Resolve #3397958 "Fix invalid permissions"
Closes #3397958
How to test list of the permissions:
- create course_advanced group
- create course_basic group
- translate course_advanced group
- translate course_basic group
- translate course_article node
- translate course_section node
- translate course_video node
install social_course and upgrade_status go to /admin/reports/upgrade-status no errors regarding permissions from the list should be presented
install submodule social_course_basic go to /admin/people/permissions this permission should be granted to a content manager:
- create course_basic group
install submodule social_course_basic + social_content_translation go to /admin/people/permissions this permission should be granted to a content manager:
- translate course_basic group
install submodule social_course_advanced go to /admin/people/permissions this permission should be granted to a content manager:
- create course_advanced group
install submodule social_course_advanced and social_content_translation go to /admin/people/permissions this permission should be granted to a content manager:
- translate course_advanced group
install social_content_translation go to /admin/people/permissions these permissions should be granted to a content manager:
- translate course_article node
- translate course_section node
- translate course_video node