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  • project/varbase
  • issue/varbase-3087001
  • issue/varbase-3215888
  • issue/varbase-3245763
  • issue/varbase-3253354
  • issue/varbase-3256661
  • issue/varbase-3258740
  • issue/varbase-3259665
  • issue/varbase-3260809
  • issue/varbase-3263378
  • issue/varbase-3266504
  • issue/varbase-3269421
  • issue/varbase-3269809
  • issue/varbase-3270457
  • issue/varbase-3276911
  • issue/varbase-3277590
  • issue/varbase-3285082
  • issue/varbase-3292847
  • issue/varbase-3293400
  • issue/varbase-3293696
  • issue/varbase-3298632
  • issue/varbase-3301451
  • issue/varbase-3318323
  • issue/varbase-3318847
  • issue/varbase-3346247
  • issue/varbase-3391550
  • issue/varbase-3443948
  • issue/varbase-3471788
  • issue/varbase-3479338
  • issue/varbase-3484640
30 results
Show changes
with 371 additions and 983 deletions
'': "%paths.base%/tests/features/bootstrap"
- "%paths.base%/tests/features"
- VarbaseContext:
webmaster: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_authenticated: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_editor: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_content_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_seo_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_site_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
test_super_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
- SelectorsContext:
## Add all css selectors which you will use in most features.
breadcrumb: ".breadcrumb"
breadcrumb first link: ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a"
image button in rich text editor body field: "#cke_edit-body-und-0-value .cke_button__image"
## Add all XPath selectors which you will use in most features.
page title: '//h1[contains(@class, "page-header")'
textarea for body field: '//*[@id="edit-body-und-0-value"]'
rich text editor for body field: '//iframe[@title="Rich Text Editor, edit-body-und-0-value"]'
HTML editor for body field: '//*[@id="edit-body-und-0-value-aced"]'
## You can add list of selectorrs which you will use in most features.
# But by loading them from files.
files_path: "%paths.base%/tests/selectors/"
- "varbase/front-end-selectors.yml"
- "varbase/back-end-selectors.yml"
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MarkupContext
output_path: "%paths.base%/tests/reports/"
ajax_timeout: 20
files_path: "%paths.base%/tests/assets/"
goutte: ~
# browser: 'firefox'
browser: 'chrome'
# browser: 'phantomjs'
nativeEvents: true
marionette: true
browserName: chrome
version: "*"
- "--disable-gpu"
- "--window-size=1920,1080"
w3c: false
# - "--headless"
- "--disable-web-security"
- "--DNS-prefetch-disable"
- "--whitelisted-ips"
- "--start-maximized"
- "--disable-translate"
- "--ignore-certificate-errors"
- "--test-type"
- "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
- "--disable-extensions"
- "incognito"
- "enable-precise-memory-info"
- "ignore-certificate-errors"
- "disable-infobars"
- "js-flags=--expose-gc"
- "no-sandbox"
base_url: ''
# browser_name: 'firefox'
browser_name: 'chrome'
# browser_name: 'phantomjs'
javascript_session: selenium2
blackbox: ~
api_driver: 'drupal'
content: ".main-container"
footer: "#footer"
left header: "#header-left"
right header: "#header-right"
right sidebar: "#aside-region"
field body: "#edit-body-wrapper"
message_selector: '.messages'
error_message_selector: '.messages.error'
success_message_selector: '.messages.status'
warning_message_selector: '.messages.warning'
name: html
renderer: Twig,Behat2
file_name: index
print_args: false
print_outp: false
loop_break: false
- behat.varbase.yml
'': "%paths.base%/tests/features/bootstrap"
- "%paths.base%/tests/features"
- VarbaseContext:
webmaster: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
Normal user: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
Editor: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
Content admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
SEO admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
Site admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
Super admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\ConfigContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MarkupContext
- Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RandomContext
verbose: true
paths: false
snippets: false
verbose: true
paths: false
snippets: false
output_path: "%paths.base%/tests/reports/"
base_url: http://varbase.test
browser_name: chrome
default_session: selenium2
javascript_session: selenium2
ajax_timeout: 120
files_path: "%paths.base%/tests/assets/"
browser: chrome
wd_host: ''
browser: chrome
browserName: chrome
w3c: true
- "--headless"
- "--start-maximized"
- "--disable-gpu"
- "--window-size=1600,1200"
- "--no-sandbox"
- "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
- "--disable-setuid-sandbox"
- "--disable-web-security"
- "--DNS-prefetch-disable"
- "--disable-translate"
- "--ignore-certificate-errors"
- "--test-type"
- "--disable-extensions"
- "--incognito"
- "--disable-infobars"
- "--remote-debugging-port=9222"
- "--allowed-ips=*"
- "--whitelisted-ips=*"
- "--allow-insecure-localhost"
blackbox: ~
api_driver: 'drupal'
alias: 'local'
drupal_root: '/var/www/html/test/varbase/docroot'
content: ".main-container"
footer: "#footer"
left header: "#header-left"
right header: "#header-right"
right sidebar: "#aside-region"
field body: "#edit-body-wrapper"
message_selector: '.messages'
error_message_selector: '.messages.error'
success_message_selector: '.messages.status'
warning_message_selector: '.messages.warning'
name: html
renderer: Twig,Behat2
file_name: index
print_args: false
print_outp: false
loop_break: false
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<property name="db.database" value="test_varbase9000xxc" />
<property name="db.url" value="${db.type}://${db.user}:${db.password}@${}/${db.database}" />
<property name="docroot" value="docroot" />
<property name="profile" value="${docroot}/profiles/varbase" />
<property name="profile" value="${docroot}/profiles/contrib/varbase" />
<property name="site" value="${docroot}/sites/default" />
<property name="version" value="HEAD" />
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<exec command="${npm} run install-libraries" passthru="true" />
<!-- rsync the profile, excluding developer flotsam. -->
