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8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Jan30Aug2921Jul16Apr1511Aug5Jun1May23Apr12Nov721Sep29Aug2724171615refactor, cleanup, clarify 'enhanced styling' setting2.1.1 2.1.x2.1.1 2.1.xIssue #3119953 by mrinalini9: No minimum js error2.1.0 2.0.x2.1.0 2.0.xIssue #3374839 by ahebrank: D10 versionIssue #3141773 by dimaro, m4olivei, Project Update Bot: Automated Drupal Rector fixes2. 8 version with right commit authorship and migrate support8.x-1.0 8.x-1.x8.x-1.0 8.x-1.xRevert "First D8 version. Support for standard entity fields via config"Revert "composer.json for D8 version"Revert "JavaScript refactor and support for migrate upgrade."JavaScript refactor and support for migrate upgrade.composer.json for D8 versionFirst D8 version. Support for standard entity fields via configFix an undefined index notice on soft_length_minimum.7.x-1.x7.x-1.xIssue #2006340 - All Browsers: The Soft Character Limit Indicators not working when text is pasted in Title fieldFixed issued with no min length specified.Code-cleanup from previous patch.Issue #1995658 - Soft Length Limit no longer works for title fieldsRe-enabled including of JS and CSS on node forms with limited title.Reverted 54b465752b3c289d6c45091c80fef93d368ce404 'Issue #1891872 Fixes overlapping text'Changed drupal_add_js in form_alter to #attached instead.Removed DPMsFixed code style issues from applied patchesIssue #1982380 Fixes added JS with title only and proper variable managementIssue #1891872 Fixes overlapping textIssue #1891872 by Elijah Lynn, gvorbeck, bleen18 and juampy: Added Feature requests: Soft Length Minimum, Better Field UX/UI.Added comments for some field form hooks.Merge branch 'feature-ts-drg598' into developcode cleanupCodestyle cleanup.Only set soft length limit if title has a max length.Changed the counter so it's an overlay instead of pushing the page contentMerge branch 'feature-jln-DRG_321_Altered_look_of_counter' into developFixed multiple processing of input elementsMerge branch 'develop' into feature-jln-DRG_321_Altered_look_of_counterfixed file modesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature-jln-DRG_321_Altered_look_of_counter' into developDRG-321 - Added support for filtering on form entity types, now only including the node form. Eliminated the need for hook_init and added support for the title field in the node formDRG-321 - Removed frontend enabling of char counter on non-black listed fields, which means almost certainly all fields, including the login formular and altered the addClass exceeded so that refreshing of the page still triggers the check and the correct classes when char limit has been exceededDRG-321 Using path_is_admin(current_path()) to check if we are at admin interface and doing more early returns in hook_initAltered the look of the soft limit alert counterAltered the look of the soft limit alert counter