- Jan 25, 2014
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2029537 by Xano, InternetDevels, -enzo- | tsphethean: Replace drupal_sort_weight() with SortArray::sortByWeightElement() and remove drupal_sort_weight().
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1898416 by Cottser, joelpittet, drupalninja99, mikl, drupalmonkey, bradwade, pwieck, ezeedub, kerasai, disasm | c4rl: Filter.module - Convert theme_ functions to Twig.
- Jan 24, 2014
Angie Byron authored
Alex Pott authored
catch authored
catch authored
Angie Byron authored
Needs more discussion. This reverts commit 129cd90f.
Angie Byron authored
Revert "Issue #2141539 by yched, JStanton, InternetDevels, blesss: Rename FieldItemListInterface::filterEmptyValues() to filterEmptyItems()." Conflicts with a beta blocker; rolling back temporarily. This reverts commit dc4327ba.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2072995 by claudiu.cristea, yched: Change notice: Move FAPI callbacks for file/image widgets in classes.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1831608 by smiletrl, penyaskito, swentel, jlbellido, vijaycs85, Gábor Hojtsy, piyuesh23, sun, YesCT | Lukas von Blarer: Show or hide the 'Make field translatable' checkbox on the add field form depending on translatability.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2141539 by yched, JStanton, InternetDevels, blesss: Rename FieldItemListInterface::filterEmptyValues() to filterEmptyItems().
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2170589 by damiankloip: Use addCollection() in routeBuilder if a RouteCollection is returned from a route_callback.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2176397 by carsato, InternetDevels: Drupal\Core\Template\TwigTemplate::getContextReference is final.