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Commit c9b15c8c authored by catch's avatar catch
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Issue #3444257 by bbrala, mxr576, quietone, acbramley, larowlan, casey, enyug,...

Issue #3444257 by bbrala, mxr576, quietone, acbramley, larowlan, casey, enyug, mstrelan, nick_schuch: ResourceObjectNormalizer::getNormalization can result in max-age drift when different sets of fields are requested

(cherry picked from commit 9bfcb369)
parent 2cc3c276
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11 merge requests!10663Issue #3495778: Update phpdoc in FileSaveHtaccessLoggingTest,!10451Issue #3472458 by watergate, smustgrave: CKEditor 5 show blocks label is not translated,!103032838547 Fix punctuation rules for inline label suffix colon with CSS only,!10150Issue #3467294 by quietone, nod_, smustgrave, catch, longwave: Change string...,!10130Resolve #3480321 "Second level menu",!9936Issue #3483087: Check the module:// prefix in the translation server path and replace it with the actual module path,!9933Issue #3394728 by ankondrat4: Undefined array key "#prefix" and deprecated function: explode() in Drupal\file\Element\ManagedFile::uploadAjaxCallback(),!9914Issue #3451136 by quietone, gapple, ghost of drupal past: Improve...,!9882Draft: Issue #3481777 In bulk_form ensure the triggering element is the bulk_form button,!9839Issue #3445469 by pooja_sharma, smustgrave: Add additional test coverage for...,!9815Issue #3480025: There is no way to remove entity cache items
Pipeline #304113 passed with stages
in 8 minutes and 46 seconds
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\VariationCacheInterface;
use Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\ResourceObject;
use Drupal\jsonapi\Normalizer\Value\CacheableNormalization;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\TerminateEvent;
......@@ -102,7 +103,39 @@ public function get(ResourceObject $object) {
$cached = $this->variationCache->get($this->generateCacheKeys($object), new CacheableMetadata());
return $cached ? $cached->data : FALSE;
if (!$cached) {
return FALSE;
// When a cache hit occurs, we first calculate the remaining time before the
// cached record expires, ensuring that we do not reset the expiration with
// one that might have been generated on an earlier timestamp. This is done
// by subtracting the current timestamp from the cached record's expiration
// timestamp. If the max-age is set, we adjust it by merging the calculated
// remaining time with the original max-age of the cached item, ensuring
// that the expiration remains accurate based on the current cache state
// and timestamp.
$normalizer_values = $cached->data;
if ($cached->expire >= 0) {
$max_age = max($cached->expire - $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->server->get('REQUEST_TIME'), 0);
$cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
$subsets = [
foreach ($subsets as $subset) {
foreach ($normalizer_values[$subset] as $name => $normalization) {
assert($normalization instanceof CacheableNormalization);
if ($normalization->getCacheMaxAge() > 0) {
$normalizer_values[$subset][$name] = $normalization->withCacheableDependency($cacheability);
return $normalizer_values;
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTestComputedField;
use Drupal\jsonapi\EventSubscriber\ResourceObjectNormalizationCacher;
use Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\ResourceObject;
use Drupal\jsonapi\Normalizer\Value\CacheableNormalization;
......@@ -28,9 +29,11 @@ class ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest extends KernelTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected static $modules = [
......@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ class ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest extends KernelTestBase {
protected function setUp(): void {
// Add the entity schemas.
// Add the additional table schemas.
......@@ -108,4 +112,65 @@ public function testLinkNormalizationCacheability(): void {
$this->assertFalse((bool) $this->cacher->get($resource_object));
* Tests that normalization max-age is correct.
* When max-age for a cached record is set the expiry is set accordingly. But
* if the cached normalization is partially used in a later normalization the
* max-age should be adjusted to a new timestamp.
* If we don't do this the expires of the cache record will be reset based on
* the original max age. This leads to a drift in the expiry time of the
* record.
* If a field tells the cache it should expire in exactly 1 hour, then if the
* cached data is used 10 minutes later in another resource, that cache should
* expire in 50 minutes and not reset to 60 minutes.
public function testMaxAgeCorrection(): void {
// Use EntityTestComputedField since ComputedTestCacheableStringItemList has a max age of 800
$baseMaxAge = 800;
$entity = EntityTestComputedField::create([]);
$resource_type = $this->resourceTypeRepository->get($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $entity->bundle());
$resource_object = ResourceObject::createFromEntity($resource_type, $entity);
$resource_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($resource_object, 'api_json', ['account' => NULL]);
$this->assertEquals($baseMaxAge, $resource_normalization->getCacheMaxAge());
// Save the normalization to cache, this is done at TerminateEvent.
$http_kernel = $this->prophesize(HttpKernelInterface::class);
$request = $this->prophesize(Request::class);
$response = $this->prophesize(Response::class);
$event = new TerminateEvent($http_kernel->reveal(), $request->reveal(), $response->reveal());
// Change request time to 500 seconds later
$current_request = \Drupal::requestStack()->getCurrentRequest();
$current_request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', $current_request->server->get('REQUEST_TIME') + 500);
$resource_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($resource_object, 'api_json', ['account' => NULL]);
$this->assertEquals($baseMaxAge - 500, $resource_normalization->getCacheMaxAge(), 'Max age should be 300 since 500 seconds has passed');
// Change request time to 800 seconds later, this is the last second the
// cache backend would return cached data. The max-age at that time should
// be 0 which is the same as the expire time of the cache entry.
$current_request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', $current_request->server->get('REQUEST_TIME') + 800);
$resource_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($resource_object, 'api_json', ['account' => NULL]);
$this->assertEquals(0, $resource_normalization->getCacheMaxAge(), 'Max age should be 0 since max-age has passed');
// Change request time to 801 seconds later. This validates that max-age
// never becomes negative. This should never happen as the cache entry
// is expired at this time and the cache backend would not return data.
$current_request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', $current_request->server->get('REQUEST_TIME') + 801);
$resource_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($resource_object, 'api_json', ['account' => NULL]);
$this->assertEquals(0, $resource_normalization->getCacheMaxAge(), 'Max age should be 0 since max-age has passed a second ago');
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