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Commit 6add8439 authored by Timothy Zura's avatar Timothy Zura
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Issue #3452854 by TimoZura: Add composer.json and gitlab-ci file to run linter...

parent c2835f60
No related branches found
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1 merge request!1Issue #3452854 by TimoZura: Add composer.json and gitlab-ci file to run linter...
Pipeline #192351 passed
with 673 additions and 9 deletions
\ No newline at end of file
"description": "This default cspell configuration for contrib projects is based on core/.cspell.json. See for more details.",
"language": "en-US",
"allowCompoundWords": false,
"globRoot": ".",
"minWordLength": 4,
"ignorePaths": [
"dictionaries": [
"dictionaryDefinitions": [
"name": "drupal",
"path": "web/core/misc/cspell/drupal-dictionary.txt"
"name": "dictionary",
"path": "web/core/misc/cspell/dictionary.txt"
"name": "project-words",
"path": "./.cspell-project-words.txt",
"description": "The project's own custom dictionary (optional)"
"words": [
"flagWords": [
\ No newline at end of file
name: ddev-drupal-contrib
repository: ddev/ddev-drupal-contrib
version: 1.0.0-rc17
install_date: "2024-06-05T23:01:06-06:00"
- commands
- config.contrib.yaml
global_files: []
removal_actions: []
## Command provided by
## Description: Run eslint inside the web container
## Usage: eslint [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev eslint"
## ExecRaw: true
if "$DDEV_DOCROOT/core/node_modules/.bin/eslint" --version >/dev/null ; then
# Configure prettier
test -e .prettierrc.json || ln -s $DDEV_DOCROOT/core/.prettierrc.json .
test -e .prettierignore || echo '*.yml' > .prettierignore
# Change directory to the project root folder
cd "$DDEV_DOCROOT/modules/custom/$DDEV_SITENAME" || exit
"$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT/$DDEV_DOCROOT/core/node_modules/.bin/eslint" --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --ignore-pattern="*.es6.js" --resolve-plugins-relative-to=$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT/$DDEV_DOCROOT/core --ext=.js,.yml . "$@"
echo "eslint is not available. You may need to 'ddev yarn --cwd $DDEV_DOCROOT/core install'"
exit 1
## Command provided by
## Description: Add Drupal core and other needed dependencies.
## Usage: expand-composer-json [flags] [PROJECT_NAME]
## Example: "ddev expand-composer-json ctools"
## ExecRaw: true
cd "$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT" || exit
curl -OL
php expand_composer_json.php "$DDEV_SITENAME"
rm -f expand_composer_json.php
## Command provided by
## Description: Run nightwatch inside the web container
## Usage: nightwatch [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev nightwatch"
## ExecRaw: true
yarn --cwd "$DDEV_DOCROOT/core" test:nightwatch "$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT/$DDEV_DOCROOT/modules/custom/" "$@"
## Command provided by
## Description: Run phpcbf inside the web container
## Usage: phpcbf [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev phpcbf" or "ddev phpcbf -n"
## ExecRaw: true
if ! command -v phpcbf >/dev/null; then
echo "phpcbf is not available. You may need to 'ddev composer install'"
exit 1
test -e phpcs.xml.dist || curl -OL
phpcbf -s --report-full --report-summary --report-source web/modules/custom "$@"
## Command provided by
## Description: Run phpcs inside the web container
## Usage: phpcs [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev phpcs" or "ddev phpcs -n"
## ExecRaw: true
if ! command -v phpcs >/dev/null; then
echo "phpcs is not available. You may need to 'ddev composer install'"
exit 1
test -e phpcs.xml.dist || curl -OL
phpcs -s --report-full --report-summary --report-source web/modules/custom --ignore=*/.ddev/* "$@"
## Command provided by
## Description: Run phpunit inside the web container
## Usage: phpunit [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev phpunit" or "ddev phpunit --stop-on-failure"
## ExecRaw: true
if ! command -v phpunit >/dev/null; then
echo "phpunit is not available. You may need to 'ddev composer install'"
exit 1
# CHECK for local config.
if [ -f "phpunit.xml" ]; then
# Defer to local config
phpunit "$@"
# Bootstrap Drupal tests and run all custom module tests.
phpunit --printer="\Drupal\Tests\Listeners\HtmlOutputPrinter" --bootstrap $PWD/$DDEV_DOCROOT/core/tests/bootstrap.php --testdox $DDEV_DOCROOT/modules/custom "$@"
