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Verified Commit e3e71a94 authored by Lauri Timmanee's avatar Lauri Timmanee
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Issue #3392200 by jeremy_p, joachim, hdnag, yepa: Invalid placeholder error...

Issue #3392200 by jeremy_p, joachim, hdnag, yepa: Invalid placeholder error message should say what's wrong with it

(cherry picked from commit 8abb2835)
parent 40886c1d
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Tags 1.0.0-alpha19
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Pipeline #52688 canceled
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ protected static function placeholderFormat($string, array $args) {
if (!ctype_alnum($key[0])) {
// Warn for random placeholders that won't be replaced.
trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid placeholder (%s) with string: "%s"', $key, $string), E_USER_WARNING);
trigger_error(sprintf('Placeholders must begin with one of the following "@", ":" or "%%", invalid placeholder (%s) with string: "%s"', $key, $string), E_USER_WARNING);
// No replacement possible therefore we can discard the argument.
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public function testUnexpectedPlaceholder($string, $arguments, $error_number, $e
public function providerTestUnexpectedPlaceholder() {
return [
['Non alpha, non-allowed starting character: ~placeholder', ['~placeholder' => 'replaced'], E_USER_WARNING, 'Invalid placeholder (~placeholder) with string: "Non alpha, non-allowed starting character: ~placeholder"'],
['Non alpha, non-allowed starting character: ~placeholder', ['~placeholder' => 'replaced'], E_USER_WARNING, 'Placeholders must begin with one of the following "@", ":" or "%", invalid placeholder (~placeholder) with string: "Non alpha, non-allowed starting character: ~placeholder"'],
['Alpha starting character: placeholder', ['placeholder' => 'replaced'], NULL, ''],
// Ensure that where the placeholder is located in the string is
// irrelevant.
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