Issue #3231341: Deprecate EditorLinkDialog, EditorImageDialog and EditorMediaDialog in Drupal 9, remove in Drupal 10
requested to merge issue/drupal-3231341:3231341-d95-deprecate-editorlinkdialog-editorimagedialog-and-editormediadialog into 9.5.x
Merge request reports
added 10 commits
5669b8d3...42bbd1ad - 8 commits from branch
- 64742368 - First stab
- 2aab99b3 - c/p errors fix
5669b8d3...42bbd1ad - 8 commits from branch
added 214 commits
2aab99b3...c9132c7a - 212 commits from branch
- 1eb88a04 - First stab
- 106358f0 - c/p errors fix
2aab99b3...c9132c7a - 212 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- b38a4e80 - Speak now or be forever silent, in fact, don't even speak now.
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