2 merge requests!7452Issue #1797438. HTML5 validation is preventing form submit and not fully...,!789Issue #3210310: Adjust Database API to remove deprecated Drupal 9 code in Drupal 10
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function system_view_general() {
$form['general']['clean_url']['#description'].=t(' Before enabling clean URLs, you must perform a test to determine if your server is properly configured. If you are able to see this page again after clicking the "Run Clean URL Test" button, the test has succeeded and the radio buttons above will be available. If instead you are directed to a "Page not found" error, you will need to change the configuration of your server. The <a href="%handbook">handbook page on Clean URLs</a> has additional troubleshooting information. %run-test',array('%handbook'=>'http://drupal.org/node/15365','%run-test'=>'<a href ="'.str_replace('?q=','',url('admin/settings','','clean_url')).'">'.t('Run Clean URL Test').'</a>'));
$form['general']['clean_url']['#description'].=t(' Before enabling clean URLs, you must perform a test to determine if your server is properly configured. If you are able to see this page again after clicking the "Run the clean URL test" link, the test has succeeded and the radio buttons above will be available. If instead you are directed to a "Page not found" error, you will need to change the configuration of your server. The <a href="%handbook">handbook page on Clean URLs</a> has additional troubleshooting information. %run-test',array('%handbook'=>'http://drupal.org/node/15365','%run-test'=>'<a href ="'.str_replace('?q=','',url('admin/settings')).'">'.t('Run the clean URL test').'</a>'));
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function system_view_general() {
$form['general']['clean_url']['#description'].=t(' Before enabling clean URLs, you must perform a test to determine if your server is properly configured. If you are able to see this page again after clicking the "Run Clean URL Test" button, the test has succeeded and the radio buttons above will be available. If instead you are directed to a "Page not found" error, you will need to change the configuration of your server. The <a href="%handbook">handbook page on Clean URLs</a> has additional troubleshooting information. %run-test',array('%handbook'=>'http://drupal.org/node/15365','%run-test'=>'<a href ="'.str_replace('?q=','',url('admin/settings','','clean_url')).'">'.t('Run Clean URL Test').'</a>'));
$form['general']['clean_url']['#description'].=t(' Before enabling clean URLs, you must perform a test to determine if your server is properly configured. If you are able to see this page again after clicking the "Run the clean URL test" link, the test has succeeded and the radio buttons above will be available. If instead you are directed to a "Page not found" error, you will need to change the configuration of your server. The <a href="%handbook">handbook page on Clean URLs</a> has additional troubleshooting information. %run-test',array('%handbook'=>'http://drupal.org/node/15365','%run-test'=>'<a href ="'.str_replace('?q=','',url('admin/settings')).'">'.t('Run the clean URL test').'</a>'));