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Commit a4835bc8 authored by catch's avatar catch
Browse files

Issue #3462829 by pooja_sharma, plopesc, catch, smustgrave, penyaskito,...

Issue #3462829 by pooja_sharma, plopesc, catch, smustgrave, penyaskito, kumudb, skaught, m4olivei: Store the file path instead of ID for the navigation logo

(cherry picked from commit 69af4bff)
parent 19ce04ee
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2 merge requests!11185Issue #3477324 by andypost, alexpott: Fix usage of str_getcsv() and fgetcsv() for PHP 8.4,!9944Issue #3483353: Consider making the createCopy config action optionally fail...
Pipeline #313726 passed with warnings
Pipeline: drupal


    Pipeline: drupal


      Pipeline: drupal


        provider: default
        managed: null
        path: ''
        filesize: 1048576
        height: 40
        ......@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@ navigation.settings:
        - default
        - hide
        - custom
        type: integer
        label: 'Custom logo'
        nullable: true
        type: string
        label: 'Path'
        min: 0
        NotNull: [ ]
        type: mapping
        label: 'Logo maximum settings'
        ......@@ -32,13 +32,34 @@ function navigation_update_11001(array &$sandbox): void {
        'logo' => [
        'provider' => $settings->get('logo_provider'),
        'managed' => $settings->get('logo_managed'),
        'managed' => is_array($settings->get('logo_managed')) ? current($settings->get('logo_managed')) : $settings->get('logo_managed'),
        'max' => [
        'filesize' => $settings->get('logo_max_filesize'),
        'height' => $settings->get('logo_height'),
        'width' => $settings->get('logo_width'),
        'height' => $settings->get('logo_height') ?? 40,
        'width' => $settings->get('logo_width') ?? 40,
        * Update for navigation logo to store the file path instead of ID.
        function navigation_update_11002(array &$sandbox): void {
        $settings = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('navigation.settings');
        $logo_path = '';
        if (!empty($settings->get('logo.managed'))) {
        $logo_fid = $settings->get('logo.managed');
        $file = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('file')->load($logo_fid);
        if (isset($file)) {
        $logo_path = $file->getFileUri();
        // Delete file usage reference because they are not being used anymore.
        \Drupal::service('file.usage')->delete($file, 'navigation');
        $settings->set('logo.path', $logo_path);
        ......@@ -31,11 +31,5 @@ function navigation_post_update_update_permissions(array &$sandbox) {
        * Defines the values for the default logo dimensions.
        function navigation_post_update_set_logo_dimensions_default(array &$sandbox) {
        $settings = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('navigation.settings');
        $settings->set('logo_height', 40)
        ->set('logo_width', 40);
        if (is_array($settings->get('logo_managed'))) {
        $settings->set('logo_managed', current($settings->get('logo_managed')));
        // Empty post_update hook.
        ......@@ -7,15 +7,16 @@
        use Drupal\Component\Utility\Environment;
        use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManagerInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\File\Exception\FileException;
        use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;
        use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\Image\ImageFactory;
        use Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface;
        use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\PublicStream;
        use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManager;
        use Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface;
        use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
        use Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface;
        use Drupal\navigation\NavigationRenderer;
        use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
        ......@@ -35,26 +36,20 @@ final class SettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {
        * The typed config manager.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $fileSystem
        * The file system.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface $fileUrlGenerator
        * The file URL generator.
        * @param \Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface $fileUsage
        * The File Usage service.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer
        * The renderer service.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager
        * The entity type manager.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\Image\ImageFactory $imageFactory
        * The image factory.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface $themeManager
        * The theme manager.
        public function __construct(
        ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory,
        TypedConfigManagerInterface $typed_config_manager,
        protected FileSystemInterface $fileSystem,
        protected FileUrlGeneratorInterface $fileUrlGenerator,
        protected FileUsageInterface $fileUsage,
        protected RendererInterface $renderer,
        protected EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager,
        protected ImageFactory $imageFactory,
        protected ThemeManagerInterface $themeManager,
        ) {
        parent::__construct($config_factory, $typed_config_manager);
        ......@@ -67,11 +62,9 @@ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
        ......@@ -110,7 +103,8 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {
        '#config_target' => 'navigation.settings:logo.provider',
        $form['logo']['image'] = [
        $form['logo']['custom'] = [
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#states' => [
        'visible' => [
        ......@@ -118,8 +112,34 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {
        // If path is a public:// URI, display the path relative to the files
        // directory; stream wrappers are not end-user friendly.
