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 * This script runs Drupal tests from command line.
define('SIMPLETEST_SCRIPT_COLOR_PASS', 32); // Green.

// Set defaults and get overrides.
list($args, $count) = simpletest_script_parse_args();


if ($args['help'] || $count == 0) {

if ($args['execute-batch']) {

// Bootstrap to perform initial validation or other opperations.
if (!module_exists('simpletest')) {
  simpletest_script_print_error("The simpletest module must be enabled before this script can run.");

if ($args['clean']) {
  // Clean up left-over times and directories.
  echo "\nEnvironment cleaned.\n";

  // Get the status messages and print them.
  $messages = array_pop(drupal_get_messages('status'));
  foreach($messages as $text) {
    echo " - " . $text . "\n";

// Load SimpleTest files.
$all_tests = simpletest_get_all_tests();
$groups = simpletest_categorize_tests($all_tests);
$test_list = array();

if ($args['list']) {
  // Display all availabe tests.
  echo "\nAvailable test groups & classes\n";
  echo   "-------------------------------\n\n";
  foreach ($groups as $group => $tests) {
    echo $group . "\n";
    foreach ($tests as $class_name => $instance) {
      $info = $instance->getInfo();
      echo " - " . $info['name'] . ' (' . $class_name . ')' . "\n";

$test_list = simpletest_script_get_test_list();

// If not in 'safe mode', increase the maximum execution time.
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {


// Setup database for test results.
db_query('INSERT INTO {simpletest_test_id} VALUES (default)');
$test_id = db_last_insert_id('simpletest_test_id', 'test_id');

// Execute tests.
simpletest_script_command($args['concurrency'], $test_id, implode(",", $test_list));

// Display results before database is cleared.

// Cleanup our test results.
db_query("DELETE FROM {simpletest} WHERE test_id = %d", $test_id);

 * Print help text.
function simpletest_script_help() {
  global $args;

  echo <<<EOF

Run Drupal tests from the shell.

Usage:        {$args['script']} [OPTIONS] <tests>
Example:      {$args['script']} Profile

All arguments are long options.

  --help      Print this page.
  --clean     Cleans up database tables or directories from previous, failed,
              tests and then exits (no tests are run).

  --url       Immediately preceeds a URL to set the host and path. You will
              need this parameter if Drupal is in a subdirectory on your
              localhost and you have not set \$base_url in settings.php.
  --php       The absolute path to the PHP executable. Usually not needed.
              Run tests in parallel, up to [num] tests at a time. This requires
              the Process Control Extension (PCNTL) to be compiled in PHP, not 
              supported under Windows.
  --class     Run tests identified by specific class names, instead of group names.
  --file      Run tests identifiled by specific file names, instead of group names.
              Specify the path and the extension (i.e. 'modules/user/user.test').
  --color     Output the rusults with color highlighting.

  --verbose   Output detailed assertion messages in addition to summary.

  <test1>[,<test2>[,<test3> ...]]

              One or more tests to be run.  By default, these are interpreted
              as the names of test groups as shown at ?q=admin/build/testing.
              These group names typically correspond to module names like "User"
              or "Profile" or "System", but there is also a group "XML-RPC".
              If --class is specified then these are interpreted as the names of
              specific test classes whose test methods will be run.  Tests must
              be separated by commas.  Ignored if --all is specified.

To run this script you will normally invoke it from the root directory of your
Drupal installation as the webserver user, or root, with
 * Parse execution argument and ensure that all are valid.
 * @return The list of arguments.
function simpletest_script_parse_args() {
  // Set default values.
  $args = array(
    'script' => '',
    'help' => FALSE,
    'list' => FALSE,
    'clean' => FALSE,
    'url' => '',
    'concurrency' => 1,
    'all' => FALSE,
    'class' => FALSE,
    'color' => FALSE,
    'verbose' => FALSE,
    'test_names' => array(),
    // Used internally.
    'test-id' => NULL,
    'execute-batch' => FALSE

  // Override with set values.
  $args['script'] = basename(array_shift($_SERVER['argv']));

