Move callback classRemove outside of the loop
Closes #3200706
Merge request reports
added 147 commits
- 6ba07af6 - Issue #3097312 by quietone, Wim Leers, raman.b, benjifisher: Never generate...
- 451d88fc - Issue #3199582 by shriaas2898: hook_field_storage_config_update_forbid example...
- 22178e9a - Issue #3174349 by quietone, itaran, dww, Kristen Pol:...
- b90651ec - Issue #3194350 by mherchel, alexpott, oksana-c, lauriii, jwitkowski79,...
- a11f463c - Issue #2998454 by amateescu, raman.b, Gold, dixon_, catch, Sam152: Make...
- b9527b65 - Issue #3186934 by mondrake, daffie, donquixote, alexpott: Introduce an...
- d9064576 - Issue #2579361 by quietone, ayushmishra206, heddn, jibran, Wim Leers, Lendude,...
- 68a0d5c5 - Issue #3201113 by achap: PhpunitVersionDependentTestCompatibilityTrait has different cases
- cb861af6 - Issue #3184650 by geek-merlin, quietone, benjifisher, alexpott: ContentEntity...
- 77429bb6 - Issue #3200735 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for user, profile...
- 3eb65d9f - Issue #3174832 by pfrenssen, Abhijith S, longwave, alexpott:...
- e6ffcbe6 - Revert "Issue #3174832 by pfrenssen, Abhijith S, longwave, alexpott:...
- fd2093b2 - Issue #3174832 by pfrenssen, Ramya Balasubramanian, longwave, alexpott:...
- 82faa068 - Issue #3159744 by richardbporter: Remove manually specified IDs in EntitySchemaTest
- bdfb2442 - Issue #3200535 by quietone, danflanagan8: Test term parent ID in ContentEntityTest
- 3f239443 - Issue #3200213 by Charlie ChX Negyesi, jhodgdon, longwave, andypost: Document...
- 1eafe4f3 - Issue #3182653 by longwave, Eli-T, devad: PHPUnit 9.4.3 Fatal error: Trait...
- ac6a3c27 - Issue #3113649 by bnjmnm, ayushmishra206, ilgnerfagundes, lauriii, nod_, xjm,...
- c113ee76 - Issue #2402103 by nod_, bnjmnm, larowlan, flxa, anmolgoyal74, droplet, xjm,...
- 18179384 - Issue #3165784 by johnwebdev, boch, longwave, al.iv: LogicException: Cannot...
- caf62d48 - Issue #3200595 by Gauravmahlawat, imalabya, mherchel: Olivero's mobile menu...
- 6ad59e5c - Issue #3200631 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: jQuery UI dialog's select...
- d3919173 - Issue #3191716 by mherchel, Abhijith S, lauriii, andrewmacpherson, katannshaw:...
- 5aaa1d1c - Issue #3192656 by katannshaw, mherchel, adityasingh, kostyashupenko,...
- 31cebd90 - Issue #3192260 by danflanagan8, longwave, jhodgdon, dww: [random test failure]...
- a24595aa - Issue #3201470 by jonathanshaw, catch, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck: Cron...
- 846f70a7 - Issue #3198400 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, longwave: Convert assertions...
- 1e3a25d3 - Issue #3201956 by bogdan.rizescu, joachim: call to mapFromStorageRecords() with a surplus parameter
- c9b25ba1 - Issue #3175953 by quietone, adityasingh, ayushmishra206, benjifisher: Cleanup...
- d864198c - Issue #3095737 by jhodgdon, snehalgaikwad, anmolgoyal74, daffie, DeepaliJ,...
- 05d93ee7 - Issue #3202014 by mondrake, daffie: pager_test_preprocess_pager() should...
- 658f40cf - Issue #3201957 by bogdan.rizescu, joachim: Unused $entities property in ConfigEntityStorage
- 8aec8ce0 - Issue #3196756 by AJV009, Chi: Wrong reference in ConfigInstallerInterface::installDefaultConfig
- e78e5f0a - Issue #3196388 by Gábor Hojtsy, Pooja Ganjage, ranjith_kumar_k_u: Incorrect...
- 280a6958 - Issue #3190268 by mherchel, bnjmnm: Move/remove JavaScript polyfills
- b0b27b61 - Issue #3202040 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: bundle delete forms...
- c28f636e - Issue #3202107 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- 0adbfd4e - Issue #3202787 by richardbporter, longwave: Update @todo comment in FunctionalTestSetupTrait
- de4e494d - Issue #2479607 by sudiptadas19, quietone, amateescu, Lendude, Kristen Pol:...
