subgroup 2.0.2

Bug fixes

GitLab CI release, fixes a few bugs caught by phpstan

Contributors (2)

kristiaanvandeneynde, ricovandevin


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 2.0.1:

subgroup 3.0.2

Bug fixes

GitLab CI release, fixes a few bugs caught by phpstan

Contributors (2)

kristiaanvandeneynde, ricovandevin


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.1:

subgroup 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Drupal 10 support release

This adds proper Drupal 10 support, which was lacking before even though the module claimed to be D10 compatible.

Sponsored by Deck Fifty

I am extremely grateful to Shane Graham of Deck Fifty for sponsoring some of my time so I could free up more of my schedule to take care of this release.


subgroup 3.0.1

Bug fixes

Drupal 10 support release

This adds proper Drupal 10 support, which was lacking before even though the module claimed to be D10 compatible.

Sponsored by Deck Fifty

I am extremely grateful to Shane Graham of Deck Fifty for sponsoring some of my time so I could free up more of my schedule to take care of this release.


subgroup 1.0.3

Bug fixes

Drupal 10 support release

This should be the final release of Subgroup 1.0.x and adds proper Drupal 10 support plus some other improvements that I've backported from the 2.x.x and 3.x.x branches. Please consider upgrading to Subgroup 2.x.x, making sure to read the release notes and change records.

subgroup 2.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

Compatible with Group 2

Contributors (3)

attiks, kristiaanvandeneynde, Jan-E


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 2.0.0-beta1:

subgroup 3.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

Compatible with Group 3

Contributors (3)

attiks, kristiaanvandeneynde, Jan-E


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0-beta1:

subgroup 2.0.0-alpha1

First alpha release of the module using Group v2. Nothing much has changed, but you can use this as an example to see what was required to update to the new API.

The full diff can be found here although it does contain some noise from tests being moved around.

subgroup 2.0.x-dev

Dev release of the Subgroup module to be compatible with Group 2.x.x

subgroup 1.0.2

Bug fixes
New features

The "You might have been unlucky" release

There was a bug where if you removed the very first child leaf of a tree root, it would break the connection between the root and the remainder of the tree's leaves. It sort of depends on your (lack of) luck whether this happened to one of your site's trees.

subgroup 1.0.1

Security update
Bug fixes

The "This went surprisingly well" release

The initial release contained a bug where complex trees would sometimes grant permissions to not only the designated target group, but also the target's siblings. This has been fixed and a simple cache rebuild will make sure everything is working as intended. If you had simple parent-child relationships set up, you were likely unaffected. But it's advisable to upgrade nonetheless.

Not too bad considering we went straight to a full release.

subgroup 1.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

The "Oh boy, here we go" release

After the Group 1.0 release drama, I'm curious to see what this will do. Subgroup has far superior test coverage, though. So hopefully the sky won't fall down on us this time around?

Of special note

  • Minimum core version bumped to 8.9
  • Minimum Group version bumped to 1.3
  • Re-export your group content types to make sure they have the right dependencies.

Contributors (1)


subgroup 1.0.0-rc1

New features

The "I've never released something this complete before" release

No really, there's not much to say other than: It should work. If no bug reports come in, 1.0.0 will follow swiftly.

Special thanks to ANNAI for sponsoring this module in its entirety

subgroup 1.0.x-dev

Mandatory "watch out this is a dev release, the universe will implode" warning.

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