## Command provided by
## Description: Expand composer.json and run composer install.
## Usage: poser [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev poser"
## ExecRaw: true
export COMPOSER=composer.contrib.json
.ddev/commands/web/expand-composer-json "$DDEV_PROJECT_NAME"
composer install
rm composer.contrib.json composer.contrib.lock
yarn --cwd $DDEV_DOCROOT/core install
touch $DDEV_DOCROOT/core/.env
## Command provided by
## Description: Run stylelint inside the web container
## Usage: stylelint [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev stylelint"
## ExecRaw: true
if yarn --cwd "$DDEV_DOCROOT/core" stylelint --version >/dev/null ; then
yarn --color --cwd "$DDEV_DOCROOT/core" --config ./.stylelintrc.json stylelint ../modules/custom/**/*.css "$@"
echo "stylelint is not available. You may need to 'ddev yarn --cwd $DDEV_DOCROOT/core install'"
exit 1
## Command provided by
## Description: Symlink all root files/dirs into web.modules/custom/[PROJECT_NAME]
## Usage: symlink-project [flags] [args]
## Example: "ddev symlink-project"
## ExecRaw: true
#todo use more dynamic ref.
cd "$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT" || exit
curl -OL
# Symlink name using underscores.
# @see
php symlink_project.php "${DDEV_SITENAME//-/_}"
rm -f symlink_project.php
## Command provided by
# If desired, override to a different version of Drupal core in via the project's DDEV config
- SIMPLETEST_DB=mysql://db:db@db/db
- exec-host: |
if [[ -f vendor/autoload.php ]]; then
ddev symlink-project
exit 0
name: vais-promos
type: php
docroot: web
php_version: "8.2"
webserver_type: nginx-fpm
xdebug_enabled: false
additional_hostnames: []
additional_fqdns: []
type: mariadb
version: "10.4"
use_dns_when_possible: true
composer_version: "2"
web_environment: []
# Key features of DDEV's config.yaml:
# name: <projectname> # Name of the project, automatically provides
# and
# type: <projecttype> # backdrop, craftcms, django4, drupal6/7/8/9/10, laravel, magento, magento2, php, python, shopware6, silverstripe, typo3, wordpress
# See for more
# information on the different project types
# docroot: <relative_path> # Relative path to the directory containing index.php.
# php_version: "8.1" # PHP version to use, "5.6", "7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "8.0", "8.1", "8.2", "8.3"
