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Verified Commit a335588b authored by Dave Long's avatar Dave Long
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Issue #2481349 by mfb, dagmar, jofitz, smustgrave, vasi, neclimdul, ziomizar,...

Issue #2481349 by mfb, dagmar, jofitz, smustgrave, vasi, neclimdul, ziomizar, quietone, _utsavsharma, littlepixiez, xjm, fgm, Todd Zebert, hass, dawehner, heddn, webchick, catch: Prevent the use of placeholders that cannot be converted into strings when creating logs

(cherry picked from commit 367e57e7)
parent 285dc9cf
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12 merge requests!8376Drupal views: adding more granularity to the ‘use ajax’ functionality,!8300Issue #3443586 View area displays even when parent view has no results.,!7567Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7565Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7509Change label "Block description" to "Block type",!7344Issue #3292350 by O'Briat, KlemenDEV, hswong3i, smustgrave, quietone: Update...,!6922Issue #3412959 by quietone, smustgrave, longwave: Fix 12 'un' words,!6848Issue #3417553 by longwave: Remove withConsecutive() in CacheCollectorTest,!6720Revert "Issue #3358581 by pfrenssen, _tarik_, a.dmitriiev, smustgrave:...,!6560Update ClaroPreRender.php, confirming classes provided are in array format,!6528Issue #3414261 by catch: Add authenticated user umami performance tests,!6501Issue #3263668 by omkar-pd, Wim Leers, hooroomoo: Re-enable inline form errors...
Pipeline #87398 canceled
......@@ -29,9 +29,16 @@ public function parseMessagePlaceholders(&$message, array &$context) {
$key = '@' . $key;
// To be considered a valid placeholder, the key should be in
// \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup style and the variable
// should be a string, number, or \Stringable object. For historical
// reasons, Boolean and NULL placeholders are also allowed; NULL
// placeholders are deprecated and may throw an error in the future.
// @see
if (!empty($key) && ($key[0] === '@' || $key[0] === '%' || $key[0] === ':')) {
// The key is now in \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup style.
$variables[$key] = $variable;
if (is_scalar($variable) || is_null($variable) || $variable instanceof \Stringable) {
$variables[$key] = $variable;
......@@ -60,6 +60,21 @@ function (callable $hook, string $module) use (&$implementation_count) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $cron_count, "Cron added $cron_count of 1 new log entries");
* Tests that only valid placeholders are stored in the variables column.
public function testInvalidPlaceholders() {
\Drupal::logger('my_module')->warning('Hello @string @array @object', ['@string' => '', '@array' => [], '@object' => new \stdClass()]);
$variables = \Drupal::database()
->select('watchdog', 'w')
->fields('w', ['variables'])
->orderBy('wid', 'DESC')
->range(0, 1)
$this->assertSame(serialize(['@string' => '']), $variables);
* Runs cron and returns number of new log entries.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Logger;
use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LogMessageParser;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
......@@ -40,38 +41,62 @@ public function testParseMessagePlaceholders(array $value, array $expected) {
public function providerTestParseMessagePlaceholders() {
return [
// PSR3 only message.
'PSR3-style placeholder' => [
['message' => 'User {username} created', 'context' => ['username' => 'Dries']],
['message' => 'User @username created', 'context' => ['@username' => 'Dries']],
// PSR3 style mixed in a format_string style message.
'PSR3- and FormattableMarkup-style placeholders' => [
['message' => 'User {username} created @time', 'context' => ['username' => 'Dries', '@time' => 'now']],
['message' => 'User @username created @time', 'context' => ['@username' => 'Dries', '@time' => 'now']],
// format_string style message only.
'FormattableMarkup-style placeholder' => [
['message' => 'User @username created', 'context' => ['@username' => 'Dries']],
['message' => 'User @username created', 'context' => ['@username' => 'Dries']],
// Message without placeholders but wildcard characters.
'Wildcard characters' => [
['message' => 'User W-\\};~{&! created @', 'context' => ['' => '']],
['message' => 'User W-\\};~{&! created @', 'context' => []],
// Message with double PSR3 style messages.
'Multiple PSR3-style placeholders' => [
['message' => 'Test {with} two {{encapsuled}} strings', 'context' => ['with' => 'together', 'encapsuled' => 'awesome']],
['message' => 'Test @with two {@encapsuled} strings', 'context' => ['@with' => 'together', '@encapsuled' => 'awesome']],
// Test removal of unexpected placeholders like ! while allowed
// placeholders beginning with @, % and : are preserved.
'Disallowed placeholder' => [
['message' => 'Test placeholder with :url and old !bang parameter', 'context' => [':url' => '', '!bang' => 'foo bar']],
['message' => 'Test placeholder with :url and old !bang parameter', 'context' => [':url' => '']],
'Stringable object placeholder' => [
['message' => 'object @b', 'context' => ['@b' => new FormattableMarkup('convertible', [])]],
['message' => 'object @b', 'context' => ['@b' => 'convertible']],
'Non-placeholder context value' => [
['message' => 'message', 'context' => ['not_a_placeholder' => new \stdClass()]],
['message' => 'message', 'context' => []],
'Non-stringable array placeholder' => [
['message' => 'array @a', 'context' => ['@a' => []]],
['message' => 'array @a', 'context' => []],
'Non-stringable object placeholder' => [
['message' => 'object @b', 'context' => ['@b' => new \stdClass()]],
['message' => 'object @b', 'context' => []],
'Non-stringable closure placeholder' => [
['message' => 'closure @c', 'context' => ['@c' => function () {}]],
['message' => 'closure @c', 'context' => []],
'Non-stringable resource placeholder' => [
['message' => 'resource @r', 'context' => ['@r' => fopen('php://memory', 'r+')]],
['message' => 'resource @r', 'context' => []],
'Non-stringable placeholder is not the first placeholder' => [
['message' => 'mixed @a @b @c', 'context' => ['@a' => 123, '@b' => [1], '@c' => TRUE]],
['message' => 'mixed @a @b @c', 'context' => ['@a' => 123, '@c' => TRUE]],
'NULL and Boolean placeholders are considered stringable' => [
['message' => 'mixed @a @b @c', 'context' => ['@a' => NULL, '@b' => TRUE, '@c' => FALSE]],
['message' => 'mixed @a @b @c', 'context' => ['@a' => NULL, '@b' => TRUE, '@c' => FALSE]],
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