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<!-- JS libraries and contrib modules were copied over by the file sync. -->
<delete dir="libraries" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
......@@ -100,12 +100,10 @@
<!-- Install with drush site install -->
<target name="install-with-drush-site-install" depends="env">
<!-- Use passthru() when executing drush site-install so that we'll know if errors occur. -->
<exec command="${drush} site-install varbase --yes --site-name='Test Varbase9000xxc' --account-name=webmaster --account-pass=dD.123123ddd --db-url=${db.url} varbase_multilingual_configuration.enable_multilingual=true varbase_extra_components.vmi=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_heroslider_media=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_carousels=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_search=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_blog=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_auth=true varbase_development_tools.varbase_development=true" dir="${docroot}" passthru="true" />
<exec command="${drush} en varbase_styleguide --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} site-install varbase --yes --site-name='Test Varbase9000xxc' --account-name=webmaster --account-pass=dD.123123ddd --db-url=${db.url} varbase_multilingual_configuration.enable_multilingual=true varbase_extra_components.vmi=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_heroslider=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_carousels=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_search=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_blog=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_auth=true varbase_development_tools.varbase_development=true" dir="${docroot}" passthru="true" />
<exec command="${drush} en vbp_text_and_image --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en varbase_media_instagram --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en varbase_media_twitter --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en social_auth_google --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en social_auth_facebook --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en social_auth_twitter --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
<exec command="${drush} en social_auth_linkedin --yes" dir="${docroot}" />
"name": "vardot/varbase",
"description": "Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal 8 CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) | by Vardot",
"description": "Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) | by Vardot",
"type": "drupal-profile",
"homepage": "",
"notification-url": "",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,
......@@ -28,58 +26,84 @@
"url": ""
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"npm-asset/ckeditor--ckeditor5-widget": "*",
"npm-asset/lodash-es": "*",
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"drupal/drupal-library-installer-plugin": "^0.3",
"drupal/core": "^9 || ~10.0.0",
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"drupal/varbase_api": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_media": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_bootstrap_paragraphs": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_editor": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_landing": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_layout_builder": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_heroslider_media": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_carousels": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_blog": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_search": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_seo": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_auth": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_total_control": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_styleguide": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_email": "9.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_workflow": "2.0.x-dev",
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"drupal/vartheme_claro": "2.1.x-dev",
"bower-asset/objectfitpolyfill": "~2.0",
"bower-asset/chartjs": "2.7.*",
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"npm-asset/ace-builds": "~1.0",
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"drupal/varbase_media": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_editor": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_landing": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_layout_builder": "10.1.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_bootstrap_paragraphs": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_heroslider": "1.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_heroslider_media": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_carousels": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_blog": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_search": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_seo": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_auth": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_dashboards": "1.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_email": "10.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_workflow": "3.0.x-dev",
"drupal/varbase_demo": "1.0.x-dev",
"drupal/vartheme_bs5": "3.0.x-dev",
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"require-dev": {
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"drupal/drupal-extension": "~4.0",
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"drupal/core-dev": "~10 || ~11",
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"allow-plugins": {
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"oomphinc/composer-installers-extender": true,
"drupal/core-composer-scaffold": true,
"drupal/core-project-message": true,
"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true,
"phpstan/extension-installer": true,
"php-http/discovery": true
"autoload": {
......@@ -92,38 +116,37 @@
"pre-update-cmd": ["Varbase\\composer\\ScriptHandler::checkComposerVersion"],
"post-install-cmd": [
"./bin/phing push"
"post-update-cmd": [
"./bin/phing push"
"post-drupal-scaffold-cmd": ["Varbase\\composer\\ScriptHandler::postDrupalScaffoldProcedure"],
