Issue #3368741: Drush build test symlinks drush and only passes because it loads classes not in build test project
3 unresolved threads
Merge request reports
added 2 commits
402 402 public function testDrushUpdate(): void { 403 403 $this->createTestProject('RecommendedProject'); 404 404 405 $this->runComposer('composer require drush/drush', 'project'); 405 $output = $this->runComposer('COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS=1 composer require drush/drush', 'project'); 406 $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Symlinking', $output); added 2 commits
- Resolved by Ted Bowman
439 439 ]; 440 if (isset($package_info['require'])) { 441 unset( 442 $package_info['require']['symfony/polyfill-php73'], 443 $package_info['require']['symfony/polyfill-php74'], 444 $package_info['require']['symfony/polyfill-php80'], 445 $package_info['require']['symfony/polyfill-php81'], 446 ); 447 $packages[$name][$version]['require'] = $package_info['require']; 448 } 440 449 // Composer plugins are loaded and activated as early as possible, and 441 450 // they must have a `class` key defined in their `extra` section, along 442 451 // with a dependency on `composer-plugin-api` (plus any other real 443 452 // runtime dependencies). 444 453 if ($packages[$name][$version]['type'] === 'composer-plugin') { 445 454 $packages[$name][$version]['require'] = $package_info['require'] ?? []; changed this line in version 5 of the diff
279 279 $this->runComposer('composer require --no-update drupal/core-vendor-hardening:*', $template_dir); 280 280 } 281 281 282 // Do not run developement Composer plugin. 283 $this->runComposer("composer config allow-plugins.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer false", $template_dir); added 12 commits
80cf4d48...8db8ae3a - 2 commits from branch
- 2b605b1e - do not symlink drush
- e871ae5a - only run build test
- 9f7d938f - use require
- 37c9502d - only unset php 7 and 8 polyfills
- 54b2a8c1 - revert drupalci changes
- 18b49a66 - unset known polyfills
- f118370c - remove extra require set
- 1a441ddf - missed 1 pollyfill
- 9c8f0c75 - disable development plugin
- d0e9a797 - cspell
Toggle commit list-
80cf4d48...8db8ae3a - 2 commits from branch
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