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Verified Commit b8e2a6ab authored by Théodore Biadala's avatar Théodore Biadala
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Issue #3432632 by simohell, smustgrave, kostyashupenko, andypost: Collapsed...

Issue #3432632 by simohell, smustgrave, kostyashupenko, andypost: Collapsed nav-tabs status not exposed to screen reader

(cherry picked from commit bd81352e)
parent 1f60cf54
No related branches found
Tags 1.0.0-alpha17
4 merge requests!11185Issue #3477324 by andypost, alexpott: Fix usage of str_getcsv() and fgetcsv() for PHP 8.4,!9944Issue #3483353: Consider making the createCopy config action optionally fail...,!8325Update file Sort.php,!8095Expose document root on install
Pipeline #162912 passed
// This test is a duplicate of oliveroPrimaryTabsTest.js tagged for claro
const primaryTabsWrapper = '[data-drupal-nav-tabs]';
const activeTab = '';
const inactiveTab = '.tabs__tab:not(.is-active)';
const mobileToggle = `${activeTab} .tabs__trigger`;
module.exports = {
'@tags': ['core', 'claro'],
before(browser) {
installProfile: 'minimal',
name: 'user',
password: '123',
permissions: ['administer nodes'],
.drupalLogin({ name: 'user', password: '123' });
browser.setWindowSize(1600, 800);
after(browser) {
'Verify desktop primary tab display': (browser) => {
'Verify mobile tab display and click functionality': (browser) => {
.setWindowSize(699, 800)
.assert.attributeEquals(mobileToggle, 'aria-expanded', 'false')
.assert.attributeEquals(mobileToggle, 'aria-expanded', 'true')
.assert.attributeEquals(mobileToggle, 'aria-expanded', 'false');
namespace Drupal\TestSite;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeInstallerInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\comment\Entity\Comment;
* Setup file used by TestSiteInstallTestScript.
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Scripts\TestSiteApplicationTest
class TestSiteClaroInstallTestScript implements TestSetupInterface {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setup() {
// Install required module for the Olivero front page.
$module_installer = \Drupal::service('module_installer');
assert($module_installer instanceof ModuleInstallerInterface);
// Install Claro instead of Olivero and set it as the default theme.
$theme_installer = \Drupal::service('theme_installer');
assert($theme_installer instanceof ThemeInstallerInterface);
$theme_installer->install(['claro'], TRUE);
$system_theme_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('system.theme');
$system_theme_config->set('default', 'claro')->save();
// Create an article that will have no comments
$article_no_comments = Node::create(['type' => 'article']);
$article_no_comments->set('title', 'Article without comments');
// Enable comments
$article_no_comments->set('comment', 2);
// Create an article that will have comments
$article_with_comments = Node::create(['type' => 'article']);
$article_with_comments->set('title', 'Article with comments');
// Enable comments
$article_with_comments->set('comment', 2);
$values = [
// These values are for the entity that you're creating the comment for, not the comment itself.
'entity_type' => 'node',
'entity_id' => 2,
'field_name' => 'comment',
'uid' => 1,
// These values are for the comment itself.
'comment_type' => 'comment',
'subject' => 'A comment',
'comment_body' => 'Body of comment',
// Whether the comment is 'approved' or not.
'status' => 1,
// Create comment entities out of our field values
$comment1 = Comment::create($values);
$comment2 = Comment::create($values);
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
const openMenu = () => {
$target.find('button').attr('aria-expanded', $target.hasClass('is-open'));
const toggleOrder = (reset) => {
......@@ -54,9 +55,11 @@
// the width of the parent container.
const isHorizontal = $tab.attr('data-width') <= $tab.outerWidth();
$tab.toggleClass('is-horizontal', isHorizontal);
$tab.find('button').attr('aria-expanded', null);
} else {
$tab.find('button').attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
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