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Commit 5f53bd5d authored by David Pashaev's avatar David Pashaev
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Issue #3364413 by davps, ALexeyAL1: Make compatible version with Social Auth 4.x

parent ed03cce0
No related branches found
No related tags found
1 merge request!1Issue #3364413: Make compatible version with Social Auth 4.x
Pipeline #127203 passed with warnings
with 415 additions and 422 deletions
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"source": ""
"require": {
"vkcom/vk-php-sdk": "^5.80",
"drupal/social_auth": "^3",
"drupal/core": "^8 || ^9 || ^10"
"vkcom/vk-php-sdk": "^5.100",
"drupal/social_auth": "^4",
"drupal/core": "^9 || ^10"
"authors": [
type: config_object
label: 'Social Auth Vkontakte settings'
label: 'Social Auth VK settings'
type: string
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......@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ name: Social Auth Vkontakte
type: module
description: 'Social Auth integration for Vkontakte.'
package: Social
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
configure: social_auth_vk.settings_form
core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
network: 'vk'
- social_auth:social_auth
......@@ -5,18 +5,12 @@
* Install, update, and uninstall functions for Social Auth Vkontakte.
use Drupal\social_auth\Controller\SocialAuthController;
* Implements hook_install().
function social_auth_vk_install() {
SocialAuthController::setLoginButtonSettings('social_auth_vk', 'social_auth_vk.redirect_to_vkontakte', 'img/vkontakte_logo.svg');
function social_auth_vk_install() {}
* Implements hook_uninstall().
function social_auth_vk_uninstall() {
function social_auth_vk_uninstall() {}
title: 'Vkontakte'
route_name: social_auth_vk.settings_form
title: 'VK'
network: 'vk'
base_route: social_auth.integrations
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @file
* Hook implementations for Social Auth Vkontakte module.
* Hook implementations for Social Auth Vk module.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function social_auth_vk_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
$output = '';
switch ($route_name) {
case 'simple_vkontakte_connect.settings_form':
case '':
$output = '<h3>' . t('Configuration instructions') . '</h3>';
$output .= '<p>';
$output .= t('Configuration instructions and other useful documentation can be found from <a href="@handbook-url">Social Auth Vkontakte Handbook</a>.', ['@handbook-url' => '']);
path: 'user/login/vkontakte'
_controller: '\Drupal\social_auth_vk\Controller\VkontakteAuthController::redirectToProvider'
# Anonymous users can log in, but authenticated users can also associate a new provider.
_access: 'TRUE'
no_cache: TRUE
path: 'user/login/vkontakte/callback'
_controller: '\Drupal\social_auth_vk\Controller\VkontakteAuthController::callback'
# Anonymous users can log in, but authenticated users can also associate a new provider.
_access: 'TRUE'
no_cache: TRUE
path: 'admin/config/social-api/social-auth/vkontakte'
_title: 'Social Auth Vkontakte settings'
_form: '\Drupal\social_auth_vk\Form\VkontakteAuthSettingsForm'
_permission: 'administer social api authentication'
class: Drupal\social_auth_vk\VkontakteAuthManager
class: Drupal\social_auth_vk\VkAuthManager
- '@config.factory'
- '@logger.factory'
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Controller;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface;
use Drupal\social_api\Plugin\NetworkManager;
use Drupal\social_auth\Controller\OAuth2ControllerBase;
use Drupal\social_auth\SocialAuthDataHandler;
use Drupal\social_auth\User\UserAuthenticator;
use Drupal\social_auth_vk\VkontakteAuthManager;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
* Returns responses for Social Auth Vkontakte routes.
class VkontakteAuthController extends OAuth2ControllerBase {
* VkontakteAuthController constructor.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
* The messenger service.
* @param \Drupal\social_api\Plugin\NetworkManager $network_manager
* Used to get an instance of social_auth_vk network plugin.
* @param \Drupal\social_auth\User\UserAuthenticator $user_authenticator
* Used to manage user authentication/registration.
* @param \Drupal\social_auth_vk\VkontakteAuthManager $vk_manager
* Used to manage authentication methods.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request
* Used to access GET parameters.