"create-new-vartheme": "scripts/"
"post-drupal-scaffold-cmd": ["Varbase\\composer\\ScriptHandler::postDrupalScaffoldProcedure"]
"extra": {
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"docroot/libraries/fancytree": ["npm-asset/jquery.fancytree"],
"docroot/libraries/{$name}": [
......@@ -133,20 +156,22 @@
"docroot/themes/custom/{$name}": ["type:drupal-custom-theme"],
"drush/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-drush"]
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{"name": "d3", "package": "bower-asset/d3"},
{"name": "dropzone","package": "npm-asset/dropzone"},
{"name": "blazy", "package": "npm-asset/blazy"},
{"name": "slick", "package": "npm-asset/slick-carousel"},
{"name": "ace", "package": "npm-asset/ace-builds"},
{"name": "jquery-ui-touch-punch", "package": "bower-asset/jqueryui-touch-punch"},
{"name": "imagesloaded", "package": "npm-asset/imagesloaded"},
{"name": "swagger-ui", "package": "swagger-api/swagger-ui"}
{"name": "swagger-ui", "package": "npm-asset/swagger-ui-dist"},
{"name": "ckeditor5-anchor-drupal", "package": "npm-asset/northernco--ckeditor5-anchor-drupal"},
{"name": "ckeditor5-media-embed", "package": "npm-asset/ckeditor--ckeditor5-media-embed"},
{"name": "fancytree", "package": "npm-asset/jquery.fancytree"}
"enable-patching": true,
admin: vartheme_claro
default: vartheme_bs4
admin: gin
default: vartheme_bs5
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
- system
- node
id: anonymous
label: 'Anonymous user'
weight: -10
is_admin: false
- 'access content'
- 'search content'
- 'view media'
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
- system
- node
- user
id: authenticated
label: 'Authenticated user'
weight: -9
is_admin: false
- 'access content'
- 'access shortcuts'
- 'access sitemap'
- 'access tour'
- 'access user profiles'
- 'bypass honeypot protection'
- 'delete media'
- 'delete own audio media'
- 'delete own file media'
- 'delete own gallery media'
- 'delete own image media'
- 'delete own instagram media'
- 'delete own landing_page content'
- 'delete own landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete own page content'
- 'delete own remote_video media'
- 'delete own tweet media'
- 'delete own varbase_blog content'
- 'delete own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete own video media'
- 'edit own audio media'
- 'edit own file media'
- 'edit own gallery media'
- 'edit own image media'
- 'edit own instagram media'
- 'edit own landing_page content'
- 'edit own landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit own page content'
- 'edit own remote_video media'
- 'edit own tweet media'
- 'edit own varbase_blog content'
- 'edit own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit own video media'
- 'opt-in or out of google analytics tracking'
- 'search content'
- 'update media'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- userprotect.account.edit
- userprotect.mail.edit
- userprotect.pass.edit
- 'view media'
- 'view own unpublished media'
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
- system
- node
- block
id: content_admin
label: 'Content Admin'
weight: -7
is_admin: null
- 'Flush all caches from admin toolbar'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access carousels_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access coffee'
- 'access content overview'
- 'access contextual links'
- 'access editor_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access files overview'
- 'access google analytics reports'
- 'access heroslider_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access images_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access in-place editing'
- 'access media overview'
- 'access media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access panels in-place editing'
- 'access paragraphs_library_items entity browser pages'
- 'access responsive preview'
- 'access shortcuts'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'access taxonomy overview'
- 'access toolbar'
- 'access tour'
- 'access user profiles'
- 'access video_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access webform overview'
- 'add terms in blog_categories'
- 'add terms in categories'
- 'add terms in tags'
- 'administer footer menu items'
- 'administer main menu items'
- 'administer menu'
- 'administer taxonomy'
- 'break content lock'
- 'change layouts in place editing'
- 'clone block entity'
- 'clone block_content entity'
- 'clone media entity'
- 'clone menu_link_content entity'
- 'clone node entity'
- 'clone paragraph entity'
- 'clone taxonomy_term entity'
- 'clone taxonomy_vocabulary entity'
- 'clone webform entity'
- 'configure all landing_page_lb node layout overrides'
- 'create and edit custom blocks'
- 'create audio media'
- 'create basic block content'
- 'create content translations'
- 'create faq content'
- 'create file media'
- 'create gallery media'
- 'create image media'
- 'create instagram media'
- 'create landing_page content'
- 'create landing_page_lb content'
- 'create media'
- 'create page content'
- 'create paragraph library item'
- 'create remote_video media'
- 'create tweet media'
- 'create url aliases'
- 'create varbase_blog content'
- 'create varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'create varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'create varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'create varbase_media_block block content'
- 'create varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'create varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'create video media'
- 'create webform'
- 'customize shortcut links'
- 'delete any audio media'
- 'delete any basic block content'
- 'delete any faq content'
- 'delete any file media'
- 'delete any gallery media'
- 'delete any image media'
- 'delete any instagram media'
- 'delete any landing_page content'
- 'delete any landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete any media'
- 'delete any page content'
- 'delete any remote_video media'
- 'delete any tweet media'
- 'delete any varbase_blog content'
- 'delete any varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete any varbase_media_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'delete any video media'
- 'delete any webform'
- 'delete any webform submission'
- 'delete content translations'
- 'delete media'
- 'delete own audio media'