# You can explicitly specify the webimage but this
# is not recommended, as the images are often closely tied to DDEV's' behavior,
# so this can break upgrades.
# webimage: <docker_image> # nginx/php docker image.
# database:
# type: <dbtype> # mysql, mariadb, postgres
# version: <version> # database version, like "10.4" or "8.0"
# MariaDB versions can be 5.5-10.8 and 10.11, MySQL versions can be 5.5-8.0
# PostgreSQL versions can be 9-16.
# router_http_port: <port> # Port to be used for http (defaults to global configuration, usually 80)
# router_https_port: <port> # Port for https (defaults to global configuration, usually 443)
# xdebug_enabled: false # Set to true to enable Xdebug and "ddev start" or "ddev restart"
# Note that for most people the commands
# "ddev xdebug" to enable Xdebug and "ddev xdebug off" to disable it work better,
# as leaving Xdebug enabled all the time is a big performance hit.
# xhprof_enabled: false # Set to true to enable Xhprof and "ddev start" or "ddev restart"
# Note that for most people the commands
# "ddev xhprof" to enable Xhprof and "ddev xhprof off" to disable it work better,
# as leaving Xhprof enabled all the time is a big performance hit.
# webserver_type: nginx-fpm, apache-fpm, or nginx-gunicorn
# timezone: Europe/Berlin
# This is the timezone used in the containers and by PHP;
# it can be set to any valid timezone,
# see
# For example Europe/Dublin or MST7MDT
# composer_root: <relative_path>
# Relative path to the Composer root directory from the project root. This is
# the directory which contains the composer.json and where all Composer related
# commands are executed.
# composer_version: "2"
# You can set it to "" or "2" (default) for Composer v2 or "1" for Composer v1
# to use the latest major version available at the time your container is built.
# It is also possible to use each other Composer version channel. This includes:
# - 2.2 (latest Composer LTS version)
# - stable
# - preview
# - snapshot
# Alternatively, an explicit Composer version may be specified, for example "2.2.18".
# To reinstall Composer after the image was built, run "ddev debug refresh".
# nodejs_version: "18"
# change from the default system Node.js version to any other version.
# Numeric version numbers can be complete (i.e. 18.15.0) or
# incomplete (18, 17.2, 16). 'lts' and 'latest' can be used as well along with
# other named releases.
# see
# Note that you can continue using 'ddev nvm' or nvm inside the web container
# to change the project's installed node version if you need to.
# additional_hostnames:
# - somename
# - someothername
# would provide http and https URLs for ""
# and "".
# additional_fqdns:
# -
# -
# would provide http and https URLs for "" and ""
# Please take care with this because it can cause great confusion.
# upload_dirs: "custom/upload/dir"
# upload_dirs:
# - custom/upload/dir
# - ../private
# would set the destination paths for ddev import-files to <docroot>/custom/upload/dir
# When Mutagen is enabled this path is bind-mounted so that all the files
# in the upload_dirs don't have to be synced into Mutagen.
# disable_upload_dirs_warning: false
# If true, turns off the normal warning that says
# "You have Mutagen enabled and your 'php' project type doesn't have upload_dirs set"
# ddev_version_constraint: ""
# Example:
# ddev_version_constraint: ">= 1.22.4"
# This will enforce that the running ddev version is within this constraint.
# See for
# supported constraint formats
# working_dir:
# web: /var/www/html
# db: /home
# would set the default working directory for the web and db services.
# These values specify the destination directory for ddev ssh and the
# directory in which commands passed into ddev exec are run.
# omit_containers: [db, ddev-ssh-agent]
# Currently only these containers are supported. Some containers can also be
# omitted globally in the ~/.ddev/global_config.yaml. Note that if you omit
# the "db" container, several standard features of DDEV that access the
# database container will be unusable. In the global configuration it is also
# possible to omit ddev-router, but not here.
# performance_mode: "global"
# DDEV offers performance optimization strategies to improve the filesystem
# performance depending on your host system. Should be configured globally.
# If set, will override the global config. Possible values are:
# - "global": uses the value from the global config.
# - "none": disables performance optimization for this project.
# - "mutagen": enables Mutagen for this project.
# - "nfs": enables NFS for this project.
# See
# See
# fail_on_hook_fail: False
# Decide whether 'ddev start' should be interrupted by a failing hook
# host_https_port: "59002"
# The host port binding for https can be explicitly specified. It is
# dynamic unless otherwise specified.
# This is not used by most people, most people use the *router* instead
# of the localhost port.
# host_webserver_port: "59001"
# The host port binding for the ddev-webserver can be explicitly specified. It is
# dynamic unless otherwise specified.