* @param \Drupal\social_auth\SocialAuthDataHandler $data_handler
* The Social Auth data handler.
public function __construct(MessengerInterface $messenger,
NetworkManager $network_manager,
UserAuthenticator $user_authenticator,
VkontakteAuthManager $vk_manager,
RequestStack $request,
SocialAuthDataHandler $data_handler) {
parent::__construct('Social Auth Vkontakte', 'social_auth_vk', $messenger, $network_manager, $user_authenticator, $vk_manager, $request, $data_handler);
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
return new static(
* Response for path 'user/login/vkontakte/callback'.
* Vkontakte returns the user here after user has authenticated.
public function callback() {
// Checks if authentication failed.
if ($this->request->getCurrentRequest()->query->has('error')) {
$this->messenger->addError($this->t('You could not be authenticated.'));
return $this->redirect('user.login');
/* @var array|null $profile */
$profile = $this->processCallback();
// If authentication was successful.
if ($profile !== NULL) {
$full_name = $profile['first_name'] . ' ' . $profile['last_name'];
return $this->userAuthenticator->authenticateUser($full_name, $profile['email'], $profile['id'], $this->providerManager->getAccessToken(), $profile['photo_max_orig'], NULL);
return $this->redirect('user.login');
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Form;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Path\PathValidatorInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RequestContext;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProviderInterface;
use Drupal\social_auth\Form\SocialAuthSettingsForm;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Settings form for Social Auth Vkontakte.
class VkontakteAuthSettingsForm extends SocialAuthSettingsForm {
* The request context.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\RequestContext
protected $requestContext;
* Constructor.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
* The configuration factory.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProviderInterface $route_provider
* Used to check if route exists.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Path\PathValidatorInterface $path_validator
* Used to check if path is valid and exists.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RequestContext $request_context
* Holds information about the current request.
public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, RouteProviderInterface $route_provider, PathValidatorInterface $path_validator, RequestContext $request_context) {
parent::__construct($config_factory, $route_provider, $path_validator);
$this->requestContext = $request_context;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
// Instantiates this class.
return new static(
// Load the services required to construct this class.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFormId() {
return 'social_auth_vk_settings';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function getEditableConfigNames() {
return array_merge(
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$config = $this->config('social_auth_vk.settings');
$form['vkontakte_settings'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => $this->t('Vkontakte Client settings'),
'#open' => TRUE,
'#description' => $this->t('You need to first create a Vkontakte App at <a href="@vkontakte-dev">@vkontakte-dev</a>', ['@vkontakte-dev' => '']),
$form['vkontakte_settings']['client_id'] = [
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#required' => TRUE,
'#title' => $this->t('Application ID'),
'#default_value' => $config->get('client_id'),
'#description' => $this->t('Copy the Client ID here.'),
$form['vkontakte_settings']['client_secret'] = [
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#required' => TRUE,
'#title' => $this->t('Secure key'),
'#default_value' => $config->get('client_secret'),
'#description' => $this->t('Copy the Client Secret here.'),
$form['vkontakte_settings']['authorized_redirect_url'] = [
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#disabled' => TRUE,
'#title' => $this->t('Authorized redirect URIs'),
'#description' => $this->t('Copy this value to <em>Authorized redirect URIs</em> field of your Vkontakte App settings.'),
'#default_value' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/user/login/vkontakte/callback',
return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$values = $form_state->getValues();
->set('client_id', $values['client_id'])
->set('client_secret', $values['client_secret'])
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\OAuth2\Client\Provider;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\AbstractProvider;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use VK\Client\VKApiClient;
use VK\OAuth\VKOAuth;
* Custom provider to use official sdk.
class VkSdkDecorator extends AbstractProvider {
public const ACCESS_TOKEN_RESOURCE_OWNER_ID = 'user_id';
* OAuth from SDK.
* @var \VK\OAuth\VKOAuth
protected VKOAuth $oauth;
* API client from SDK.