- 'delete own episode content'
- 'delete own faq content'
- 'delete own file media'
- 'delete own gallery media'
- 'delete own image media'
- 'delete own instagram media'
- 'delete own landing_page content'
- 'delete own landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete own page content'
- 'delete own remote_video media'
- 'delete own tweet media'
- 'delete own varbase_blog content'
- 'delete own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete own video media'
- 'delete terms in categories'
- 'dropzone upload files'
- 'ds switch view mode'
- 'edit any audio media'
- 'edit any file media'
- 'edit any gallery media'
- 'edit any image media'
- 'edit any instagram media'
- 'edit any landing_page content'
- 'edit any landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit any page content'
- 'edit any remote_video media'
- 'edit any tweet media'
- 'edit any varbase_blog content'
- 'edit any varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit any video media'
- 'edit any webform'
- 'edit own audio media'
- 'edit own file media'
- 'edit own gallery media'
- 'edit own image media'
- 'edit own instagram media'
- 'edit own landing_page content'
- 'edit own page content'
- 'edit own remote_video media'
- 'edit own tweet media'
- 'edit own varbase_blog content'
- 'edit own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit own video media'
- 'edit paragraph library item'
- 'edit terms in categories'
- 'have total control'
- 'manipulate all entityqueues'
- 'rabbit hole bypass node'
- 'rabbit hole bypass taxonomy_term'
- 'reorder terms in blog_categories'
- 'reorder terms in categories'
- 'reorder terms in tags'
- 'revert all revisions'
- 'revert faq revisions'
- 'revert landing_page revisions'
- 'revert landing_page_lb revisions'
- 'revert page revisions'
- 'revert varbase_blog revisions'
- 'revert varbase_heroslider_media revisions'
- 'schedule publishing of nodes'
- 'translate any entity'
- 'translate block_content'
- 'translate landing_page node'
- 'translate landing_page_lb node'
- 'translate page node'
- 'translate paragraph'
- 'update any basic block content'
- 'update any media'
- 'update any varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_media_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'update content translations'
- 'update media'
- 'update varbase_heroslider_media entityqueue'
- 'use ipe with page manager'
- 'use moderation sidebar'
- 'use panels dashboard'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- 'use text format full_html'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition publish'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition review'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition publish'
- 'use yoast seo'
- 'view all media revisions'
- 'view all revisions'
- 'view any paragraphs previewer'
- 'view any unpublished content'
- 'view any webform submission'
- 'view content planner dashboard'
- 'view faq revisions'
- 'view landing_page revisions'
- 'view landing_page_lb revisions'
- 'view latest version'
- 'view media'
- 'view own unpublished content'
- 'view page revisions'
- 'view pane admin links'
- 'view post access counter'
- 'view scheduled content'
- 'view terms in blog_categories'
- 'view terms in tags'
- 'administer menu'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'view the administration theme'
- 'view unpublished paragraphs'
- 'view varbase_blog revisions'
- 'view varbase_heroslider_media revisions'
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
- system
- node
- block
id: editor
label: Editor
weight: -8
is_admin: null
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access carousels_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access coffee'
- 'access content overview'
- 'access contextual links'
- 'access editor_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access files overview'
- 'access google analytics reports'
- 'access heroslider_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access images_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access in-place editing'
- 'access media overview'
- 'access media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access panels in-place editing'
- 'access paragraphs_library_items entity browser pages'
- 'access responsive preview'
- 'access shortcuts'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'access taxonomy overview'
- 'access toolbar'
- 'access tour'
- 'access user profiles'
- 'access video_browser entity browser pages'
- 'add terms in blog_categories'
- 'add terms in tags'
- 'clone node entity'
- 'clone paragraph entity'
- 'configure all landing_page_lb node layout overrides'
- 'create and edit custom blocks'
- 'create audio media'
- 'create content translations'
- 'create faq content'
- 'create file media'
- 'create gallery media'
- 'create image media'
- 'create instagram media'
- 'create landing_page content'
- 'create landing_page_lb content'
- 'create media'
- 'create page content'
- 'create remote_video media'
- 'create terms in blog_categories'
- 'create terms in tags'
- 'create tweet media'
- 'create url aliases'
- 'create varbase_blog content'
- 'create varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'create video media'
- 'customize shortcut links'
- 'delete any audio media'
- 'delete any file media'
- 'delete any gallery media'
- 'delete any image media'
- 'delete any instagram media'
- 'delete any remote_video media'
- 'delete any tweet media'
- 'delete any video media'
- 'delete media'
- 'delete own audio media'
- 'delete own file media'
- 'delete own gallery media'
- 'delete own image media'
- 'delete own instagram media'
- 'delete own landing_page content'
- 'delete own landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete own page content'
- 'delete own remote_video media'
- 'delete own tweet media'
- 'delete own varbase_blog content'
- 'delete own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete own video media'
- 'delete terms in blog_categories'
- 'delete terms in tags'
- 'dropzone upload files'
- 'ds switch view mode'
- 'edit any audio media'
- 'edit any file media'
- 'edit any gallery media'
- 'edit any image media'
- 'edit any instagram media'
- 'edit any landing_page content'
- 'edit any landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit any page content'
- 'edit any remote_video media'
