Issue #3238915: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery ready function to use VanillaJS
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3- #3260032 by longwave, bnjmnm, Wim Leers, samuel.mortenson: CKEditor 5...Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3260032 by longwave, bnjmnm, Wim Leers, samuel.mortenson: CKEditor 5 adds ie11.user.warnings library to every page, triggering a FOUC even for anonymous users
Conflict: This file was added both in the source and target branches, but with different contents.
Ask someone with write access to resolve it.
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ drupal.ckeditor5:
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ drupal.ckeditor5:
deprecated: "Temporary work-around until lands."