- a57ebf96 - Issue #2508071 by Pol, mgifford, quietone: Add missing declaration property...
- a32fea10 - Issue #3187113 by longwave: Remove uses of t() in submitForm() calls
- 62d4b7b7 - Issue #2711739 by init90, Sonal.Sangale, dpacassi, ashishdalvi, ankithashetty,...
- 55cfcb4e - Issue #3203366 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: user_is_blocked()...
- ed0e769c - Issue #3203401 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- 1060bab5 - Issue #2917606 by init90, julia_schwarz, thomas.pischke.newscycle, amateescu:...
- a4b9cbf9 - Issue #3202440 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck: field ui...
- 0cbeb4e9 - Issue #3202915 by longwave, mondrake: Convert assertions involving use of...
- d57d5085 - Issue #3203625 by jonathanshaw, guilhermevp: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- ace12566 - Issue #3067609 by quietone, alexpott, justafish, sheanhoxie, flocondetoile,...
- ded22652 - Issue #3199999 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for language source plugins
- 10a6b692 - Issue #3199730 by mohit_aghera, Abhijith S, AJV009, Gauravmahlawat,...
- 28b64254 - Revert "Issue #3199730 by mohit_aghera, Abhijith S, AJV009, Gauravmahlawat,...
- fd76e3a7 - Issue #3203809 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- b34220af - Issue #3169212 by int_ua, Matroskeen, anmolgoyal74, Krzysztof Domański,...
- b9821d10 - Issue #3202963 by guilhermevp: Bundle delete forms should use count query when...
- d2389b2b - Issue #3204138 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- 345c8890 - Issue #2407187 by artem_sylchuk, longwave, Matroskeen, Berdir, Wim Leers,...
- 85e4da64 - Issue #3047722 by jhodgdon, shetpooja04, mohrerao, anmolgoyal74, nitesh624,...
- a89704db - Issue #3203596 by jonathanshaw, amateescu: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- 764efb5a - Issue #3204389 by jonathanshaw, andypost: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- a8e135c8 - Issue #3201714 by jonathanshaw, ravi.shankar, longwave, catch, alexpott:...
- 0ae10cd9 - Issue #3203611 by jcisio: Wrong typehint in \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig::loadByName
- 5f1c26b1 - Issue #3191990 by quietone, marvil07, benjifisher: Simplify code in DrupalSqlBase
- c26cc994 - Issue #3204764 by longwave, mondrake: PHPUnit assertions do not return a value
- 76811397 - Issue #3034324 by BlacKICEUA, nanak: Incorrect PHPDoc comment for public...
- 41409638 - Issue #3008712 by phjou,, msuthars, Sam152, chr.fritsch,...
- 591623af - Issue #3192363 by anmolgoyal74, amateescu: Ensure that moderation can not be...
- 7391c9a7 - Issue #1923816 by alexpott, quietone, ayushmishra206, jhodgdon, chx, Lendude:...
- 833e8dd4 - Issue #3196699 by edysmp: Set the proper handler type names on...
- 07c070f7 - Issue #3186626 by klausi, longwave: Second parameter of ProxyBuilder::build()...
- e3db907a - Issue #3106455 by hash6, Hardik_Patel_12, longwave, alexpott, xjm: Undefined...
- 86c09997 - Issue #3205024 by longwave: Missing use statement in Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql\Connection
- b72bd17c - Issue #3201393 by Lendude, dww, imalabya, dawehner, anmolgoyal74, Abhijith S:...
- c4ffd772 - Issue #2958588 by cainaru, lauriii, DamienMcKenna, longwave, galactus86,...
- cf69c17d - Issue #3198594 by catch, longwave, nikitagupta, alexpott, andypost: Forward...
- da552a6d - Issue #3202808 by andy-blum, mherchel: malformed twig in book-tree tremplate
- ce49ed33 - Issue #3205344 by alexpott: Calling system_requirements() can be expensive -...
- bb06fda7 - Issue #3203147 by richardbporter, ayushmishra206: Update @todo comment in...
- a1ad6186 - Issue #3205029 by longwave: DestinationCategoryTest refers to a non-existent class
- 76ea67a6 - Issue #3205139 by longwave: Refactor away ModuleTestBase::assertTableCount()
- 78f0dc98 - Issue #3204353 by pragati_kanade, ravi.shankar, Chi, longwave: hook_link_alter() wrong example
- 88d4621d - Issue #3203265 by hctom, quietone: Wrong/Missing variable type hint for $row...
