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Commit 577b6900 authored by catch's avatar catch
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Issue #839444 by mkalkbrenner, andypost, gnunes, hchonov, voleger,...

Issue #839444 by mkalkbrenner, andypost, gnunes, hchonov, voleger, claudiu.cristea, keichee, gease, kfritsche, wells, sokru, tstoeckler, quietone, ravi.shankar, Damien Tournoud, Berdir, Fabianx, catch, Wim Leers, larowlan, kristiaanvandeneynde, twistor, daffie, alexpott, sun: Make serializer customizable for Cache\DatabaseBackend
parent d8c4e4cf
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25 merge requests!8528Issue #3456871 by Tim Bozeman: Support NULL services,!3878Removed unused condition head title for views,!38582585169-10.1.x,!3818Issue #2140179: $entity->original gets stale between updates,!3742Issue #3328429: Create item list field formatter for displaying ordered and unordered lists,!3731Claro: role=button on status report items,!3668Resolve #3347842 "Deprecate the trusted",!3651Issue #3347736: Create new SDC component for Olivero (header-search),!3531Issue #3336994: StringFormatter always displays links to entity even if the user in context does not have access,!3355Issue #3209129: Scrolling problems when adding a block via layout builder,!3226Issue #2987537: Custom menu link entity type should not declare "bundle" entity key,!3154Fixes #2987987 - CSRF token validation broken on routes with optional parameters.,!3133core/modules/system/css/components/hidden.module.css,!2812Issue #3312049: [Followup] Fix Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingReturnType returns for NULL,!2378Issue #2875033: Optimize joins and table selection in SQL entity query implementation,!2334Issue #3228209: Add hasRole() method to AccountInterface,!2062Issue #3246454: Add weekly granularity to views date sort,!1105Issue #3025039: New non translatable field on translatable content throws error,!1073issue #3191727: Focus states on mobile second level navigation items fixed,!10223132456: Fix issue where views instances are emptied before an ajax request is complete,!877Issue #2708101: Default value for link text is not saved,!617Issue #3043725: Provide a Entity Handler for user cancelation,!579Issue #2230909: Simple decimals fail to pass validation,!560Move callback classRemove outside of the loop,!555Issue #3202493
Pipeline #87903 canceled
Pipeline: drupal


    with 79 additions and 21 deletions
    ......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ services:
    - [setContainer, ['@service_container']]
    class: Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackendFactory
    arguments: ['@database', '@cache_tags.invalidator.checksum', '@settings']
    arguments: ['@database', '@cache_tags.invalidator.checksum', '@settings', '@serialization.phpserialize']
    - { name: backend_overridable }
    ......@@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ services:
    class: Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json
    class: Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize
    Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface: '@serialization.phpserialize'
    class: Drupal\Component\Serialization\Yaml
    namespace Drupal\Component\Serialization;
    // cspell:ignore serializers igbinary
    * Ensures that a serializer is usable for serializing PHP objects.
    * Other Serializers that implement the SerializationInterface, for example
    * serializers that use JSON or YAML, are suitable for different PHP types
    * except objects. Serializers that implement the
    * ObjectAwareSerializationInterface instead are clearly indicating that they're
    * suitable for PHP objects, for example using the PHP string serialization
    * format or the igbinary format.
    interface ObjectAwareSerializationInterface extends SerializationInterface {
    ......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
    * Default serialization for serialized PHP.
    class PhpSerialize implements SerializationInterface {
    class PhpSerialize implements ObjectAwareSerializationInterface {
    * {@inheritdoc}
    ......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
    namespace Drupal\Core\Cache;
    use Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface;
    use Drupal\Component\Assertion\Inspector;
    use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt;
    use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
    ......@@ -66,6 +67,13 @@ class DatabaseBackend implements CacheBackendInterface {
    protected $checksumProvider;
    * The serializer to use.
    * @var \Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface
    protected ObjectAwareSerializationInterface $serializer;
    * Constructs a DatabaseBackend object.
    ......@@ -75,17 +83,29 @@ class DatabaseBackend implements CacheBackendInterface {
    * The cache tags checksum provider.
    * @param string $bin
    * The cache bin for which the object is created.
    * @param \Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface|int|null $serializer
    * (optional) The serializer to use.
    * @param int $max_rows
    * (optional) The maximum number of rows that are allowed in this cache bin
    * table.
    public function __construct(Connection $connection, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider, $bin, $max_rows = NULL) {
    public function __construct(Connection $connection, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider, $bin, ObjectAwareSerializationInterface|int $serializer = NULL, $max_rows = NULL) {
    // All cache tables should be prefixed with 'cache_'.
    $bin = 'cache_' . $bin;
    $this->bin = $bin;
    $this->connection = $connection;
    $this->checksumProvider = $checksum_provider;
    if (is_int($serializer)) {
    @trigger_error('Calling ' . __METHOD__ . ' with the $max_rows as 3rd argument is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and it will be the 4th argument in drupal:11.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $max_rows = $serializer;
    $serializer = \Drupal::service('serialization.phpserialize');
    elseif ($serializer === NULL) {
    @trigger_error('Calling ' . __METHOD__ . ' without the $serializer argument is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and it will be required in drupal:11.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $serializer = \Drupal::service('serialization.phpserialize');
    $this->serializer = $serializer;
    $this->maxRows = $max_rows === NULL ? static::DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS : $max_rows;
    ......@@ -169,7 +189,7 @@ protected function prepareItem($cache, $allow_invalid) {
    // Unserialize and return the cached data.
    if ($cache->serialized) {
    $cache->data = unserialize($cache->data);
    $cache->data = $this->serializer->decode($cache->data);
    return $cache;
    ......@@ -252,7 +272,7 @@ protected function doSetMultiple(array $items) {
    if (!is_string($item['data'])) {
    $fields['data'] = serialize($item['data']);
    $fields['data'] = $this->serializer->encode($item['data']);
    $fields['serialized'] = 1;
    else {
    ......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
    namespace Drupal\Core\Cache;
    use Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface;
    use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
    use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
    ......@@ -21,13 +22,6 @@ class DatabaseBackendFactory implements CacheFactoryInterface {
    protected $checksumProvider;
    * The site settings.