# This is not used by most people, most people use the *router* instead
# of the localhost port.
# host_db_port: "59002"
# The host port binding for the ddev-dbserver can be explicitly specified. It is dynamic
# unless explicitly specified.
# mailpit_http_port: "8025"
# mailpit_https_port: "8026"
# The Mailpit ports can be changed from the default 8025 and 8026
# host_mailpit_port: "8025"
# The mailpit port is not normally bound on the host at all, instead being routed
# through ddev-router, but it can be bound directly to localhost if specified here.
# webimage_extra_packages: [php7.4-tidy, php-bcmath]
# Extra Debian packages that are needed in the webimage can be added here
# dbimage_extra_packages: [telnet,netcat]
# Extra Debian packages that are needed in the dbimage can be added here
# use_dns_when_possible: true
# If the host has internet access and the domain configured can
# successfully be looked up, DNS will be used for hostname resolution
# instead of editing /etc/hosts
# Defaults to true
# project_tld:
# The top-level domain used for project URLs
# The default "" allows DNS lookup via a wildcard
# If you prefer you can change this to "ddev.local" to preserve
# pre-v1.9 behavior.
# ngrok_args: --basic-auth username:pass1234
# Provide extra flags to the "ngrok http" command, see
# or run "ngrok http -h"
# disable_settings_management: false
# If true, DDEV will not create CMS-specific settings files like
# Drupal's settings.php/settings.ddev.php or TYPO3's AdditionalConfiguration.php
# In this case the user must provide all such settings.
# You can inject environment variables into the web container with:
# web_environment:
# - SOMEENV=somevalue
# - SOMEOTHERENV=someothervalue
# no_project_mount: false
# (Experimental) If true, DDEV will not mount the project into the web container;
# the user is responsible for mounting it manually or via a script.
# This is to enable experimentation with alternate file mounting strategies.
# For advanced users only!
# bind_all_interfaces: false
# If true, host ports will be bound on all network interfaces,
# not the localhost interface only. This means that ports
# will be available on the local network if the host firewall
# allows it.
# default_container_timeout: 120
# The default time that DDEV waits for all containers to become ready can be increased from
# the default 120. This helps in importing huge databases, for example.
#- name: nodejs
# container_port: 3000
# http_port: 2999
# https_port: 3000
#- name: something
# container_port: 4000
# https_port: 4000
# http_port: 3999
# Allows a set of extra ports to be exposed via ddev-router
# Fill in all three fields even if you don’t intend to use the https_port!
# If you don’t add https_port, then it defaults to 0 and ddev-router will fail to start.
# The port behavior on the ddev-webserver must be arranged separately, for example
# using web_extra_daemons.
# For example, with a web app on port 3000 inside the container, this config would
# expose that web app on https://<project> and http://<project>
# web_extra_exposed_ports:
# - name: myapp
# container_port: 3000
# http_port: 9998
# https_port: 9999
#- name: "http-1"
# command: "/var/www/html/node_modules/.bin/http-server -p 3000"
# directory: /var/www/html
#- name: "http-2"
# command: "/var/www/html/node_modules/.bin/http-server /var/www/html/sub -p 3000"
# directory: /var/www/html
# override_config: false
# By default, config.*.yaml files are *merged* into the configuration
# But this means that some things can't be overridden
# For example, if you have 'use_dns_when_possible: true'' you can't override it with a merge
# and you can't erase existing hooks or all environment variables.
# However, with "override_config: true" in a particular config.*.yaml file,
# 'use_dns_when_possible: false' can override the existing values, and
# hooks:
# post-start: []
# or
# web_environment: []
# or
# additional_hostnames: []
# can have their intended affect. 'override_config' affects only behavior of the
# config.*.yaml file it exists in.
# Many DDEV commands can be extended to run tasks before or after the
# DDEV command is executed, for example "post-start", "post-import-db",
# "pre-composer", "post-composer"
# See for more
# information on the commands that can be extended and the tasks you can define
# for them. Example:
# excluding local artifacts when using DDEV (see README).
# DrupalCI GitLabCI template
# Gitlab-ci.yml to replicate DrupalCI testing for Contrib
# With thanks to:
# * The GitLab Acceleration Initiative participants
# * DrupalSpoons
# Guidelines
# This template is designed to give any Contrib maintainer everything they need to test, without requiring modification. It is also designed to keep up to date with Core Development automatically through the use of include files that can be centrally maintained.
# However, you can modify this template if you have additional needs for your project.
# Includes
# Additional configuration can be provided through includes.
# One advantage of include files is that if they are updated upstream, the changes affect all pipelines using that include.