- 'edit any tweet media'
- 'edit any varbase_blog content'
- 'edit any varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit any video media'
- 'edit own audio media'
- 'edit own file media'
- 'edit own gallery media'
- 'edit own image media'
- 'edit own instagram media'
- 'edit own landing_page content'
- 'edit own landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit own page content'
- 'edit own remote_video media'
- 'edit own tweet media'
- 'edit own varbase_blog content'
- 'edit own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit own video media'
- 'edit terms in blog_categories'
- 'edit terms in tags'
- 'have total control'
- 'rabbit hole bypass node'
- 'rabbit hole bypass taxonomy_term'
- 'reorder terms in blog_categories'
- 'reorder terms in tags'
- 'schedule publishing of nodes'
- 'translate block_content'
- 'translate landing_page node'
- 'translate landing_page_lb node'
- 'translate page node'
- 'translate paragraph'
- 'update any media'
- 'update content translations'
- 'update media'
- 'update varbase_heroslider_media entityqueue'
- 'use ipe with page manager'
- 'use moderation sidebar'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- 'use text format full_html'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition publish'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition review'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition publish'
- 'use yoast seo'
- 'view all media revisions'
- 'view all revisions'
- 'view any paragraphs previewer'
- 'view any unpublished content'
- 'view content planner dashboard'
- 'view landing_page revisions'
- 'view landing_page_lb revisions'
- 'view latest version'
- 'view media'
- 'view own unpublished content'
- 'view page revisions'
- 'view pane admin links'
- 'view post access counter'
- 'view scheduled content'
- 'view terms in blog_categories'
- 'view terms in tags'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'view the administration theme'
- 'view unpublished paragraphs'
- 'view varbase_blog revisions'
- 'view varbase_heroslider_media revisions'
langcode: en
status: true
- system
- node
- block
id: seo_admin
label: 'SEO Admin'
weight: -6
is_admin: null
- 'access content overview'
- 'view all revisions'
- 'view own unpublished content'
- 'administer menu'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'view the administration theme'
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
- system
- node
- block
- user
id: site_admin
label: 'Site Admin'
weight: -5
is_admin: null
- 'Flush all caches from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush css/js cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush menu cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush plugin cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush render cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush static cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush twig cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Flush views cache from admin toolbar'
- 'Rebuild theme registry from admin toolbar'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access carousels_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access coffee'
- 'access content overview'
- 'access contextual links'
- 'access editor_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access editor_multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access entity usage statistics'
- 'access event log track'
- 'access files overview'
- 'access google analytics reports'
- 'access heroslider_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access images_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access in-place editing'
- 'access media overview'
- 'access media overview'
- 'access media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access openapi api docs'
- 'access panels in-place editing'
- 'access paragraphs_library_items entity browser pages'
- 'access responsive preview'
- 'access shortcuts'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'access taxonomy overview'
- 'access toolbar'
- 'access tour'
- 'access user profiles'
- 'access varbase content reports'
- 'access varbase settings'
- 'access varbase users reports'
- 'access video_browser entity browser pages'
- 'access webform overview'
- 'add JS snippets for google analytics'
- 'add terms in blog_categories'
- 'add terms in categories'
- 'add terms in tags'
- 'administer account menu items'
- 'administer account settings'
- 'administer admin menu items'
- 'administer block classes'
- 'administer blocks'
- 'administer blog-menu menu items'
- 'administer devel menu items'
- 'administer faq'
- 'administer faq order'
- 'administer footer menu items'
- 'administer google analytics'
- 'administer google analytics reports api'
- 'administer google tag manager'
- 'administer mail templates'
- 'administer main menu items'
- 'administer menu'
- 'administer meta tags'
- 'administer pages'
- 'administer redirect settings'
- 'administer redirects'
- 'administer scripts'
- 'administer shortcuts'
- 'administer sitemap settings'
- 'administer taxonomy'
- 'administer tools menu items'
- 'administer users'
- 'administer varbase bootstrap paragraphs settings'
- 'assign roles'
- 'break content lock'
- 'change layouts in place editing'
- 'clone block entity'
- 'clone block_content entity'
- 'clone media entity'
- 'clone menu_link_content entity'
- 'clone node entity'
- 'clone page entity'
- 'clone paragraph entity'
- 'clone script entity'
- 'clone taxonomy_term entity'
- 'clone taxonomy_vocabulary entity'
- 'clone user entity'
- 'clone webform entity'
- 'configure all landing_page_lb node layout overrides'
- 'create and edit custom blocks'
- 'create audio media'
- 'create basic block content'
- 'create content translations'
- 'create faq content'
- 'create file media'
- 'create gallery media'
- 'create image media'
- 'create instagram media'
- 'create landing_page content'
- 'create landing_page_lb content'
- 'create media'
- 'create page content'
- 'create paragraph library item'
- 'create remote_video media'
- 'create tweet media'
- 'create url aliases'
- 'create varbase_blog content'
- 'create varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'create varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'create varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'create varbase_html_code_block block content'
