xautoload 7.x-5.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Bug fixes for ComposerJson and hook_libraries_info() xautoload integration:

xautoload 7.x-5.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

* 1952498 Add DbCacheClassLoader.
* d2d842b Move test modules from VirtualFilesystem into real files in tests/fixtures/.modules.
* e5cfe91 Change libraries integration.
* b9a788f remove StaticCallLog stuff from where it doesn't belong.
* d3eb1cb Add a @see docblock.
* 7ee0916 Don't let ProxyClassFinder initialize twice.
* 6d96777 Document that AbstractCachedClassLoader::checkRequirements() returns true or false and does not throw an exception.
* 52f8f5b cleanup: linebreak at end of class.

xautoload 7.x-4.0

Bug fixes

a6edb89 Fix hardcoded paths in DiscoveryTest::testWildcardFile
7fd74a7 The ServiceContainerInterface should have a __get() method.Finder().
0f70254 Add docblock and rename a parameter for Main::registerExtension() and Main::registerExtensionPsr4().

xautoload 7.x-3.6

Bug fixes

Fix MissingDirPlugin_DrupalExtensionPrefix, for module names with underscores.
This fixes a bug where the classloader breaks if you move a module around.

xautoload 7.x-4.0-alpha3

- Add xautoload_test_3 module in the web tests.
- Introduce CommonRegistrationInterface, so stuff like addPsr4() can be shared between class finder and adapter.

xautoload 7.x-3.0-alpha4

New features

New mechanic to resolve the situation where a registered directory does not exist.

xautoload 7.x-3.0-alpha2

xautoload loader should come after the core loaders, but before classloader.
Also, add an unregister() method to all loaders.
Only in unit tests need we prepend the class loader, to avoid hitting a malconfigured database with the core loader.

xautoload 7.x-3.x-dev

The 7.x-3.x branch brings some major architectural cleanup and rewrite.

xautoload 7.x-2.7

Bug fixes

Hotfix release: Fixed a bug where list_themes() could be called before it is available.
This needs follow-up work:
#1838194: Premature calling of list_themes() (caused Fatal error)

Thanks elfenixtorres for reporting and testing!

xautoload 7.x-2.6

Bug fixes

Hotfix for a regression in 7.x-2.5 which made this module break if libraries is in 7.x-1.x branch.
See #1833382: Dependency on Libraries 2.x

xautoload 7.x-2.5

New features
Bug fixes

- If you use registerPrefixRoot('My_Prefix', 'mypath'), it will now also register the file 'My_Prefix.php' at the root level.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in xautoload_InjectedAPI_hookXautoload, that would prevent registered prefixes from working correctly.

Code improvements:
- Change the MapEvaluator architecture. It does no longer behave recursive. Also, the confusing variable name '$path_prefix_symbolic' has been replaced by '$first_part' in the map evaluator.
- Some documentation improvements for ClassLoader.

xautoload 7.x-2.4

New features

Major new features:
- Introduction of hook_xautoload()
- Support for PSR-0 in sites/all/libraries with hook_libraries_info()
- Support discovery of test classes, including those in disabled modules.

Further changes:
- Added xautoload.api.php for documentation.
- Example module to demonstrate test loading
- Some trivial code changes and bug fixes

xautoload 7.x-2.3

Bug fixes

Two trivial bugfixes on files that are usually not included.

xautoload 7.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed the implementation of PSR-0, D8-style.
Added tests for PSR-0, D8-style.

xautoload 7.x-2.0-alpha2

Various additions:
- more comments
- variations of file_exists(): checkNothing, and checkIncludePath. This allows xautoload to be used for CiviCRM.
- avoid errors on first install, due to hook_boot implementation not being recognized yet.

xautoload 7.x-2.0-alpha1

First snapshot for 7.x-2.x branch, with a complete rewrite, and support for PSR-0 and PSR-0-NG.


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