- Oct 22, 2012
Issue #1794538 by dawehner: Add a node_revision.status field in order to be able to fix the CTools test.
Issue #1754536 by dawehner, xjm: Fixed the comment wizard doesn't use the right row plugin by default.
Issue #1754442 by amateescu | dawehner: Fixed Wizard for comment appears even if comment module is disabled.
Issue #1754442 by amateescu | dawehner: Fixed Wizard for comment appears even if comment module is disabled.
Issue #1747810 by dawehner, tim.plunkett: Move wizard-specific meta-information from plugin annotation to a class property.
Tim Plunkett authored
path_fields_supplemental expected to contain an array of fields but the annotation code ignored that
Tim Plunkett authored
Issue #1321364 by jim0203, rvilar, tim.plunkett | dawehner: Fixed Revision views have node as row plugin by default.
- Oct 07, 2012