larowlan: oEmbed...
- 686951d3 - Issue #3153469 by longwave, hmendes, Hardik_Patel_12: Remove uses of t() in clickLink() calls
- c5a6d1d8 - Issue #3221062 by SylvainM, joachim: DocBlock for...
- 6335af17 - Issue #3221312 by Spokje: ->willReturn(...) would make more sense here
- cf237624 - Issue #2784203 by anmolgoyal74, gianani, rahulkhandelwal1990, Krzysztof...
- 16f9ca27 - Issue #778346 by vsujeetkumar, xjm, dhirendra.mishra, pillarsdotnet,...
- 068f00c4 - Issue #3191935 by mondrake, tedbow, xjm, alexpott, longwave: Replace usages of...
- fc51b4b1 - Issue #3105318 by bbrala, mglaman, ravi.shankar, Wim Leers, gabesullice,...
- ee952325 - Issue #3187315 by xjm, longwave: Remove mink-goutte-driver as a core dependency
- 65fb3829 - Issue #3224420 by andypost, longwave, daffie: [PHP 8.1] Exception codes should...
- 16edf0a2 - Issue #3224530 by phenaproxima, effulgentsia: Pass the media library state object to createAccess()
- 37263338 - Issue #3225812 by larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, catch, andypost: Add lifecycle_link key to info.yml files
- 3071938a - Issue #3219088 by nod_, Tom Konda, longwave, alexpott, justafish: Use...
- acb41b77 - Issue #3225947 by larowlan, longwave: Remove redundant...
- 9ac02c43 - Issue #3224592 by alexpott, daffie:...
- a0a22f8d - Issue #3180351 by longwave, alexpott, daffie, catch, andypost, Charlie ChX...
- 9674e3a4 - Issue #3063343 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, larowlan, seanB, effulgentsia: Make...
- 66ba9753 - Issue #3127716 by puddyglum, quietone: Documentation typo in PathValidator.php
- 022284b1 - Issue #3162016 by longwave, andypost, Hardik_Patel_12, catch, alexpott,...
- 6f3a08fc - Issue #3226516 by Spokje, longwave: Unneeded double $this->drupalGet in...
- fe09f58c - Issue #2993647 by AdamPS, alexpott, ravi.shankar, jonathanshaw, donquixote,...
- aea32e8a - Issue #3224478 by ankithashetty, varshith, longwave, platinum1: Update HTML...
- 5a3a0aba - Issue #3222616 by phenaproxima, vsujeetkumar, labboy0276, hmendes, cilefen:...
- 58a4457b - Issue #3224414 by alexpott, varshith, dagmar, daffie: Installing the syslog...
- bcfecbbf - Issue #3131900 by mondrake, longwave, xjm, alexpott: Refactor assertions that...
- 5cd5a9d0 - Issue #3002352 by longwave, andypost, gabesullice, googletorp, daffie,...
- 3e5c6f51 - Issue #3196470 by mxr576, longwave:...
- 6f48525b - Issue #3220255 by mondrake, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of...
- 5d7ae059 - Issue #2047119 by fago, msankhala, LinL: Remove deprecated documentation in DataType annotation
- 22a69328 - Issue #3225779 by alexpott, srilakshmier, ravi.shankar, daffie: Provide sort...
- 89da8c8d - Issue #3170396 by mondrake, longwave: Remove uses of t() in assert(No)Raw() calls
- 4b4895c0 - Issue #2989893 by ankithashetty, srilakshmier, quietone, firfin, longwave:...
- a227db18 - Issue #3021833 by pavnish, andypost, munish.kumar, kim.pepper, googletorp,...
- a1f84940 - Issue #3226106 by Spokje, longwave:...
- bd272a4c - Issue #2508866 by paulocs, slashrsm, raman.b, vakulrai, justanothermark,...
- 139f9114 - Issue #838992 by alexpott, Charlie ChX Negyesi, daffie, Damien Tournoud, sun,...
- e33e4c71 - Issue #3227060 by mondrake, daffie: Replace usages of...
- a983c280 - Issue #3069260 by quietone, andypost, guilhermevp, anmolgoyal74,...
- ce79d799 - Issue #3227036 by xjm, dww: Remove QuickEdit from the Standard profile
- 0aed1298 - Issue #3226008 by longwave, mondrake: Remove simple uses of t() in assertEquals() calls
- 71e8db19 - Issue #3139409 by mondrake, nitesh624, ridhimaabrol24, shobhit_juyal,...
- 30261da4 - Issue #2293257 by quietone, rpayanm, Gauravmahlawat, neclimdul: Update Type Hints in DrupalKernel
- 5ac0edd5 - Issue #3226865 by Gauravmahlawat, Indrajith KB, mherchel: Olivero: Button...
- 4f9d3755 - Issue #3226019 by Gauravmahlawat, hmendes, Indrajith KB: Olivero: Update links in template file
- df65e9fb - Issue #3224466 by andy-blum, mherchel: Olivero: <button> elements are not inheriting theme's font
- c12933ff - Issue #3216489 by mherchel, dungahk, andy-blum, Indrajith KB, larowlan:...
- 604fee30 - Revert "Issue #3139409 by mondrake, nitesh624, ridhimaabrol24, shobhit_juyal,...
- 7af1ea2e - Issue #3139409 by mondrake, nitesh624, ridhimaabrol24, shobhit_juyal,...
- 286129f8 - Issue #3022910 by quietone, juampynr, chandrashekhar_srijan, alisonjo315,...