# Includes can be overridden by re-declaring anything provided in an include, here in gitlab-ci.yml
# DrupalCI includes:
# As long as you include this, any future includes added by the Drupal Association will be accessible to your pipelines automatically.
# View these include files at
# "ref" value can be:
# - Recommended (default) - `ref: $_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REF` - The Drupal Association will update this value to the recommended tag for contrib.
# - Latest - `ref: main` - Get the latest additions and bug fixes as they are merged into the templates.
# - Minor or Major latests - `ref: 1.x-latest` or `ref: 1.0.x-latest` - Get the latest additions within a minor (mostly bugfixes) or major (bugs and new features).
# - Fixed tag - `ref: 1.0.1` - Set the value to a known tag. This will not get any updates.
# If you change the default value of ref, you should set the _CURL_TEMPLATES_REF variable in the variables section to be the same as set here.
- "/includes/include.drupalci.main.yml"
# For Drupal 7, remove the above line and uncomment the below.
# - "/includes/include.drupalci.main-d7.yml"
- "/includes/include.drupalci.variables.yml"
- "/includes/include.drupalci.workflows.yml"
# Pipeline configuration variables
# These are the variables provided to the Run Pipeline form that a user may want to override.
# Docs at
# variables:
# *
# /(
# ((((,
# /(((((((
# ((((((((((*
# ,(((((((((((((((
# ,(((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((((*
# *(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*
# *(((((((((((((((((( .((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((. /(((((((((((((((((*
# /((((((((((((((((( .(((((((((((((((((,
# ,(((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((
# .(((((((((((((((((((( .(((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((/
# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((/ ,(((((((((((((((*
# .((((((((((((((/ /(((((((((((((. ,(((((((((((((((
# *(((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((/ *((((((((((((((.
# ((((((((((((((, /(((((((((((((. ((((((((((((((,
# (((((((((((((/ ,(((((((((((((* ,(((((((((((((,
# *((((((((((((( .((((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((/ /((((((((((((((((((. ,((((((((((((/
# ((((((((((((( *(((((((((((((((((((((((* *((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((..((((((((((((( *((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((, /((((((((((((* /((((((((((((/ ((((((((((((
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# (((((((((((((( *(((((((((((/ *((((((((((((. ((((((((((((/
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"name": "drupal/vais_promos",
"description": "Provides creation and management of Promoted Search Results for Vertex AI Search custom search pages.",
"type": "drupal-module",
"homepage": "",
"license": "GPL-2.0+",
"require": {
"drupal/vertex_ai_search": "^1.0@beta"
"repositories": {
"drupal": {
"type": "composer",
"url": "",
"exclude": [
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,
"config": {
"allow-plugins": {
"composer/installers": true,
"php-http/discovery": true,
"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true,
"phpstan/extension-installer": true,
"cweagans/composer-patches": true,
"drupal/core-composer-scaffold": true
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
namespace Drupal\vais_promos\Entity;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityChangedTrait;
use Drupal\vais_promos\VaisPromoInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use Drupal\vais_promos\VaisPromoInterface;
* Defines the Vertex AI Search Promo entity.
......@@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ class VaisPromoForm extends ContentEntityForm {
// Check if trigger words are lower cased.
// Ensure numeric values.
if ($form_state->hasValue('weight') && !is_numeric($form_state->getValue('weight'))) {
$form_state->setErrorByName('weight', $this->t('Weight value must be numeric.'));
......@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ class VaisPromoForm extends ContentEntityForm {
$promoTrigger = $form_state->getValue('promo_trigger')[0]['value'];
// Set all trigger words to lowercase
// Set all trigger words to lowercase.
[['value' => strtolower($promoTrigger)]]
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class VaisPromoSettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {
$types = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node_type')->loadMultiple();
$options = [];
foreach ($types as $type => $typeobject) {
$options[$type] = $typeobject->label();
foreach ($types as $type => $typeObject) {
$options[$type] = $typeObject->label();
$form['vais_promotion_types'] = [
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