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Commit 7cde0952 authored by sv's avatar sv Committed by Taras Kruts
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Issue #3310800 by SV: Add behats for multilingual content on the search

parent 7e11213b
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@api @enterprise @search @stability @DS-498 @DS-673 @stability-3 @search-multilingual
Feature: Search
Benefit: In order to find specific multilingual content
Role: As a LU
Goal/desire: I want to search the site for multilingual content
Scenario: Successfully search multilingual content
Given I enable the module "social_language"
And I enable the module "social_content_translation"
Given the following languages are available:
| languages |
| fr |
| de |
| it |
And users:
| name | status | preferred_langcode |
| user-fr | 1 | fr |
| user-de | 1 | de |
| user-it | 1 | it |
And "topic" content:
| title | body | status | field_content_visibility | langcode |
| Topic-fr | Topic description FR | 1 | public | fr |
| Topic-de | Topic description DE | 1 | community | de |
| Topic-it | Topic description IT | 1 | community | it |
And Search indexes are up to date
# Check search results for user with "France" default language.
Given I am logged in as "user-fr"
When I am on "fr/search/content"
Then I should see "Topic-fr"
When I am on "fr/search/all"
Then I should see "Topic-fr"
# Check search results for user with "German" default language.
Given I am logged in as "user-de"
When I am on "de/search/content"
Then I should see "Topic-de"
When I am on "de/search/all"
Then I should see "Topic-de"
# Check search results for user with "Italy" default language.
Given I am logged in as "user-it"
When I am on "it/search/content"
Then I should see "Topic-it"
When I am on "it/search/all"
Then I should see "Topic-it"
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