- 8a40e427 - Issue #3183149 by nod_, droplet, jptaranto: Deprecate jquery.once and use the new once lib
- 45d92a93 - Issue #3225188 by mherchel, dipakmdhrm, Gauravmahlawat, jwitkowski79: Olivero:...
- 26fed74b - SA-CORE-2021-005 by kkrzton, cilefen, xjm, Wim Leers, neclimdul
- 26327f96 - Issue #3186184 by phenaproxima, larowlan, xavier.masson, Berdir, mstrelan,...
- 150da35a - Issue #3227945 by cilefen, Wim Leers: Remove bender-runner.config.json from CKEditor builds
- 694650fa - Issue #2032893 by Thomas Brekelmans, srilakshmier, longwave, Mile23, dawehner,...
- 49c7be85 - Issue #3028664 by averagejoe3000, phenaproxima, nathandentzau, alexpott: Log...
- 98070c8f - Issue #3228140 by Gauravmahlawat, kiran.kadam911, andrewmacpherson: Remove...
- b8abdeb3 - Issue #3202145 by kuldeep_mehra27, phenaproxima, bkosborne, Chris Burge:...
- f45d8df4 - Issue #3190070 by Spokje: Incorrect comment indentation in default.services.yml
- 2eebc002 - Issue #3228237 by DamienMcKenna, quietone: Always sort tables in db-tools.php dump
- cff1307c - Issue #3218978 by effulgentsia, daffie, mcdruid, Wim Leers: MySQL driver...
- 114e523a - Issue #3054888 by phenaproxima, jcalais, Lendude, jay.dansand: oEmbed...
- 2771c38e - Issue #3228145 by Gauravmahlawat, mherchel: Remove misleading "toggle" phrase...
- ee92f203 - Issue #3227513 by shaal, xjm, kjay, markconroy: Remove QuickEdit from the Umami demo profile
- 7d95d089 - Issue #3228396 by paul121: Update link to ChromeDriver site
- 30fc03b1 - Issue #3227386 by Wim Leers: Follow-up for #3072702: simplify BaseThemeMissingTest
- b85fb24c - Issue #2591827 by longwave, neclimdul, elachlan, daffie: Add YAML linting to...
- 8dea1fb4 - Issue #3227549 by huzooka, Wim Leers: Sql id map plugin's getRowByDestination...
- 5698e6fb - Issue #3212975 by marcoscano, mherchel, thejimbirch, Gauravmahlawat, geekygnr,...
- d51a1dbb - Issue #3227427 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: <summary> focus state is...
- c96121da - Issue #3223332 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, imalabya, andrewmacpherson:...
- 0c9dfc7d - Issue #3223268 by javi-er, dhirendra.mishra, mherchel: Olivero: IE11 primary...
- 4f8c468f - Issue #3221871 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, W01F, nod_: Olivero: Mobile menu...
- fa0b720e - Issue #3226704 by mherchel, Abhijith S, lauriii, Gauravmahlawat, Indrajith KB:...
- 75394d6d - Issue #3212120 by kiran.kadam911, kostyashupenko, tushar_sachdeva,...
- 185cded0 - Issue #3221715 by nod_, brianperry: Add brianperry as coordinator for the...
- fdfc5c6e - Issue #3228656 by bradjones1, Spokje: Remove outdated @todo in HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor
- 492b7a18 - Issue #2473875 by znerol, alexpott, andypost, kim.pepper, amit.drupal,...
- 4122e26f - Revert "Issue #3022910 by quietone, juampynr, chandrashekhar_srijan,...
- 923b2e65 - Issue #2133215 by alexpott, dww, uplex_slink, dawehner, daffie, daniel.bosen,...
- 9b0462f1 - Issue #3228963 by el7cosmos: Wrong path for Exception message in ThemeExtensionList
- 5787a570 - Issue #987978 by vsujeetkumar, paulocs, ankithashetty, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 7b8ebdec - Issue #3205597 by Prabhat Burnwal, mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, monojithalder,...
- 8fd69fcc - Issue #3229012 by mlncn, wolcen: Fix copy-paste mistake in code comment
- b0f50910 - Issue #3221748 by Dane Powell, longwave, alexpott: drupal/core is implicitly allowed by scaffold
- c63b2cca - Issue #3229665 by dww, alexpott, Spokje:...
- 4894881a - Issue #3229686 by Spokje, dww: Optimize logic in Kernel- and Functional-test...
- e4ce9936 - Issue #3228634 by Spokje, xjm, paulocs, tim.plunkett, Lendude: Move tests for...
- 6951f4d7 - Issue #3225328 by mxr576, Berdir, longwave: Improve page performance by...
- a3f40ba1 - Revert "Issue #3228634 by Spokje, xjm, paulocs, tim.plunkett, Lendude: Move...
- 02bf7534 - Issue #3228634 by Spokje, xjm, paulocs, tim.plunkett, Lendude: Move tests for...
- f928fe9d - Issue #3147244 by bbrala, pavnish, naresh_bavaskar, Wim Leers, alexpott:...
- 117168a8 - Issue #2639382 by mohit_aghera, yogeshmpawar, stomusic, mpdonadio, Abdelrahman...
- 5ff249f5 - Issue #2997123 by jibran, Wim Leers, bbrala, gabesullice, quietone,...
- 4441ddc0 - Issue #3230562 by andypost: Update dependencies for Drupal 9.3
- c1ceedb7 - Issue #3225034 by bbrala: Simplify ResourceTypeRepository control flow for returning cached data
- ca2b60ec - Changed container form element to a details element on content language settings form.
- 7a57b731 - Removed title from content language settings table, as the title is now shown...
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c57953dc...88d83002 - 24 commits from branch
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