  $count = 0;
  while ($arg = array_shift($_SERVER['argv'])) {
    if (preg_match('/--(\S+)/', $arg, $matches)) {
      // Argument found.
      if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $args)) {
        // Argument found in list.
        $previous_arg = $matches[1];
        if (is_bool($args[$previous_arg])) {
          $args[$matches[1]] = TRUE;
        else {
          $args[$matches[1]] = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
        // Clear an extrenious values.
        $args['test_names'] = array();
      else {
        // Argument not found in list.
        simpletest_script_print_error("Unknown argument '$arg'.");
    else {
      // Values found without an argument should be test names.
      $args['test_names'] += explode(',', $arg);

  // Validate the concurrency argument
  if (!is_numeric($args['concurrency']) || $args['concurrency'] <= 0) {
    simpletest_script_print_error("--concurrency must be a strictly positive integer.");
  elseif ($args['concurrency'] > 1 && !function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {
    simpletest_script_print_error("Parallel test execution requires the Process Control extension to be compiled in PHP. Please see for more information.");

 * Initialize script variables and perform general setup requirements.
function simpletest_script_init() {
  global $args, $php;

  $host = 'localhost';
  $path = '';
  // Determine location of php command automatically, unless a comamnd line argument is supplied.
  if (!empty($args['php'])) {
  elseif (!empty($_ENV['_'])) {
    // '_' is an environment variable set by the shell. It contains the command that was executed.
    $php = $_ENV['_'];
  elseif (!empty($_ENV['SUDO_COMMAND'])) {
    // 'SUDO_COMMAND' is an environment variable set by the sudo program.
    // Extract only the PHP interpreter, not the rest of the command.
    list($php, ) = explode(' ', $_ENV['SUDO_COMMAND'], 2);
  else {
    simpletest_script_print_error('Unable to automatically determine the path to the PHP interpreter. Please supply the --php command line argument.');

  // Get url from arguments.
  if (!empty($args['url'])) {
    $parsed_url = parse_url($args['url']);
    $host = $parsed_url['host'];
    $path = $parsed_url['path'];

  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $host;
  $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost';
  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $path .'/';
  $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $path .'/index.php';
  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $path .'/index.php';
  $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Drupal command line';

  chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
  define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';

 * Execute a batch of tests.
function simpletest_script_execute_batch() {
  global $args;

  if (is_null($args['test-id'])) {
    simpletest_script_print_error("--execute-batch should not be called interactively.");
    // Fallback to mono-threaded execution.
    if (count($args['test_names']) > 1) {
      foreach ($args['test_names'] as $test_class) {
        // Execute each test in its separate Drupal environment.
        simpletest_script_command(1, $args['test-id'], $test_class);
      // Execute an individual test.
      $test_class = array_shift($args['test_names']);
      simpletest_script_run_one_test($args['test-id'], $test_class);
    while (!empty($args['test_names']) || !empty($children)) {
      // Fork children safely since Drupal is not bootstrapped yet.
      while (count($children) < $args['concurrency']) {
        $child['test_class'] = $test_class = array_shift($args['test_names']);
        $child['pid'] = pcntl_fork();
        if (!$child['pid']) {
          // This is the child process, bootstrap and execute the test.
          simpletest_script_run_one_test($args['test-id'], $test_class);
      // Check if some children finished.
      foreach ($children as $cid => $child) {
        if (pcntl_waitpid($child['pid'], $status, WUNTRACED | WNOHANG)) {
 * Run a single test (assume a Drupal bootstrapped environnement).
function simpletest_script_run_one_test($test_id, $test_class) {
  $test = new $test_class($test_id);
  $info = $test->getInfo();
  $status = ((isset($test->_results['#fail']) && $test->_results['#fail'] > 0)
           || (isset($test->_results['#exception']) && $test->_results['#exception'] > 0) ? 'fail' : 'pass');
  simpletest_script_print($info['name'] . ' ' . _simpletest_format_summary_line($test->_results) . "\n", simpletest_script_color_code($status));
 * Execute a command to run batch of tests in separate process.
function simpletest_script_command($concurrency, $test_id, $tests) {
  global $args, $php;
  $command = "$php ./scripts/{$args['script']} --url {$args['url']}";
  if ($args['color']) {
    $command .= ' --color';
  $command .= " --php " . escapeshellarg($php) . " --concurrency $concurrency --test-id $test_id --execute-batch $tests";
 * Get list of tests based on arguments. If --all specfied then
 * returns all available tests, otherwise reads list of tests.
 * Will print error and exit if no valid tests were found.
 * @return List of tests.
function simpletest_script_get_test_list() {
  global $args, $all_tests, $groups;