        $original_path = $config->get('logo.path') ?? '';
        $friendly_path = NULL;
        $default_path = $original_path;
        $default = 'logo.png';
        if (StreamWrapperManager::getScheme($original_path) === 'public') {
        $friendly_path = StreamWrapperManager::getTarget($original_path);
        $default_path = $friendly_path;
        // Prepare local file path for description.
        if ($original_path && isset($friendly_path)) {
        $local_file = strtr($original_path, ['public:/' => PublicStream::basePath()]);
        else {
        $local_file = $this->themeManager->getActiveTheme()->getPath() . '/' . $default;
        $description = $this->t('Examples: <code>@implicit-public-file</code> (for a file in the public filesystem), <code>@explicit-file</code>, or <code>@local-file</code>.', [
        '@implicit-public-file' => $friendly_path ?? $default,
        '@explicit-file' => StreamWrapperManager::getScheme($original_path) !== FALSE ? $original_path : 'public://' . $default,
        '@local-file' => $local_file,
        $allowed = 'png jpg jpeg';
        $current_logo_managed_fid = $config->get('logo.managed') ? [$config->get('logo.managed')] : NULL;
        $max_navigation_allowed = $config->get('logo.max.filesize');
        $max_system_allowed = Environment::getUploadMaxSize();
        $max_allowed = $max_navigation_allowed < $max_system_allowed ? $max_navigation_allowed : $max_system_allowed;
        ......@@ -129,19 +149,27 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {
        $file_upload_help = [
        '#theme' => 'file_upload_help',
        '#description' => $this->t('Recommended image dimension 40 x 40 pixels.'),
        '#description' => $this->t("If you don't have direct file access to the server, use this field to upload your logo. Recommended image dimension %width x %height pixels.", [
        '%width' => $config->get('logo.max.width'),
        '%height' => $config->get('logo.max.height'),
        '#upload_validators' => $upload_validators,
        '#cardinality' => 1,
        $form['logo']['image']['logo_managed'] = [
        '#type' => 'managed_file',
        '#title' => t('Choose custom logo'),
        '#upload_validators' => $upload_validators,
        '#upload_location' => 'public://navigation-logo',
        $form['logo']['custom']['logo_path'] = [
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $this->t('Path to custom logo'),
        '#default_value' => $default_path,
        '#description' => $description,
        '#config_target' => 'navigation.settings:logo.path',
        $form['logo']['custom']['logo_upload'] = [
        '#type' => 'file',
        '#title' => $this->t('Upload logo image'),
        '#description' => $this->renderer->renderInIsolation($file_upload_help),
        '#default_value' => $current_logo_managed_fid,
        '#multiple' => FALSE,
        '#upload_validators' => $upload_validators,
        return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
        ......@@ -149,90 +177,83 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {
        * {@inheritdoc}
        public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void {
        $logo_managed = $form_state->getValue('logo_managed');
        if ($form_state->getValue('logo_provider') === NavigationRenderer::LOGO_PROVIDER_CUSTOM && empty($logo_managed)) {
        $form_state->setErrorByName('logo_managed', 'An image file is required with the current logo handling option.');
        // If the upload element is not empty, try to adjust the image dimensions
        // if needed.
        if ($form_state->getValue('logo_path')) {
        $path = $this->validateLogoPath($form_state->getValue('logo_path'));
        if (!$path) {
        $form_state->setErrorByName('logo_path', $this->t('The custom logo path is invalid.'));
        if ($form_state->getValue('logo_provider') !== NavigationRenderer::LOGO_PROVIDER_CUSTOM) {
        $form_state->setValue('logo_upload', '');
        $form_state->setValue('logo_path', '');
        else {
        $file = _file_save_upload_from_form($form['logo']['custom']['logo_upload'], $form_state, 0);
        if ($file) {
        $logo_dimensions = $this->adjustLogoDimensions($file);
        if (!$logo_dimensions) {
        $config = $this->config('navigation.settings');
        $width = $config->get('logo.width');
        $height = $config->get('logo.height');
        $form_state->setErrorByName('logo_upload', $this->t('Image dimensions are bigger than the expected %widthx%height pixels and cannot be used as the navigation logo.',
        '%width' => $width,
        '%height' => $height,
        // Put the temporary file in form_values so we can save it on submit.
