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Add Passwordless option

Based on autol_login_url (Currently requires the auto_login_url patch auto_login_url!10.diff) for the management of connection links, allows authorized users to connect without entering a password, but by clicking on a link sent by email. Allows customization of messages (with some tokens) provided to the user. image

In order to log in without a password, the user must have the 'Passwordless' role image

The connection is done in 2 phases. 1st step: the user enters his login or his email address, then the user's rights are verified. image

2nd step: If the user has the Passwordless role, he has the possibility to ask for the mail with the connection link (if no password is entered), or to enter his password for a standard connection. image

If the user does not have the Passwordless role, the password is mandatory and must be entered to continue the connection. image

Closes #3342808

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