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  • Dries Buytaert's avatar
    · a95c2a68
    Dries Buytaert authored
    - import.module:
        + Improved input filtering; this should make the news items look
          more consistent in terms of mark-up.
        + Quoted all array indices: converted all instances of $foo[bar]
          to $foo["bar"].  Made various other changes to make the import
          module compliant with the coding style.
        + Fixed small XHTML glitch
    - comment system:
        + Made it possible for users to edit their comments (when certain
          criteria are matched).
        + Renamed the SQL table field "lid" to "nid" and updated the code
          to reflect this change: this is a rather /annoying/ change that
          has been asked for a few times.  It will impact the contributed
          BBS/forum modules and requires a tiny SQL update:
            sql> ALTER TABLE comments CHANGE lid nid int(10) NOT NULL;
        + Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
          comment.module where it belongs.  This also marks a first step
          towards removing/reducing "node.php".
        + Added a delete button to the comment admin form and made it so
          that Drupal prompts for confirmation prior to deleting a comment
          from the database.  This behavior is similar to that of deleting
        + Disabled comment moderation for now.
        + Some of the above changes will make it easier to integrate the
          upcomcing mail-to-web and web-to-mail gateways.  They are part
          of a bigger plan.  ;)
    - node system:
        + Made it so that updating nodes (like for instance updating blog
          entries) won't trigger the submission rate throttle.
        + Fixed a small glitch where a node's title wasn't always passed
          to the $theme->header() function.
        + Made "node_array()" and "node_object()" more generic and named
          them "object2array()" and "array2object()".
        + Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
          comment.module where it belongs.  This also marks a first step
          towards removing/reducing "node.php".
    - misc:
        + Applied three patches by Foxen.  One to improve performance of
          the book module, and two other patches to fix small glitches in
  Thanks Foxen!