        $form_state->setValue('logo_upload', $file);
        $form_state->setValue('logo_path', $file->getFileUri());
        $form_state->setValue('logo_dimensions', $logo_dimensions);
        // If the upload element is not empty and the image is new, try to adjust
        // the image dimensions.
        $this->validateLogoManaged($form, $form_state);
        if (empty($form_state->getValue('logo_path'))) {
        $form_state->setErrorByName('logo_path', 'An image file is required with the current logo handling option.');
        parent::validateForm($form, $form_state);
        * {@inheritdoc}
        public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void {
        $config = $this->config('navigation.settings');
        // Get the previous config settings.
        $previous_logo_provider = $config->get('logo.provider');
        $previous_logo_fid = $config->get('logo.managed');
        // If the user uploaded a new logo, save it to a permanent location
        // and use it in place of the default navigation-provided file.
        $default_scheme = $this->config('system.file')->get('default_scheme');
        $values = $form_state->getValues();
        try {
        if (!empty($values['logo_upload'])) {
        $filename = $this->fileSystem->copy($values['logo_upload']->getFileUri(), $default_scheme . '://');
        $values['logo_path'] = $filename;
        if ($values['logo_dimensions']['resize']) {
        $config = $this->config('navigation.settings');
        $this->messenger()->addStatus($this->t('The image was resized to fit within the navigation logo expected dimensions of %widthx%height pixels. The new dimensions of the resized image are %new_widthx%new_height pixels.',
        '%width' => $config->get('logo.max.width'),
        '%height' => $config->get('logo.max.height'),
        '%new_width' => $values['logo_dimensions']['width'],
        '%new_height' => $values['logo_dimensions']['height'],
        // Get new values from the form.
        $new_logo_provider = $form_state->getValue('logo_provider');
        $logo = $form_state->getValue('logo_managed');
        $new_logo_fid = !empty($logo) ? reset($logo) : NULL;
        // Pre-load files if any for FileUsageInterface.
        $previous_logo_managed = $previous_logo_fid ? File::load($previous_logo_fid) : NULL;
        $new_logo_managed = $new_logo_fid ? File::load($new_logo_fid) : NULL;
        // Decrement if previous logo_provider was 'custom' and has changed to a
        // different fid and there's a change in the logo fid.
        if ($previous_logo_provider === NavigationRenderer::LOGO_PROVIDER_CUSTOM
        && ($new_logo_provider !== NavigationRenderer::LOGO_PROVIDER_CUSTOM || $previous_logo_fid !== $new_logo_fid)
        && $previous_logo_managed
        ) {
        $this->fileUsage->delete($previous_logo_managed, 'navigation', 'logo', 1);
        // Increment usage if different from the previous one.
        if ($new_logo_managed && $new_logo_fid !== $previous_logo_fid) {
        $this->fileUsage->add($new_logo_managed, 'navigation', 'logo', 1);
        ->set('logo.managed', $new_logo_fid)
        parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
        * Validate the Logo Managed image element.
        * @param array $form
        * An associative array containing the structure of the form.
        * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
        * The current state of the form.
        protected function validateLogoManaged(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void {
        $logo_managed = $form_state->getValue('logo_managed');
        $config = $this->config('navigation.settings');
        if (empty($logo_managed)) {
        catch (FileException) {
        $this->messenger()->addError($this->t('The file %file could not be copied to the permanent destination. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.', ['%file' => $values['logo_upload']->getFilename()]));
        $width = $config->get('logo.max.width');
        $height = $config->get('logo.max.height');
        // Skip if the fid has not been modified.
        $fid = reset($logo_managed);
        if ($fid == $config->get('logo.managed')) {
        // If the user entered a path relative to the system files directory for
        // the logo, store a public:// URI so the theme system can handle it.
        if (!empty($values['logo_path'])) {
        $form_state->setValue('logo_path', $this->validateLogoPath($values['logo_path']));
        $file = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('file')
        if ($fid && !$this->adjustLogoDimensions($file)) {
        $form_state->setErrorByName('logo_managed', $this->t('Image dimensions are bigger than the expected %widthx%height pixels and cannot be used as the navigation logo.',
        '%width' => $width,
        '%height' => $height,
        parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
        ......@@ -241,36 +262,70 @@ protected function validateLogoManaged(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_sta
        * @param \Drupal\file\Entity\File $file
        * The file entity that contains the image.
