// $Id$
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=tracker\" title=\"". t("Display an overview of the recent comments.") ."\">". t("view new comments") ."</a>";
return $links ? $links : array();
function tracker_comments($id = 0) {
global $theme, $user;
$sresult = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.title, COUNT(n.nid) AS comments, MAX(c.timestamp) AS last_comment FROM comments c LEFT JOIN node n ON c.nid = n.nid WHERE c.timestamp > $period AND c.uid = '". check_input($id) ."' GROUP BY n.nid, n.title DESC ORDER BY last_comment DESC LIMIT 10");
$sresult = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.title, COUNT(n.nid) AS comments, MAX(c.timestamp) AS last_comment FROM comments c LEFT JOIN node n ON c.nid = n.nid WHERE c.timestamp > $period GROUP BY n.nid, n.title DESC ORDER BY last_comment DESC LIMIT 10");
$output .= format_plural($node->comments, "comment", "comments") ." ". t("attached to node") ." <a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid\">". check_output($node->title) ."</a>:\n";
$cresult = db_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE timestamp > $period AND uid = '". check_input($id) ."' AND nid = '$node->nid' ORDER BY cid DESC");
$cresult = db_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE timestamp > $period AND nid = '$node->nid' ORDER BY cid DESC");
$output .= "<ul>";
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($cresult)) {
$output .= " <li><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid&cid=$comment->cid&pid=$comment->pid#$comment->cid\">". check_output($comment->subject) ."</a> (". t("replies") .": ". comment_num_replies($comment->cid) .") ". (comment_is_new($comment) ? "<span style=\"color: red;\">*</span>" : "") ."</li>\n";
$output .= " </ul>\n";
return $output;
function tracker_menu() {
global $user;
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=tracker&id=$user->uid\" title=\"". t("Display an overview of your recent comments.") ."\">your recent comments</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=tracker\" title=\"". t("Display an overview of all the recent comments.") ."\">all recent comments</a>";
return "<div align=\"center\">". implode(" · ", $links) ."</div>";
function tracker_page() {
global $theme, $id;
$theme->box(t("Tracker"), tracker_menu());
if ($id) {
$theme->box(t("Your recent comments"), tracker_comments($id));
else {
$theme->box(t("All recent comments"), tracker_comments());