- 'create varbase_media_block block content'
- 'create varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'create varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'create video media'
- 'create webform'
- 'customize shortcut links'
- 'delete any audio media'
- 'delete any basic block content'
- 'delete any faq content'
- 'delete any file media'
- 'delete any gallery media'
- 'delete any image media'
- 'delete any instagram media'
- 'delete any landing_page content'
- 'delete any landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete any media'
- 'delete any page content'
- 'delete any remote_video media'
- 'delete any tweet media'
- 'delete any varbase_blog content'
- 'delete any varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete any varbase_html_code_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_media_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'delete any varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'delete any video media'
- 'delete any webform'
- 'delete any webform submission'
- 'delete content translations'
- 'delete media'
- 'delete own audio media'
- 'delete own episode content'
- 'delete own faq content'
- 'delete own file media'
- 'delete own gallery media'
- 'delete own image media'
- 'delete own instagram media'
- 'delete own landing_page content'
- 'delete own landing_page_lb content'
- 'delete own page content'
- 'delete own remote_video media'
- 'delete own tweet media'
- 'delete own varbase_blog content'
- 'delete own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'delete own video media'
- 'delete terms in categories'
- delete_homepage_node
- 'dropzone upload files'
- 'ds switch view mode'
- 'edit any audio media'
- 'edit any file media'
- 'edit any gallery media'
- 'edit any image media'
- 'edit any instagram media'
- 'edit any landing_page content'
- 'edit any landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit any page content'
- 'edit any remote_video media'
- 'edit any tweet media'
- 'edit any varbase_blog content'
- 'edit any varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit any video media'
- 'edit any webform'
- 'edit own audio media'
- 'edit own file media'
- 'edit own gallery media'
- 'edit own image media'
- 'edit own instagram media'
- 'edit own landing_page content'
- 'edit own landing_page_lb content'
- 'edit own page content'
- 'edit own remote_video media'
- 'edit own tweet media'
- 'edit own varbase_blog content'
- 'edit own varbase_heroslider_media content'
- 'edit own video media'
- 'edit paragraph library item'
- 'edit terms in categories'
- 'edit webform assets'
- 'have total control'
- 'manipulate all entityqueues'
- 'manipulate entityqueues'
- 'masquerade as authenticated'
- 'masquerade as content_admin'
- 'masquerade as editor'
- 'masquerade as seo_admin'
- 'masquerade as site_admin'
- 'opt-in or out of google analytics tracking'
- 'rabbit hole bypass node'
- 'rabbit hole bypass taxonomy_term'
- 'reorder terms in blog_categories'
- 'reorder terms in categories'
- 'reorder terms in tags'
- 'access content overview'
- 'revert all revisions'
- 'revert faq revisions'
- 'revert landing_page revisions'
- 'revert landing_page_lb revisions'
- 'revert page revisions'
- 'revert varbase_blog revisions'
- 'revert varbase_heroslider_media revisions'
- 'schedule publishing of nodes'
- 'switch shortcut sets'
- 'translate any entity'
- 'translate block_content'
- 'translate landing_page node'
- 'translate landing_page_lb node'
- 'translate page node'
- 'translate paragraph'
- 'update any basic block content'
- 'update any media'
- 'update any varbase_carousel_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_gallery_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_html_code_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_media_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_modal_block block content'
- 'update any varbase_rich_text_block block content'
- 'update content translations'
- 'update media'
- 'update varbase_heroslider_media entityqueue'
- 'use ipe with page manager'
- 'use moderation sidebar'
- 'use panels dashboard'
- 'use panels in place editing'
- 'use panels locks'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- 'use text format basic_html'
- 'use text format code_html'
- 'use text format full_html'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition publish'
- 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition review'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archive'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archived_published'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition create_new_draft'
- 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition publish'
- 'use yoast seo'
- userprotect.protected_site_admin.bypass
- 'view all media revisions'
- 'view all revisions'
- 'view any paragraphs previewer'
- 'view any unpublished content'
- 'view any webform submission'
- 'view content planner dashboard'
- 'view faq page'
- 'view faq revisions'
- 'view landing_page revisions'
- 'view landing_page_lb revisions'
- 'view latest version'
- 'view media'
- 'view own unpublished content'
- 'view own unpublished media'
- 'view page revisions'
- 'view pane admin links'
- 'view post access counter'
- 'view restricted block content'
- 'view scheduled content'
- 'view terms in blog_categories'
- 'view terms in tags'
- 'administer menu'
- 'access administration pages'
- 'access site in maintenance mode'
- 'access site reports'
- 'view the administration theme'
- 'view unpublished paragraphs'
- 'view varbase_blog revisions'
- 'view varbase_heroslider_media revisions'
- 'administer account settings'
- 'administer users'
background_colors: "vbp_color_01|Blue\r\nvbp_color_02|Madison\r\nvbp_color_03|Dark Gray\r\nvbp_color_04|Light Gray\r\nvbp_color_05|Red"
......@@ -10,41 +10,40 @@ dependencies:
id: frontpage
label: Frontpage
module: node
description: 'All content promoted to the front page.'
description: "All content promoted to the front page."
tag: default
base_table: node_field_data
base_field: nid
core: 8.x
type: perm
perm: 'access content'
perm: "access content"
type: tag
options: { }
options: {}
admin_label: ''
content: 'No front page content has been created yet.'
admin_label: ""
content: "No front page content has been created yet."
