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Unverified Commit 5d876b09 authored by Alexander Varwijk's avatar Alexander Varwijk
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Issue #3122871 by crmn, Ruuds, BramDriesen, sqf: issue with missing <p> elements when analyzing

parent 88bc4dae
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1 merge request!27Issue #2755181 by Andriy Khomych, ozin: Update js with the latest version of...
......@@ -122,7 +122,11 @@ class EntityAnalyser {
$data['url'] = !$entity->isNew() ? $entity->toUrl()->toString() : '';
// Add our HTML as analyzable text (Yoast will sanitize).
$data['text'] = $html->__toString();
// Newlines are removed because the Yoast library will use them to find
// paragraph boundaries. However, we output HTML from Drupal which already
// contains properly formatted paragraphs. Besides, whitespace is
// meaningless within the context of HTML.
$data['text'] = str_replace("\n", "", $html->__toString());
return $data;
@api @javascript
Feature: The interaction between Drupal's output and the library works correctly
This is tested with nodes but should work the same for any entity type.
Given module node is enabled
And content type:
| type | name |
| article | Article |
And field:
| entity_type | bundle | type | field_name | field_label | form_widget | field_formatter |
| node | article | yoast_seo | field_seo | SEO | yoast_seo_widget | |
| node | article | text_with_summary | body | Body | text_textarea_with_summary | text_default |
# We rely on Drupal's automatic paragraph splitting and we match against the processed output of Drupal.
# The system should ignore whitespace in the resulting HTML which is slightly different from how the Wordpress
# integration would work.
Scenario Outline: Paragraphs in text are properly processed
Given I am logged in as a user with the "create article content,use yoast seo,create url aliases" permission
And I am on "/node/add/article"
And I fill in "Focus keyword" with "<keyword>"
When I fill in "Body" with:
The world is a magical place
And this keyword is in the second paragraph
And wait for the widget to be updated
Then I should see "The meta description contains the focus keyword."
And I should see "<feedback>"
| keyword | feedback |
| world | The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy. |
| keyword | The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.|
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