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Passwordless option

Based on autol_login_url (Currently requires the auto_login_url patch auto_login_url!10.diff) for the management of connection links, allows authorized users to connect without entering a password, but by clicking on a link sent by email. Allows customization of messages (with some tokens) provided to the user. image In order to log in without a password, the user must have the 'Passwordless' role image

The user enters his login or his email address, then the user's rights are verified. image If the user has the Passwordless role,email with link is send and a message displayed image otherwise password is asked image and if ussername/password are correct, user is connected.

If the user wants to connect with his password, just check the box 'ask for password' to switch to the standard authentication mode. image

Note : even if the asterisk does not appear on the password field, this field is mandatory.

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