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field: area_text_custom
group_type: group
id: area_text_custom
label: ''
label: ""
relationship: none
table: views
tokenize: false
plugin_id: text_custom
admin_label: ''
admin_label: ""
empty: true
field: node_listing_empty
group_type: group
id: node_listing_empty
label: ''
label: ""
relationship: none
table: node
plugin_id: node_listing_empty
......@@ -55,10 +54,10 @@ display:
field: title
relationship: none
group_type: group
admin_label: ''
label: ''
admin_label: ""
label: ""
empty: true
title: 'Welcome to [site:name]'
title: "Welcome to [site:name]"
plugin_id: title
type: basic
......@@ -66,20 +65,20 @@ display:
submit_button: Apply
reset_button: false
reset_button_label: Reset
exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
exposed_sorts_label: "Sort by"
expose_sort_order: true
sort_asc_label: Asc
sort_desc_label: Desc
admin_label: ''
admin_label: ""
description: ''
identifier: ''
label: ''
description: ""
identifier: ""
label: ""
multiple: false
operator: ''
operator_id: ''
operator: ""
operator_id: ""
remember: false
authenticated: authenticated
......@@ -90,11 +89,11 @@ display:
group: 1
default_group: All
default_group_multiple: { }
description: ''
group_items: { }
identifier: ''
label: ''
default_group_multiple: {}
description: ""
group_items: {}
identifier: ""
label: ""
multiple: false
optional: true
remember: false
......@@ -102,21 +101,21 @@ display:
group_type: group
id: promote
is_grouped: false
operator: '='
operator: "="
relationship: none
table: node_field_data
value: '1'
value: "1"
plugin_id: boolean
entity_type: node
entity_field: promote
operator: ''
operator: ""
field: status
group: 1
id: status
table: node_field_data
value: '1'
value: "1"
plugin_id: boolean
entity_type: node
entity_field: status
......@@ -126,19 +125,19 @@ display:
field: langcode
relationship: none
group_type: group
admin_label: ''
admin_label: ""
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'***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
"***LANGUAGE_language_content***": "***LANGUAGE_language_content***"
group: 1
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label: ''
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operator_id: ""
label: ""
description: ""
use_operator: false
operator: ''
identifier: ''
operator: ""
identifier: ""
required: false
remember: false
multiple: false
......@@ -147,16 +146,16 @@ display:
reduce: false
is_grouped: false
label: ''
description: ''
identifier: ''
label: ""
description: ""
identifier: ""
optional: true
widget: select
multiple: false
remember: false
default_group: All
default_group_multiple: { }
group_items: { }
default_group_multiple: {}
group_items: {}
plugin_id: language
entity_type: node
entity_field: langcode
......@@ -169,17 +168,17 @@ display:
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items_per_page_options_all_label: "- All -"
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first: '« First'
last: 'Last »'
previous: " Previous"
next: "Next "
first: "« First"
last: "Last »"
quantity: 9
type: views_query
......@@ -187,17 +186,17 @@ display:
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query_comment: ""
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type: "entity:node"
view_mode: teaser
admin_label: ''
admin_label: ""
label: ''
label: ""
exposed: false
field: sticky
group_type: group
......@@ -216,39 +215,39 @@ display:
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admin_label: ""
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label: ""
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row_class: ""
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title: ""
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fields: {}
arguments: {}
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- 'languages:language_interface'
- "languages:language_interface"
- url.query_args
- 'user.node_grants:view'
- "user.node_grants:view"
- user.permissions
max-age: -1
tags: { }
tags: {}
display_plugin: feed
id: feed_1
......@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ display:
sitename_title: true
path: rss.xml
default: ''
default: ""
type: some
......@@ -267,19 +266,19 @@ display:
type: rss
description: ''
grouping: { }
description: ""
grouping: {}
uses_fields: false
type: node_rss
relationship: none
view_mode: rss
display_extenders: { }
display_extenders: {}
- 'languages:language_interface'
- 'user.node_grants:view'
- "languages:language_interface"
- "user.node_grants:view"
- user.permissions
max-age: -1
tags: { }
tags: {}
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ config_bit:
# Enable listed Varbase modules in order at this installation step.
- varbase_core
- varbase_components
- varbase_media
- varbase_editor
- varbase_admin
......@@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ config_bit:
- varbase_page
- varbase_layout_builder
- vlplb
- varbase_total_control
- varbase_dashboards
- varbase_default_content
- varbase_tour
- varbase_update_helper
# ==============================================================================
# List of varbase demo components, which they will be listed under the
# List of varbase demo components, which they will be listed under the
# Extra components installation step, in the Demo content section.
# ==============================================================================
type: list
show_demo: false
show_demo: true
title: "Install Demo Content"
description: "If you're evaluating Varbase, installing demo content will help you get an idea of how Varbase works, and what features are included."
