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2.0.x january improvements

Dragan Pilipovic requested to merge 2.0.x-january-improvements into 2.0.x

We need some fixes for the current version:

Hide (display none) the textfield for loading the term details (see screenshot) Fix white area not covering the tree widget (see screenshot) Ticking a chechbox always makes the UI jumping around, focus moves to the term details textfield. Maybe by hiding the textfield this is already solved It could be that the first two items are only due to the Gin Theme, but would be nice to have the TM working with the Gin Theme.

What would be nice add-ons

Implement a basic search (an autocomplete with term names, when I select a term it directly opens the term details page) Replacing the multi select on the term details "relations" with an autocomplete to avoid performance problems with large select lists A vocabulary switcher on the top right we had in the Drupal 7 version

I have added css for fixing moving ui elements and implemented vocabulary switcher. I still have issues with autocomplete

Edited by Dragan Pilipovic

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