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  • Gaus Surahman's avatar
    - Made nice with ESLint. · 68d34b83
    Gaus Surahman authored
    - Recommended dependency on Blazy module to reduce DRY stuffs shared across Blazy, Mason, GridStack, Slick Views and Slick. Will require prior to Betas.
    - Simplified slick-image.html.twig.
    - Added entity_keys status to disable Default optionset.
    - Fixed for Blazy integration.
    - Renamed ::getSkinOptions() into ::getSkinsByGroupOptions() for clarity.
    - Removed image dimensions fail safe, and moved most logic to ::getImage(), so using ::getImage() is a must than calling theme_slick_image() directly. This prevented loading image_style objects multiple times, and dup lines.
    - Moved SlickFormatterTrait.php into FieldFormatter directory.
    - Deleted SlickFormatterBase.php, and merged it into SlickFormatterTrait.php
    - Moved aspect ratio fluid style attribute from JS into PHP, otherwise defeating the purpose to solve the layout reflow before the images are actually loaded.
    - Moved SlickInterface.php into Entity.