  $test_list = array();
  if ($args['all']) {
    $test_list = array_keys($all_tests);
      // Check for valid class names.
      foreach ($args['test_names'] as $class_name) {
        if (isset($all_tests[$class_name])) {
      $files = array();
      foreach ($args['test_names'] as $file) {
        $files[realpath($file)] = 1;
      // Check for valid class names.
      foreach ($all_tests as $class_name => $instance) {
        $refclass = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
        $file = $refclass->getFileName();
        if (isset($files[$file])) {
          $test_list[] = $class_name;
    else {
      // Check for valid group names and get all valid classes in group.
      foreach ($args['test_names'] as $group_name) {
        if (isset($groups[$group_name])) {
          foreach($groups[$group_name] as $class_name => $instance) {
            $test_list[] = $class_name;
  if (empty($test_list)) {
    simpletest_script_print_error('No valid tests were specified.');
  return $test_list;
 * Initialize the reporter.
function simpletest_script_reporter_init() {
  global $args, $all_tests, $test_list;
  echo "\n";
  echo "Drupal test run\n";
  echo "---------------\n";
  echo "\n";
  // Tell the user about what tests are to be run.
  if ($args['all']) {
    echo "All tests will run.\n\n";
  else {
    echo "Tests to be run:\n";
    foreach ($test_list as $class_name) {
      $info = $all_tests[$class_name]->getInfo();
      echo " - " . $info['name'] . ' (' . $class_name . ')' . "\n";
    echo "\n";
  echo "Test run started: " . format_date($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 'long') . "\n";
  echo "\n";

  echo "Test summary:\n";
  echo "-------------\n";
 * Display test results.
function simpletest_script_reporter_display_results() {
  global $args, $test_id, $results_map;
  $end = timer_stop('run-tests');
  echo "Test run duration: " . format_interval($end['time'] / 1000);
  if ($args['verbose']) {
    // Report results.
    echo "Detailed test results:\n";
    echo "----------------------\n";
    echo "\n";

    $results_map = array(
      'pass' => 'Pass',
      'fail' => 'Fail',
      'exception' => 'Exception'

    $results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {simpletest} WHERE test_id = %d ORDER BY test_class, message_id", $test_id);
    $test_class = '';
    while($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      if (isset($results_map[$result->status])) {
        if ($result->test_class != $test_class) {
          // Display test class every time results are for new test class.
          echo "\n\n---- $result->test_class ----\n\n\n";
          $test_class = $result->test_class;

 * Format the result so that it fits within the default 80 character
 * terminal size.
 * @param $result The result object to format.
function simpletest_script_format_result($result) {
  global $results_map, $color;

  $summary = sprintf("%-10.10s %-10.10s %-30.30s %-5.5s %-20.20s\n",
    $results_map[$result->status], $result->message_group, basename($result->file), $result->line, $result->caller);

  simpletest_script_print($summary, simpletest_script_color_code($result->status));
  $lines = explode("\n", wordwrap(trim(strip_tags($result->message)), 76));
  foreach ($lines as $line) {
    echo "    $line\n";
 * Print error message prefixed with "  ERROR: " and displayed in fail color
 * if color output is enabled.
 * @param $message The message to print.
function simpletest_script_print_error($message) {
  simpletest_script_print("  ERROR: $message\n", SIMPLETEST_SCRIPT_COLOR_FAIL);
 * Print a message to the console, if color is enabled then the specified
 * color code will be used.
 * @param $message The message to print.
 * @param $color_code The color code to use for coloring.
function simpletest_script_print($message, $color_code) {
  global $args;
  if ($args['color']) {
    echo "\033[" . $color_code . "m" . $message . "\033[0m";
  else {
    echo $message;

 * Get the color code associated with the specified status.
 * @param $status The status string to get code for.
 * @return Color code.
function simpletest_script_color_code($status) {
  switch ($status) {
    case 'pass':
    case 'fail':
    case 'exception':
  return 0; // Default formatting.