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Issue #3368741: Drush build test symlinks drush and only passes because it loads classes not in build test project

Merged Issue #3368741: Drush build test symlinks drush and only passes because it loads classes not in build test project
3 unresolved threads
3 unresolved threads
@@ -279,6 +279,9 @@ END;
$this->runComposer('composer require --no-update drupal/core-vendor-hardening:*', $template_dir);
// Do not run development Composer plugin.
$this->runComposer("composer config allow-plugins.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer false", $template_dir);
    • Author Maintainer

      I found locally when ran the build test with create-project using --verbose that on 10.0.9 other 10.0.x version it was trying to run this plugin. I can't see why we would need this to run in our build test.

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// Create the test project, defining its repository as part of the
// `composer create-project` command.
$repository = [
@@ -437,12 +440,21 @@ END;
'autoload' => $package_info['autoload'] ?? [],
if (isset($package_info['require'])) {
$packages[$name][$version]['require'] = $package_info['require'];
// Composer plugins are loaded and activated as early as possible, and
// they must have a `class` key defined in their `extra` section, along
// with a dependency on `composer-plugin-api` (plus any other real
// runtime dependencies).
if ($packages[$name][$version]['type'] === 'composer-plugin') {
$packages[$name][$version]['require'] = $package_info['require'] ?? [];
$packages[$name][$version]['extra'] = $package_info['extra'] ?? [];