- Oct 22, 2012
Issue #1748114 by lunaris | damiankloip: Replace calls to comment properties with entity interface methods.
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1744186 by tim.plunkett, damiankloip: Fix visibility for plugin annotation to class property conversion.
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1744334 by dawehner: Move uses_row_class(), uses_row_plugin(), and uses_fields() from plugin annotation to a class property.
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1744186 by damiankloip, tim.plunkett: Move uses_options() from plugin annotation to a class property.
Issue #1658068 by tim.plunkett, damiankloip: Convert Views to use core TempStore instead of ctools_object_cache_*().
Tim Plunkett authored
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1484336 by dawehner, damiankloip | Hurukan: Fixed Undefined index in views_plugin_row_node_view().inc.
Issue #1741216 by yannickoo: Fixed Views handler doesn't store the field instance in the object, so it's hard to reuse.
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1741172 by tim.plunkett: Remove as much CTools code as possible, and document the parts left to remove.
Issue #1736722 by dawehner, lund.mikkel: Fix default input_required text to not wrap the value with t().
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #731662 by dagmar, dawehner, tim.plunkett, bojanz, SuperXren, BWPanda: Added Hybrid Exposed Filters.
Issue #1712044 by osopolar: Fixed views_handler_field_history_user_timestamp()::render() should look at date changed instead of created as in node_mark().
Tim Plunkett authored