- 0e4811d3 - Issue #3090941 by raman.b, breakfull, jmdeleon, amd.miri, tim.plunkett,...
- e6a7697a - Issue #3094366 by mohit_aghera, KittenDestroyer, Berdir, rensingh99: Error...
- 8b6f8eeb - Issue #3204140 by jonathanshaw, catch: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- d2cc9f4c - Issue #2850057 by Munavijayalakshmi, gaurav.kapoor, ankithashetty, Pavan B S,...
- 0a19e636 - Issue #3203369 by jonathanshaw, andypost: EntityQuery accessCheck: aggregator module
- 32e660e9 - Issue #3188654 by kuldeep_mehra27, quietone, ravi.shankar, theking2,...
- 1a90847e - Issue #3204986 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for d7 field source plugins
- da10123d - Issue #3106659 by phenaproxima, aleevas, rajanvalecha12, Drupaldev2013,...
- 42944d29 - Issue #3192903 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat, andrewmacpherson: Mouseout event...
- 7e3e860b - Issue #2903911 by joshmiller, longwave, anmolgoyal74, ankithashetty, init90,...
- e6232caf - Issue #3204220 by longwave, catch: ModuleDependencyMessageTrait is used by...
- 92286933 - Issue #3183301 by mcdruid, longwave, markwittens, nathandentzau, marcaddeo,...
- d717f92e - Issue #2992894 by mohit_aghera, adityasingh, adalbertov, raman.b,...
- a69deb68 - Issue #3160629 by raman.b, tim.plunkett, Berdir: BlockPluginTrait cannot call...
- 54cbc66b - Issue #3202125 by jonathanshaw, Berdir, catch, longwave: EntityQuery...
- 4d613aaf - Issue #3204419 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck: always...
- c838ea56 - Issue #3204163 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: tests should not...
- 1eb084fd - Issue #2160091 by alexpott, dawehner, damiankloip, swentel, sun, moshe...
- 61b0055c - Issue #3206358 by longwave, RenatoG: Remove bag initialization in SessionManager
- 9c99909c - Issue #3206168 by JeroenT, longwave: "install_display_output" expects 2...
- f1fc1bb0 - Issue #3206301 by longwave, RenatoG: Update dependencies for Drupal 9.2
- c17a3e5e - Issue #3207086 by benjifisher, larowlan, mondrake, Spokje: [HEAD BROKEN]...
- 319097ac - Issue #2937858 by SherFengChong, Saviktor, longwave, jhodgdon, catch: Fix...
- 42d9448c - Issue #3207119 by longwave: Fix 'Squiz.WhiteSpace.ScopeKeywordSpacing' coding standard
- 395ef8ed - Issue #2829453 by xjm, quietone, Kristen Pol, catch, jhodgdon: \Drupal still has an @file docblock
- f38e5407 - Issue #3204883 by anmolgoyal74, catch, RenatoG: Move exclusion of taxonomy...
- 85add91f - Issue #3199742 by Matroskeen, ravi.shankar, quietone: Add documentation for block source plugins
- 46922b50 - Issue #2844452 by Eduardo Morales Alberti, longwave, andypost, sanjayk,...
- baae80ea - Revert "Issue #2844452 by Eduardo Morales Alberti, longwave, andypost,...
- e23b9dec - Issue #3200809 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for d6 field source plugins
- 2f72c56b - Issue #3199691 by catch, abhisekmazumdar, longwave: [Symfony 6] Symfony no...
- 305c4355 - Issue #3171827 by mohit_aghera, ankithashetty, jmeijer, jibran:...
- cff8f489 - Issue #3205434 by mherchel, benjifisher, brianperry, mglaman, justafish,...
- ec6111d6 - Issue #2844452 by Eduardo Morales Alberti, longwave, andypost, Wongjn,...
- 40b8a52c - Issue #3206948 by mherchel, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: input[type=color] should...
- d34d4f36 - Issue #3207032 by kostyashupenko, mherchel: Back button, alignment bug in IE11 / Olivero
- dca2d3d9 - Issue #3173900 by mherchel, kuldeep_mehra27, Spokje, nod_, mglaman, droplet:...
- ffd618b4 - Issue #3207477 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: taxonomy storage...