        * @return bool
        * TRUE if the logo image dimensions are properly adjusted. FALSE otherwise.
        * @return array|null
        * Array containing the logo dimensions properly adjusted. NULL if fails.
        protected function adjustLogoDimensions(File $file): bool {
        protected function adjustLogoDimensions(File $file): ?array {
        $config = $this->config('navigation.settings');
        $image = $this->imageFactory->get($file->getFileUri());
        if (!$image->isValid()) {
        return FALSE;
        return NULL;
        $width = $config->get('logo.max.width');
        $height = $config->get('logo.max.height');
        if ($image->getWidth() <= $width && $image->getHeight() <= $height) {
        return TRUE;
        return [
        'width' => $width,
        'height' => $width,
        'resize' => FALSE,
        if ($image->scale($width, $height) && $image->save()) {
        $this->messenger()->addStatus($this->t('The image was resized to fit within the navigation logo expected dimensions of %widthx%height pixels. The new dimensions of the resized image are %new_widthx%new_height pixels.',
        '%width' => $width,
        '%height' => $height,
        '%new_width' => $image->getWidth(),
        '%new_height' => $image->getHeight(),
        return TRUE;
        return [
        'width' => $image->getWidth(),
        'height' => $image->getHeight(),
        'resize' => TRUE,
        return FALSE;
        return NULL;
        * Helper function for the navigation settings form.
        * Attempts to validate normal system paths, paths relative to the public
        * files directory, or stream wrapper URIs. If the given path is any of the
        * above, returns a valid path or URI that the theme system can display.
        * @param string $path
        * A path relative to the Drupal root or to the public files directory, or
        * a stream wrapper URI.
        * @return string|null
        * A valid path that can be displayed through the theme system, or NULL if
        * the path could not be validated.
        protected function validateLogoPath(string $path): ?string {
        // Absolute local file paths are invalid.
        if ($this->fileSystem->realpath($path) == $path) {
        return NULL;
        // A path relative to the Drupal root or a fully qualified URI is valid.
        if (is_file($path)) {
        return $path;
        // Prepend 'public://' for relative file paths within public filesystem.
        if (StreamWrapperManager::getScheme($path) === FALSE) {
        $path = 'public://' . $path;
        if (is_file($path)) {
        return $path;
        return NULL;
        ......@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
        use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\Context;
        use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextDefinition;
        use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
        use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
        use Drupal\file\FileInterface;
        use Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorage\SectionStorageManagerInterface;
        use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
        ......@@ -144,12 +142,11 @@ public function buildNavigation(array &$page_top): void {
        $page_top['navigation'] = $build;
        if ($logo_provider === self::LOGO_PROVIDER_CUSTOM) {
        $logo_managed = File::load($logo_settings->get('logo.managed'));
        if ($logo_managed instanceof FileInterface) {
        $logo_managed_uri = $logo_managed->getFileUri();
        $logo_managed_url = $this->fileUrlGenerator->generateAbsoluteString($logo_managed_uri);
        $logo_path = $logo_settings->get('logo.path');
        if (!empty($logo_path) && is_file($logo_path)) {
        $logo_managed_url = $this->fileUrlGenerator->generateAbsoluteString($logo_path);
        $image = $this->imageFactory->get($logo_path);
        $page_top['navigation'][0]['settings']['logo_path'] = $logo_managed_url;
        $image = $this->imageFactory->get($logo_managed_uri);
        if ($image->isValid()) {
        $page_top['navigation'][0]['settings']['logo_width'] = $image->getWidth();
        $page_top['navigation'][0]['settings']['logo_height'] = $image->getHeight();

        2.74 KiB

        ......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
        namespace Drupal\Tests\navigation\Functional;
        use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException;
        use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
        use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
        use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
        * Tests for \Drupal\navigation\Form\SettingsForm.
        ......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
        class NavigationLogoTest extends BrowserTestBase {
        use TestFileCreationTrait;
        * The file system service.
        ......@@ -22,13 +24,6 @@ class NavigationLogoTest extends BrowserTestBase {
        protected $fileSystem;
        * The config factory.
        * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
        protected $configFactory;
        * A user with administrative permissions.
        ......@@ -54,9 +49,8 @@ class NavigationLogoTest extends BrowserTestBase {
        protected function setUp(): void {
        // Inject the file_system and config.factory services.
        // Inject the file_system service.