* @var \VK\Client\VKApiClient
protected VKApiClient $apiClient;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function __construct(array $options = [], array $collaborators = []) {
parent::__construct($options, $collaborators);
$this->oauth = new VKOAuth();
$this->apiClient = new VKApiClient();
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getAuthorizationUrl(array $options = []): string {
if (empty($options['state'])) {
$options['state'] = $this->getRandomState();
$this->state = $options['state'];
return $this->oauth->getAuthorizeUrl(
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getAccessToken($grant, array $options = []): AccessToken {
$response = $this->oauth->getAccessToken($this->clientId, $this->clientSecret, $this->redirectUri, $options['code']);
$response['resource_owner_id'] = $response['user_id'];
return new AccessToken($response);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function fetchResourceOwnerDetails(AccessToken $token) {
$response = $this->apiClient->users()->get($token->getToken(), [
'user_ids' => [$token->getResourceOwnerId()],
'fields' => ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'photo_max_orig'],
return reset($response);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function createResourceOwner(array $response, AccessToken $token) {
$values = $token->getValues();
if (isset($values['email'])) {
$response['email'] = $values['email'];
return new VkUser($response);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getBaseAuthorizationUrl() {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getBaseAccessTokenUrl(array $params) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getResourceOwnerDetailsUrl(AccessToken $token) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function getDefaultScopes() {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function checkResponse(ResponseInterface $response, $data) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\OAuth2\Client\Provider;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\ResourceOwnerInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Tool\ArrayAccessorTrait;
* Represents a VK use resource.
class VkUser implements ResourceOwnerInterface {
use ArrayAccessorTrait;
* Data from API response.
* @var array
protected array $response;
* Constructs object.
* @param array $response
* Data from API response.
public function __construct(array $response) {
$this->response = $response;
* Gets resource owner attribute by key. The key supports dot notation.
* @param string $key
* Field key.
* @return mixed
* Value by key from response.
public function getAttribute(string $key): mixed {
return $this->getValueByKey($this->response, (string) $key);
* Get user first name.
* @return string
* User first name.
public function getFirstName(): string {
return $this->getAttribute('first_name');
* Get user last name.
* @return string
* User last name.
public function getLastName(): string {
return $this->getAttribute('last_name');
* Get user user id.
* @return string
* User ID.
public function getId(): string {
return $this->getAttribute('id');
* Get user image url.
* @return string|null
* Image URL.
public function getImageUrl(): ?string {
return $this->getAttribute('photo_max_orig');
* Get user email, if available.
* @return string|null
* User email.
public function getEmail(): ?string {
return $this->getAttribute('email');
* Return owner details available as an array.
* @return array
* Owner details.
public function toArray(): array {
return $this->response;
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Plugin\Network;
use Drupal\social_auth\Plugin\Network\NetworkBase;
* Defines a Network Plugin for Social Auth LinkedIn.
* @Network(
* id = "social_auth_vk",
* short_name = "vk",
* social_network = "VK",
* img_path = "img/vk_logo.svg",
* type = "social_auth",
* class_name = "\Drupal\social_auth_vk\OAuth2\Client\Provider\VkSdkDecorator",
* auth_manager = "\Drupal\social_auth_vk\VkAuthManager",
* routes = {
* "redirect": "",
* "callback": "",
* "settings_form": "",
* },
* handlers = {
* "settings": {
* "class": "\Drupal\social_auth\Settings\SettingsBase",
* "config_id": "social_auth_vk.settings"
* }
* }
* )
class Vk extends NetworkBase {}
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Plugin\Network;
use Drupal\social_api\SocialApiException;
use Drupal\social_auth\Plugin\Network\NetworkBase;
use Drupal\social_auth_vk\Settings\VkontakteAuthSettings;
use VK\Client\VKApiClient;
* Defines a Network Plugin for Social Auth Vkontakte.
* @package Drupal\simple_vkontakte_connect\Plugin\Network
* @Network(
* id = "social_auth_vk",
* social_network = "Vkontakte",
* type = "social_auth",
* handlers = {
* "settings": {
* "class": "\Drupal\social_auth_vk\Settings\VkontakteAuthSettings",
* "config_id": "social_auth_vk.settings"
* }
* }
* )
class VkontakteAuth extends NetworkBase implements VkontakteAuthInterface {
* Sets the underlying SDK library.
* @return \VK\Client\VKApiClient
* The initialized 3rd party library instance.