- 270687ba - Issue #2799049 by AaronBauman, jungle, hussainweb, Neograph734, a_mitch,...
- b3337760 - Issue #3202052 by jonathanshaw, andypost: EntityQuery accessCheck: Views...
- f0d78c9b - Issue #3186349 by mherchel, anmolgoyal74, bnjmnm, andrewmacpherson,...
- abe14aca - Issue #3207654 by jonathanshaw, andypost: EntityQuery accessCheck: more aggregator fixes
- 087844e8 - Revert "Issue #2799049 by AaronBauman, jungle, hussainweb, Neograph734,...
- 08775ed9 - Issue #3207308 by longwave: Fix 'Generic.Formatting.DisallowMultipleStatements' coding standard
- 6a94aa71 - Issue #3123058 by longwave, jungle, xjm, daffie: Fix...
- 230a5444 - Issue #3182970 by acbramley, paulocs, vakulrai, chandrashekhar_srijan, dww,...
- 6cceec0a - Issue #2799049 by AaronBauman, jungle, hussainweb, Neograph734, a_mitch, dww,...
- 60dc1726 - Issue #2414019 by Hardik_Patel_12, mpp, swelljoe, jungle, quietone,...
- 389ecddc - Issue #3191077 by mherchel, ranjith_kumar_k_u, proeung, Gauravmahlawat,...
- c48892a4 - Issue #3186821 by mohit_aghera, Dom., ankithashetty, Kristen Pol: Attribute...
- 2923afb1 - Issue #3208266 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: installation code...
- c75b6a4f - Issue #3208225 by alexpott, Spokje: Do less unnecessary work in FieldHelpTest
- bb840755 - Issue #2927500 by quietone, ridhimaabrol24, kristiaanvandeneynde,...
- aed11d0a - Issue #3208286 by mherchel: Olivero: "topLevelMenuITem" variable should be "topLevelMenuItem"
- 386c3292 - Issue #3120301 by alexpott, zestagio, Wim Leers: RoutePreloader: prevent...
- 6bfe3edb - Issue #3208222 by jibran: Tables::addNextBaseTable() doesn't use square brackets syntax
- 7fc45bec - Issue #3199428 by clayfreeman, quietone: Remove testing the internals of...
- 17cf21fc - Issue #3206939 by Matroskeen, quietone: Add documentation for Migrate and...
- 30cce272 - Issue #3113798 by dww, tedbow, quietone: Remove unused (and generally wrong)...
- 8875009c - Issue #3188938 by bnjmnm, lauriii, alexpott, zrpnr: Create AjaxCommand for...
- 4f5c7ab6 - Issue #3136107 by himanshu_sindhwani, lauriii, Spokje, RoshniPatel.addweb,...
- 9a5e9c24 - Issue #2944846 by quietone, masipila, jibran, jhodgdon, heddn, phenaproxima:...
- 3cc73e5a - Issue #3208265 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- b675cca6 - Issue #3208267 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck:...
- 19862204 - Move callback classRemove outside of the loop
Toggle commit listadded 147 commits
19862204...57e24f22 - 146 commits from branch
- 9274f75a - Move callback classRemove outside of the loop
19862204...57e24f22 - 146 commits from branch
added 5846 commits
9274f75a...88d83002 - 59 commits from branch
- 88d83002...29756947 - 5777 earlier commits
- 3bc3652d - Issue #3482783 by phenaproxima, alexpott: Consider making the cloneAs config...
- bed6f440 - Issue #3479205 by alexpott, phenaproxima, catch: Wire Composer Stager into...
- 21b6e13c - Issue #3474978 by mondrake, quietone: Method getMockForAbstractClass() is...
- 2277edbc - Issue #3478200 by quietone, alexpott: Fix MissingParamType in core/lib/Drupal/Component
- 50b490ba - Issue #3479887 by bradjones1, mcdruid: CommentUserNameTest::testUsername()...
- aa731ce1 - Issue #3180505 by arunkumark, abhijith s, pcambra, anmolgoyal74, smustgrave,...
- 2832459c - Issue #3323702 by spokje, _pratik_, quietone: Fix PHPStan L2 error "Variable...
- c28f87af - Issue #3481418 by tomdearden, longwave: Typo in error message when MySQL socket connection fails
- e4307bdb - Issue #3483515 by megakeegman, mlncn: D7 node_revision table is referred to as node_revisions
- 2b9caaaf - Updated patch to 11.x
Toggle commit list-
9274f75a...88d83002 - 59 commits from branch
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