        $this->fileSystem = $this->container->get('file_system');
        $this->configFactory = $this->container->get('config.factory');
        // Create and log in an administrative user.
        $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        ......@@ -70,6 +64,7 @@ protected function setUp(): void {
        * Tests Navigation logo configuration base options.
        public function testSettingsLogoOptionsForm(): void {
        $test_files = $this->getTestFiles('image');
        // Navigate to the settings form.
        ......@@ -87,51 +82,44 @@ public function testSettingsLogoOptionsForm(): void {
        $this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo');
        // Option 3: Set the logo provider to custom and upload a logo.
        $logo_file = $this->createFile();
        $file = reset($test_files);
        $logo_file = File::create((array) $file + ['status' => 1]);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($logo_file, 'File entity is not empty.');
        // Preset the configuration to verify a custom image is being seen.
        $config = $this->configFactory->getEditable('navigation.settings');
        $config->set('logo.provider', 'custom');
        $config->set('logo.managed', $logo_file->id());
        $edit = [
        'logo_provider' => 'custom',
        'logo_path' => $logo_file->getFileUri(),
        $this->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));
        // Refresh the page to verify custom logo is placed.
        $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img');
        $this->assertSession()->elementAttributeContains('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img', 'src', $logo_file->getFilename());
        * Helper function to create a file entity.
        * @return \Drupal\file\FileInterface
        * The file entity.
        * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
        protected function createFile() {
        // Define the file URI and path.
        $file_name = 'test-logo.png';
        $temp_dir = $this->fileSystem->getTempDirectory();
        $file_uri = 'public://' . $file_name;
        $logo_path = __DIR__ . '/../../assets/image_test_files/' . $file_name;
        $file_contents = file_get_contents($logo_path);
        file_put_contents($temp_dir . '/' . $file_name, $file_contents);
        // Create a file entity for testing.
        $file = File::create([
        'uri' => $file_uri,
        try {
        catch (EntityStorageException $e) {
        $this->fail(sprintf('Failed to create file entity: %s', $e->getMessage()));
        // Option 4: Set the custom logo to an image in the source code.
        $edit = [
        'logo_provider' => 'custom',
        'logo_path' => 'core/misc/logo/drupal-logo.svg',
        $this->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));
        // Refresh the page to verify custom logo is placed.
        $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img');
        $this->assertSession()->elementAttributeContains('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img', 'src', 'drupal-logo.svg');
        return $file;
        // Option 5: Upload custom logo.
        $file = end($test_files);
        $edit = [
        'logo_provider' => 'custom',
        'files[logo_upload]' => $this->fileSystem->realpath($file->uri),
        $this->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));
        $this->assertSession()->statusMessageContains('The image was resized to fit within the navigation logo expected dimensions of 40x40 pixels. The new dimensions of the resized image are 40x27 pixels.');
        // Refresh the page to verify custom logo is placed.
        $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img');
        $this->assertSession()->elementAttributeContains('css', 'a.admin-toolbar__logo > img', 'src', $file->name);
        namespace Drupal\Tests\navigation\FunctionalJavascript;
        use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
        use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
        use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
        * Tests that theme form settings works correctly.
        * @group navigation
        class NavigationSettingsFormTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
        use TestFileCreationTrait;
        * {@inheritdoc}
        protected static $modules = ['navigation'];
        * {@inheritdoc}
        protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
        * {@inheritdoc}
        protected function setUp(): void {
        $admin = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer site configuration']);
        // Set expected logo dimensions smaller than core provided test images.
        ->set('logo.max.height', 10)
        ->set('logo.max.width', 10)
        * Tests that submission handler works correctly.
        public function testFormSettingsSubmissionHandler() {
        $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Add a new managed file.
        $file = current($this->getTestFiles('image'));
        $image_file_path = \Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($file->uri);
        $page->attachFileToField('files[logo_managed]', $image_file_path);
        // Assert the new file is uploaded as temporary. This file should not be
        // saved as permanent if settings are not submitted.
        $image_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('logo_managed[fids]');
        $file = File::load($image_field->getValue());
        $page->pressButton('Save configuration');
        // Assert the uploaded file is saved as permanent.
        $image_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('logo_managed[fids]');
        $file = File::load($image_field->getValue());
        // Ensure that the image has been resized to fit in the expected container.
        $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->get($file->getFileUri());
        $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(10, $image->getHeight());
        $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(10, $image->getWidth());
        0% Loading or .
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