- Jan 25, 2016
- Jan 24, 2016
- Jan 22, 2016
- Jan 21, 2016
- Jan 19, 2016
- Jan 18, 2016
Alex Pott authored
- Jan 15, 2016
Issue #2307141 by mbaynton, mgifford, Wim Leers: Enable browsers' (native) spell checker in CKEditor
Issue #2567815 by clemens.tolboom, Lendude, geertvd, mpdonadio, xjm, alexpott: Add week, date, and year-month Views argument plugins
Issue #2643942 by Lendude, no_angel, dawehner: Entityreference autocomplete with search fields uses wrong column name
Issue #2579471 by walangitan, droplet, biguzis, thorandre, swentel: Allow more chars in "Limit allowed HTML tags" filter
Issue #2637720 by dawehner, tim.plunkett: Ajax exposed filters + destination query don't work together
Issue #2567561 by Sagar Ramgade, mbaynton, Cottser, gnuget, Wim Leers: Captioned elements and their children are removed when theme debugging on
Issue #2479487 by claudiu.cristea, legolasbo, mondrake, yched, alexpott, jhedstrom, dawehner, Wim Leers: ImageStyles can be deleted while having dependent configuration
Issue #2655580 by claudiu.cristea: Dead code: hook_system_theme_info() removed but is still implemented
Issue #2463113 by pwolanin, Berdir, alexpott, keith.smith, swentel: Plain text passwords can be accidentally dumped to the database by code that doesn't intend to do that
Issue #2650072 by naveenvalecha, martin107: MessageAction::__construct has duplicate @param definition
Issue #2181151 by dawehner, tim.plunkett, InternetDevels, botanic_spark: Remove router rebuild from menu_ui.install
Issue #2641592 by Mac_Weber: Replace deprecated usage of entity_create('menu') with a direct call to Menu::create()
Issue #2510150 by tduong, Berdir: AccountProxy is not calling date_set_default_timezone() for anonymous users
Issue #2409789 by mglaman, clemens.tolboom: Double slashes in canonicals while calling resourcePluginManager->getDefinitions()
Issue #2626548 by dawehner, slashrsm: The static caching in \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface::getFormObject() is problematic
Issue #2644216 by jordanpagewhite: Needless State::get call in \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigEventsTest::testConfigEvents
Issue #2540568 by Lendude, mikeyk, geertvd, DuaelFr, pjonckiere, dawehner: ManyToOne 'not' operator throws InvalidArgumentException ("Is none of" choice in UI)
Issue #2637058 by claudiu.cristea, priya.chat, jhodgdon, dawehner: Fix HTTP proxy docs in default.settings.php
Issue #2392153 by mparker17, hussainweb, chris.smith, alexpott, dawehner: Disallow composer.json and composer.lock from being indexed
Issue #2488886 by colinafoley, mikeker, joelpittet, Wim Leers: Forum - "new replies" message is escaped
Issue #2624594 by pwolanin, lauriii, Xano: Local action plugins do not have any way to provide cacheability metadata
Issue #2614408 by amateescu: Add test coverage for multiple invalid + mixed existing/new entity reference validation