* @throws \Drupal\social_api\SocialApiException
* If the SDK library does not exist.
protected function initSdk() {
$class_name = VKApiClient::class;
if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
throw new SocialApiException(sprintf('The Vkontakte Library not found. Class: %s.', $class_name));
if ($this->validateConfig($this->settings)) {
return new VKApiClient();
return FALSE;
* Checks that module is configured.
* @param \Drupal\social_auth_vk\Settings\VkontakteAuthSettings $settings
* The Vkontakte auth settings.
* @return bool
* True if module is configured.
* False otherwise.
protected function validateConfig(VkontakteAuthSettings $settings) {
$client_id = $settings->getClientId();
$client_secret = $settings->getClientSecret();
$is_valid = $client_id && $client_secret;
if (!$is_valid) {
->error('Define Client ID and Client Secret on module settings.');
return $is_valid;
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Plugin\Network;
use Drupal\social_api\Plugin\NetworkInterface;
* Defines the Vkontakte Auth interface.
interface VkontakteAuthInterface extends NetworkInterface {}
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Settings;
use Drupal\social_api\Settings\SettingsBase;
* Defines methods to get Social Auth Vkontakte settings.
class VkontakteAuthSettings extends SettingsBase implements VkontakteAuthSettingsInterface {
* Client ID.
* @var string
protected $clientId;
* Client secret.
* @var string
protected $clientSecret;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getClientId() {
if (!$this->clientId) {
$this->clientId = $this->config->get('client_id');
return $this->clientId;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getClientSecret() {
if (!$this->clientSecret) {
$this->clientSecret = $this->config->get('client_secret');
return $this->clientSecret;
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk\Settings;
* Defines an interface for Social Auth Vkontakte settings.
interface VkontakteAuthSettingsInterface {
* Gets the client ID.
* @return string
* The client ID.
public function getClientId();
* Gets the client secret.
* @return string
* The client secret.
public function getClientSecret();
namespace Drupal\social_auth_vk;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\social_auth\AuthManager\OAuth2Manager;
use Drupal\social_auth\User\SocialAuthUser;
use Drupal\social_auth\User\SocialAuthUserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use VK\OAuth\Scopes\VKOAuthUserScope;
use VK\OAuth\VKOAuthDisplay;
use VK\OAuth\VKOAuthResponseType;
* Contains all the logic for VK OAuth2 authentication.
class VkAuthManager extends OAuth2Manager {
* Auth manager.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory $configFactory
* The configuration factory.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $loggerFactory
* The logger factory.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $requestStack
* The request stack.
public function __construct(
ConfigFactory $configFactory,
LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $loggerFactory,
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getAuthorizationUrl(): string {
$scopes = [VKOAuthUserScope::EMAIL, VKOAuthUserScope::OFFLINE];
$extraScopes = $this->getScopes();
if (!empty($extraScopes)) {
$scopes = array_unique($scopes + explode(',', $extraScopes));
// Returns the URL where user will be redirected.
return $this->client->getAuthorizationUrl([
'response_type' => VKOAuthResponseType::CODE,
'display' => VKOAuthDisplay::PAGE,
'scope' => $scopes,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function authenticate(): void {
try {
$code = $this->request->query->get('code');
$this->setAccessToken($this->client->getAccessToken(NULL, ['code' => $code]));
catch (\Throwable $exception) {
->error('There was an error during authentication. Exception: ' . $exception->getMessage());
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUserInfo(): ?SocialAuthUserInterface {
if (!$this->user) {
try {
/** @var \Drupal\social_auth_vk\OAuth2\Client\Provider\VkUser $owner */
$owner = $this->client->getResourceOwner($this->getAccessToken());
$user = new SocialAuthUser(
trim("{$owner->getFirstName()} {$owner->getLastName()}"),
$this->user = $user;
catch (\Throwable $exception) {
->error('There was an error during retrieving user data. Exception: ' . $exception->getMessage());
return NULL;
return $this->user;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getState(): string {
return $this->client->getState();
* {@inheritDoc}
public function requestEndPoint(string $method, string $path, ?string $domain = NULL, array $options = []): mixed {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented/used');
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