'#title'=>$this->t('Interpreting the commons picture:'),
'#markup'=>$this->t('<h2>Interpreting the commons picture:</h2><p>The green area is the size of the commons. When just filled with cows, the collectively optimal number of cows is on the commons. Green area without cows indicates that grazing MORE cows would increase community milk production. Grey cows indicate that too many cows are being grazed and grazing FEWER cows would increase community milk production.</p><p>* = optimal would max total milk production</p>'),
'#markup'=>$this->t('<p>The green area is the size of the commons. When just filled with cows, the collectively optimal number of cows is on the commons. Green area without cows indicates that grazing MORE cows would increase community milk production. Grey cows indicate that too many cows are being grazed and grazing FEWER cows would increase community milk production.</p><p>* = optimal would max total milk production</p>'),