selected: false
title: 'Varbase Demo'
description: '<p>Installing demo content gives you a taste of what Varbase offers and its key features. It''s a handy way to explore Varbase''s functionality and see it in action.</p><div class="messages-list__item messages messages--info"><div class="messages__header"><h2 id="message-status-title" class="messages__title">Please note:</h2></div><div class="messages__content">You have the option to uncheck the Varbase Demo box to select specific recipes. Varbase Demo enables all features for demonstration purposes.</p></div></div>'
selected: true
config_form: false
......@@ -11,12 +11,7 @@ config_bit:
title: "Install Development Tools"
description: "Install the development tools if you're a developer and you're going to use Varbase to build a new project. This will install several modules that help you build your site, such as <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Devel</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Database Logging</a>, and UI modules such as View UI, Features UI, and Configuration Update Reports.<br /><em>Make sure to uninstall this feature and its modules when you go in production mode</em>."
description: 'Install the development tools if you''re a developer and you''re going to use Varbase to build a new project. This will install several modules that help you build your site, such as <a href="" target="_blank">Devel</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Database Logging</a>, and UI modules such as View UI, Features UI, Libraries UI, and Configuration Update Reports.<br /><em>Make sure to uninstall this feature and its modules when you go in production mode</em>.'
selected: false
config_form: true
formbit: "src/FormBit/varbase_development.formbit.php"
title: "Varbase Style guide"
description: "Install Varbase custom styling guide if you want to have a full look for Varbase components, Bootstrap elements, and view mode style for content types. This will install several modules that help you on themeing and styling your site, such as <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Style Guide</a>."
selected: false
config_form: false
......@@ -9,49 +9,71 @@ config_bit:
show_extra_components: true
title: "Varbase AI"
description: 'Provides a collection of recipes for AI tools. Enhances the work of the editorial team with capabilities with a range of advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) options.'
selected: false
config_form: true
formbit: "src/FormBit/varbase_ai.formbit.php"
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Editorial Accessibility Checker"
description: 'Adds an automatic checker tool for accessibility with the integration of the <a href="" target="_blank">Editoria11y Accessibility Checker</a>, a user-friendly tool dedicated to automatically identifying and addressing straightforward accessibility issues in various contexts.'
selected: true
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "View Modes Inventory"
description: "The most common view modes you'll need for almost any site. This will provide you with a set of content <em>View Modes</em> for various teaser styles. All of which are mobile-first, media-aware, and ready for you to customize your site."
selected: true
config_form: false
title: "Media Hero Slider"
description: "A rich hero slider that allows you to display video and/or image slides. It implements the universal \"Hero Slider\" to be used in your homepage. Built using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Slick Carousel</a>."
in_varbase_demo: true
title: "Hero Slider"
description: 'A rich hero slider that allows you to display video and/or image slides. It implements the universal "Hero Slider" to be used in your homepage.</a>.'
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: true
title: "Varbase Carousels"
description: "Provides the necessary tools to build carousels in your website. You will be able to create carousels on the spot and place it anywhere in the site. Built using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Slick Carousel</a>."
description: 'Provides the necessary tools to build carousels in your website. You will be able to create carousels on the spot and place it anywhere in the site.'
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Varbase Search"
description: "A suite of site search engine tools to help you build better search performance, customization, and search experience. Built using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Search API</a>."
description: 'A suite of site search engine tools to help you build better search performance, customization, and search experience. Built using <a href="" target="_blank">Search API</a>.'
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Varbase Blog"
description: "Provides the necessary tools to build blogs in your website."
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: true
title: "Varbase Social Single Sign-On"
description: "Adds single sign-on using existing information from a social networking service such as Facebook, Twitter or Google. Built using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Social API</a>."
description: 'Adds single sign-on using existing information from a social networking service such as Facebook, Twitter or Google. Built using <a href="" target="_blank">Social API</a>.'
selected: false
config_form: true
formbit: "src/FormBit/varbase_auth.formbit.php"
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Varbase API"
description: "A JSON:API implementation with authentication and authorization that allows for easy ingestion of content by other applications."
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Google Analytics"
description: "Adds the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Analytics</a> web statistics tracking system to your website."
description: 'Adds the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics</a> web statistics tracking system to your website.'
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
title: "Google Tag Manager"
description: "Adds an integration with the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Tag Manager</a> (GTM) application."
description: 'Adds an integration with the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Tag Manager</a> (GTM) application.'
selected: false
config_form: false
in_varbase_demo: false
......@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ targetEntityType: entity_subqueue
token_variant: id
event_config: core.entity_form_display.entity_subqueue.ENTITYQUEUE_NAME.default
config_bits: { }
config_bits: {}
......@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ config_bits:
placeholder: ''
placeholder: ""
placeholder: 'Enter title here'
placeholder: "Enter title here"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
# Add Length indicator to the title field for new content type.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
......@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ config_bits:
region: content
include_locked: true
third_party_settings: { }
third_party_settings: {}
type: string_textfield
weight: -10
region: content
size: 60
placeholder: ''
third_party_settings: { }
hidden: { }
placeholder: ""
third_party_settings: {}
hidden: {}