- Oct 14, 2006
Steven Wittens authored
- Oct 05, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #81740 by merlinofchaos, webchick, moshe, neclimdul et al: added package support to the modules page.
- Sep 01, 2006
Neil Drumm authored
- Aug 31, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
- Aug 25, 2006
Neil Drumm authored
- Aug 20, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Aug 18, 2006
Steven Wittens authored
See: http://drupal.org/node/64279#t-placeholders
- Aug 14, 2006
Neil Drumm authored
- Aug 07, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
- Jul 31, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
- May 07, 2006
Neil Drumm authored
- Mar 12, 2006
Steven Wittens authored
- Feb 21, 2006
Dries Buytaert authored
- Nov 01, 2005
Dries Buytaert authored
- Aug 25, 2005
Dries Buytaert authored
- Apr 24, 2005
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch 20910 by chx: centralize print theme page.
- Apr 01, 2005
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #19451 by JonBob: improved consistency of module descriptions. We should write guidelines for this -- maybe in the PHPDoc code of the _help hook.
- Feb 08, 2005
Dries Buytaert authored
I found another HTML typo, and replaced a <u></u> by <strong></strong> because <u> does not validate as 'XHTML 1.0 stict'.
- Dec 07, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Refactored the queue module: removed the queue module's field from the node table. With help from Gerhard. - Slight addition to INSTALL.txt with regard to PHP versions. - Updated/reworded some node type descriptions as per Boris' suggestions. - Adding missing {} around a table name in update.php.
- Nov 08, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Oct 19, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #11728 by Uwe Hermann: fixed some typos in the code comments, Doxygen documentation and screen output. Uwe: I dropped the 'iff' chunks as 'iff' stands for 'if and only if'.
- Oct 04, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Sep 16, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #8179 by JonBob: reintroduced menu caching.
- Aug 21, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch by JonBob: for consistency and readability, add brief descriptions of each source file inside the @file comment block at the head of the file. This helps with Doxygen indexing, and also allows neophytes to see what a file does immediately on opening the source, regardless of the organization of the hooks.
- Aug 14, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch by Al: don't translate all help text upon every page view!
- Aug 12, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #9983 by Stefan: various code style improvements.
- Aug 10, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch by Al: improved the admin/help pages (first step).
- Jul 02, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #8973 by JonBob: Drupal contains many undefined variables and array indices, which makes PHP throw a lot of warnings when the reporting level is set to E_ALL. Things run fine with these warnings, but as a matter of code style if nothing else we should probably strive to avoid them. The attached fixes most of the more egregious offenders (about 95% of the warnings when I load /node on my test site).
- Jun 18, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
Tabs patch! CHANGES ------- + Introduced tabs. First, we extended the menu system to support tabs. Next, a tab was added for every link that was (1) an administrative action other than the implicit 'view' (2) relevant to that particular page only. This is illustrated by the fact that all tabs are verbs and that clicking a page's tab leads you to a subpage of that page. + Flattened the administration menu. The tabs helped simplify the navigation menu as I could separate 'actions' from 'navigation'. In addition, I removed the 'administer > configuration'-menu, renamed 'blocks' to 'sidebars' which I hope is a bit more descriptive, and made a couple more changes. Earlier, we already renamed 'taxonomy' to 'categorization' and we move 'statistics' under 'logs'. + Grouped settings. All settings have been grouped under 'administer > settings'. TODO ---- + Update core themes: only Xtemplate default supports tabs and even those look ugly. Need help. + Update contributed modules. The menu() hook changed drastically. Updating your code adhere the new menu() function should be 90% of the work. Moreover, ensure that your modue's admin links are still valid and that URLs to node get updated to the new scheme ('node/view/x' -> 'node/x').
- May 17, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Apr 21, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Added support for 403 handling. Patch by JonBob. As a side benefit, administrators will be able to define a custom 403 page, just as they can define 404 pages now. This needs to be documented in the "Changes since / migrating to ..." pages.
- Jan 23, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
Patch 5287 by Stefan: multiline help texts should become inside a single $output.
- Jan 11, 2004
Dries Buytaert authored
- Nov 25, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Committed phase 4 of JonBob's menu system changes.
- Nov 20, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch by JonBob: Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed by the theme.
- Oct 09, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Committed part 3 of Michael's help system improvements: removed the $help parameter from the menu() function.
- Oct 07, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Help system improvements: eliminated the _system hook. Patch by Michael. - Bloggerapi module fixes. Patch by Kjartan. - Coding style fixes. Patch by Michael.
- Oct 05, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Bugfix: the block module's help was not being displayed. Patch by Gabor.
- Oct 03, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- Help improvements and translation improvements from Michael. Thanks!
- Sep 28, 2003
Dries Buytaert authored
- More translation fixes for the menu items. Patch by Gabor.