    * @var \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings
    protected $settings;
    * Constructs the DatabaseBackendFactory object.
    ......@@ -37,13 +31,22 @@ class DatabaseBackendFactory implements CacheFactoryInterface {
    * The cache tags checksum provider.
    * @param \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings $settings
    * (optional) The site settings.
    * @param \Drupal\Component\Serialization\ObjectAwareSerializationInterface|null $serializer
    * (optional) The serializer to use.
    * @throws \BadMethodCallException
    public function __construct(Connection $connection, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider, Settings $settings = NULL) {
    public function __construct(Connection $connection, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $checksum_provider, protected ?Settings $settings = NULL, protected ?ObjectAwareSerializationInterface $serializer = NULL) {
    $this->connection = $connection;
    $this->checksumProvider = $checksum_provider;
    $this->settings = $settings ?: Settings::getInstance();
    if ($this->settings === NULL) {
    @trigger_error('Calling ' . __METHOD__ . ' without the $settings argument is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and it will be required in drupal:11.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $this->settings = Settings::getInstance();
    if ($this->serializer === NULL) {
    @trigger_error('Calling ' . __METHOD__ . ' without the $serializer argument is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and it will be required in drupal:11.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $this->serializer = \Drupal::service('serialization.phpserialize');
    ......@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ public function __construct(Connection $connection, CacheTagsChecksumInterface $
    public function get($bin) {
    $max_rows = $this->getMaxRowsForBin($bin);
    return new DatabaseBackend($this->connection, $this->checksumProvider, $bin, $max_rows);
    return new DatabaseBackend($this->connection, $this->checksumProvider, $bin, $this->serializer, $max_rows);
    ......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
    use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
    use Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
    use Drupal\Component\FileCache\FileCacheFactory;
    use Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize;
    use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
    use Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend;
    use Drupal\Core\Config\BootstrapConfigStorageFactory;
    ......@@ -76,12 +77,21 @@ class DrupalKernel implements DrupalKernelInterface, TerminableInterface {
    'cache.container' => [
    'class' => 'Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend',
    'arguments' => ['@database', '@cache_tags_provider.container', 'container', DatabaseBackend::MAXIMUM_NONE],
    'arguments' => [
    'cache_tags_provider.container' => [
    'class' => 'Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseCacheTagsChecksum',
    'arguments' => ['@database'],
    'serialization.phpserialize' => [
    'class' => PhpSerialize::class,
    ......@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ public function register(ContainerBuilder $container) {
    $container->register('cache_factory', 'Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackendFactory')
    ->addArgument(new Reference('database'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('settings'));
    ->addArgument(new Reference('settings'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('serialization.phpserialize'));
    ......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class ChainedFastBackendTest extends GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase {
    * A new ChainedFastBackend object.
    protected function createCacheBackend($bin) {
    $consistent_backend = new DatabaseBackend(\Drupal::service('database'), \Drupal::service('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'), $bin, 100);
    $consistent_backend = new DatabaseBackend(\Drupal::service('database'), \Drupal::service('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'), $bin, \Drupal::service('serialization.phpserialize'), 100);
    $fast_backend = new PhpBackend($bin, \Drupal::service('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'));
    $backend = new ChainedFastBackend($consistent_backend, $fast_backend, $bin);
    // Explicitly register the cache bin as it can not work through the
    ......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class DatabaseBackendTest extends GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase {
    * A new DatabaseBackend object.
    protected function createCacheBackend($bin) {
    return new DatabaseBackend($this->container->get('database'), $this->container->get('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'), $bin, static::$maxRows);
    return new DatabaseBackend($this->container->get('database'), $this->container->get('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'), $bin, $this->container->get('serialization.phpserialize'), static::$maxRows);
    ......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
    use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
    use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
    use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
    use Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize;
    * Tests delaying of cache tag invalidation queries to the end of transactions.
    ......@@ -47,11 +48,13 @@ protected function setUp(): void {
    public function register(ContainerBuilder $container) {
    $container->register('serializer', PhpSerialize::class);
    // Register a database cache backend rather than memory-based.
    $container->register('cache_factory', DatabaseBackendFactory::class)
    ->addArgument(new Reference('database'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('cache_tags.invalidator.checksum'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('settings'));
    ->addArgument(new Reference('settings'))
    ->addArgument(new Reference('serializer'));
    ......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
    namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache;
    use Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize;
    use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsChecksumInterface;
    use Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend;
    use Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackendFactory;
    ......@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ public function testGet(array $settings, $expected_max_rows_foo, $expected_max_r
    $database_backend_factory = new DatabaseBackendFactory(
    new Settings($settings)
    new Settings($settings),
    new PhpSerialize()
    $this->assertSame($expected_max_rows_foo, $database_backend_factory->get('foo')->getMaxRows());
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