6 merge requests!8376Drupal views: adding more granularity to the ‘use ajax’ functionality,!8300Issue #3443586 View area displays even when parent view has no results.,!7567Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7565Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7509Change label "Block description" to "Block type",!7344Issue #3292350 by O'Briat, KlemenDEV, hswong3i, smustgrave, quietone: Update...
# Run when called from an upstream pipeline https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/downstream_pipelines.html?tab=Multi-project+pipeline#use-rules-to-control-downstream-pipeline-jobs
-if:$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'pipeline'
# Run when called from a parent pipeline (e.g. updated dependencies job)