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Issue #3195080: Fixing selectLessThan and selectLessThanEqual comparison methods

theolem requested to merge issue/webform-3195080:3195080-is-or-is into 7.x-4.x

Closes #3195080

Fixing the conditionalOperatorSelectLessThan and conditionalOperatorSelectLessThanEqual comparison methods for consistency with conditionalOperatorSelectGreaterThan and conditionalOperatorSelectGreaterThanEqual methods' behavior.

The issue was with frontend comparison methods : since a select field has a range of values, comparison with the rule value should be done using :

  • the lowest of user-select values for a "Is greater than" or "Is greater than or equal to" condition (as is currently done)
  • the greatest of user-select values for "Is less than" or "Is less than or equal to" operator. Otherwise, as mentioned in the issue, the comparison method will return true if the user has selected values below and above the rule value.
Edited by Liam Morland

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