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Commit d32e37a8 authored by Andy Fowlston's avatar Andy Fowlston
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#3326051 by AndyF: Delete legacy crowdin.settings

parent de1954ff
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1 merge request!7#3326051 by AndyF: Delete legacy crowdin.settings
* @file
* Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Crowdin Translator module.
use Drupal\Core\Url;
* Removes crowdin.settings.
function tmgmt_crowdin_post_update_delete_crowdin_settings() {
$legacy_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('crowdin.settings');
if ($legacy_config->isNew()) {
// The legacy config doesn't exist, so nothing to do.
// Check that the legacy config values match the "new" ones. If not, don't
// delete the legacy config (to avoid data loss) and provide a message.
$config = \Drupal::config('tmgmt.translator.crowdin');
foreach (['personal_token', 'project_id', 'domain'] as $key) {
// Make sure we're comparing non-overridden values. The legacy config is
// mutable for deletion so will already return non-overridden values; the
// new config is immutable so use getOriginal().
if ($legacy_config->get($key) !== $config->getOriginal("settings.$key", FALSE)) {
$parameters = ['tmgmt_translator' => 'crowdin'];
$options = ['absolute' => TRUE];
$url = Url::fromRoute('entity.tmgmt_translator.edit_form', $parameters, $options);
$context = ['@link' => $url->toString()];
return t("The configuration in 'crowdin.settings' differs from 'tmgmt.translator.crowdin'. Go to @link and ensure the values are correct and then delete 'crowdin.settings'. See for more details.", $context);
return t("Deleted configuration entity 'crowdin.settings'.");
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