- Oct 22, 2012
Issue #1548948 by damiankloip, tim.plunkett: Fixed Add ability for field handlers to declare whether they can be 'grouped by' or not.
Issue #1527778 by damiankloip: View::save needs to check for machine name before saving. Not reliant on vid only.
Issue #1566394 by dawehner | rszrama: Fixed views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max() does not export its subquery_string().
Issue #1621236 by zuuperman, dawehner: Fixed Fatal error on updating display machine name, when blocks module is not installed.
Issue #1661372 by rocket_nova: Fixed Contextual links render incorrectly when the field returns empty.
Rename render_textarea() in text_custom handler to not produce a strict error. Additionally use sanitize_value() instead of direct filter_xss_admin().
Issue #1686798 by tim.plunkett: Added a list of which plugins are from which modules and used in which views.
Issue #1548948 by damiankloip: Added ability for field handlers to declare whether they can be 'grouped by' or not.
Issue #1513126 by damiankloip | mstrelan: Enabling a default view via CTools export UI requires a menu rebuild.
Issue #1368508 by tim.plunkett, das-peter: Added Document and enforce nummeric array keys starting at 0 for ->result.
Issue #1321364 by jim0203, rvilar, tim.plunkett | dawehner: Fixed Revision views have node as row plugin by default.
Issue #1471770 by DanChadwick, joachim | seddonym: Fixed Embed display is missing its handler class.
Issue #1602372 by dawehner, aspilicious, Pedro Lozano, tim.plunkett: Convert views settings to config.