Issue #3295650 by Spokje, BR0kEN, Berdir, catch, Krzysztof Domański, longwave,...
Issue #3295650 by Spokje, BR0kEN, Berdir, catch, Krzysztof Domański, longwave, voleger, neclimdul: Stop recommending using \Drupal\Component\Assertion\Handle::register() in example.settings.local.php
(cherry picked from commit fa594a90)
34 merge requests!8394[warning] array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values, when saving a non-revisionable custom content entity,!7780issue 3443822: fix for 'No route found for the specified format html. Supported formats: json, xml.',!7416Simplify the HTML of field.html.twig,!7150Revert "Issue #3137119 by munish.kumar, johnwebdev, Jaypan, jungle, xjm,...,!5013Issue #3071143: Table Render Array Example Is Incorrect,!4848Issue #1566662: Update module should send notifications on Thursdays,!4792Issue #2230689: Remove redundant "Italic" style,!4782Issue #2662898: "Links" field not displaying on custom view modes,!4220Issue #3368223: Link field > Access to internal links is not checked on display.,!4173Issue #2123543: Add string context and location filters to the translate interface,!3884Issue #3356842,!3870Issue #3087868,!3812Draft: Issue #3339373 by alexpott, andypost, mondrake:...,!3736Issue #3294005: Refactor Claro's form--password-confirm stylesheet,!3686Issue #3219967 against 9.5.x,!3683Issue #2939397: Clearing AliasManager cache with root path raises warning,!3543Issue #3344259: Allow ajax dialog to have focus configurable,!3356Issue #3209129: Scrolling problems when adding a block via layout builder,!2982Issue #3301562: Translate the default settings for this plugin (TimestampAgoFormatter),!2921Issue #1383696: Allow a custom HTML element to be selected for a grouping field,!2920Issue #3260175: Saving media entity without an owner crashes,!2857Issue #3314541: Remove unnecessary fill from SVG icon for the "Media Library" CKEditor 5 button — enabling dark mode support in contrib,!2841Resolve #3296811 "Resourceresponsetrait needs a",!2803Issue #3041402: Add option absolute url in formatter URL to image,!2527Issue #3298714: Undefined #options and Count Warning in Radios.php,!2280Issue #3280415: Metapackage Generator Breaks Under Composer --no-dev,!2205Quote all names in the regions section.,!2050Issue #3272969: Remove UnqiueField constraint.,!1956Issue #3268872: hook_views_invalidate_cache not called when a view is deleted,!1893Issue #3217260: Add a way to make media captions not editable in CKEditor,!1459Issue #3087632: menu_name max length is too long,!878Issue #3221534: throw an exception when IDs passed to loadMultiple() are badly formed,!866Issue #2845319: The highlighting of the 'Home' menu-link does not respect query strings and fragment identifiers,!204Issue #3040556: It is not possible to react to an entity being duplicated